MTL - Immortal Mansion Longevity-Chapter 691 suffered heavy casualties, escaped

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  Chapter 691 Heavy casualties, escaped from birth

  In this environment, mana is being consumed rapidly every minute.

   It must be continuous and use various means to resist the black rain. Guo Poyun, Liao Yunxi and others have no energy to turn around and rescue.

  As for Xu Haoran and others, they don't have such strength at this time, and they can't act alone without Liu Yu.

  They clearly know that if they look back, they will probably never return!

  As expected, in just three breaths, the team rose less than two miles, and some monks of the Purple Scarf Army couldn't hold on.


  The spell could not be connected, and the mana shield was completely corroded by the black rain. The body of a cultivator of the Purple Turban Army was immediately exposed to the black rain.


   "Zi Zi ~"

  His clothes were instantly corroded by the black rain.

   Shocking blood holes also appeared on Jin Dan's body, which quickly turned into a strange black and purple color.

  In the blink of an eye, his whole person changed beyond recognition.


   Unable to maintain the imperial flight anymore, the person fell straight down and disappeared into the bottomless darkness.

  In the perception of everyone, this person's breath of life rapidly weakened, and soon disappeared completely.

   Seeing this scene, some monks saw pain and intolerance in their eyes, but under the baptism of repeated black rain, there was nothing they could do.

   "Friends of the Ancient City."

  Under the silver-white light curtain, Xu Haoran and the others opened their mouths to speak when they saw their companion who had been with him day and night die unexpectedly.

  Maintaining the light curtain, Liu Yu looked dignified, but shook his head slightly, expressing his helplessness.

   In fact, he is certainly capable of rescue.

  But the sudden appearance of highly poisonous black rain has to make people think that the "Black Water Cave" is about to recover.

  In this case, every breath counts.

  Liu Yu was naturally unwilling to waste time for a few Purple Scarf Army monks and put himself in danger.

  Anyway, the main goal of this trip is Xu Haoran. As long as this person is brought out safely, even if other monks are killed or injured, I believe the mission can be considered completed.

  At this time, he was sweating profusely while maintaining the silver-white light curtain, and he looked like he was doing his best, and no one could fault it.

  This black rain is strange and extraordinary, and others don't know how difficult it is for Liu Yu to maintain the silver-white light screen, so naturally they have nothing to say.


   It didn't fly very far, and there was another scream at the end.

  Another cultivator of the Purple Scarf Army couldn't hold on, his body was exposed to the highly poisonous black rain, and he fell into the depths of the darkness screaming, his breath of life quickly weakened.

  Of course, everyone went up five miles and saw the light source representing the exit of the fairy prison, and the pressure they endured increased several times.

  As if the dominoes had collapsed, one after another the monks of the Purple Scarf Army couldn't hold on, and fell into the depths of the darkness.

  Some people screamed, their eyes were full of fear; some people were full of hope, hoping that their comrades would come to the rescue;

   Under the threat of death, all kinds of monks behaved differently.

  Under the baptism of the highly poisonous black rain, in just a few breaths, the team was reduced by half, and ten of the rescued monks of the Purple Scarf Army died.

  Except for the eleven Xu Haoran who were protected by the silver-white light curtain, none of the rest were spared.

   As for Guo Poyun and Liao Yunxi, although their cultivation bases were profound and their strength intact, their aura gradually became unstable under the baptism of the highly poisonous black rain.

   It looks like it won't last long.

   But fortunately, the exit is close at hand!



   "Boom boom boom!"

  It was raining heavily, and all kinds of spiritual lights in the dark shone tenaciously, dimming and brightening continuously, like inexhaustible weeds.

  Facing the poisonous black rain, the team was reduced to 21 people, and slowly approached the light source little by little.

  One mile, half a mile, fifty feet

  As the exit got closer, Liu Yu and the others became more vigilant.

   I haven't forgotten the golden core guards, but there are still three fish that slipped through the net.

   It was only until everyone returned to the ground that the expected attack did not come, and there was no shadow of Jindan guards at all.

  The familiar passage came into view, because the entire space collapsed on a large scale, and the road behind had disappeared out of thin air.

  There is only one piece of bluestone hanging outside, and a passage tens of feet long ahead.

  Colorful auras flicker from time to time, making the passageway look less dim, and the exit of the Immortal Prison is within easy reach.


  Stepping on the lonely Qingshi hanging outside, looking at the familiar passage, everyone suddenly felt relieved.

   Arrive here, and then walk a few tens of feet, you can reach the black iron gate when you came.

