MTL - Infinite Throne-Chapter 1194 "Lord of Justice"

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   Chapter 1194 "The Lord of Justice"

   This finger, the stars in the distance are dotted, silently annihilated.

   A spherical halo spreads in the depths of the source sea.

   In this situation, people can't help but make a "bang" sound.

  Each halo means the destruction of a world and the fall of a god!

   "Who agrees? Who opposes?"

The    giant in the source sea, surrounded by gods, let out a happy laughter.

   In the blink of an eye,

   A long sword appeared in the hands of the giant, radiantly.

  The ability to annihilate countless worlds with these successive explosions has long exceeded the knowledge of the gods.


   In Hiland, a master was born!

   Tenth place!

  The tenth in the legend!

  The world ship of the gods retreated wildly!

   In a flash, we drove out of the billions of "horns"!

  Irin rode Shirakuen and swung a sword.

  The rolling blue light, like a huge vortex, forcibly pulled back the gods who were fleeing crazily.

  The collapse of countless world ships is like the most dazzling fireworks, stirring the waves in the source sea.

   “Jie Jie Jie Jie—”

   Above the lower source sea, the nine still-moving seats finally changed.

One of them was dimmed, a thin man in a dark suit and evening hat, with a wide mouth, elegantly took out a cute pistol from his arms and fired a shot at "The Lord of Famine" .

   Bullet holes suddenly appeared on the ugly "Famine" throne that was dripping with dark green juice.

   "Trick, how dare you—"

   Loki fired a few more shots in a hurry.

  The gods of Loki, they were still in the depths and did not attack rashly.

   This wave of gods' world ships that attacked "Hirakuen" seemed to be huge and participated in the audience, but in fact, only the four of "Conquest", "Famine", "War" and "Death" were the ones who fought the most fiercely.

   These shots of Loki seem to be active, but they are actually passive.

   It sensed that Irin's attack was huge, but it looked like an indiscriminate attack. However, he was able to accurately affect the gods under the four masters of the ditch. Loki stayed still, and the gods under the "Master of Tricks" were safe and sound, and were not affected at all.

   Such a precise fixed-point strike made Loki make up his mind, resolutely resolutely, and stop playing tricks.

   "Jie Jie Jie, the real 'trick' is that there is no 'trick'!"

   Loki took off his hat to the four masters of the pit, and smiled grimly.

   "Tsk, as expected of Loki."

  Green picked up the shovel, and Loki was sitting next to her. She was about to strike hard. Unexpectedly, Loki stood in line so decisively that she couldn't get angry.

   "Little guys! Come on! The group has started!"

   "Open who?"

   "Whoever blows it up! Follow the attack of "Hilland"! "

   "Got it!"

   Green's real body manifested itself in the source sea, and the scarlet light instantly dyed the lower source sea red.

  In the world ships, billions of creatures are instantly immersed in Green's nightmare, parting from life and death, anxious and unable to extricate themselves.

  The arrogance of the gods visibly dimmed.

The   Nightmare Song was sung, belonging to the Nightmare Troupe, humming the song like crazy, and the silhouettes of the Troupe twisted their waists and arms, slaying the rest of the gods.

  The war broke out in an instant.

   This battle for dominance spread far beyond the time when "Time" died.

  The birth and death of every light means the fall of countless creatures in a world.

   "Old White!"

   Lord of Tricks, Loki and Lord of Pale, have been together for so many years. After it started, it shouted to let Pale take the initiative.

   The pale side is slow to move.

  The Lord of Famine was shot out of anger, and the green rotten water poured towards Loki.

   "Old White!"

   An elegant man in a suit jumped up and down, laughing incessantly.

   The sky was filled with ash, and the endless white pushed away Green's scarlet nightmare light, a fist that was more vast than the world, condensed by ash, and punched out.

  The rotten water solidified, enough to corrode the "famine" of countless worlds, and it was instantly turned into ashes and decomposed.

   "Tsk, I really pulled my crotch."

   Green disdainfully crossed his slender Erlang legs in the middle of the source sea, and turned his eyes to Xiyuan.

   Eyes move.

  Greene's gaze finally landed on the "Scale", with an interesting smile on his face.

   A huge eyeball narrowed.

   That is "The Lord of War".

   A shadow appeared under the eyelid of the eyeball.

