MTL - I’m Not Shouldering This Blame-Chapter 83 base

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Haicheng, military control zone.

A small snow flutters in the sky, and a group of people on the playground are tempering.

Their screams are mad, and each person carries a backpack of more than five pounds. The clothes are made of uniform gray, with a lot of pockets on the top, thick soles, and non-slip wear.

Next to the playground are two old, century-style cheesehouses.

The black outer wall has traces of the shell, which has been damaged, and many places have been re-repaired.

On the periphery of the playground are a group of soldiers dressed in camouflage uniforms. They watched the people in the field with severe eyes, but they did not act as instructors, but more like watching the prisoners' every move.

A jeep came in the distance, with a special pass.

After Zhang Yaojin got off the bus, he gave a ceremony to the soldiers who saluted him.

The cold air sucked in, turned into a white mist, blurred the line of sight, and the tiny snowflakes fell on the shoulders.

"Reporting the major, this is the place where the corpse was found last night!"

Let Zhang Yaojin put aside the progress of the shooting of the Starry Entertainment New Year’s Eve, of course, abandoning the latest changes in the world.

There are many abilities in this military control zone.

Those responsible for supervising and managing this area are also the abilities of the military and the police system.

It is also easy to see the coincidence of abandoning the world here. Summing up the experience, there is a certain law in the advent of the abandonment of the world. After one appearance, there will be no second time within 24 hours.

A close-up study of the monsters that have abandoned the world, fighting with them, creating a range of damage, and away from residential areas and cities. Similar bases have been established in the country for more than a dozen. Every day, new reports on the abandonment of the world are handed over to biologists, summarizing the living habits of the monsters, and speculating that the original food chain of the organisms mentioned in the original is what.

After the winter, the distribution of monster species in the abandoned world has changed significantly.

The gibbons have fur as a defense, and the impact is not great. The hamsters hide in the ground. Because of the cold, their food intake increases, and the number of black hair **** that can be seen everywhere is drastically reduced, especially those with larger body sizes in black hair balls. In addition to the early witness records, people never saw the black hair ball as big as a cat.

More obvious is the cannibalism, this horrible monster, in addition to lying on the corpse of the Huaicheng Ginkgo Avenue, has not found a second.

The body of the squid was pulled back to the base by the red dragon's abilities, soaked in anti-corrosion liquid, sealed and placed in the underground fortifications.

In the real world, there is nothing in the tempered glass. When the world overlaps, its horrible appearance will appear in the container. Everyone who sees its corpse is scared.

The corpse is a monster species that focuses on it. As soon as it appeared, Zhang Yaojin received a report.

"Last night, the base was full of one hundred and three people, actually entered the abandoned world of one hundred and three people, staying in the abandoned world for a period of time, according to the timer measured for 18 hours! When fighting with the gibbons, encountering black birds attack, according to characteristics Judging as a corpse, this is a photo of the injured."

Zhang Yaojin took a few pictures of **** and fuzzy limbs and looked at it for a while. He suddenly felt that the concept map of the corpus drawn inside the red dragon was not accurate enough.

"This is not a paw, it is a knife!"

When Zhang was in the past, he saw a kind of raptor. The first half of the three-toed claws were like three crescent-shaped sickles. They were sharp and sharp. When they attacked, they could cut off the throat of the prey and plunged into it. In the trachea of ​​the prey. Even if there is no hit, the prey caught by the raptor can't break free, because the paw has gone deep into the texture, unless the piece of meat is cut off.

"There is an actor who says that the claws of the corpse are like the raptors in the movie."

"..." It is really necessary to thank the author for his mercy, only the size of the corpse is set to the size of the ordinary crow.

"According to personal contact, ordinary people can not fight against the corpse, its threat is far more than expected! The higher authorities have notified all bases in the country to pay attention to the alert, and try to kill them under the premise of ensuring their own lives!"

"Good!" Zhang Yaojin nodded.

They are in front of the package and look at the wall leaving the claw marks.

Major Zhang suddenly turned around and looked at the crowd on the playground: "How are the training of these abilities?"

This is the "survival training class" of this base. The red dragon sent all the discovered abilities to the place. Some of them are book readers, and the crime is held separately. The crime is light, such as the one that provides many The members of the penguin group of clues were taken here after a few days of detention.

Most people are not d-level and f-class.

"The quality is very poor. From physical strength to mentality, there are a few good performances. I have already recommended it, but I contacted them. There are indications that Li Fei still wants to build a black belt."

"Don't worry about this matter." Zhang Yaojin sighed.

Li Fei is now a tiger that has been provoked, and there is an angry Jane behind him.

At this time, a Red Dragon team member ran to report: "The news of the major, the North, the University of Lu asked if you sent someone to protect Li Fei's parents and family."

"Li Fei did not communicate with his parents. Li Fei also changed his name to himself. His relatives who are still in the world don't even know his current situation. The relevant information and information about the Red Dragon have also been revised. No one can find it there. Go, don't waste people."


Major Zhang returned to see the group of abilities. He asked casually. "How many people are called Lu Hao, how is it?"

The person in charge of the base thought for a few seconds before he remembered who Lu Hao was. He frowned and told Zhang Yaojin: "This person is very sociable. He was very familiar with other abilities, just every fight. Just hiding behind, for a long time, others have seen it, and alienated from this person."

