MTL - Internet 2010-Chapter 365 Online dating and ratings

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Wang Bo, 23 years old, a salted fish who made a fortune in business, is now a walking dead.

At this time, it's not just the Spring Festival, it's how long the Lantern Festival has passed.

He has been playing this game day and night for almost twenty days.

The room is full of decadence and charm, with occasional drifting bugs and cockroaches crawling across the keyboard.

He stood in front of the mirror and saw that the bags under his eyes were already unbearably loose. The whole person looks like he can lose a few pounds.

He first found a housekeeper on 58, and then went to the bathroom to wash up. The second bath in twenty days.

If this is the winter in the north, it may not be a special thing, but after all, this is Guangnan City. There are only two distinct seasons in a year, spring and summer. Not taking a bath is actually a very uncomfortable thing.

He washed his hair several times in the middle, because even in the game, the itching feeling was really unbearable.

After all, my house is still a river view mansion, and the decoration is not in vain. He first turned on the faucet of the bathtub, and then rinsed his head under the shower for a long time.

After the wipes that should be wiped and the oil that should be washed off were all washed away, Wang Bo soaked in the bathtub.

He is a little out of strength. After all, these days, he usually has a takeaway meal every day after he wakes up, and he eats mostly garbage, even if he takes two bites of food that has no appetite.

Just halfway through the bath, the monitor at the door rang. Seeing that housekeeping was coming, he had no choice but to wipe off the water droplets and go out in a bathrobe.

Ha, this tm is still something that Zhang Min bought. It hasn't been washed in months, and it has a half-moist musty smell.

He was about to get dressed and walked across the aisle to open the door.

"Hello, Mr. Wang. I'm the cleaning staff of your Kaide housekeeping at about 58."

The other party was a middle-aged woman in her forties. She was carrying something in her hand, which looked like cleaning supplies.

Wang Bo, "Hello. You are looking to clean up."

Then he pointed to his room again, "The room inside is more tidy, and the clothes and quilts have also been thrown away for me to wash."

Anyway, there are many rooms at home, the big deal is to change room to sleep tonight.

The housekeeping aunt walked into the living room and saw that there was a lot of dust on the furniture everywhere, but it wasn't too much trouble.

Rich people live, she thought about it when she was bored. Anyway, I heard people say that the community here today is really a wealthy area in the Pearl River New City. Judging from the appearance of the house, the young man just now probably doesn't live at home very often, she thought so.

But when she walked into Wang Bo's room, the smell of the sun almost killed her.

Is this where people live?

The whole room is large, and the window opposite the door is a row of floor-to-ceiling windows, and you can see the view of the Pearl River. There is not much land along the river, and even less is used to build houses. As far as this high-level river view is concerned, I am afraid that not many people can see it every day.

But next to the floor-to-ceiling window, all kinds of garbage, takeaway boxes, drink cans, and snack bags are piled up in a mess. If you look carefully, there are still some small cockroaches crawling inside. Some beverage cans are still cans. Some liquid dripped out and dried on the wooden floor.

But really tm is ruining this beautiful river view, living a sin!

Aunt put on gloves, shook her head vigorously, and cleaned up.

As for Wang Boren, after opening the door, he went back to the tub to take a bath.

He rolled over and leaned against the side of the bathtub with a cell phone in his hand.

"Baby, what are you doing?!"

Not long after this, there was a reply from the WeChat account, "Looking for a house. Don't you give me all the money, and I said that I would come over a while ago, so I thought about renting the house first."

Wang Bo laughed loudly, it was really a student girl.

"Ha. Then you can find it. I'll take care of the house. Anyway, I'll give you some living expenses every month in the future. If the rent is cheaper, I can save some money."

"Oh. Then when are you coming to Sunan?"

Wang Bo thought for a while, and replied, "In the afternoon. I will fly directly to Sunan. I can't find a rental room, so I will stay in a hotel for a few days."

"Meow meow????? So fast???"

Wang Bo, "What's the matter? There are so many rants when it's dark, and if you really want to meet, you won't feel shy? Be honest and clean up *wait for me to go there."

Afterwards, Wang Bo also put his mobile phone aside. It wasn't him who exploded anyway, so what did he care about.

Half of Wang Bo's face was submerged in the water, bubbling up.

This girl is the one I met from playing games during this period of time, and if you are familiar with it later, it means that there is a black voice in yy. The voice was nice, but when no one was there, Wang Bo was just playing games with multiple companions.

But it is common sense, this type of girl, Wang Bo's intuition is to learn the attributes of a scumbag and a house girl, otherwise how can he play games with him all day long like this? Although she might not be able to keep up with the rhythm anyway, she still has less time at night.

The game with this girl was much darker. One day, Wang Bo disliked the noise in the girl's Internet cafe. He said that he directly added a WeChat message, gave her money, and rented a house to buy a computer to play games.

The girl didn't take it seriously, but she still gave Wang Bo a WeChat message.

With this WeChat addition, Wang Bo opened the other party's Moments with one click, then TM was really a worm and exploded in an instant.

What is love at first sight? What is the most beautiful selfie?

Ah, Wang Bo, without saying a word, just clicked and transferred 20,000 to Wechat...

Then, of course, I have to go to Sunanlang for a while anyway. Anyway, Wang Bo himself has been a little tired of playing games recently, and his excitement has dropped drastically.

The girl, her name is Su Jin, she is a sophomore in southern Jiangsu.

According to the style of modern men, you have to give a score when you see a woman. These days, is it a man who can't judge a woman when he meets a woman on the road?

As for Su Jin, then what this circle of friends sees is an eight out of ten.

Isn't it only 20,000 yuan, if it's really some kind of oriental sorcery, the big deal is that the money is lost, and then I can find another one.

If it weren't for sorcery, then tm would have to live a few months without shame.

Wang Bo wiped his body clean and put on clean clothes.

Looking at the room, the cleaning aunt has already done almost the Wang, then wait for the washing machine to wash and dry the bed and quilt, and then dry it. "

Wang Bo sat on the sofa, "Okay, how much?"

"one thousand."

Wang Bo frowned, this price must be a serious asking price. At the price above 58, it definitely can't reach this level.

However, if you want to use the sloppy appearance of your own room, is this reasonable?

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Bo didn't bother to bother with this person, and took a thousand from his wallet.

As for this time, anyway, he won't look for this Kaide housekeeping again, and it's not like playing people like fools.

Half an hour later, waiting for the aunt to pack up and leave, Wang Bo took a coat from the closet. Bringing his wallet and mobile phone, he went directly to the downstairs and stopped a taxi, preparing to go all the way to the airport. Maybe at night, you can reach Sunan.