   "It finally appeared."

   "Cuckoo cuckoo..."

   The eyeball made a strange noise.

   "Negotiation? It's a good way. We are immortal, and negotiation is the best outcome."

  The shadow condensed into a human shape, and rubbed his fingers before the war: "But, how many promises can the four of you make?"


   Inside Hiland.

   The little friends who have just become gods and have nowhere to vent their energy, request to play.

  Irin, who stood in front of them, taking care of both the outside and the inside at the same time, smiled and said, "Okay, you guys take over Sileland for the time being."

   Pipes appeared out of nowhere and inserted into Molly's back.

   Molly was suddenly inserted and groaned.


When    opened her eyes, Molly was shocked by the magnificent scene of the broken galaxy in front of her.

  Irin separates the pipes and inserts them into the others.

   "I'll make up the head!"

   "I'll make up the boobs!"

   "I'll control my right hand!"

   "I'll control the artillery fire!"

   "I'm a knife!"

   "I flap my wings!"

  Under the infection of Yilin's strong self-confidence, the small partners are now playing, the entertainment nature is greater than the actual nature, and they are clamoring to be part of it.

  The giant of light danced a strange "dance" in front of the gods.

  Xiaoxi covered her eyes in despair, wanting to cry without tears.

   From now on, she doesn't want to have any relationship with "Hilland" anymore.


   "One last thing."

   The "demonstration" was almost over, and Yi Rin snapped her fingers.

   In an instant, the nine masters with their own thoughts suddenly appeared in an empty room.

  In the room.

   There is a white round table.

   Nine hazy shadows, some resembling humans, some inhuman, looked at the table and the surrounding space in amazement.

   "Sit down, don't you want to 'negotiate'?"

  Irin smiled and motioned for the nine masters to take their seats. He sat on the center, the empty seat by himself.

  The rest of the seats seem to be tailor-made for the nine masters.

  Green didn't want it anymore, she sat softly on Yi Rin's lap, she raised Yi Rin's chin with a smile: "This is the first time I see the real old lady, are you surprised or surprised?"

  Irin shook his head expressionlessly: "Even if you don't do this, they will know that you are on my side."

   "Tsk, you are really not fun now."

  Green pouted, rolled up his blood-red robe, and reluctantly sat back in his seat, rocking the seat.

  The trick she just learned from the nightmare of human beings, Yilin didn't eat it, she died before she was a teacher.

   "Sit, why don't you sit!"

   Loki smiled meanly, and happily pulled "Pale" dressed like a medieval knight and took his seat separately.

  War, famine, conquest, and death are all like blurred shadows, whose faces cannot be seen clearly, and they also sit silently.

   There was a shadow on the seat of the Lord of Shadows, but it was empty.

   "I'm in a hurry."

   A huge hourglass appeared above the round table.

  In the room, there is a table, a round table, nine masters, and...Irin.

   "World Famous Paintings", which is enough to be famous for thousands of epochs, was born.

   "So, I'll keep it short."

  Irin knocked on the table and pointed at "war", "conquest", "death", and "famine" with a smile.

   "You guys, you can go."

   "Yuanhai, I don't need you."

After   , Irin waved his hand.

  A huge eraser appeared, and red lines appeared on the four masters. Those red lines were composed of countless [Delete].

   Next second.

  The four masters were "deleted" and disappeared from the roundtable meeting.


  Shadow, Pale, Trick, the three masters stood up suddenly.

   "Huh, huh, huh..."

  Green was on the side, smiling hard.

   Even she, at the moment when the four masters were "deleted", also felt a trace of the long-lost "scalp tingling" horror.

  Big horror!

   The four masters, so unexpectedly, were silently "deleted"!

"Impossible!" Loki lost his voice: "I am waiting for the incarnation of 'concept', within the source sea, I will not die or die! Taking a ten thousand steps back, war, conquest, and famine are gone, I understand, but 'death' 'Once the concept disappears, it will cause an unprecedented 'big chaos'! There will be no 'death' in the source sea, and there will be no more 'circulation'!"

   "What do you think?" Yi Rin turned her head calmly and asked the little bat.

   "I think," Greene calmed down, gave Yi Rin a white look, and his desire to survive exploded: "The source sea needs 'nightmare'."

