MTL - Immortal Sword Master-Chapter 23 Ready to go

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"How?" Lin Xin and Wang Chong were a little confused.

"My exercises have a strong ability to sense ..." Xiao Lingling swallowed, "The woman's inner spirit ... at least a hundred times more than the three of us combined!"

Hiss ...

The king rushed down and took a breath.

Zhe Linxin also changed his face a bit.

"This is not where we can come. Go!"


The three of them hurried away. Walking towards the stone house getting shorter and shorter, as they passed through the center of the town, they saw the huge stele that had been inserted upside down on the ground, densely filled with words.

I occasionally stopped a few people in front of me to watch, and then left in a hurry.

The three of them stepped forward to observe.

I saw the densely painted map of the whole town.

The map is a standard square. On the left is a two-storey stone house. The farther to the right, the shorter and shorter the distance from the river. There are also a few small circles on the side, some are marked with the word bazaar, and some standard miscellaneous offices.

Below is the daily schedule.

Every month there is an evangelistic meeting. Brothers and sisters who have refining periods talk about the Fa and explain their confusion.

There is also a place where Qihuang hand is marked, which is obviously a place for medical care.

The other is farmland, vegetable land and woodland for firewood. It's all in the forest near the town, a little far away.

The characters above are written in traditional Chinese, and they do n’t seem to be commonly used characters. Fortunately, Xiao Lingling has a good foundation and recites them.

When the three of them looked at the stele, Xiao Lingling's recitation also attracted two newcomers who seemed to be new. However, the two did not intend to communicate with them. After listening, they left directly.

"Let's go to the worst stone house first," Lin Xin said.

The two did not object.

I didn't take a few steps to carry the bag, and I met a group of five people heading towards them.

女人 The woman at the front held a rough epee, staring coldly at the three.

"Newcomer, it really is!"

女子 The woman's bangs hang down to cover her right face, and she is in a gray and black tight-fitting silk dress, which looks like a female ninja.

The other people who were with her were also in similar costumes, including male and female, all looking at the three like the little sheep.

"Give all the rations out." The epee woman's sword dropped downward and knocked on the ground.

Zhe Lin's new three looked tight.

"Why should we give you something?" Wang Chong couldn't help it.

"You can beat us, you can go, but if you can't fight, just stay." Epee woman said lightly.

"Don't you be afraid of door regulations ?!" Wang Chong's face was obviously a little panicked.

Xiao Lingling was also a little pale, obviously neither of them had gone through actual combat.

"Door gauge?" The others could not help laughing.

A man pulled out a long sword.

"There is no rule that you can't grab people."

Zhe Linxin looked around, the others around the stone monument either pretended not to see it, or stood aside watching the excitement.

A man in white dressed as a wealthy son came out from the other side of the trail with several people at this time. When he saw this scene, the son chuckled and shook the light yellow folding fan.

"This Zheng Xiuqin is still so unpromising, and she has been so good with Wu Lianda. Five years as a slave can give you the right to live in the best stone houses. It is better than grabbing new food here."

"Of the five women Wu Lianda who fancy in the outer area, she has a strong temperament. Otherwise, she won't be supported until now." The other shook his head and said.

"Say the same. Let's go, the task is important."

The grandson of the family gathered up the folding fan, and took several people to pass by the side of the stele, and went straight towards the town.

The three Lin Xin looked at each other's number. Xiao Lingling directly sensed that the cultivation of the people in front of them was stronger than the three of them.

Xiao Lingling is unreliable, but they are not willing to pay the ration in this way, Lin novice slowly touched the hilt of the sword.

"Want to do it?" The woman sneered, "It seems unwilling."

Huh! !!

Gao Linxin suddenly drew his sword, a Songyang needle came out, and struck the woman with three white lights.


As soon as three o'clock Baiguang floated out not too far, the woman raised her hand and swept away with a sword, just like a broom sweeping away the dust from the leaves.

When Lin Lin's new internal force burst out, he was severely interrupted, and the long sword was set aside. Suddenly, there was a dullness in his chest, and there seemed to be a tingling in the heart socket that was fleeting.

The skill gap is too big!

"Here is something for you!" He threw the bag in his hand without hesitation.

The woman took the bag, looked at Xiao Lingling and Wang Chong, both of whom looked very ugly, hesitated, and eventually lost the bag.

"The first layer of Guiyuanjue dare to do it, yes." The woman glanced at Lin Xin.

"I just want to try the gap." Lin Xin shook his head. "Are you terrible here?" He then asked.

"Amazing?" The woman laughed dumbly, a little bit of resentment flashed in the corner of her eyes.

"Listening to the Valley of the Sword, I am only the 143rd in the outer zone, and there are more than 600 people in the entire outer zone. Do you say I am not terrible?"

She quickly asked her men to take out the contents of the bag, checked it, took out a wooden bottle to about two-thirds, and put the wooden bottle back in.

Then she threw her baggage back to the three.

Xin Lin catches the baggage and looks at the other side in a stunned way. He is weak and strong, but he has already acknowledged it, but what does it mean when the other party throws it back?

"I'll leave you a ration for one day, and go to the outer area to find a stone house early." The woman turned and took someone away.

Zhe Lin's new three could only stand and watch each other leave.

