MTL - Infinite Throne-Chapter 3 flight 444

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   Chapter 3 Flight 444

  【Because of fate, five people who did not know each other took flight 444 together, but unfortunately, the unexpected accident happened... 】

  【Ah, life is the same as mourning, death is also the same coffin... 】

  【The fate of flight 444 involves the hearts of countless people...】

  【We all want to know if the five people on flight 444 can die neatly and terribly... 】


  【Main quest: Escape from Heaven! 】


When the four blood-red characters "Escape from Heaven" flickered in front of Yi Rin shockingly, a loud noise suddenly came from the front, accompanied by a violent vibration, Yi Rin's seat was strangely facing downward. tilt!

   This is full of malicious opening lines…

   is still a familiar taste.

  To tell the truth, Yi Rin somehow felt a little nostalgic.

  Flight...For Irin, it is a very unfamiliar word.

  The four giant towers have created a "forbidden zone" that covers the entire planet while bringing catastrophic changes.

   As early as ten years ago, the high-altitude vehicle such as the airplane withdrew from human life overnight with the emergence of the no-air zone and became a historical remnant.

  By the way, in addition to aircraft, all technology and thermal weapons that rely on satellites and aviation tools have lost their meaning overnight.

At the beginning of the    Tower Era, human technological civilization was instantly regressed by decades.

   In general, many young people, let alone taking a ride, have never even seen such a large civil aviation aircraft, but there are spiral helicopters.

   At least, in the eyes of "ordinary people", this is the reality of the world. Oh, this trial mission was actually on a death flight.


   Outside the window, thunder and lightning flashed.

   is terrifying.

   With a violent jolt, Yi Rin's whole body was thrown ruthlessly. If it wasn't for the seat belt, Yi Rin would have been thrown somewhere.

   Now Yiren doesn't have time to study what the Apocalypse Knight module is. He grabs the handrail tightly, for fear that he will be thrown away.


   There was a strange noise from the cabin ahead.

   But after this sound, the violent turbulence eased a little, but the whole plane began to fall diagonally downward at a certain speed!

  The plane was still shaking uncontrollably, but it seemed to be a lot softer than the one at the beginning.

   The lighting in the entire cabin flickered, as if it would go out completely at any time.

  Irin thought for three seconds, and in three seconds, he only did three things.

   First, Irin recalled the brief mission description.

   Second, 5 possible assumptions were made for this trial task.

   Third, unfasten the seat belt.

and many more.

   Yi Rin suddenly noticed that the clothes he was wearing now were not the black sweater he wore when he sneaked into Henry Zhang's house.

   opened his palm and saw a scar on the back of his hand.

   This is not the palm that Irin is familiar with.

  Irin's expression was calm, and he quickly fumbled around in his suit pocket.

   Sure enough, in the lining of the suit, a metal piece the size of a coin was found.

   "Is it a 'role-playing' type quest..."

   "If I remember correctly, this should be recorded in the history books, the style of the previous 'air ticket'..."

   "In the past, all the facilities on the flight adopted a one-ticket-one-ticket system. Whether it is an emergency oxygen supply system, a life jacket, or an umbrella bag, you need to swipe the 'ticket' to open it. Ah, with..."

  Irin muttered to himself, and pulled out a life-saving box from under the seat.


   Swipe your card to open the life-saving box.

  【Get "Fruit Knife"】

  【Get "Old Parachute Pack"】


【fruit knife】


  【Description】A knife that can be used to peel the fruit, I don't know who is hiding in the life-saving box.


  【Old parachute bag】


  【Description】One of the features of flight 444 is an umbrella bag with a certain age and history. It has not been maintained for many years. Whether it can be opened after jumping out depends on luck.



   This trial task of preparing the apostles to become regulars is indeed a pit-daddy task with the title of "Newcomer's Grave"...

  Irin couldn't help smiling when she saw the parachute bag. It is said that the civil aircraft of the last century cannot be safely parachuted... The design is a bit stupid.

  Irin put the fruit knife in his arms and carried the unreliable parachute behind him.

  When he got up from his seat, in different positions in the cabin, the other four passengers with different looks got up from their seats one after another.

  Irin quickly swept past the four of them.

  A non-mainstream youth with dyed blond hair.

   A beautiful woman in formal business attire.

  A hunchbacked old man who looks to be in his seventies or eighties.

  A middle-aged man who wears glasses and looks gentle.

  Including Irin, the five of them stood up one after another and noticed each other's existence.


   The slightly swaying plane swayed violently again, and the five people, including Irin, subconsciously grabbed the seats beside them, trying to maintain their balance.

   Fortunately, the shaking came and went quickly.


  Irin's pupils shrank slightly, and after the shaking, the fuselage was more inclined than before, forming an angle of about 30 degrees from the horizontal.

   "Have you... all seen those words? What's going on? We were kidnapped?"

   A trace of panic flashed in the woman's eyes, her white palms firmly grasped the armrest, daring not to move.

