MTL - Investment Life-Chapter 211

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In the spacious living room, no sound was heard, and even the sound of breathing was erased by a large invisible hand. Xiao Junyi was standing in the middle of the living room, just like any Xiao family, with his shoulders straight and standing still, but he could not find the stubbornness when facing his uncle, and took it with him. With a mask, I can no longer see the slightest emotion.

In contrast, Liu Lanxin, who was sitting in the main seat, showed a trace of fatigue. Even if properly maintained, she is already sixty years old and has long lost the spirit of young people. In the past few months, the family has been in trouble and chaos. All of her rely on her to preside over the overall situation. Even the **** people have reached the end of the crossbow. This news is just the last straw on the camel's back.

After a long time, she put down the photo in her hand and looked at her favorite little son. She didn't ask whether the things in the photos were facts or what Xiao Junyi thought, but she opened her mouth tiredly.

"How long has it been?"

Xiao Junyi's throat trembled and he immediately answered, "For more than a year, we have been together."

"Oh." Liu Lanxin whispered softly, "You're hiding it so tightly."

For more than a year, Chen Yuanming had a lot of visits, and most of them were invited by her. Now it seems that she is not too stubborn.

Xiao Junyi tightened his facial nerves, "We were going to tell you after the meeting ..."

"Ask for our opinion?" Liu Lanxin smiled. "I don't agree."

Like being punched head-on, Xiao Junyi was unable to speak for a long time. However, Liu Lanxin got up from the sofa and said to Xiao Yun, "Four brother, I'm bothering you this time, first send Junjun to Xishan and spend time with his grandpa."

"Mom!" Listening to his mother's arrangements without hesitation, Xiao Junyi was also anxious, "We really aren't just playing around! Yuanming even gave me a 10% stake in Yuanyang and Jinshi, we ..."

"You are serious, I can see it." Liu Lanxin interrupted him. "It is because of this that I need to calm you down and be clear-headed. Talking about love may be simple, but it is with you, Chen Yuanming. The status and status of a person can't be determined in such a way. Seriously ... you must have serious qualifications. "

After speaking, she no longer ignored her son, and called for the guards, "Xiao Li, send a personal follower to Jun, confiscate the communication equipment on him, and let him stay in Xishan obediently. He cannot leave before the end of the conference. And Chen Yuanming ... whenever I called, he always said that Junjun was away and refused to visit him for any reason. "

Hearing here, Xiao Junyi's mind blew for a while. The meaning in this remark does not seem to be goodwill. "You can't do this. Yuanming is important to our family, you ..."

"Yes, Chen Yuanming has always been an ally of the Xiao family, and will continue to be it in the future." Liu Lanxin simply replied, "That's why I should let you keep your distance. When is it now? Why would anyone send such a picture? Is this a picture? Is it just you? Junjun, don't forget your father who will be promoted, don't forget your grandfather who has just recovered, you are a descendant of the Xiao family, you should think about your responsibility. "

Speaking of this, Liu Lanxin suddenly showed a little smile, "And, who can guarantee that Chen Yuanming will not retreat? He has always been a smart child, even more rational and transparent than you, you think he will talk to you Again, do you plead before us? "

Xiao Junyi clenched his teeth sharply. He remembered the refusals of Chen Yuanming at the beginning, and thought of his attitude towards his uncle and mother, negating, "He won't! He gave me his company ... ... "

"A total of 20% of the shares are transferred?" Liu Lanxin's lips revealed real taunts. "Even the money for the Xiao family is a huge sum, but to Chen Yuanming himself? It is only 20%. There are Feiyan Group and two mines, even if there is nothing, is it difficult for him to spend several years to earn back this money? Do n’t tell me, you do n’t know how much he will make money. Junjun, love It's not as sturdy as you think, it can't stand the test. "

There was a buzzing in his head. This time, Xiao Junyi rarely refuted, just standing in the middle of the hall like a clay sculpture. Liu Lanxin didn't hesitate at all, and called the guards directly, squeezing people out. Looking at his nephew who lost his soul, Xiao Yun hesitated for a long time and finally sighed.

"Ma'am, you're so fierce ..."

"Otherwise? What else can I do as a mother?" The son was not in front of him anymore, and Liu Lanxin seemed to be drawn from some support and slowly fell into the sofa.

In front of her was the photo that caused the storm. Liu Lanxin is a woman. Although she is old and young, she still remembers the sweetness of love and the courage and enthusiasm for it. Just this photo, just the 20% worth billions, is enough to eclipse most relationships in the world. If this is not Xiao Junyi, she will be soft and supportive if she says it is not good, but ... that is her most beloved sister-in-law.

