MTL - Infinite Throne-Chapter 1110 "Master of Fraud"

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   Chapter 1110 "The Lord of Deception"

  A woman wearing a black butterfly mask, carrying a half-meter-long cured ham, walked in the chaotic city like she was carrying a mace.

   Behind her, followed by a delicate white-haired handsome man.

   is Milian, and Merlin.

   Starting from Hongwu District, they went all the way to the north, like a tourist, walking and eating for half a month.

   Along the way, Merlin talked a lot.

He always said some strange things, such as "that's what human beings are. When they have power, they will always fight with each other", "this is human beings", "boring human beings", "I really envy them, they can have such humbleness. competitive spirit", "their life must not be boring", and so on.

  Million did not bird him.

   She ate the cured ham intently.

   One word: incense.

   The two are about to reach the northern sea.

   "Has he left a lot of food in the Wandering Sea?"

  Million took a bite from time to time, speechless all the way, and when she was approaching the end, she couldn't help but ask.

  Merlin looked at Milian's flat belly under her black robe in confusion: "At first I thought 'a lot', but now, I'm starting to worry a little bit."

   "What does he want me to do?"

   "Alright, don't be nervous, that guy didn't leave any special tasks." Merlin smiled and stretched out his index finger: "You just need to hone your sword, and... wait quietly."


   "Don't ask me." Merlin shrugged and smiled slightly: "The past, the present, and the future are just a mystery formed by the intersection of countless lines. You and I are in a mystery."

   "Great sage, please speak your words."

   "Simply put, it means 'don't know'." The great sage sighed: "I can't see clearly in the future."



  Irin leaves Molly's laboratory.

   On the way back, he was stopped by the boss.

"Very surprised?"

   Riddle Xi asked with a smile.

   "General." Yi Rin shook his head: "I personally think that you should have a consciousness of 'you are fat'."


   Yi Rin smiled: "Fat will always attract wolves, right?"

  Xiaoxi: "Aren't you worried?"

   This guy's divinity is awakening a little quickly.

  Xiaoxi muttered in her heart.

"Hehe, we have already been bitten by those four mouths. What's the difference if we have more mouths? Instead, I hope that the more chaos, the better. However, what I didn't expect is that in Gotham City, Pan Zhengyi actually Will be invaded by the 'clown personality', so to speak, the 'container' named Pan Zhengyi actually contains four 'personalities' - the younger brother Pan Xiaozheng, the eldest brother Bai, the son of the world Pan Zhengyi, and finally... Joker. Can Using this method to avoid the navigator's perception and sneak in without knowing it, it is indeed the Joker who has been running rampant in Gotham for decades."

   Time is running out.

  Irin didn't have in-depth communication with "Clown".

   But "Clown" revealed a message through Pan Zhengyi's mouth.

   The one behind him, and "war", "death", "famine", "conquest", is not the master of the road.

   It seems that there are also factions in higher-level games.

   "It's because of the one behind the 'Clown'." Xiaoxi frowned dejectedly, she raised her index finger and gave a "shh" to her mouth, and poked Yi Rin's forehead lightly with her other hand.

  A cryptic piece of information was passed to the administrator's background through "hidden folders".

  Irin opened her face expressionlessly.

In the    folder, there is only one "noun explanation".

  【The incarnation of tricks and lies, the master of deception: Loki】.


Soon after.

  Wang Er entered the trial.

  Irin is waiting outside for the return of the dog emperor.

   This trial was the first encounter between Wang Tiandi and "Irin".

  They united man and dog to conquer the Caribbean Sea.

   The administrator, Yi Rin, kept a diary every day, and after recording his experiences, the dog came back.

  Gouzi has gained a lot. In front of the new owner, he deliberately showed off his gradually developed biceps and played a small qigong wave.


  The dog claws together, pushes, and makes a strange sound, a bit like farting.

   The administrator smiled and touched the dog's head and asked, "Have you had a good time?"

  The dog showed a dog-licking smile.

   "Well, so, it's almost time for someone to help you shovel shit."

  The dog was stunned for a moment, the smile froze on his face, and he shook his head vigorously. It pouted its butt, and swung its tail three times to the left, using various vivid body language to indicate that it would go to the toilet by itself, bathe by itself, flush the toilet, and slip away by itself.