"How is that possible!" The man with glasses was shocked, his teeth were chattering, and he couldn't hide the fear in his heart: "I am obviously working overtime in the company, how can it be in a blink of an eye... Am I dreaming? This is a plane! Ten years ago Aircraft that have ceased operations!"

"Hey..." The non-mainstream golden retriever smiled: "We all chose YES to come here. Since we believe in God, what's so strange about everything in front of us? Didn't you notice the prompt at the beginning? If I guessed right, we should be caught here by some mysterious force and complete some kind of trial..."

   "I thought it was a hallucination..." The beauty in business attire was paralyzed and muttered to herself, "Is it really... a god?"

The non-mainstream golden retriever glanced at the beauty and licked his tongue: "Whether there is a **** or not, the most important thing now is to live! I have been in prison for two years, and now... hehe, instead of spending time in prison Go down, it's not bad to really die here."

  The beautiful woman and the man with glasses heard that the Golden Retriever was [summoned] from the prison, and looked at the Golden Retriever with a little more vigilance.

  The hunchbacked old man didn't say a word. He looked around. Suddenly, the old man's cloudy eyes lit up slightly, and he took a small red life-saving hammer from the wall of the cabin.

   At this moment, the non-mainstream golden retriever looked at Yi Rin, who had not spoken for a while, hehe smiled, and a dangerous cold light flashed in his slightly narrowed eyes: "This brother, you are carrying a parachute behind your back, right?"

The voice of    just fell.

  The man with glasses, the hunchbacked old man, and the beautiful woman in business attire all looked at Irin involuntarily.

   High altitude + plane + escape = parachute.

   As long as you are not cerebral palsy, you should be able to draw this conclusion quickly.

  Irin shrugged indifferently and told the origin of the parachute.

   "You should have a 'ticket' on you. Open the life-saving box under your seat and you should be able to find it."

  Irin said as she tried to maintain her balance amid the turbulent turbulence, and walked forward.

   He wasn't going to skydive.

   In fact, when he was not 100% sure, it was impossible for him to jump from a high altitude with that bit of luck.

   That is not called luck, it is called fate.

  Irin witnessed the end.

   I have witnessed a purgatory on earth where corpses are scattered everywhere and the city is turned into ruins.

   He understood the value of life better than anyone in this era.

There is only one    life.

   In case of death again, Yilin dare not hope that he can be reborn again.

   Therefore, when he was first reborn, in order to ensure that he would kill Henry Zhang on July 8, 2121, and seize the apostle qualification, Yilin planned 832 days.

   Cut throat 41,600 times.

   26 poses are imagined.

   Brain fills the map 2542 times.

   Make 18 types of compensation plans.

  Everything is just to be safe.

  In Yi Rin's view, as long as there are plans, preparations, and plans, there will be no accidents.

  Theoretically so.

   Actually… it should be.

   Therefore, this umbrella bag is absolutely impossible to jump.

  Irin suddenly remembered the little luck of 4.0 on his panel.

   He has a feeling that, with this little luck, if he jumps with an unreliable umbrella bag like this...

will die.


  Irin walked through the passage, and the other four passed through Irin's reminder at this time, and each found the "ticket" from their bodies, and hurriedly opened the life-saving box.

   When Yi Rin passed by the glasses man, he found that there was actually a person lying next to the glasses man's seat.

   To be precise, a comatose person.

The man with glasses opened the life-saving box, he noticed Yi Rin's eyes, and waved his hands quickly: "No, it's none of my business, I don't know him, just now he unfastened his seat belt, the plane shook, and he hit his head. On the top of the cabin, I fainted..."

   Sure enough, there was a faint trace of blood near the luggage rack.

  Irin didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but after thinking about it, he approached the unconscious man, took a breath, and breathed weakly. Although he seemed to be alive, he should not be far from death.

"I found it!"

   At this moment, the woman pulled out a parachute bag, wept with joy, and carried it directly behind her.

  Irin glanced back inadvertently.

   Well, it looks like it should be the same.

  An old parachute bag.

   "This parachute bag actually... has a text description!"

   There was a hint of surprise in the woman's eyes. Many items in the world will be digitized, which is a magical experience for newcomers.

   For Yi Rin, who is not surprised, naturally there is no surprise at all.

   When the beautiful woman in business attire found the parachute bag, the non-mainstream golden retriever stood up from the seat with a gloomy face.

  I saw a helmet in his hand...and a life jacket.

   looks like a motorcycle rider's helmet.

What is the use of    in this situation?

   Landing with your head?

   As for the life jackets…

  I can think of it with my toes. Without a parachute, jumping in a life jacket can only make the body float.

  It is no wonder that the golden hair's Yintang is dark, hiding a bad omen.

  The hunchbacked old man found a life jacket and...a bottle of coconut juice from the life box.

   Looking at the rusted jar, I wonder if it has expired.

   "No, I don't have a parachute here!"

  The man with glasses was pale and his hands were empty.


  Irin's mouth curled slightly without a trace.

   That is to say…

   Now on the crashed Death Flight 444.

   There are five survivors.

   Unreliable parachute bag…

   There are only two!

   (end of this chapter)