MTL - I’m Flirting with a Man in the Supernatural World-Chapter 89 Villa Fright (11)

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During the rapid fall, Chu Huai suddenly raised his head as if sensing something, and a sunken floor fell straight towards him!

Unable to dodge in time, he was about to hug his head to protect his vitals, but Jin Tianyi pounced on him, covering him with his body like a flour-skinned stuffing.

When the falling object fell, Chu Huai was suffocating, his heart almost jumped out of his chest, and then he heard Jin Tianyi's muffled groan.

"Are you OK?!"

Jin Tianyi shook his head, and silently hugged him tightly without leaving any gaps, for fear of losing Chu Huai.

With a "plop", the sofa fell into the water, and icy droplets splashed onto Chu Huai's face.

The surroundings were pitch black, the temperature was extremely low, and the air was filled with a faint smell of blood and a strong stench.

"Help!" Luo Ziyang called for help.

Jin Tianyi and Chu Huai were sitting on the sofa earlier, when the sand just acted as a raft and floated on the water, but Luo Ziyang was unlucky and fell directly into the water.

He couldn't swim, choked on a few mouthfuls of disgusting water in an instant, and died.

Jin Tianyi immediately jumped down to save others: "Don't come down, wait for me here."

"I know." Chu Huai didn't know how to swim, and he would never try to be aggressive and cause trouble for Jin Tianyi at a time like this.

Eyes have adapted to the darkness, Chu Huai looked around, and with the help of the faint light cast from the top, he leaned over from the water to reach a few long wooden boards.

With a keen sense of hearing, he followed the direction of Luo Ziyang's cry for help, and using a long wooden board as an oar, he slowly rowed over the sofa.

Jin Tianyi dragged the collapsed Luo Ziyang to swim, Chu Huai was about to pull it, but suddenly saw the water behind Jin Tianyi violently swaying, and something was churning under the water!

"Behind! Be careful!" Chu Huai's eyes were about to burst.

"Foot! My feet!" Luo Ziyang was terrified, wrapped his hands around his ankles, and was quickly dragging him down.

After a few breaths, his face was submerged under the water, and the bubbles were surging.

The moment he floated up, Luo Ziyang desperately said to Jin Tianyi: "Give up on me!"

If the stalemate persisted, Jin Tianyi could not escape the fate of being dragged down by the ghost.

He didn't regret his death, so why bother others?

Without saying a word, Jin Tianyi held his breath, and suddenly, under Chu Huai's nose, he sank on his own initiative, with clean movements.

The person disappeared, a huge panic struck, and Chu Huai gasped for breath.

Immediately, he heard the sound of a knife piercing into flesh and blood, accompanied by ghostly screams.

The pressure under Luo Ziyang's feet suddenly eased, and Chu Huai immediately pulled him up, looking at the turbulent water, his heart tightened.

Then with a "puff", the water surface broke, and Jin Tianyi got out from underneath, smiling and waving a pale ghost hand at him.

He was soaked in water, his hair was black and dripping with blood, his face was flawless, with sharp edges and corners, like a ghost or a god.

"You fucking..." Chu Huai was so scared to death by him that he almost scolded his mother, but remembering the character setting, he could only pull him with a cold face.

Jin Tianyi smiled and said, "How could I die?"

Chu Huai: "It stinks to death."

Jin Tianyi came up and said with a smile: "If I am unconscious, no matter how stinky you are, you still have to give me artificial respiration?"

Chu Huai checked Luo Ziyang's situation: "Don't put gold on your face."

Jin Tianyi laughed: "Maybe you know it yourself."

Jin Tianyi just wanted to lighten the atmosphere and tease him. He thought he would talk back, but he saw his thin lips open and close for a long while, and in the end he didn't say anything serious, just tilted his head and didn't bother to look at him.

It seems to be the default.

Jin Tianyi really smiled and leaned over.

A sofa fits three people. Seeing that Luo Ziyang was so moved that he couldn't speak, Chu Huai's complexion was purple, and without much hesitation, he took off his dry clothes and put a hood on him.

Do things in a hurry, this meeting can't control whether there are fake **** or not.

Fortunately, it seems that this kind of unavoidable bug caused by the plot has not been counted in the ooc, and it may be fixed later.

Jin Tianyi on one side stared at the dazzling white waist and beautifully shaped ridgeline that suddenly appeared, his eyes darkened, then coughed lightly, and looked away uncomfortably.

Chu Huai was provocative and didn't know it. He frowned and asked, "What shall we do next?"

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover," Jin Tianyi said in a deep voice, "I feel more and more that even knowing the truth can't help us escape, maybe this is..."

Unresolved horror film.