   It can be said that it is only one step away from escaping and ascending to heaven.

  The spiritual consciousness of everyone can already glance at the wreckage of the black iron gate and some scenes outside.

  Not far from the passage, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, but it doesn't reach here for the time being.

  It is only three or five feet apart, but it seems like two worlds!


   After confirming that it was safe, Liu Yu dispersed the silver-white light curtain and exhaled heavily.

   During the ten or so breaths of the baptism of the highly poisonous black rain, he consumed a full 40% of his body training mana. The power of the seemingly inconspicuous black rain can be seen.

  Of course, there is also the reason for protecting Xu Haoran and others, and the silver-white light curtain is as wide as possible.

  As for Guo Poyun and others, their mana consumption is even greater, and their power has dropped by less than half compared to their heyday.

   On the contrary, under the protection of Liu Yu, Xu Haoran and others did not consume much mana.

   It's just the successive deaths of their companions, which dealt them a big blow.

  Many people's eyes were red, looking into the depths of the dark space where the poisonous black rain fell, it was difficult to accept the reality.

  Sudden changes happened, in just ten breaths, ten companions fell one after another!


   After temporarily getting rid of the crisis, several core members of the Commoner League gasped.

   It is no better than Liu Yu's silver-white light curtain, which can effectively resist the highly toxic black rain. They can only use various methods alternately to try their best to push away the falling black rain, but the effect is relatively not very good.

   Some core members who couldn't bear the damage to the magic weapon did not choose to sacrifice the magic weapon. There were inevitably some loopholes in the defense, and a small amount of black rain fell on the flesh.

  When the mind and body are highly tense, I don’t feel anything.

  But as soon as they relaxed their minds at this time, bursts of heartaches came one after another, making them sweat coldly.

  Unknowingly, the place where the black rain fell was already **** and black and purple, and some of the flesh and blood were completely necrotic.

  And the necrotic area is still expanding at a not slow speed, and the toxicity is spreading towards the meridians and dantian.

   Suddenly, the faces of the injured members changed drastically.

  They quickly pinched the Fajue to heal the wound, and sealed the necrotic area with magic power to prevent the toxicity from spreading.

  As for discharging the black rain, there is no time at this time, and we can only wait until after the operation is over.

   "The power of the Tier 4 formation is really too strong for a Golden Core cultivator."

   "Just mobilizing a small amount of power will cause heavy casualties to the team."

  Looking around with his spiritual sense, Liu Yu glanced at a teammate, and couldn't help shaking his head slightly, the sense of urgency in his heart became stronger.

  As soon as the poisonous black rain appeared, there were still many low-level monks in the space, and the life breath disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

   At this time, there is no life breath left at the bottom of the space ten miles below.

   In the darkness, there was a deathly silence.

   "I'm sorry, just now Gu is really helpless, I'm sorry for those comrades who died!"

   "If I had desperately killed the guard commander before, perhaps the tragedy just now would not have happened"

  Liu Yu clasped his hands, showing a little guilt on his face at the right time.

  Although there is no fluctuation in my heart, if I am not sad at this time, it seems a little unreasonable?

   "Everything has its own number of days, right?!"

   "You don't have to blame yourself, Fellow Daoist of the ancient city, Haoran knows that you have tried your best."

   "The exit is right in front of you. If those comrades have not taken this step, maybe everything is destined."


   Looking back at the poisonous rain curtain, Xu Haoran murmured, his face was very disappointed.

   After finishing speaking, he sighed heavily, without any intention of blaming.

   After all, Liu Yu's performance just now is obvious to all. He has indeed "done his best", and it's not that he will die.


   "Let's go."

  After a brief rectification, Liu Yu soared into the air, and disappeared into the passage in a flash.

   It took about two breaths to deal with the injury on the bluestone, and everyone continued to set off.

  Breaks of light fell into the passage, and the darkness quickly quieted down, except for the sound of black water droplets falling, which continued to resound.

   But in the entire prison, it is likely that no monk survived, and it was already silent.


  Flying away at extreme speed, only a moment passed, and the black iron gate came into view.

  Three-sided protective flame shield surrounds the whole body, a layer of azure aura glows on the surface of the body, and the spiritual consciousness scans the surroundings all the time.

  Liu Yuyi is bold and bold, directly passing through the black iron gate.

  The next moment, the sight in front of him suddenly widened.

  A black ice wall caught the eye and rapidly enlarged, showing a tendency to melt.