Zhang Yaojin shook his head.

Lu Hao had an excellent identity. As a result, he had not been able to mix up with Jianhua for more than 20 years. After the Red Dragon deployment personnel monitored Lu Yu for a period of time, it was just that Jianhua broke the contact with Lu Hao. The luggage wanted to go to Beidu, and the red dragon took the person directly at the airport.

On the value, Lu Wei has almost no.

He did not commit serious crimes, there is no reason to be detained for a long time, but it is obviously not good to let him go out, and he was finally sent here and was strictly monitored.

"This kind of person, if there is no disaster or danger, will always maintain a warm and friendly appearance, and people think he is very reliable."

Zhang Yaojin picked up the telescope and found Lu Hao accurately in a group of people.

He ran in the last ranks, tired of dragging his steps, looking at the jeep, looking absent-minded, almost hit the backpack of other people.

"How do cuckoos?"

“There is no special report on Lu Hao.”

The cuckoo is a military officer of the Red Dragon who is inserted in the ordinary abilities. Some of them disguise the aborigines of the world, and some disguise the readers, who can find more information. This measure is very effective. Some readers want to unite other people to attack managers and rob the weapons control base. The results are exposed before the action.

"Okay, let's go to zone b and interrogate the American."

Zhang Yaojin’s name is Jack, and he was attacked by a power girl with durian. This feature made the Red Dragon quickly arrested in a hospital in Haicheng. The immigration procedures were complete and the identity was innocent, but hired a detective in Haicheng to investigate Li Fei’s Whereabouts and schedules. I also rented a Ferrari, and according to the identification of the cockroach, the American prevented Li Fei from awakening in the car accident of the Haicheng viaduct.

Because he felt that he could further excavate the information of the American book readers from Jack, the Red Dragon closely guarded this person and held him alone in the underground fortifications.

After a series of complicated identifications, Zhang Yaojin brought people to the ground, the main building of the base.

The original sturdy exterior wall, in order to prevent the excavation of the chiseling hamster, has more alloy gates and protective devices.

Abandoning the world's monsters will appear in the house, because there are doors and windows, if it is a sealed cabinet, there will be no black hair **** inside.

When the elevator is opened, it is a completely high-tech modern style, completely different from the barrel building on the ground for the last century.

In the past, including Zhang Yaojin, I never thought about the office building of the military area and the Red Dragon. Why was it like the 1950s to the 70s of the last century, the slogan on the wall, and the enamel cylinder for drinking water. They have become accustomed to this kind of life, thinking that this is the atmosphere of the army. As a result, after wearing the book, the expression is weird, revealing that in their world, the Chinese government structure and the military office building decoration are not so "outdated", the reason is this. Probably because the author of this book knows so much about China.

Moreover, the original office depicts the office building of the Red Dragon in China's secret department. If this is the reason why the Chinese government's military buildings are like that, Zhang Yaojin wants to talk to the author.

When Zhang Yaojin walked into the interrogation room, the unlucky Jack was already inside.

He is a lot of blushing, with a red beard and a metal ring on his wrist. It is connected to the energy detector. Once Jack uses the power, the master computer will immediately find out, and at the same time, the bracelet releases current and makes him numb. Lose the ability to attack.

When he heard someone coming in, Jack had his head down and his eyelids were not lifted.

Zhang Yaojin took two photos and pushed them to Jack: "Have you seen these two people?"

It is a dead sniper and a waiter.

Jack's eyelids jumped, and although he quickly controlled his expression, his reaction was caught by the monitoring in the room. The red dragon team members staring at the interrogation room told Zhang Yaojin with the communicator: "He knows."

Major Zhang has accurately selected the photo of the waiter. This person has been hiding in Xingtian Entertainment for more than a year. Jack is also going to Li Fei. If there is contact, the waiter is more likely.

"I haven't seen him." Jack began to argue.

Zhang Yaojin said in a deep voice: "You should think about it again."

His gaze fell on Jack's metal bracelet, which apparently shuddered, revealing a helpless expression: "Well, I know who he is."

Jack is still insisting on playing the ball. He shunned the light and said: "He is a fugitive in Canada, involving drug trafficking and kidnapping murder. The Chinese gang in Canada is very powerful. You know! This dangerous person, I have seen the wanted order. I will remember it."

"Lie." Zhang Yaojin said coldly.

Westerners look at Chinese faces, it is difficult to remember, the five senses do not highlight the outline, there is no feature, look at the wanted to make a few eyes to remember now, but also feel scared - basically the Arabian Nights.

Major Zhang found that readers who are familiar with the plot can guess their identity from their shoulders and tears. They also know what their abilities are, and he is used to facing them with such threats.

"I... I came to China this time, and the organization told me to contact him." Jack sweated his forehead and tried his best to defend himself. "I just passed him and knew some news of Starry Entertainment. Nothing else was done!"

"How much do you organize the penetration of the CIA and fbi."

Jack said dryly: "Someone is there, but who is it, what I do, I really don't know."

“Are your organization established for a few years?”

"I said it, it will exist from me."

"You don't know anything, people who don't have value, there is no need to stay here!" Zhang Yaojin raised his hand and told him, "Give him to Li Fei, who will like this gift."

"No, I don't know, you didn't ask!" Jack was frightened and struggling.

"Then write a copy and write everything you know." Major Zhang looked cold.