MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 105 The limit of dragon and elephant, the charm of true martial arts (added for the leader of Nuanyang League)

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  Chapter 105 Dragon Elephant Limit, True Martial Charm

  The corpses of the eight second-level mutant beasts were finally awarded 50 points of contribution because some of them were severed by Chen Chu and other reasons were also seriously damaged.

  Besides that, the spectacled king python got 20 points, and got a total of 70 contribution points.

  But this time the real big head is the mutant violent ape with a trace of king-level blood. The third-level life crystal is worth 40 points of contribution, and the corpse is worth 50 points after losing the crystal.

  Going out for three days this time, the four of them earned a total of 160 contribution points, which is simply a sudden wealth. It is much easier than chasing and killing the **** rebels, and it is also a burst of money.

   But this kind of good thing is only this time.

   After all, in order to find the location of these mutant beasts, Li Hao spent hundreds of thousands of mercenaries to search for them in the depths of the mountains for more than ten days, consuming a lot of material resources and manpower.

   After all, this place is not only barren, but every year the masters of the Koroja royal family clean up and collect supplies, resulting in very few graded mutant beasts.

  The next morning, Li Hao and Li Meng, who had rested all night, came to Chen Chu's room and prepared to share the spoils.

  Li Meng spoke first, a little embarrassed and said: "This time I played the least role, especially when hunting violent apes, just give me 20 contribution points."

   "Twenty, it's a little less." Chen Chu hesitated.

  Although it was said before departure that whoever contributes more will get more, but in this case there is a downline, it can’t be too little, otherwise no one will team up with you in the future.

   After all, no matter who it is, they don't like people who eat alone.

   "It's definitely not okay to give you twenty points."

  At this moment, Xia Youhui also shook his head and said, "I think Ah Chu and Li Hao each get fifty points, and Li Meng and I get thirty points each, how about it?"

  Li Hao said in a deep voice, "Yes."

  Chen Chu nodded: "I have no objection either."

  Although he decisively killed the Golden-backed Violent Ape in the last battle, without Li Hao's head-on resistance regardless of the injury, he would not be able to consume in the early stage.

  And Xia Youhui's final outburst was also crucial, otherwise he might be escaped by the golden-backed violent ape.

   Once it enters the forest, it will be difficult to kill it.

   After all, there are trees everywhere inside. With the terrifying power of that violent ape, they might not be able to kill it by grabbing the towering tree and sweeping it down.

   "This..." Faced with this plan, Li Meng hesitated, feeling that he deserved it.

  Xia Youhui rolled his eyes: "What is this, mother-in-law and mother-in-law, do they look like men? The minority obeys the majority, so it's settled like this."

  In the end, Chen Chu got 50 contribution points, which was converted into a third-level life crystal worth 40 points of contribution, and also got 10 points of contribution.

  Li Hao just happened to get the corpse of the Golden-backed Violent Ape, and Xia Youhui also received 30 points of contribution. It can be said that everyone is happy.

   "You have transformed a high-concentration life force crystal and obtained 44 attributes."

  After the loot was distributed and the others dispersed, Chen Chu chose to transform it, and obtained more attribute points than he expected.

   It is important to know that the official pricing of life crystals is based on the purity of the life energy contained, not the concentration.

  Generally, the life crystal between the first level and the second level is three times floating.

  The difference between the second and third grades is less than three times, only more than double, but because the life energy is purer, the price is still three times.

   For most cultivators, high-purity life energy is more effective in strengthening their physique, but it is not very cost-effective for Chen Chu.

   But it doesn't matter, as the sword armored beast enters the sea, there will be an additional source of life crystals, and the contribution points he has accumulated can be used for other purposes.

   Such as exchanging advanced exercises and other extraordinary materials.

   But even so, the attribute points transformed by Chen Chu this time are equivalent to the sum of three second-level crystals, and he couldn't help but smile.

   But not enough.

  Chen Chu took the elevator to the underground logistics department, and first sent the curling blade and the severely deformed sword for maintenance.

   Now that he has a little money and contributed a lot, he is naturally embarrassed to ask Xia Youhui to repair his knife again.

  Chen Chuli said politely: "Excuse me, I still need to exchange for a first-level life crystal, an energy crystal."

  Xia Youhui gave him plenty of energy in the blue crystal. It was originally expected that he could practice for three months. At that time, the trial was almost over and he returned to school.