Chu Huai said frankly: "The ghost's attack has no logical structure, and we are very passive."

Chu Huai watched a lot of incomprehensible horror movies in the apartment, and the last surviving residents in this kind of movies rely on two things.

One is bad luck. If Xiao Luo hadn't killed Gao Yuan and the ghosts were still at the stage of killing people sequentially, Xia Yu, who was the first to die in the sequence, would be the most unlucky person, and the last one in the sequence of death would be the koi like existence.

That's why the apartment uses three points for hard work and seven points for God's will to describe unsolvable horror movies.

This yearly New Year's film shooting is a bit like the world thinking that too many residents are wasting resources, and they simply cut leeks and harvest indiscriminately.

Of course, the world has also been given vitality, and the residents can survive by relying on their own treachery and cunning. It's just that people trample on people, and human nature is wiped out in the end.

In the end, most of the people who came out of the New Year's films were the most ruthless, hardest, and most ruthless residents. The former building manager of Jin Tianyi's apartment was such a person.

If Jin Tianyi hadn't assassinated him seeing that he was unhappy, how many lives would have been lost in his hands afterwards?

After so many dungeons, Chu Huai has always been confused.

If, as Lao Yue and the residents said, they entered the horror world because they committed crimes and did not get the punishment they deserved, so the world acts as a "justice enforcer" and judges them in a duplicate way, then why, the world is in Subtly force them to do evil?

The world does not give life to those who have not lost their conscience, but cold-blooded murderers, the more they live, the more nourished they are.

Chu Huai used to think that the World of Horror was the place of trial for sinners, and he used to worry about the unknown crimes he committed. Gradually, he realized that, if he uses the right words, the World of Horror is like a pool for awakening demons.

The world accepts wicked people.

What it does, not only does not allow the wicked to wash away their sins, but instead makes the wicked worse.

The murderer is highly respected, the stage for the deceiver is vast, the insidious and active are all available, and the kind-hearted are reduced to fish.

If there was a hint of love and kindness in the first copy or two, what about later?

Those who have become demons will finally finish the dungeon they should have lived, and return to reality as they wish, what kind of **** storm will it bring?

They were captured here in the name of good, but evil was created.

The essence is completely contradictory.

Chu Huai keenly sensed an unusual smell in it.

Maybe they weren't here to atone after all.

Chu Huai suddenly looked back at Jin Tianyi, then quietly lowered his eyelids.

What kind of role does he play in it?

After recovering, Chu Huai did not expect that there would be such a long river under the villa covering an area of ​​about 400 to 500 square meters.

The river water is reddish.

Jin Tianyi had a tacit understanding, and suddenly said: "Do you still remember the birch trees we saw outside the villa?"

Chu Huai nodded. The birch trees grew really lush.

Jin Tianyi said again: "Birches like to use dead bodies as nourishment. I also heard from my grandma. I don't know if it's true or not, but now it seems that the land in the surrounding area is moistened by the small river below. Mixed with blood, lifeless, it actually proves what my grandma said."

He paused: "Maybe we will see many...bones soon."

As soon as the words fell, their sofa hit a solid object.

It would be too dark, Chu Huai couldn't see anything, so he could only ask, "What is it?"

"Ground." Jin Tianyi said in silence for a moment.

Chu Huai was surprised how he knew that, when he turned his head, he happened to meet a pair of grayish blue eyes.

Those eyes are graceful and gorgeous, like some priceless gemstones, and like a whirlpool in the deep sea, trying to **** people in.

Jin Tianyi was quite surprised. He thought that Chu Huai's attention was all on the objects in front of him, but he didn't expect him to turn around suddenly.

The face of the person in front of him looked very strange under those radiant eyes. Chu Huai felt that he was in danger, and he was about to retreat subconsciously, but was pulled back by Jin Tianyi.

"It's me." Jin Tianyi whispered as the gray blue disappeared.

With the familiar tone, Chu Huai breathed a sigh of relief. Damn, Jin Tianyi was almost taken aback by Jin Tianyi because his nerves were too sensitive.

The human eye is a beautiful and terrifying thing. Especially in the dark, with a pair of rolling eyes. The white and black of the eyes, the pupils that are near and far away, can easily make people feel creepy.

Chu Huai stared at him with a half-smile, Jin Tianyi approached him shamelessly, and promised in a low voice: "I'll confess to you when I get back, like telling a lie and taking off a piece of clothing."

Chu Huai: "..." Why does he think this guy is making money?

Luo Ziyang was the first to jump off, and his feet touched the land. He was so moved that tears almost filled his eyes, and then... tripped over by the skull at his feet.