   "Wang woo woo."

   Ben Wang will not trouble you.

  The dog heard the goodbye in the master's words, and his smart eyes were full of reluctance.

  Irin smiled and shook her head.

   "Wang Er, you have grown up."

  Wang Er burst into tears.

  Irin closed her eyes.

  In an instant, Yi Rin's figure gradually faded in Wang Tiandi's eyes.

   It's not just faces that are blurry.

  Wang Tiandi felt like there was an extra eraser in his mind.

   rub rub.

  Everything about the master gradually faded from memory, leaving only a vague shadow.

  It stretched out its claws and scratched the air in front of it, but nothing came out.


  Wang Tiandi felt that he had forgotten something very important.

what is it then?

   Can't remember.

at this time.

  The death brand near Wang Tiandi's tail shook slightly, making Wang Tiandi, who was squatting and weeping silently, bounce up several meters high.

   is a guy called "Irin".

   We met in the last trial.

   Ugly people are often at fault.

  Wang Tiandi opened a private chat.

   He sent himself an address.


  Yi Rin was in the distance, watching Wang Tiandi with his tail tucked in, pitifully looking for a new owner.

   "What's wrong? Reluctant?"

  Xiao Xi appeared next to Yi Rin and giggled.

"The world is twisted again. Wang'er continues to stay by my side, there is no benefit. I must become a complete 'shadow'." Yi Rin said helplessly: "It means that the watcher's eye of insight is recovering. I don't know, the distortion of the world around me is closely related to the recovery of 'Ling Yiyi''s vision. However, looking back now, the experts that Molly found were impossible to break your seal, but why, the monitor's eyes Can it be recovered?"

   "It's very simple." Xiaoxi pointed at Yi Rin: "It's because of 'you'. Another you."

  Irin pondered for a moment: "A mistake, will it lead to more mistakes?"

"Yes, your 'effort' seems to be futile, but it is not. You underestimate the monitor. Your cognition, your 'desire', is enough to change the cognition of the people around you, and this is trivial Cognition is like a snowball, it keeps getting bigger and bigger, and eventually, it will be used by the monitor, she will use this weak 'hope', and she will use your 'wish' to regain control of the situation."

  Irin closed her eyes and remained silent, her fingernails embedded in her palm.

   "Don't forget, this is 'history'."

"I see."

  Irin accepted the reality.

   All distortions are related to the Overseer.

   The monitor opened her eyes, her pupil light was enough to distort the world.

   And this distortion will be corrected by the navigator, but "Little Yilin", who is in the center of the "distortion", is aware of Ling Yiyi's strangeness.


   While recalling the past and being careful to be a "shadow", Irin noticed one thing.

   It turned out that he passed by "Rocky" a long time ago.

   Styx Junior High School.

   Looking back now, Irin can see the true face of that trial completely.

   is about a fight between two "monster factories".

   Styx Junior High School and Prison Gate Junior High School.

   These two underworld schools are the sites of two masters—【Pale】 and 【Fraud】.

   At that time, when Yi Rin faced the enchanting little secret of the principal, she inadvertently mentioned "tricks and lies".

   Irin didn’t understand at that time.

   Now that I understand, I just feel very scared when I think about it.

   "There are too many bosses."

  Irin walked in the cracks of history, re-examined the world bit by bit, and once again lamented her own insignificance.

   [See Chapter 251 Tricks and Lies...? 】

   But, it can be seen that [Hyrakuen], the original weapon that even the master coveted, is really awesome.

  Xiaoxi was able to unwittingly use an apostle to unpack five "experiments of the Lord of Deception" and sneak in in the form of role-playing. In this regard, Yi Rin expressed his conviction.

"and many more."


  Irin thought about it, her body trembled.

   He looked at Xiaoxi in shock.

   "Each cycle, the trials of 'mistakes' are different?"

  Xiaoxi nodded: "Yes."

   "The trials I experienced before were all 'artifacts', but only now is it 'real'?"


   "So, her dream, their dream, too?"

  Xiaoxi sighed: "I advise you not to—"

   Xiaoxi didn't finish her words.

  Irin disappeared in place.

   "Why doesn't this guy listen to persuasion?"

  Xiaoxi rubbed her eyes, they were red.

   "You will regret it."

   (end of this chapter)