  But who knew that Chen Chu's breakthrough was too fast, and the energy absorption speed of the Empress of the Third Layer skyrocketed several times. This time, she completely absorbed the blue crystal the night she went out this time.

  He now has a total of 35 contribution points, and after exchanging one life crystal and one energy crystal, there are still 26 points left.

   Life crystals are still discounted at 20%, but energy crystals, which are already discounted at 30%, cannot be discounted.

   "You have transformed a life force crystal and gained 4 attributes."

  In the personal training room, Chen Chu looked at the 51-point attribute on the attribute page, and in anticipation, the thought sounded in his mind, "Extremely Strengthen Dragon Elephant Skill."

  As Chen Chu's voice fell, the 50 attribute points disappeared. At the same time, a majestic energy in the body poured into the dantian, and the dragon elephant's true power instantly rioted.

   Boom boom boom boom!

  Chen Chu's body faintly heard the roar of the rushing river, and the dragon elephant's true power swelled wildly and circulated, and the muscles, membranes, tendons and bones where it passed were greatly strengthened.

  Third Heaven wants to reach the Fourth Heaven, the dantian needs to be expanded three times.

  The true strength contained must reach ten times the initial strength, and then be continuously compressed and condensed, and finally the true strength will be liquefied, and the first qualitative change in strength can be completed before a breakthrough can be made.

  At this time, under the strengthening of attributes, the dantian expands by one point every time the Dragon Elephant Kungfu rotates, and the true power becomes stronger, and even the meridians of the whole body are expanding.

  In addition, Chen Chu also felt something gathering in his body, as if it was the 'essence' of the bully elephant's blood essence he had absorbed when he established his foundation.

  These essence and blood substances changed the nature of his skin membrane muscles and became more tenacious, and the true power also contained a trace of the violent nature of the power of a bully elephant.

  At this time, with the extreme strengthening of the exercises, these essences are gathering in the dantian in a way that Chen Chu doesn't understand.

  Under the gaze of Chen Chu's consciousness, the dantian in his body, which was empty but actually existed, quickly doubled, twice... his real power also doubled and skyrocketed.

   "Are you going to break through?"

   Just when Chen Chu thought that with this strengthening, he would break through the fourth heaven in one go at a speed far exceeding that of all geniuses, there was a loud shock in the depths of his dantian.


   A violent and domineering elephant roared and exploded, and a phantom of a giant elephant with a height of more than ten meters and a length of ten feet appeared in the center of the dantian.

  The terrifying giant elephant exploded with muscles all over its body, exuding a violent aura of power. It seemed that it could collapse mountains and flatten rivers with a single turn. It was extremely domineering.

   "Giant elephant!?" Looking at the terrifying phantom of the giant elephant, Chen Chu was shocked.

  Judging from its size and aura, Chen Chu can be sure that this giant elephant is at least level 6 or above, or even a level 7 mutant creature.

  But such a terrifying mutated monster blood essence is only 20 points a bottle?

  The government really gives preferential treatment to the students of the school.

  Chen Chu felt emotional in his heart, and somewhat understood why the contribution points were so precious, because under normal circumstances, the blood essence of this giant beast starts at least 50 points.

   While Chen Chu was feeling emotional, the phantom of the giant elephant kept shrinking, and finally condensed into a simple 'elephant'-shaped rune in the center of his dantian that he couldn't understand but understood the meaning.

   After a long time, Chen Chu slowly opened his eyes after the strengthening was over, feeling the soaring power in his body, and summoned the property page with a thought.

   Realm: Three Heavens

   Physique: 315+

  Power: 340+

  Agility: 250+

  Spirit: 241+

  Talent: Soul Split+

  gongfa: lotus platform meditation, dragon elephant work [extreme state] mind-eye sharp knife + [third floor]

   Rune: Elephant Fury [This is an incomplete real martial rune. When activated, it can burn the whole body's energy, blood and real power, increasing the defense and strength by ten times, just like a bully elephant sweeping everything]

  Attribute points: 1

  The ultimate enhancement effect this time is astonishing, allowing Chen Chu to condense the real martial arts rune in the third heaven, and his real power has skyrocketed by five times, making it more dense and cohesive.

  In addition, the dantian has been expanded to three times the limit in advance, and the meridians of the whole body are wider and tougher, which can carry stronger bursts of true power.

  The realm has directly broken through to the middle stage of the third heaven, and it can be broken through to the later stage with a little practice.

  Because of the breakthrough in the limit strengthening of the exercises, Chen Chu's physique and strength attributes also increased by 30 points.

