MTL - Into Unscientific-Chapter 358 Project team established

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  Chapter 358 The project team was established


   Hearing the name from Academician Pan's mouth.

  Xu Yun was surprised, but at the same time he was surprised.

  Looking at the entire HKUST campus.

   There is only one person who can be dubbed Xiaolu by Academician Pan, and who can help Xu Yun in polaritons and Gaussian Bose sampling.

That is.

  Lu Chaoyang!

  A super academic who really exists in reality, and after getting to know this person, he will feel that he has been fucked. (I explained it in the last book, and I will explain it here again. Please don’t put another character with the same surname who learns bullying on this person. This is a real person. It’s actually wrong to apply the template of the novel YY to a real person. a very unfair practice)

Lu Chaoyang became a full-time professor at the University of Science and Technology of China when he was 28 years old. At the age of 40 this year, he has published a total of RMP, 5 Nature/Science, 9 Nature sub-journals, 4 PNAS, 1 PhysicsReports, 29 PhysicalReviewLetters, related Cited more than 6700 times

  After Anta's easter egg appeared in the portrait of Mavericks, Lu Chaoyang also made a very reasonable explanation for it.

   It's just that Xu Yun didn't have much contact with Lu Chaoyang before because he didn't reply to WeChat. Ahem, he was busy with some work.

   The result was unexpected.

  Academician Pan actually stuffed Lu Chaoyang, a big boss, into his research group?

   And just when Xu Yun's mind was fluttering, Academician Pan on the side said again:

   "Xiao Xu, how about it, would you like to let Xiao Lu join the group to help?"

  Xu Yun recovered quickly, and nodded vigorously:

   "Of course I am willing. It is my honor to have Professor Lu come to help."

   "It's just a teacher, hasn't Professor Lu been running projects in your group all the time, how come?"

Xu Yun had a pretty good relationship with Lu Chaoyang in his previous life, so he has no objection to Lu Chaoyang's arrangement for joining the group—polariton and Gaussian Bose sampling itself is not Xu Yun's business scope, and you can't do it if you ask him to do it. What is the result.

  That being the case.

   It is better to leave this part of the subject to relevant people.

   In this case, I can still use some sophisticated equipment for my research on isolated point particles.

   It’s just that Xu Yun is strange.

  Lu Chaoyang has always been Academician Pan's right-hand man. Back then, there were even rotten women on the wall of the University of Science and Technology confessing to these two CPs. Why did Academician Pan arrange him to join his group now?

  Even if Academician Pan's main project is "shared" by Zhao Zhengguo, it wouldn't be possible to directly remove Lu Chaoyang, right?

  Looking at the puzzled Xu Yun, Academician Pan smiled and explained:

"Xiao Xu, let me ask you first, if Xiao Lu solves the problem of isolated point particles in polariton and Gaussian Bose sampling in your research group, then when the paper is published, you will give him relevant papers Do you want to sign it?"

  Xu Yun nodded without hesitation:

   "Of course it will."

  He is not saying this out of politeness or forced by the situation against his will.

To know.

  According to the assignment of Academician Pan.

  If everything goes well for Xu Yun’s project team, there should be seven to nine papers with different contents in the end.

  Some of these papers may be "only" at the level of the second district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, while others may reach the quality of CNS sub-journals or even the main journal.

  Assuming that, assuming that all the questions are cleared in one wave, there are about three results that will reach the level of the main journal of CNS:

  Survey and mapping application of isolated point particles,

  Barrier model of isolated particles,

  Lone point polaritons,

   and the content of spatial coherence.

  As for the candidate for the first author of the thesis at that time, it is natural to be named with the name of the person in charge of the relevant content.

  Among them, Xu Yun is going to lead the team to solve only the quantum state of the solitary point particle and the application of the measurement module, that is, several journals in Zone 2 plus 1 CNS journal—still assuming that everything goes well.

   As for the remaining directions, they have already exceeded Xu Yun's ability, so we can only ask Lu Chaoyang to complete them.

   In this way.