"I am 143 Zheng Xiuqin, and I welcome three of them to seek revenge at any time." The woman actually announced her name loudly.

Xin Lin was expressionless and looked at the other party leaving completely, while Wang Chong was aggrieved and Xiao Lingling's face was ugly. It is estimated that a young lady like her is the first time she has been bullied so naked.

"We are too weak." Lin Xin whispered, "Hurry up and find a place to live."

Nian Wangchong did not speak. The three were on the first level of Guiyuanjue. There was no resistance at all in the face of Zheng Xiuqin and others who were at least the second and possibly the third.

Leaving the stone monument area in a hurry, the three rushed towards the increasingly shorter and rougher stone house area, and gradually more people were on the road. Some of them started to fight directly on the open space, and they were entangled with each other. Several people were still standing and pointing.

Some of them gathered together, and seemed to be waiting for people to come together, ready to do something together.

They also saw that in addition to Zheng Xiuqin's group, there was another black-haired fat man with a group who was robbing others.

The rest of the people seemed to be accustomed to it. The atmosphere of the whole town was strange. From time to time, the **** swordsman could see the **** body creep into the stone house. There were also neatly rushing out of the stone house.

The row number of Shishiya also increased from dozens to hundreds, and then two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred. Until six hundred areas.

The salamander is almost the most marginal part of the town, and further out is a lush mountain forest, and from time to time there are crow-like bird calls.

After a while, the three talents found some vacant stone houses at the outermost edge.

The three of them chose three houses next to each other, namely 670,671,672.

Zulin's new house is at 670. It's just a small single room less than three meters wide. It can't be too small. It has a wooden bed that can't be broken any more, but it looks like it's about to fall apart.

Nothing except inside the bed. Lin Xin sighed and directly lifted the rotten bed and threw it out. He folded a large fork tree from the woods as a broom and swept the stone room again, which was barely able to live.

At this time, Wang Chong and Xiao Lingling respectively cleaned the stone room, and then quickly went back to practice conditioning.

After what just happened, both of them apparently had a desire for strength, and they began to hurry up every minute.

Zhe Lin shook her head and looked hot towards the clouds and mountains, where the end of the white stone steps extended. It is also where the real Songlin sword school Neizong resides, and it is where the formal disciples live and live.

"Is the Immortal ... Longevity? Really amazing ..." The thought of an ordinary person can also have the opportunity to come into contact with this legendary realm, and he can't help but feel a little fiery.

Although my qualifications are not working, there are abilities. As long as you succeed once, you can learn one thing. Maybe you can go to the market here first to see if you can find some ways to give play to your strengths.

Deep in the Pine Forest Sword School

"Devil's way, the treasures of the Yuan Dynasty under the control of the Plum Blossom Sect appear different treasures, maybe an opportunity for me to wait for the right way."

下 Under the gray sky, a young road chief stood on a earthy yellow cliff. He looked into the air in front of him. There was nothing and nothing, but his expression was very respectful.

"This matter is put on hold, Jin Yuzong is trying his best to collect materials and herbs, refining Jinyuhua Lingdan. You go to Jinyuzong and ask for two Lingdan for me." An old voice suddenly came from the air, echoing over the cliff. .

"The disciples will go immediately." Dao Dao bowed his head and said.


Outside the cold white stone wall, a row of stone houses lined up side by side, facing the stone wall.

Some of the stone houses are empty and others are hung at the door with some cloths as shop signs, both yellow and red, with traditional Chinese characters faintly on the top.

The streets were extremely deserted, and only occasionally a few people came out of the shop and hurried back to the town, or left in the direction of the mountain. There were only a few 20 people hanging around on the street.

One of the larger stores had a black flag hanging on the stone pillar outside the door, and wrote: Yu Guangzhai.

There are all kinds of mess in the store. UU Reading is green, black, yellow, red, and white, in all colors, as large as a palm-sized shell, half a tall gourd, as small as a copper coin. Little eggs, some weird shaped bronzes.

A lot of things can't fit in the store, they are directly placed on the two steps outside the store.

Behind the counter in the shop was a middle-aged woman in a white hat, a long red dress, and waist and legs roughly as thick as a bucket. Was holding sunflower seeds.

"Wu Niang, haven't Fuyu got any new goods recently? Why are these old things still?" A male swordsman walking in the shop was dissatisfied.

"There are less things coming out recently. It is estimated that there are not many raw materials this time, and I can't." The fat woman was lazy.

"Where is the array method? There is no complete set of evil groups, just two and a half pieces." Another pair of outside disciples who seemed to be couples complained.

Wu Wuniang was about to speak, and saw a young man dressed up as a knight in a river and lake walking into the shop door.

The puppet man was in a brown-black leather outfit, and strangely, a belt was tied around his waist, with a large skull in the middle. The white skulls are empty, and the bones on the surface seem blue.

"Gu Xinjian Zhuangzi, why are you free to come to my shop today?" Wu Niang immediately stood up with a smile, except for the counter, who greeted everyone diligently.

"No. 10 Bonesword in the inner zone ?!"

The other people in the shop on the edge of Hebian heard the bones of the sword, and suddenly looked slightly changed, leaving a vacant space, lest they could avoid it.

There are two people who don't want to cause trouble even leave the store directly and take a step first. Fat Wu Niang doesn't care.

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