  Of course, the biggest gain is the real martial arts rune. Although the remarks are incomplete, it can increase Chen Chu's combat power very terrifyingly.

  Under the influence of this True Martial Remnant Talisman, the power of his Dragon Elephant Kung Fu is equivalent to that of ordinary high-level kung fu, and under normal conditions, the power increase has increased from three times to five times.

   When the rune is activated, it is more powerful, with ten times the increase in power and defense, even if the golden-backed violent ape king appears in front of him now, he will be suppressed and killed by Chen Chu forcefully.

   It can be said that this breakthrough has increased his combat power several times.


  In the training room, Chen Chu's body was filled with thick black real power, exuding a violent and domineering aura of power, and every move would cause the air to vibrate.

  He is familiar with the power of inflation.

  The enhanced Dragon Elephant Skill made his strength more domineering and violent.


  In the base, Xiao Hai, Zhao Zhilong, Liu Feixu and Zhang Hong in military uniform walked together.

  Liu Feixu said lightly: "We have been searching for a month, and it seems that the crack should really not be around the city of Lestru."

  Zhang Hong said slowly: "The general kept us as a precaution."

   "And it would be better if the crack wasn't here, otherwise our four sixth heavens wouldn't be able to stop the lurking envoys of the Heretic God Sect."

  Xiao Hai's expression was also a little dignified: "I heard that the Cult of the Evil God attaches great importance to the cracks in Koroya, and will not let the Federation find and destroy them. There may be fallen people appearing this time."

   "Fallen!" The four of them froze instantly.

   Not far away at this time, Chen Chu, who had just finished training, came out of the training room, and the four of them paused for a moment.

  In their eyes, Chen Chu at this time was like a giant elephant, and an invisible sense of oppression permeated while walking, and the surrounding air seemed a little heavy.

  Zhang Hong was surprised and said: "Zhenwu Shenyun, I remember this student is from Nantian Wugao."

   "Yes." When Liu Feixu nodded, a look of shock flashed in her eyes.

  Zhang Hong praised: "As expected of my first-class university in Dongxia, there are so many monsters and geniuses, the skills he cultivates should be about strength and related to elephants."

   "I remember that Nantian Wugao has an advanced exercise called Dragon Elephant Overlord Body. After practicing, the power violently sweeps away everything, and it is very overbearing."

   "..." Faced with this question, Liu Feixu fell silent.

  Of course she wouldn't say that Chen Chu practiced the low-level technique of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu, otherwise this guy would definitely try to rob people on behalf of the military.

   Originally, when Chen Chu beheaded the third-level heavenly blood disciple and exposed the third-level heavenly cultivation base, she was a little shocked, but she didn't expect that the more shocking thing was to come later.

   It’s fine that a few people came back from beheading the Golden-backed Violent Ape King yesterday. It’s only been half a month, and they have cultivated the true martial charm of low-level exercises.

   Just when Liu Feixu was shocked, Xiao Hai and Zhao Zhilong were relatively calm.

  Zhao Zhilong sighed: "When the student Chen in front came to pick up the plane, I felt that he had extraordinary talent, and his talent must belong to the first echelon in Nantian Wugao."

   "It seems that I am not mistaken. I have broken through the third heaven in just over three months of practice, and I have also cultivated a true martial arts charm. The current new students are amazing."

   "Yes, young people are awesome." Xiao Hai nodded in agreement.

   "By the way, when I came back this morning, I heard that four freshmen from Nantian Wugao entered the Kata Mountains and hunted and killed more than a dozen mutant beasts."

   "There is also a mutant violent ape with a trace of king-level blood, could it be..."

  Liu Feixu nodded: "That's right, it's the golden-backed violent ape hunted and killed by Chen Chu and the three freshmen from the Third Heaven."

   Immediately Zhang Hong, Xiao Hai and Zhao Zhilong praised Nantian Wugao and Chen Chu again, not noticing Liu Feixu's increasingly strange expression.

  She felt that even if she told the three of them now, they wouldn't believe the fact that this freshman's initial talent was only average, and the foundation was only built in half a month.

   It seems that after returning home, he should report it to the principal, otherwise it would be too unfair to Chen Chu, an invisible genius who has accumulated a lot of money.

   Eight chapters have been updated, six of which have been updated by Nuan Yang, and the remaining four chapters will continue to be updated after I finish editing in the afternoon. Brothers, remember to vote for monthly votes to support it.



  (end of this chapter)