"What about Chen Yuanming?" Xiao Yun asked awkwardly, "Our family and his business ..."

"I'm not implicated in that." Liu Lanxin sighed softly. "Chen Yuanming is a child I have seen for a few years. He is a really good boy and shouldn't be delayed by such things. And this photo ..."

Gritting his teeth, Liu Lanxin squeezed a low sigh from his nasal cavity, "I want us to self-destruct the city walls. This kind of cost is not enough. My fourth son, you need to check carefully, who sent this?" Great gift! '

Seeing that his uncle was not angry and dizzy, Xiao Yun could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. If he was so troubled by this love, his Xiao family would be a complete joke. Regardless of how the matter will develop in the future, let's talk about it after the difficulties of the conference.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yun also stood up and nodded at Chong. "Then I'll send Yuanming first, and take care of the matter at hand."

"Well, you worked hard this time." Liu Lanxin barely pulled a smile, and the fatigue on her face could no longer be covered.

"Daddy, don't think too much, maybe these two little guys will stop by themselves in two days ..."


Looking at the absent-minded uncle, Xiao Yun couldn't say more, and turned back. There was no one else in the room, and Liu Lanxin hesitated, and picked up the photo again. Even she had to admit that this was a good photo, but unfortunately the two were really the same **** ...

Just a moment of hesitation, Liu Lanxin buckled the photo on the coffee table backhand. The most important thing now is to find out who sent the photo.


Chen Yuanming put down his phone. It had been past midnight, and for a whole day, he had not been able to call Xiao Junyi. No one at home or company answered. The anxiety in his heart aggravated again, he stood up a little anxiously, went to the window, and pushed open the closed French window.

A gust of wind rolled from the outside. Although the temperature had not yet begun to cool in early October, the air in the night had a bit of chill, and the cold wind blew, and Chen Yuanming shook his body slightly.

This is counterintuitive.

Not to mention that the meeting is imminent. Even if this meeting is not held, Xiao Junyi is also the CEO of the company. How many things are waiting for him to deal with, how can it disappear without a greeting?

According to Junteng, he should have left the company in the morning, but he did n’t explain where he was. There is so little news for a long time, does the Xiao family have no doubt at all? Or……

A little in my heart, Chen Yuanming turned around and returned to the house, dialing the driver's phone. "Send me to Anxin headquarters tomorrow morning."

The next morning, Chen Yuanming came to Xiao Yun's chairman's office. At this time, Xiao Yun hadn't arrived at the company, only Secretary Zhang was cleaning the room.

Seeing Chen Yuanming's figure, Secretary Zhang immediately stopped the action at hand and greeted him with a smile, "Chen Dong, come to see the chairman so early?"

As Xiao Yun's special assistant, the secretary Zhang naturally knew the relationship between Chen Yuanming and Anxin, and did not dare to neglect.

"Well, there are some things to talk about." Chen Yuanming smiled, seemingly casually asked, "Yes, is Junyi coming over today?"

"I haven't heard of it," Secretary Zhang replied. "But yesterday, Mr. Xiao came to the company for a turn."

really! With a heartbeat, Chen Yuanming secretly shook his fist. So Xiao Junyi disappeared without a trace, I am afraid that only the Xiao family can do it. Just what is it for? Now that the situation in the Xiao family is so tense, should he be sent out to work?

While speculating in his heart, he chatted with Secretary Zhang without saying a word, and Xiao Yun appeared at the entrance of the stairs.

Seeing Chen Yuanming's figure, Xiao Yun couldn't help but pause. Okay, this is the only day I came to your door? Don't mention how awkward, Xiao Yun walked over with a stern face.

"Brother Xiao." Seeing Xiao Yun's figure, Chen Yuanming called out with a smile, but got no reply.

As he passed by, Xiao Yun just said lightly, "Go inside and talk. Xiao Zhang, don't let anyone disturb us."

Xiao Yun's tone was not friendly, Chen Yuanming frowned slightly and followed him into the room.

Bringing the door in person, Xiao Yun didn't make nonsense. He straightly asked, "What's up today?"

"Recently, the second animation of PHS has been filmed, and I am ready to ..."

"Okay." Xiao Yun stopped this kind of painless and itchy report and sighed, "Yuanming, you don't need to say any more. Recently, Xiao Junyi was locked up by his mother-in-law, which is not something that can be called out. . "

"Confinement? Aunt Liu?" Even Chen Yuanming's face changed color at this time, and it took a long time before he opened his mouth. "why……"

"Why, don't you know?" Xiao Yun asked back, leaving no escape route at all.