  The signature of the first work of the relevant paper must belong to Lu Chaoyang only, and Xu Yun has no shame in picking peaches.

  Even if Xu Yun completes his own research, he will not care about these directions, but will consider other rewards of the halo—such as hemostatic gelatin, which is also a proper research direction of the CNS main journal.

   In other words.

   As long as Lu Chaoyang is capable enough, he may be able to produce three CNS papers.

   And so many CNS results

  Think here.

  Xu Yun couldn't help being slightly taken aback, a certain guess appeared in his heart, and he suddenly looked at Academician Pan:

   "Teacher, is it possible that Professor Lu is going to climb that mountain?"

  Academician Pan was silent for a few seconds after hearing the words, and stretched out his hand to help the glasses frame, his expression still showed no fluctuation:

   "I have this idea, but to be precise, this is an attempt."

   "Neither I nor Xiao Lu have any confidence that we can climb to the top this time—after all, Xiao Lu is only forty years old, which is a bit too young."

   bang bang bang—

  After hearing Academician Pan's words, Xu Yun's heart beat rapidly.

I see

  He wondered why Academician Pan would be willing to arrange Lu Chaoyang, the right-hand man, in his own group.

   So that’s what happened.

   Well known.

  In addition to Bachelor-Master-PhD-Associate Senior (Associate Professor)-Zheng Gao (Professor), Huaxia's scientific research system has another special sequence.

   That is Qingjian, Youqing, Qingjiang, Qingqian, Jieqing, Changjiang, Daqian.

   Among them, Qingjian refers to top-notch young talents.

   This is a highly recognized iron hat in the market, and the salary market is about 300,000 to 400,000.

  Youqing is the excellent youth fund.

  At present, in addition to the domestic excellent youth, there is also an overseas outstanding youth, referred to as Haiyou.

  Probably means to study for a Ph.D. outside, or do a post-doctorate outside, do very well, have a lot of papers, and then introduce them back to be a professor or associate professor.

  The remaining Qingjiang River is the Young Yangtze River.

  Qingqian refers to young people and so on.

  Youth Yangtze River is also called Little Yangtze River. The target is Youqing, which can be regarded as the second highest echelon reached in the youth stage.

  The next level is Jieqing, which can be compared with Changjiang Scholars and Daqian—the full name of Daqian is a banned word in China, and it can’t even be found on the Internet, in order to protect those talents on the list.

   In addition, above the Little Yangtze River and below the Yangtze River, there is a Ten Thousand People Project, which appears to be slightly inferior in status.

   That is to say.

  The limit of the prefix "Qing" is Jieqing.

  Currently, the funding for outstanding youth in China is about 4 to 5 million yuan per year from the state, and the affiliated units generally match 1:1 matching funds, and occasionally 1:2 and 1:3.

  Jieqing’s book is submitted around March every year, and then the first review, after the first review, it will go to the meeting, and then there will be some 404 content.

  At the same time, as the first echelon of domestic scientific research hats, Jieqing also has another name.


  Half-step academician!

   And Lu Chaoyang was selected into the list of outstanding young people a few years ago, and with the accumulation of achievements, he already has the qualifications to hit the highest peak of scientific research.

   Once you can get to the top of the mountain, that is

   Academician of Huaxia!

   But this seemingly simple step is actually as difficult as a moat.

   The first thing that stands in front of Lu Chaoyang is his age.

  Lu Chaoyang was born in 1982 and is just 40 years old this year.

  The youngest academician in Huaxia is called Lu Ke, who was elected at the age of 38.

  Slightly younger than Lu Ke is Academician Zhang Yaping, who was also elected as an academician when he was a little over 38 years old.


  These two bigwigs were selected as academicians more than ten years ago. In fact, the age line in China has been tightening in recent years.

   In addition, their research direction is far less controversial than quantum physics.

It can be said like this.

  If it weren’t for the Jiuzhang computer, the Micius satellite, and this year’s Nobel Prize in recent years, many people’s concept of quantum physics would be vague.

   More critically.