  The black water, which is highly poisonous and can quickly destroy the body of a Golden Core cultivator, is already showing signs of flowing.

   It won't take long for the "Black Water Cave Secluded Formation" to fully recover.


  Seeing this scene, Liu Yudunguang didn't pause at all, and directly passed through the gap in the black ice wall.

  After passing through the black ice wall, he paused and looked towards Guo Poyun, Liao Yunxi, Xu Haoran and others.

   There is a big stone in my heart, and I finally put it down at this time, so I don't have to worry about being trapped in the Heishan Immortal Prison.

  Successfully rescued Xu Haoran, although nearly half of the 21st golden core of the Purple Scarf Army was lost, but the mission was successfully completed.

  After all, in the Heishan Immortal Prison, everything is unknown, and some casualties are inevitable.

   During the rescue process, although there were several interceptions, Liu Yu forcibly got through them all with his tyrannical strength.

  In his feeling, everything was still too smooth, so smooth that it felt unreal.

   "That's right, maybe this is the normal situation."

   "After all, my strength at this time is already a real "Holy Child"."

   "If you have no reservations, it's normal to be in the top ten of the real person list and not meet your opponent."

   "These three interceptions are already close to death for ordinary monks."

   "Without myself, this operation has a high probability of failure."

   Liu Yu thought about it again, and felt relieved.

  The only thing he is afraid of is this "black water cave formation" in front of him.

  As for the formation mechanism in the fairy prison, it is a fatal threat to ordinary golden cores, but he still doesn't take it seriously.

  Even if it is the last highly poisonous black rain, with the "Star Avatar" of the late third-order stage, hard resistance can last for a long time.


  When we went there, the wind was dry and there was no sign of rain. When everyone returned to the ground, there was light rain in the night sky.

  The rain blurred the sight and lowered the sound a lot.

  But in Liu Yu's spiritual sense, the fighting skills of several Nascent Soul True Monarchs fluctuated, and the terrifying power fluctuations were still clearly visible even if they were tens of miles away.


  Escaped to ascend to heaven, Xu Haoran and the other monks from the Purple Scarf Army looked ecstatic and couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

  Someone directly dispersed the mana shield, and any rainwater soaked the prison uniform, as if trying to wash away the past.

   Someone closed his eyes and opened his arms, letting the rain wash over his face, as if he wanted to embrace a new life.

  Some people look down, their eyes are a little moist, maybe they can't let go of the past, or they can't forget their dead companions.

   But no matter what, they all survived the torture and torture of the monks of Qianting, and passed through the long dark years.

   Experienced the baptism of the poisonous black rain, and finally regained freedom!


  Under the washing of the rain, some monks couldn't help but shouted to the sky, wantonly venting all kinds of emotions in their hearts.

   Seeing this scene, Liu Yu shook his head slightly, but he also somewhat understood their excitement.

  Right now it is relatively safe, Zhenjun Qianting is still far away, and it is fine to stay for a while, so he did not urge him.

   "It's really hard to end well with Qianting Holy Land."

   "Knowing that you can't do it, you do it, so among thousands of casual cultivators, the Purple Scarf Army has always had a very high reputation."

   "It's really not easy for these fellow Taoists."

   Silently watching the people of the Purple Scarf Army, Guo Poyun had a complicated expression, and said through sound transmission.

  Eyes are the windows to the soul. At this moment, the eyes of this person contain rich emotions.

  There is an unstoppable longing, and there is also a guilt that dare not come forward.

  Struggle requires bloodshed and sacrifice. Not every casual cultivator can have such a profound understanding.

  Hearing the words, Liu Yu nodded slightly, but did not speak.

   They were only imprisoned for a period of time, but they were rescued in the end. The fate of Xu Haoran's eleven people should be relatively good.

  He knew that most of the casual cultivators who fought against the Holy Land of Qianting should have died in obscurity, and often died without a whole body.

  Once it falls into the hands of Qianting Holy Land, no organization will send people to rescue it.

  Given the strength gap between the Sanxiu organization and the Holy Land of Qianting, there is simply not enough strength to launch a rescue, and it would be nothing more than death in vain.

  Just like this time, if they didn't have themselves and didn't take advantage of the right time and place, Guo Poyun and others would probably never return.

  Besides, casual repair organizations are divided into radicals and conservatives, and radical organizations do not belong to each other, and all forces cannot be condensed together.

   There is still a long way to go for casual cultivators to turn around.

   "Sorry, fellow daoists, I lost my composure just now."

