MTL - In This Hogwarts Without a Savior-Chapter 16 forbidden door

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  Chapter 16 16. The door that is forbidden to open

  Jon didn't care about the rudeness of the boy who was obviously Ron's brother. He was still thinking about some of the staff swing skills taught by Professor Flitwick in the Charms class just now.

  Magic in this world is undoubtedly a very idealistic ability. The most important thing in casting a spell is the caster himself. Things like spells, magic wands, and wand gestures can all be used as auxiliary means.

  Not having these does not mean that the wizard has lost the ability to use magic, but it will make magic more disordered, and the difficulty of learning and mastering specific spells will be infinitely magnified.

  So the reason why spells, wands, and wand gestures were created is to allow wizards to master specific magic more accurately and orderly.

   Instead of lighting a fire when I wanted to use lighting to illuminate my surroundings.

   As the basis, these are of course the key, but Jon also understands that mastering these can only ensure that the wizard can cast spells normally.

  No matter what kind of magic there is a difference between strength and weakness, and what distinguishes the power of magic is undoubtedly the most fundamental element of using magic spells on wizards—determination and magic power.

  The basics can be mastered with more practice and proficiency, but determination and magic cannot be strengthened by hard work.

  Whether a wizard is talented in magic is reflected here. This is a very strange thing, even a teacher who teaches magic can't explain it in words.

"Percy is the worst, you see him like, 'I hope you don't screw up even this little thing', what does he think of us? Only eat and sleep, and the rest of the time is stupid, waving a wooden A groaning troll?"

  Ron complained almost the whole way.

  The red-haired boy just now is his third brother Percy Weasley. He looks different from the other children in the Weasley family, obviously lacking in humor.

   "This is the storage room?"

  Justin pushed open the door marked with the number plate, and inside was a room used as a partition, just like the greenhouse of the herbal medicine class.

There is no wooden frame in this room, but several wooden barrels are left in a corner. There are seven doors on the opposite wall, which are marked with "meat", "vegetables", "drinks" and so on. instruction of.

This task is indeed very simple. The five of them easily found potatoes and onions in the storage room labeled "Vegetables", but when they were about to move these things to the kitchen, Lavender was suddenly caught by a Rooms with no sign on the door attract attention.

   "What is this room for?"

  Others looked towards where she pointed. The door looked no different from other doors, the only difference was that there was no special mark.

   "It may be some other useless debris piled up, let's send these food materials to the kitchen first."

   Neville was obviously able to restrain his curiosity. He and Jon exchanged glances, and together they lifted the heaviest box of onions.

   "It's better not to delay dinner."

  Jon also felt that it is best not to be too curious in such a magic school, otherwise who knows what kind of accidents will happen.

  But both Ron and Lavender had already been aroused, and they walked to the door together while Jon and Neville were talking.

   "Just take a look and see how long it won't be wasted. Don't worry, if there is a problem behind this door, George and Fred should have frightened me with it at home."

   While Ron was speaking, he put his hand on the door, and then pushed it lightly, pushing the door open without any resistance.

  The door is very empty, just a few wooden boxes are simply piled up, it looks like an ordinary vacant utility room.

   "I thought there would be some interesting magic props hidden inside." Ron expressed disappointment.

   And just a second after he finished speaking, a gloomy and hoarse voice suddenly sounded outside the storage room door.

   "Who told you to open that door casually!"

   Except for Jon, who noticed the person outside the door from the beginning, everyone else was startled by the sudden sound.

  The owner of the voice is Filch, the carriage manager. He is responsible for maintaining and cleaning the facilities on the carriage, and at the same time assisting Professor McGonagall in monitoring student discipline.

   He stared at those eyes that looked like dead fish, walked into the storage room, and stared fiercely at Ron.

   "Professor McGonagall should have emphasized to you freshmen that in the carriage, except for those rooms marked with house numbers, the doors of other rooms cannot be opened casually, don't you remember!"

  Ron hurriedly closed the door again, he argued.

   "But it's just an empty room"

   "Don't talk about those useless explanations. You will clean the boys' toilets for the next week. This will teach you a lesson!"

After finishing the punishment, Filch didn't give Ron any chance to speak. He muttered something like "If this was seven years ago, I would have deducted 20 points from your college", and turned around. Left the storage room.

   Ron's face was ugly, and Justin looked at him sympathetically. He picked up a bag of potatoes from the ground, and walked out of the storage room with Jon and the others with the ingredients.

   "George and the others are right. This old guy is really annoying, even more annoying than Percy. There is obviously nothing in that room!"

   Neville spoke a few words of comfort to Ron, while Jon listened silently.

  No matter how unlikable Filch is, he is just acting according to the rules. Ron shouldn't have pushed the door open when they persuaded him from the beginning, and he deserved to be caught and punished later.

  Of course he wouldn't say these words, there were only five of them in the same grade, and it was better to get along as well as possible with each other.

  After sending the ingredients to the kitchen, the fourth grade students didn't ask them to help with more things, but Jon and the others didn't leave directly, but watched them prepare dinner.

  After they enter the third grade, they will start to officially enter the kitchen to prepare a school meal. The first two years are a time for them to study.

  Life in this Hogwarts is not as full of urgency and depression as Jon guessed at first, and life in the carriage is generally considered easy.

The first week of school passed peacefully like this. Even in the carriage, of course there will be weekends, but it is unusual. The carriage will not stop, and the students will not be allowed to get out of the carriage. Can only stay in the car.

   Just when Jon thought that such calm would last at least for a while, he encountered a little accident on Wednesday of the second week of school.

  (end of this chapter)