MTL - Internet 2010-Chapter 47 attentive

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As soon as Lu Zhou got home, the phone in his pocket rang before his **** was hot.

He took out his phone and looked at it with a wicked smile, here we go! Fat fish is hooked!

"Hey, Lu Zhou. It's me."

"Oh, brother Wen. What do you mean, didn't this just meet you? Miss me so much?"

Wen Xuwei was a little speechless, "Can we use less routines? What business will Menggu develop next?"

"I told you during dinner, SaaS first and then PaaS."

"What the fuck, I need to know the plan. I didn't suffocate me for a long time."

Lu Zhou laughed, "Then brother Wen has decided to come?"

Wen Xuwei was so anxious to hear it, "Come on. Apply tomorrow. Say it!"

Lu Zhou said, "In simple terms, cloud computing in the early stage is still serving the advertising business. Making applications is inseparable from user behavior analysis. Every application developer needs to understand user behavior to optimize products. But often, this part of the function is actually It doesn’t have to be developed repeatedly.”

"Statistics and operational analysis, Dream Valley made a set of SDK for developers to integrate. This set of code directly collects the user's usage time, click behavior, etc., and then counts the user's browsing usage rate, retention rate, etc. in this application. This eliminates the need for developers to code and deploy repeatedly when they develop the app again."

When Wen Xuwei heard it, he suddenly realized that Luzhou planned to continue to serve the current developers of Menggu. At the beginning, the advertising business would first make money for them, and then make a SaaS platform to help them reduce the time for developing and analyzing products.

Wen Xuwei continued to ask, "Go on."

"The application engine is to transform their back-end deployment. It is cheap, efficient, flexible, and free of operation and maintenance. I don't have to do anything else, just hang cloud computing advertisements on the developer page and give coupons in the early stage. The conversion rate in the middle It can be very high."

Wen Xuwei pondered and was silent for a moment, "Operations and market analysis do not need manpower, operations and maintenance do not require manpower, and functions are directly integrated. It's a fool's operation."

"Positive solution. The last is the communication application. In the future, I will also do some business through Menggu Cloud."

What Lu Zhou is referring to here is naturally the business of WeChat.


Lu Zhou then flicked, "Mengguyun here is only recently split. After that, the parent company will continue to inject capital to around three or four million, and the possibility of an increase is not ruled out. Come on, brother Vancouver, I will take it from my own shares. 5% out, as your technology shares."

Wen Xuwei didn't care too much, and joked, "Then your boss is really generous. The shot is to give away 200,000 yuan. Most importantly, you have to show me something real."

"You can also consider taking 200,000 yuan, and then charge 5% to make up the whole. I won't sell it if I have more, it hurts."

Lu Zhou naturally knew Wen Xuwei's family background. This brother Vancouver bought a house early in the university town, and he has a set in his own name in the adjacent area. He drives an Audi to work every day.

There is no shortage of money, and work is just for fun.

Wen Xuwei was also unambiguous, "That's fine. This part counts as your personal transfer of shares, right. I'll transfer your account directly in a while. The contract and changes can be signed afterward."

Lu Zhou was naturally happy when he heard it.

I just made 500,000 yesterday, and today I will get another 200,000, plus the income from the surrounding neck, it should be enough to pay off the family's debt.

After all, the debt is heavy, and I still feel uncomfortable, let alone my parents at home.

"Okay. It's easy to say. The salary is still 10,000, and the manpower needs to be recruited again."

When Wen Xuwei heard it, he didn't think too much, "The salary doesn't matter, but if your boss wants to work hard, you have to recruit new staff. Isn't this embarrassing?"

Lu Zhou laughed, "Start a business. You don't know how difficult it is to advertise in Dream Valley. All the interns have been working until today."

"I will never believe in your evil in this life."

"Haha. Where and where."

Wen Xuwei complained, "I will pay 200,000 yuan to buy shares when I enter your company, and I will pay 10,000 yuan before the salary rises. If I can't turn it around, I won't be able to work for 20 months in vain. It's still your boss. Black heart, Lao Song can't compare."

"That's fine, don't buy it. I'm not happy to sell it, haha."

"Haha, go to your daydream, I would be happy to buy another 50% of the sale. Are you short of money and want to resell the shares personally? It's okay to lend you 200,000 yuan, so you don't regret it later."

Wen Xuwei started from the lunch at noon. After listening to the blueprint given by Lu Zhou, he didn't know Lu Zhou's plan.

Luzhou extends from advertising, attracts developers, and then looks back at the concept of "dumb cloud computing", and will also intervene in the field of social communication in the future.

It sounds like Lu Zhou is fooling himself. Wen Xuwei needs to take out 200,000 yuan to pay for himself, but if Menggu's plot is spliced ​​together, it will be Lu Zhou's own loss.

First, Menggu Technology has funds and is not short of money. Second, Luzhou has ideas and can do it directly.

If 5% is technology shares, Wen Xuwei is already willing to help Luzhou, not to mention the shares, Luzhou's radical idea is to be realized, no matter what, it is more realistic than staying under Phaeton Song Wenhui.

For the other 5%, all Wen Xuwei could think of was that Lu Zhou himself was short of money, so he did not use financing dilution, but sold his shares directly.

After listening to Wen Xuwei's words, Lu Zhou secretly said that Wen Xuwei was really attentive, completely inversely proportional to his body shape.

"That can't be. It's not a big deal. That's it. It'll save you time to regret it, bro."

After listening to Lu Zhou's words, Wen Xuwei didn't ask any more questions, "Okay. Let's do this for now. I'll contact you after I leave the office."

"it is good."

"That's right. Be careful Lao Song kills you, I'll burn incense for you if something happens."

Lu Zhou listened to Wen Xuwei's jokes, but did not continue the conversation, "Hang up."

After finishing the call with Wen Xuwei, Lu Zhou also began to have a headache.

I was busy with Wechat's plan last night. After having a meal today, I have to put cloud computing on the agenda first.

After all, he told Wen Xuwei that he had already come up with a plan, that is, before Wen Xuwei arrived next week, he had to take time out to clarify some ideas.

He marked a reminder on the note.

Next week, Menggu will also face the launch and promotion of the banana market.

If the Dream Valley advertisement is an announcement, then the banana market is about to make a name for itself.

If the banana market is not successful, cloud computing and WeChat are just nonsense. No matter what you do, you can't succeed.

In order to succeed in the banana market, the key points are in two aspects.

First of all, the application is settled, and it is only a thankless thing to simply rely on manual inclusion. Every day, a large number of applications are uploaded to the Internet by developers.

Therefore, the banana adopts the method of uploading by the developer. In the early stage, it was directly converted by the developers of Dream Valley Advertising.

In the later stage, when the number of applications surges, auditing will also become a big problem.

Second, it is promotion.

There are applications in the banana market that are the basis for users to use, but from zero to spread, it needs to be promoted.

Online, Dream Valley advertises at its own expense and pays developers to hang application advertisements in the banana market.

Offline, develop and promote version, the mobile phone store will pay a certain fee to install the application on each mobile phone.

"As for the audit issue, it seems that we need to find manufacturers for cooperation. As for promotion, online and offline should be enough for the time being, and we will arrange it tomorrow."

Lu Zhou murmured.

"Cloud test vendor. Hmm...360?"

A bold idea came to Lu Zhou's mind.