   After venting for about ten breaths, Xu Haoran and others gradually regained their composure, and they clasped their hands openly.

   "Nothing, I can understand the mood of fellow comrades at the moment."

  Liu Yu smiled slightly, and waved his hands to show that he didn't mind.

   Immediately, his smile faded away, his face became serious, and he stared at the direction where several Nascent Soul True Monarchs were fighting, and said slowly:

   "Right now, we are not completely out of danger."

   "Since you have rescued all comrades, you should leave this place quickly."

   "Elder Qingshui is ready to retreat. I will get close to the battlefield first and get a specific way to leave."

  After the words fell, everyone in the Purple Scarf Army nodded and had no other opinions.

  The restriction on the Golden Core has not yet been lifted. At present, their strength is only slightly stronger than that of the Foundation Establishment monks, so naturally everything depends on the arrangement.

   "Restrain your breath and try not to attract Zhenjun Qianting's attention."

  After saying this, Liu Yu rushed into the heavy rain and slowly approached the Nascent Soul Battlefield as soon as the mana in his body was raised.

  During this period of time, the place where the Nascent Soul and Zhenjun fought was a certain distance away from the Heishan Immortal Prison.

  Currently, between ninety-five and one hundred miles.

  In order not to expose the consciousness far beyond the realm, he did not send out the sound transmission immediately, but planned to get closer to a certain distance, and then send the sound transmission to Zhenjun Qingshui.

   After all, just after cultivating to the late stage of Jindan, the range of spiritual consciousness has reached 150 miles, which is too shocking to hear, so we should always pay attention to this aspect.

  No matter in any region, the primordial spirit is the most difficult to improve, and it has nothing to do with the primordial spirit.


  In the drizzle, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and a group of eleven people entered the rain curtain one after another, and their figures disappeared quickly.

   Until then, the low-level monks on Luofu Mountain dared to poke their heads out a little.


  In a hidden corner, watching Liu Yu and his party go away, the commander of the second guard also heaved a sigh of relief.

   But soon, he frowned, thinking about how to tide over the difficulties.

  After all, the Heishan Immortal Prison was almost destroyed, and he couldn't stop the other party from saving people. He couldn't get rid of the responsibility of negligence no matter what.



  Because of Xu Haoran and the others being dragged down, the group couldn't escape at full speed, and only escaped twenty miles in ten or so breaths.

  Approaching within seventy miles of the Nascent Soul Battlefield, Liu Yu locked onto Zhenjun Qingshui's position, and immediately pinched Fa Jue with both hands, sending out an encrypted sound transmission.

   "Elder Qing Shui, this junior has successfully rescued his comrades from the Purple Scarf Army, including Xu Haoran."

  The consciousness of the Nascent Soul monster started at least two hundred miles away, and it was easy to inquire about the communication of the Jindan monk's spiritual consciousness.

   Therefore, if you want to avoid being snooped, you must use a special sound transmission method, which cannot convey too much information, and can only be concise.

  In fact, with Liu Yu's spiritual strength, even if no special means were used, it would not be easy for a monk in the early stage of Yuanying to find out.

  But in order to hide his attainments in this area, he still chose to enter within seventy miles, and then use special means to encrypt.

  The spiritual consciousness of a late Jindan monk is generally around ninety miles.

  The reason why the sound transmission is closer to twenty miles is because the aftermath of the Nascent Soul-level battle will have a greater impact on the spread of spiritual consciousness.

  The dense rain curtain also has a little influence.

  After sending out the sound transmission, the group of people escaped without stopping, and continued to stay away from the Heishan Immortal Prison, but did not approach the Nascent Soul Battlefield.

   "Fast to"

   "Find the teleportation array and activate it first, and the old man and the three will arrive later."

  Flying away for only a few miles, Liu Yu received a voice transmission from Master Qingshui.

  In this sound transmission message, it accurately points to a location within a hundred miles of Luofu Mountain, and comes with the formula and steps to activate the teleportation array.

   "Teleportation array?"

   "That's right, judging from the ability to design the "Ice Soul and Cold Breath Formation", this kind of fourth-order large formation."

   "Zhenjun Qingshui's formation skills are likely to reach the "grandmaster level"."

   "The teleportation array is indeed the best way to get rid of the pursuit."

  Digesting the information quickly, Liu Yu had no choice but to hesitate, and immediately turned around.

   According to the guidance of Master Qingshui, he flew towards the location of the teleportation array.

  Guo Poyun, Xu Haoran and the others saw this, they also turned around and followed.

  (end of this chapter)