If Jin Tianyi hadn't grabbed his clothes with quick eyes and hands, he would have fallen into the water once again in a magnificent manner.

This is a platform, located on the left side of the river, not much above the water surface, but the water does not rise up.

Chu Huai squatted down and touched it, then said in silence for a moment, "Including the one that Xiaoyu kicked somewhere, there are seven skulls in total."

The number seven is too sensitive for them now.

The three of them walked forward again, and seven skulls were placed at equal intervals.

Chu Huai sighed, so they didn't find the way out as imagined, but entered the "exhibition hall".

Jin Tian groped against the wall for a while, and his expression turned serious: "There are years on the wall."

He felt a small depression in a certain corner. It should be inscribed.

Chu Huai asked: "What year?"

"This is 1963."

Luo Ziyang in front also started to **** cleverly, and said loudly: "I am here in 1956."

Jin Tianyi went to the back to look for it, and said, "1970."

The three of them understood something in an instant, and immediately ran to the place where they first boarded the platform.

Feeling the "2012", Chu Huai joked: "So we are the 2019 contestants."

Seven years, seven people will die every seven years.

These seven people need to meet the characteristics of greed, rage, and lust, which are consistent with the hints in the painting.

This villa is rich in gold and jade, but in ruins, perhaps the death of the next generation is to rest the previous generation in order to maintain a weak balance.

Perhaps at the very beginning, seven people with complex contradictions rented a villa to play like them, but because of the insoluble contradictions hidden under the calm water, they killed each other and finally died here.

The curse begins.

Now the old man on the ferry was struggling to get the oars into their hands.

The wall in front of Chu Huai suddenly began to ooze blood, but Chu Huai couldn't see it.

He is now no different from a blind man.

The blood seeped quickly, but there was no sound.

Jin Tianyi on the side saw it, and his eyes were about to split. He only had time to block the wall with his body and push Chu Huai aside.

The wall behind it cracked, and a ghost hand penetrated Jin Tianyi's body.

Time stood still.

The warm blood splashed onto Chu Huai's face, like some kind of creepy and terrifying bug, it devoured Chu Huai instantly, his bones and flesh disappeared, and his mind and mind were all lost.

"Jin Tianyi!" Tears welled up in Chu Huai's eyes, and Chu Huai howled like a beast.

He saw it, saw those beautiful eyes that lit up again like hope.

But he also saw the ghost hand that destroyed hope.

At this moment, he finally knew that the person in front of him was unconsciously more important than life to him.

Not far away, Luo Ziyang didn't know what happened, but his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, terrified, Jiaojiao directly called the boss's name, wouldn't it be the same as Fatty, who was directly dismissed as a play?

No! Can't!

Luo Ziyang rushed towards the wall while leaning on the wall.

The ghost hand disappeared.

Jin Tianyi fell down powerlessly, his pupils dilated, and was hugged by Chu Huai like crazy.

Chu Huai was chilled all over, lost all reason, and looked mad, and could only repeat a sentence viciously: "Didn't you say you won't die...?!"

He lives only for that bit of hatred, he has always acted according to his will, never thought of being fettered by anyone, let alone expecting anyone to put him in his heart.

But Jin Tianyi directly put him on the tip of his heart.

That kind of thing that he had never owned hit his face, and he felt very strange and terrifying, even more terrifying than a scourge.

No, it's impossible! There is no way it will end like this!

Chu Huai woke up instantly.

He clearly called out Jin Tianyi's name, but he was not wiped out immediately like the fat man, so there must be a way to save him!

Impossible to stop here!

Jin Tianyi's night vision ability was blocked when he entered the dungeon, but after he fell into the ground, he received a letter of blood.

"Do you want to replace the recovery of night vision ability with life and death together? Note: If you choose to replace, you will gain the ability to perceive the danger around the other party and your own night vision ability. Life and death together will be automatically canceled. If one party dies, the other party will not use it." Burial."

He changed, and he made a steady profit. If something really happened, Chu Huai didn't have to die with him.

I will not die, but will fall into reincarnation and forget about him.

When Luo Ziyang came over, seeing the scene in front of him, his blood turned cold.

Jin Tianyi is dead.

Chu Huai shouted Jin Tianyi's name out of breath, and he was about to die.

Luo Ziyang's tears couldn't stop flowing, and he sat down on the edge of the platform in despair.

Is it really over?

Chu Huai was unprecedentedly calm, waiting without saying a word.

Luo Ziyang only thought he was in a daze, and wanted to go up to persuade him, but Chu Huai shook his head at him, his face looked a little grim.

Sure enough, a line of blood words suddenly appeared in his mind - "Does the actor Chu Huai use N number of times to return to the beginning of this scene?"