Chen Yuanming fell into silence for a while. At this moment, the countless guesses and countless hesitations in his heart were turned into a precipitous reality, and he was facing him. What could make the Xiao family so active and inseparable from themselves?

Looking at Chen Yuanming's expression, Xiao Yun shook his head gently. "Yuanming, it's my brother's persuasion, don't care what Junyi said, you are not suitable, it is impossible. Let it go. This is not the right path. "

Chen Yuanming's body did not move for half a minute, and after a long period of time, he opened his mouth, "Uncle Xiao, this is the only way I want to go."

No longer "Brother Xiao", but "Uncle Xiao". Xiao Yun's face changed color when he lifted his face. What are these two little rabbit cubs infused with, how can they be so stubborn!

Without being frightened by Xiao Yun's face, Chen Yuanming continued to say in a deep voice, "I have considered the impact of this matter on the two of us, and the impact on the Xiao family and the Chen family, and I have considered it very seriously. Therefore, from the beginning, this Not a joke. Maybe it's hard to understand, but we're not crazy, we're not trespassers, just two loved ones found each other. "

The word 'love' was said so frankly, but Xiao Yun felt terrible. The anger had flowed to the top and turned into a ridiculous sense of ridicule. He couldn't help but ironically, "How old are you? It's not enough for half a hundred, you Is there any experience to be serious? But it was dazzled ... Yuanming, you are still the only child in the family, how can you be so obsessed ... "

"No, my parents gave birth to another son, just last month." Chen Yuanming interrupted Xiao Yun's scolding. "And if Jun Yi wants to, I also want him to have his own child, to give birth to children, and to test-tube babies. It doesn't matter. Zizi has never been the biggest problem between us. Similarly, career and money are not. As long as Xiao Junyi does not let go, I will hold his hand tightly. "

Chen Yuanming paused, and suddenly raised his lips, "But ... if he was tired after a few years or decades, and chose to leave me, I would not obstruct it. Love is something like that, I am afraid It's hard to last forever, no one dares to make a guarantee. However, I know that if I choose to leave now, it will only make me regret for life. "

This passage was not high-pitched and was not rushed, but Chen Yuanming's seriousness was fully evident. If Xiao Junyi's tit-for-tat rhetoric is irritating, then Chen Yuanming's firm and forbearing attitude is a headache. Xiao Yun stared at the youth in front of him for a long time, and finally sat in a seat.

"Don't you know that this matter could easily become a scandal ... Like this time, did we discover it? You hide it well, and your family members have been concealed all over again, but have been taken by others. This is still not clear to them about your true relationship with the Xiao family. What if they change their ways? You are not afraid that your hard-earned foundation will be destroyed? "

"But I just like a man, whether it's Silicon Valley or Wall Street."

"You ... this is China!"

"Well, so Junyi and I will work harder to run our own business to the point where others cannot be held accountable."

Xiao Yun is completely speechless. No one knows Chen Yuanming's industrial scale better than him. Now let's not talk about others. Even if the Xiao family wants to move Chen Yuanming, he will have to weigh the gains and losses. The dedication of this child is really far beyond the imagination of these adults. If Xiao Junyi was a baby girl, marrying Chen Yuanming would definitely be beneficial, but he was a boy!

However, speaking of this, Chen Yuanming did not continue to press hard, just bowed to Xiao Yun, "Maybe now, you, Aunt Liu, and Uncle Xiao can't trust me, but I will try hard Solve the problems we face, just like this time. Please also give Junyi a message, don't let go too soon ... "

I fuck! Do you think I would say that to the dude? Xiao Yun shouted out almost. Chen Yuanming didn't give him a chance, but after finishing the ceremony respectfully, he turned and left the office.

Almost not strangled by his own tone, Xiao Yun pulled his hair fretfully. Is this all crazy?

Without taking the elevator, Chen Yuanming stepped down the stairs one by one and took his own off-road vehicle. The driver in front looked at his boss' face and asked hesitantly, "Dong Chen ..."

"Come back on the stone."

The corner of his mouth provoked a cold smile, Chen Yuanming leaned on the back of his chair and closed his eyes tightly. No matter what their plans are, someone should jump out now.

(End of this chapter)


The author has something to say: I cleared the dregs yesterday and continue to grow thick today, and strive to finish it as soon as possible> _ _ <