MTL - I Woke the Sick and Disabled Prince on Our Wedding Night-Chapter 15 It will be fine in a while!

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  Chapter 15 Just a little while!

  The silver hairpin in Lin Suisui's hand was quietly purchased after he went to the refugee camp.

   Later, she encountered several herbs that could be used to make anesthetics on the road, so she made this relatively simple tool for self-defense, but she didn’t expect it to come in handy so quickly.

   She didn't expect this method to really get rid of the men who were looking for trouble in front of her, but at least she could delay the time until Lu Ze found her.

And just as Lin Suisui guessed, the men on the opposite side were only briefly shocked because of the sudden incident. The little lady who is not too lethal is in her eyes.

   The reason why the boss ended up so miserably was simply because he underestimated the enemy and was taken advantage of by the little girl in front of him. Now that they have prepared, this girl can still be a golden immortal, and won't she be possessed by magical powers?

  Lin Suisui saw that the boss was completely poisoned and fainted and lost his ability to resist, and without hesitation, he quickly pulled out the hairpin, forming a confrontation with the few men who surrounded her at this moment.

Just when Lin Suisui felt that this time, there was a high probability that it would be bad luck, when the man who had already rushed in front of her suddenly froze, as if he had suffered a heavy blow, and threw himself on Lin Sui with a thud. in front of the spike.

The accomplice who was very close to him did not expect this accident. When he was about to turn his head to check the situation, he had no signs. Like the comrade who fell first, he could not even call. With a cry, he immediately fell to the ground.

   "What, what's going on?" The remaining two men were completely frightened by this situation. Originally, they had only done some small acts of stealing chickens and dogs. If they hadn't been instructed by the above, how could they have the courage to come over and smear oil and water? !

   So now that the situation is not right, the two of them don't care about staying to complete any tasks, they just want to turn their heads and run for their lives.

   But a lot of times things start when you want, but not necessarily end when you want!

   They turned around and saw a man walking with the light behind his back from the sky where the light and the dark meet. Although the man was still at least a hundred meters away from them at this time, the momentum transmitted from the air made the two gangsters lose the strength to stand. They only heard two thuds, and the two were still there before. The flamboyant man has become a dog at this time.

   cried and kowtowed to Lin Suisui, who was still standing still, begging for mercy: "Little lady, this is all a misunderstanding, they forced us to trouble you, we dare not!

  I beg you, please spare us this time, we will never dare again next time! "

   The two cried hoarsely, but they didn't get any response from Lin Suisui, but they waited for Lu Ze, who was looking for him from a distance.

   Lu Ze's tall figure was stretched by the afterglow of the dusk behind him, and cast on the two gangsters who were still kneeling on the ground, revealing a suffocating sense of oppression. The two thugs shivered with fright, and fell to the ground like mud, desperately waiting for the man's final judgment of life and death.

What the two of them didn't expect was that Lu Ze didn't do anything to them, but walked in front of Lin Suisui with a blank face. He lowered his head, and his dark and deep eyes fell on the little girl, which flickered a little bit. The restless and panic-stricken Feather Eyelashes did not speak, but raised her hand and gently wiped the blood from her cheek with the handkerchief in his hand.

His movements were very slow and gentle, as if he was facing some extremely precious and fragile porcelain treasure. It was not until he wiped the blood on her face completely that the confrontation between the two paralyzed on the ground was over. Especially the torture.

It also seems to have been delayed for a long time. The boss who fainted due to the shallow paralysis finally woke up from the short coma. , but before his words came out, they met a pair of sinister eyes.

   The man in front of him looks very ordinary, the kind that will never make people look at him when thrown into the crowd of refugees! However, his eyes at this time are gloomy and terrifying, like a life-threatening ghost crawling out of hell!

   He knew this man, and he was the one he wanted to try!

The boss wanted to say something, but Lu Ze didn't give him the chance. He just explained to Lin Suisui in a low voice, turned around and closed his eyes, turned around and kicked the boss's heart heavily. …

Lu Ze's strength was great, the muffled sound of **** to the flesh, accompanied by the screams of the three people screaming and howling, so that Lin Suisui, who was still a little hesitant, immediately obeyed obediently, turned around and closed his eyes, only Hearing the tragic howl getting smaller and smaller, until it was completely suppressed by the diffused blood pressure, the surrounding environment suddenly fell into a dead silence.

   "Husband, husband?"

  Lin Suisui closed her eyes. In this dead silence, she only felt a panic. She wanted to turn her head subconsciously, but she heard Lu Ze's voice in a very low voice: "I'm here. Don't look back, it will be fine in a while!"

Lu Ze slowly wiped the blood stains on his hands, looked down at the three corpses lying on the ground in front of them whose heads had almost been deformed, and finally felt a little bit of the violence and impulsiveness that had accumulated in his heart for so many days. ease.

   It's just such a sight. It's fine to say that he is hiding his ears and stealing the bell. In short, he just doesn't want the little girl standing with her back to him to see it.

"Okay?" Lin Suisui heard Lu Ze's response, her heart was finally relieved, and when she spoke again, her tone involuntarily showed a bit of relief: "I saw Aunt Luo You winked at me, and I thought you would definitely come!"

   "What if I don't come?" Lin Suisui's trust stopped Lu Ze's movement of wiping the blood on his hands for a moment. He was really surprised by the girl's thoughts and decisions.

   Just forgetting the past, will it really make a person's personality change so much overnight that he seems to have changed a person? !

"Then I still have medicinal powder!" Lin Suisui smiled, but did not choose to hide in front of Lu Ze, she simply confessed her back to him: "But I don't think you will. Leave me alone!"

"Are you injured?!" Lin Suisui felt the man's footsteps approaching, and at the same time, he naturally smelled the blood that was becoming more and more intense on his body. He couldn't help frowning worriedly, and immediately opened his eyes to check Lu Ze's injury. But he bumped into a pair of dark eyes that couldn't read emotions.

"I'm fine, it's all the blood of those people." Lu Ze didn't get too close to Lin Suisui, and even when Lin Suisui took the initiative to approach him, he quickly took a step back: "I'm dirty, Don't touch you."

   (end of this chapter)