MTL - Immortal Sword Master-Chapter 25 On the flag

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I took a rest, Lin Xin picked up the array device and continued reading. The flame of the oil lamp was slightly shaken by the cold wind outside the stone house.

Noisy .....

I don't know when it will rain outside.

Lin Xin opened the window and looked at the two stone houses on his left. They were where Wang Chong and Xiao Lingling lived. There was light in Wang Chong's room, but Xiao Lingling's stone house was a little dark. Light up.

The novice on Lin Lin pressed on the window sill, the cold touch of the stone passed down his finger to his forearm, and then to his whole body, which immediately caused him a chill.

The heavy raindrops of cowpea occasionally floated over the window stone platform and splashed on the back of his hand.

"It's cold ..." He shrank and felt the temperature drop suddenly.

I recalled what Ji Lushi said earlier that it would be freezing rain here at night, but staying outside would hinder practice.

"The temperature outside is estimated to be only three or four degrees ..." Lin Xin estimated it, returned to the desk he just bought, and sat down with the bright red paint smell on the table to continue reading "Details of the Matrix".

"Tomorrow must find a way to solve the food and grain problem." Lin Xin has discovered that the food here is not right. The food and food distributed here is not the kind of rice purchased, but the kind of chocolate bean. Other food.

Because the inner qi is actually extracted from food, Lin Xin has a better grasp in this respect.

In the past, he had to eat four or five meals a day, and from time to time, he had to add some snacks and jerky to support the spiritual practice. Now he just ate a meal of that kind and felt that he was not hungry. And the amount of internal air extracted is more than before.

I read the book for a while, Lin Xin extinguished the oil lamp, washed his face and feet with the river water that came today, and then went to the bed and covered the quilt.

The soft white quilt was very warm. He squeezed the gap around his neck tightly, and wrapped himself in the quilt.

I glanced at the ceiling of the stone house, where there was only a rough gray.

This sleeping style is exactly the same as in his previous life, which suddenly made him have the illusion of returning to the earth, as if he was now sleeping in his bedroom wrapped in a quilt.

Huh! clang! !!

Suddenly a sound of staggered collisions came from the window.

"Zhou Yaxuan !!! You **** !!!" A man with a roar of anger, seemed to be mixed with a woman's sneer.

"You're stupid yourself, who else blame ..."

The voices of the two men quickly passed the nearby stone house, rushed into the mountain forest in the distance, and were quickly covered by the sound of rain.

He Linxin listened to the voice outside, and the illusion just now was swept away.

"I'm not on the earth anymore ..." He sighed. Tighten the quilt tightly, close your eyes and slowly go to sleep.


Zhe Lin's new model turned around in a vague manner, and heard Shimen knocking loudly.

"Lin Xin! Haven't got up yet?" Wang Chong's voice came in.

I opened my eyes, and the dazzling sunlight was transmitted through the gap of the stone window, and the light just hit the detailed array of spreaders on the table.

I took a few breaths and Lin Xin answered.

"Come, wait a minute."

"Hurry up, we need to pick up the task early!" Wang Chong shouted outside.

Gao Linxin quickly got up, put on clothes, and then opened the door. Wang Chong and Xiao Lingling were both standing outside, already well-groomed.

"What are you so anxious for?" He frowned.

"It's not urgent, Xiao Ling asked. Every morning here, when the sun is rising, it's the time to send out tasks. Only the rest will be picked up late. Hurry up. Otherwise you will delay your practice. "

King Wang Chong explained hastily.

Lin Linxin also understood.

"I'll be right away." He quickly washed his face and sipped his mouth with salt water. Then he left the stone house with the two and walked to the periphery of the town.

I walked through a small piece of peach forest and climbed a **** up the mountain. On the way, you can see the named disciples up and down the mountain. Some look gloomy and others look relaxed. In groups of threes, twos, threes and fives, there are very few lone rangers.

As the road up the mountain, there were more and more people. The three quickly reached the top. Hundreds of people gathered in a crowd, crowded into a large group of diversely colored people, all eyes were staring ahead. That huge white stone wall.

The flint wall was extremely white and smooth, and someone wrote a lot of charcoal on it, line by line. Words are densely packed, and a little dizzy.

Zhe Lin Xinyao looked away, more than thirty meters apart, and actually saw the small size of the fingernails written on it.

Investigative mission: A case of missing persons in Jin Yuzong, with a time limit of six months and a threat level of three. ’

‘Hunting mission: Xuanzang Dongling Zhongzi defected, entered the area of ​​the sect, and could hunt with a position array device. Time limit is one month. Threat level four. ’

Investigating mission: Investigating the Misty Town in Outland to obtain a century-old renji, specific information can be provided. The time limit is three months and the threat level is six. ’

Gao Linxin roughly glanced at the missions above all with threat levels three to nine.