  Students who have been selected as academicians should know it.

   The selection of Huaxia academicians is actually very strict in terms of rules.

  Generally speaking.

   Huaxia's academician selection is held every two years, and co-options are held once in odd-numbered years.

  Anyone who has been recommended as a valid candidate for the Chinese Academy of Sciences and nominated for the Chinese Academy of Engineering for 3 consecutive times must stop applying for 1 time—this basically represents your path to academician GG.

   Every time you apply for selection, you are consuming your resurrection armor.

  So for Lu Chaoyang.

  He must seize every opportunity to produce results as much as possible.

  But if Lu Chaoyang stays in Academician Pan's team, even if Lu Chaoyang makes achievements, it will be difficult to escape the shadow of Academician Pan.


  Academician Pan transferred some of the topics to Xu Yun's project team this time, and Lu Chaoyang completed it independently.

  With Lu Chaoyang's ability.

  Those topics are guaranteed to produce at least two CNS-level papers. If you are lucky, three or even four papers are not a delusion.

  This kind of achievement is undoubtedly of great help to Lu Chaoyang, even ordinary academicians may not be able to produce results of this magnitude in a short period of time.

  This is the benefit of discovering a new substance or particle, just like opening up wasteland in a dungeon, you can find a lot of valuable equipment wherever you go.

   As for Xu Yun.

   Naturally, there is no opinion on this.

   After all, as mentioned above, there are specializations in the art industry.

  It’s like a classmate bullying writer who can’t write dog food essays.

  Xu Yun's knowledge accumulation in polaritons and Gaussian Bose sampling is quite limited, and it is impossible to solve these contents by his own ability anyway.

  If academician Pan didn't provide a candidate, Xu Yun would find someone by himself—it's just that he wasn't looking for someone like Lu Chaoyang.

  Therefore, there is no such thing as picking peaches, grabbing credit or NTR between Lu Chaoyang and Xu Yun.

  So without much hesitation, Xu Yun agreed on the matter on the spot.

   A week later.

  National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China.

  'Eye of the World' light source experiment cabin.

  A group of young people wearing masks and lab coats gathered outside the entrance of the experimental cabin.

  Xu Yun looked at the dozen or so alumni with taller hairlines in front of him, exchanged glances with Lu Chaoyang who was standing beside him, took the initiative to take a step forward, and bowed slightly:

   "Brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, hello everyone, I am Xu Yun."


  Xu Yun's low profile was obviously beyond everyone's expectations. Although many people were wearing masks, there was a clear look of astonishment in their eyes.

   After all, even though Xu Yun is only a master in the field of physics.

  Whether it is his mentor, his scientific research achievements in biology and business achievements, they are all enough to make everyone at the scene pay attention to him.

   Therefore, in the eyes of everyone.

  Xu Yun's attitude today should be both blunt and arrogant, and maybe he will use some means to catch one or two unlucky guys to stand up, so as to achieve the effect of controlling the team.

   The result was unexpected.

  Xu Yun's posture is so gentle?

  However, the astonishment of the crowd lasted only a few seconds, and a tall boy replied first:

   "Hello, God Xu! Hello, Professor Lu!"

  The tall boy's response quickly brought everyone else back to reality.

   After a while.

   There was a neat greeting on the field:

   "Hello, God Xu! Hello, Professor Lu!"

  Xu Yun clasped his palms together, placed them in front of his nose and shook them a few times as a return gift.

  Lu Chaoyang stood on the sidelines and smiled, which seemed to be a faint expression of his attitude that he would not occupy the magpie's nest.

   After saying hello.

  Xu Yun entered the password of the test chamber, and the electronic door opened.

  Everyone enters in turn.

  Xu Yun and Lu Chaoyang came to the console.

  I saw this moment.

  On the console screen in front of the two of them, the code name of the project team was impressively written—



  Vests are required for realistic plots. You can leave a message of age, gender, and name after this sentence. If you want a specific major, you can, but the less you ask, the faster you will appear on the stage.

  (end of this chapter)