  The Lord of Shadows trembled and said in a trembling voice, "The source sea needs a quiet 'shadow'."

   The Pale Lord sat silently.

   The master of tricks, Loki hurriedly said: "It also needs 'pale'."

  Irin got up and walked to the seat with "Scales" printed on the back.

   On the seat, sat a woman of peerless elegance, wearing a pure white dress.

  Irin recalled the image of a quiet girl's eyelashes when the sun shines through the shade of a tree one afternoon.

   "Don't you have anything to say? Ling Yiyi? No, "just". "

   The quiet girl raised her head.

   She looks exactly like Ling Yiyi.

   In other words, the original Ling Yiyi was the incarnation of "justice".

   "Have you reached the 'end'?"

   The Lord of Justice raised his eyes, looked at Irin, and asked calmly.


   "Where is where?"

   "Not a good place."

  Ling Yiyi was silent for a moment, then said: "The source sea needs 'justice'."

   "Well," Yi Rin hummed, and suddenly turned to look at the shivering Loki and Shadow, the staunchly silent Pale, and the happier Green who laughed: "I'll be a little rough next."

  Ling Yiyi's face flashed, she raised her hand and dropped, a huge scale appeared on the upper layer of Yuanhai.

  Irin and Ling Yiyi appeared in front of the scale.

  Ling Yiyi stubbornly said: "The source sea needs 'justice'."

   A feather floated down gently and landed on the side of the scale.

   On the other side, countless streamers converged into a heart.

  Irin's chest, I don't know when a big hole appeared.

   There was no blood coming out of the hole.

   "Fair Trial!"

  There are feathers on one side and Irin's heart on the other side!

  Irin watched it from the beginning to the end... He had already seen the end.

   Ever since he stepped out of the Gaia Fortress, when he was thinking of "ending everything", he had seen this scene and the next one in advance.

  Irin smiled and made a "please" gesture.

   The balance is always balanced.

   "Fair Trial!"

  Ling Yiyi tried Yilin again.

   The balance is still in balance, as if broken.

   "You can't represent 'justice'."

  Irin stepped forward and stepped on it.


  Ling Yiyi's figure was stepped on by Yi Rin, and suddenly lost all strength. The two of them were like meteorites, from the upper layer of the Yuanhai Sea, penetrating all the way down.

   "The 'concept' already exists, and you just occupy that place."

   "If you represent 'justice', then they should be able to survive!"

   "There is no need for any existence to be in charge of 'justice'!"




Step on one foot, the war between the rulers is originally a battle of "rules" and "concepts", not a simple game of source and source, but at this moment, Yi Rin is stepping on the Lord of Justice, every time With one kick, the Lord of Justice is "missing" a piece.

   "This foot is for Hua Niang."

   "This kick is for Chenbei!"

   "This kick is for Senior Brother Sword!"

   "This kick is for Elder Ye!"

   "This kick is for Chu Chu!"

   "This kick is for Boss Nie!"

   "This kick is for..."




  The gods witnessed this terrible scene with their own eyes.

   The entire source sea was under the man's feet, trembling.

   Ten thousand worlds, landslides, tsunamis, thunder and lightning, the world is cracked.

  In the world ship of the gods, as the gods crawl, hundreds of millions of creatures are like the end of the world. They pray and cry, thinking that their life is not long.

The Lord of Justice, who was once aloof, has always been in charge of "justice" among the nine masters. The Lord of Justice who can stand in the position of "invincible" no matter who he faces, is now being replaced by the newly born "Tenth Lord". position," and stomped **** his feet.

  Each step will step on the "existence" of the Lord of Justice, and the Lord of Justice, in the frantic offensive of the "tenth", stepped on only one head.

   "You are not the master."

   In the end, the Lord of Justice looked desperately at the smiling man in front of him.

   She remembered back then.

"Did I say I am?" Yi Rin smiled and sorted out her clothes, and stepped on the last "existence" of the Lord of Justice with one foot: "This was stepped on for Xia Ruxue, you are absolutely wrong, you shouldn't be killed. my lady."

   "Disappear! The hypocritical 'justice'!"

   As Irin's thoughts came to pass.

   Wanjie, the doomsday scene suddenly disappeared.

  The tsunami subsided, the sky cleared, and the thunder dissipated.


   (The main story also has an official "finale" chapter.)

   (end of this chapter)