"The threat level represents our inner air level. The number represents three, which is the third level of Guiyuanjue. That is to say, the enemies that may appear in this task are estimated to be the third level. Of course, the information is unknown. Under certain circumstances, there may be changes, so it is better to take a higher level than this threat level. ”Xiao Lingling seems to have inquired about it now.

"The three of us are new and it is best to form a mission together. The success rate is also higher." She suggested. "Also our level is too low, it is best to look at the following."

Zhe Lin nodded and looked down, seeing a row of low-level missions densely written on the stone wall.

注意到 He noticed that there is a small gazebo beside the stone wall. There are several young people sitting in it. As soon as someone wants to take the task, they go in and register, and then they will go out and erase and write on the stone wall.

"How about this!" Wang Chong suddenly pointed at the right corner of the densely packed hundreds of messages on the stone wall.

Gao Linxin looked down.

Collecting tasks: collecting corpse water, multiplayer tasks, unlimited number. Collect one hundred bottles of Yinfeng Mountain's corpse water, the difficulty level is one, and the time limit is three months. ’

"The reward and the difficulty level correspond, the higher the difficulty, the higher the reward."

Xiao Lingling explained.

Zhe Linxin was silent, and she could see that there was no danger in this kind of task, but the unlimited number meant low pay.

In contrast, he is more inclined to take a thorough research on how to use his ability before taking the task.

I can see that Xiao Lingling should be paying attention to this task, and yes, it is also good to find some simple tasks in the early stage to accumulate experience.

"Both of you together, I want to see it alone."

Xiao Xiaoling glanced at Lin Xin, a little puzzled, but said nothing.

"Well, let's break up." If she wasn't for the trio's sake, she could join a better group with her sense ability. I didn't expect Lin Xin was not willing to accept her company. bona fide.

Wang Wangchong also did not understand, but was quickly pulled by Xiao Lingling to approach the stone wall. Xiao Lingling was very familiar with the two men around him, and she became familiar with a few smiles. Take advantage of beauty.

Zhe Linxin stood alone outside the crowd without saying much, but finally looked at the task wall and turned to walk down the mountain.

His plan is not to take the task first, but to use his ability to see if he can create a banner, and get the difference after selling. After earning enough jade money, you can complete your monthly tasks more safely after purchasing equipment and supplies.

He returned to the stone house by himself. Without any delay, he immediately began to find out the detailed explanation of the array, turned to the section of Xiaoyanyang array, and began to concoct the materials.

The loquat tree roots, stone powder, scorpion, and other materials were processed one by one, and all of them were not processed until noon.

I wasted a lot of materials because I was a novice for the first time.

After eating the last meal of dark chocolate beans, Lin Xin sat on his knees on the bed and began to adjust his breath, more than an hour later. He got out of bed and started to form a small Yanyang array banner.

取出 Remove a total of more than a dozen materials separately, all of which are powdered and crushed, and then use a jar to fill with water and fill the powdered crumbs to start cooking.

I simmered for more than an hour on the stove until the water inside boiled into a thick liquid like a paste.

Zhe Linxin took out the white cloth he bought first, cut it into pieces and threw it in.

The white cloth was soon dyed black and was taken out by Lin Xin.

Oddly enough, these black cloths dried quickly just after they were taken out, and there was no wet feeling on them.

The whole stone house is full of strong medicine at this time.

Zhe Lin opened the window to let the medicine smell out. After the fire was extinguished, he took a prepared black cloth, put out the chicken blood ink he bought, bit his own finger, dripped a drop of blood into the ink, and stirred evenly.

"It's time to start ..."

He stood at his desk and read the book www. takes a deep breath.

Take out the writing brush, dip it in ink, and slowly write a small Yanyang array on the black cloth.

This is a very simple R-shaped symbol, but there are three more points on R's head, which looks weird.

Lin Xin held his breath. According to the book, the inner air controlled the hand, let it tremble and stop once every three breaths, and the stylized handwriting stopped after shaking, a real symbol, the thickness of the handwriting, the uniformity To be exactly the same every time.

This is a very difficult thing. This is also the key reason why the formation method is difficult to produce. What is required is extreme precision.

With Lin Xin's internal force controlling, the arm stably wrote the first stroke.


Suddenly the black cloth under Lin's novice suddenly spontaneously ignited. Scared, Lin Xin quickly ran away, and soon saw that the entire black cloth burned directly into a ball of black ash and remained on the desk. The strange thing was that the wooden desk did not have any trace of burning.

"Failed ... it must be that the strokes are not uniform enough."

He was not discouraged. He continued to take out the next black cloth and began to write. A pot of black paste dyed 30 black cloths. It took a copy of the material.

The small Yanyang formation needs to successfully draw five symbols to form a formation flag, so Lin Xin is still abundant in materials.

The second block continues.

In the first stroke, Lin Xin tried to control his stability as much as possible, and in the second stroke, the temperature on the black cloth began to rise significantly.

Gao Linxin held a writing brush, and more than ten centimeters from the black cloth could feel the rush of heat rushing to his hands.

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