MTL - In This Hogwarts Without a Savior-Chapter 14 great sir

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  Chapter 14 14. Mr. Great

   There is no shortage of room in the carriage.

  There are less than sixty Hogwarts students and professors in total, so the dormitory is not divided into four or five rooms, but spacious two rooms.

   It was not a coincidence that Jon and Neville were assigned to the same dormitory, but Professor McGonagall intentionally.

  Apart from the only girl Lavender among the new students, including Jon, there are a total of four boys, just two of whom were brought back from the outside, and the two are family members of the Order of the Phoenix who already know the magic world.

Whether it is to allow Jon and Justin to integrate into the identity of wizards faster, or to let them get out of the sadness and heartbreak of being left in a familiar family and environment as soon as possible, it is undoubtedly the best to arrange them separately choose.

  The student’s dormitory is not big, but it is more than enough to accommodate two people. There are two four-poster beds, two desks and chairs, and a window that cannot be opened.

  The beds had been made upright before they came in, and the daily necessities and a few brand-new robes were also neatly arranged.

  Jon was sitting by the window, looking at the scenery outside the carriage window.

After the dinner at the seaside, they got into the carriage and started to continue their journey. Looking out through the window, they could only see the pitch-black outside. Trembling, roaring past.

"I heard that the magic on this carriage is improved from the magic on the Knight's Bus. We can go almost anywhere in Europe on it, but it seems that Professor Dumbledore has never let this carriage go out of England. .”

   Neville was sitting on the bed opposite Jon, and he blinked and told the history of this carriage.

  Jon withdrew his gaze from the window, and looked at the round-faced boy opposite.

   "Did your family teach you magic before you came to Hogwarts?"

   Neville nodded.

"Of course, even if we weren't in Hogwarts, our family lived in danger. Both the Longbottom family and the Weasley family where Ron lived were wanted by the Ministry of Magic, so before I came to Hogwarts to study, I Dad used his wand to teach me a few spells, but they were all small spells for help, I don’t have a wand myself, and I don’t have many opportunities to practice it, and I don’t know how to do it too advanced.”

  Jon immediately became interested. Whether it is in peacetime or now full of danger, magic will bring him the greatest attraction.

   "Could you show me that?"

  Neville didn't refuse. He raised the wand in his hand, as if he hadn't felt like holding a wand in a long time. He was looking for the feeling, and then he swung it up and down lightly.


  A faint light shone on the tip of Neville's wand. The light was not dazzling, but it also illuminated the space in the dormitory.

  Jon looked at the bright light, his eyes were shining, and he raised the chestnut wand in his hand.

   "Do you have to pick and choose when you chant a spell?"

   "Yes, this is a very simple spell. If you are proficient in using it, you can even omit the wand gesture, and cast it when the wand is not in your hand, so that the wizard can easily find the wand that he has thrown away and forgotten where it is."

  Seeing Jon's eagerness to try, Neville couldn't help but continued.

   "I don't recommend you to try it yourself at this time. Although this spell is simple, beginners can easily ignite the tip of the wand if they make mistakes during learning, which will cause irreversible damage to the wand itself."

  Jon stopped what he was doing immediately. He couldn't wait to try the magic of this world, but if there was a risk of hurting the wand in his hand, he could still suppress his curiosity.

   After all, for him and this Hogwarts, the wand in his hand is not just a simple wand.

   "Anyway, we are in a magic school now, and there is really no rush to learn magic." Jon put the wand in his hand back into the pocket of his robe in front of the bed, "What class do we have tomorrow?"

   After the dinner, Professor McGonagall handed out the class schedule, and Jon and Neville also received a copy.

"The first class in the morning is History of Magic taught by Professor Slughorn, followed by Herbalism class taught by Professor McGonagall, and a Charms class taught by Professor Flitwick in the afternoon. Finally, in the evening, we were assigned to The fifth grade seniors who are preparing dinner will help."

  While they were talking, they all changed into pajamas and lay on the soft bed. The two of them were not very sleepy, but they were lying on the bed and chatting about other things.

   "Does the Dark Lord you mentioned have a name?"

   "Of course, he is not really a demon crawling out of hell, but no one dared to say his name before, and people in the magic world call him 'mysterious man'."

   "Isn't he now the head of the Ministry of Magic and the Hogwarts castle? People won't call him by that now, will they?"

"You guessed it right. I heard from my father that after the Dark Lord integrated the power of the entire wizarding world, his character seemed to have changed. He was not as cruel and crazy as before. He gave all wizards according to their bloodlines. Classes with different status were divided, but he didn't completely eliminate or imprison the Muggle wizards who had never wanted to kill him before. As for the title outside, people dare not call him "mysterious man" or "mysterious man" The Dark Lord', except for those of his most inner circle who still call him Master, the rest of the wizarding world call him 'Mr. Great'."

   "Great Mr. Ha."

"why are you laughing?"

   "If he came up with this name himself, it would be too boastful. If other people deliberately spread this name, then the meaning of kneeling and licking is too straightforward."

   "Actually, think about it, those people also want to survive."

   "Yeah, no one wants to die."

   "But for some people, some things are more important than life and death."

   When the first ray of sunlight came in from the window in the morning, Jon also opened his eyes from sleep.

  Neville left the dormitory after washing up with him, and went to the restaurant on the carriage to have breakfast.

The three meals a day here are all prepared by the students themselves, and breakfast is no exception. In addition to the class schedule, Professor McGonagall also arranged a cooking schedule. Students of different grades are responsible for the breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. If the number of people in this grade is relatively small, some lower grade students will be arranged to help them.

  Ron Justin and Lavender in the girls' dormitory had a round with them at the dining table. After all, they were all freshmen in the same grade, and they had the most opportunities to communicate and contact each other in class together.

   After finishing their breakfast, the five of them walked towards the History of Magic classroom together, preparing to start their first class after they came to Hogwarts.

  (end of this chapter)