MTL - I Rely on Wilderness Survival Live Broadcast to Become Popular Across the Stars-Chapter 253 Hoarding money to raise cubs 253rd day

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Lu Liran didn't like the almost tough way of ordering from the other party, and there was no room for them to refuse the other party's phone call.

He frowned, and less than a minute after hanging up the phone, there was a knock on the door at the same time.

Lu Liran saw the hotel owner knocking on the door through his vision, and when he opened the door, the owner said cautiously: "Mr. Lu, someone is looking for you."

After the boss finished speaking, he quickly slipped away, revealing behind him a petite woman wearing glasses who looked somewhat rigid.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, we just said hello on the phone." The lady said, "I am Xu Enzhen, the office director of the DFA Foreign Assistance Bureau."

"Is it convenient for you to come with us now?" Xu Enzhen asked politely, but his eyes were firm and tough that could not be refused.

Lu Liran twitched the corner of his mouth: "The real person showed up upstairs after the phone call. It seems that there is no chance for me to refuse."

"Sorry, it's urgent, we have to do this," Seo Eun Jin said.

She looked past Lu Liran and looked at another man walking towards this side.

She knew that it was the companion of the target person, a squib with no mental fluctuations.

In normal times, she would not even allow people of this level to join this action agenda meeting.

But since their targets value each other so much—

Xu Enzhen had carefully investigated all the actions of Lu Liran and his companions after they entered the storm planet, so naturally they would not miss the little accident that they had a conflict with a citizen in the park.

Therefore, Xu Enzhen nodded slightly to Ke Ji, and said: "You two can come together, please rest assured, we have no malicious intentions."

Ke Ji squinted his eyes, and the attitude of the other party seemed to be a kindness for allowing him to join.

His face remained unchanged, and he looked down at Lu Liran: "Since the other party is so 'sincere'..."

Lu Liran understood what Ke Ji meant, he pursed his lips slightly, glanced coldly at the lady standing at the door, and walked out the door.

Xu Enzhen froze for a moment, saw Ke Ji closing the door and glanced at herself, and then she realized that she hurriedly followed.

Go downstairs and turn right for 100 meters, and the responding staff is waiting at the agreed place.

"Director Xu?" The reception staff were a little surprised to see Xu Enzhen appearing in person.

Xu Enzhen nodded slightly: "This is Mr. Lu and his companions, take us in."

"Alright Director Xu."

Lu Liran raised his eyes to look at Xu Enzhen, frowning slightly, obviously Xu Enzhen only regarded Ke Ji as an accessory of him, and did not pay attention to it at all.

Lu Liran frowned in displeasure. As a loyal commander, his DNA moved.

Just as he was about to speak, Ke Ji grabbed his wrist and gently pulled him back.

With a sullen face, Lu Liran turned to look at Ke Ji, his eyelids lifted, as if asking what to stop him for.

Ke Ji met Lu Liran's eyes, and knew that Lu Liran was not fair for himself. He curled his mouth and smoothed the man's hair: "It's normal, I'm just an ordinary person with no mental power."

Lu Liran opened his mouth to refute, but held back—there's no need to let unrelated people know.

Ke Ji looked at the two people who were leading the way with great interest, and a gleam of interest flashed in his eyes: "Besides, this kind of ordinary feeling that no one is looking at is quite novel and interesting."

Lu Liran: "..."

Probably only a proud man like Your Excellency Commander would find this kind of experience novel and interesting.

Lu Liran hated the default rule on this planet that judges status based on spiritual power. He didn't say anything more, but just snorted coldly, thinking, that's because they were blind.

The two leading the way stopped in front of a gate that looked like an abandoned residential building. Xu Enzhen raised his finger and pointed the ring at the hidden surveillance camera on the gate.

Soon, the old door opened, revealing the dilapidated residential building inside.

Lu Liran and Ke Ji looked at each other, and no one would think that this was the real face of the building.

I saw Xu Enzhen led the two of them to walk in for nearly ten minutes, and took the elevator. The buttons inside the elevator had no numbers, but only one button, which meant that the elevator had only one starting point and one ending point.

After staying in the elevator for nearly five minutes, Lu Liran could clearly feel the abnormal sensation of ear pressure falling rapidly, reminding him that he may have reached a depth of tens of meters underground at this moment.

With a sound of "ding—", the elevator stopped steadily, the elevator door opened, and there was a cold metal-colored alloy building in front of me. The relevant staff were busy and hurried, and no one paid too much attention to them. .

"Follow me this way." Xu Enzhen reminded Lu Liran and Ke Ji.

Lu Liran knew that the other party's implication was to warn them not to look where they shouldn't look, so he squinted his eyes, showing no interest.

Under the guidance of Xu Enzhen, they came to a place that looked like a secret room. After entering it, the door closed automatically, and a man and a woman sat inside, with a huge wrap-around curved screen in the middle.

"Hello, Mr. Lu Liran, I think you should already know our identities." The woman sitting in the center said, "Then let's get straight to the point."

"I invite you to meet in this way because the matter is urgent and we don't have much choice." Another man said gently, "As the deputy director of the Foreign Aid Bureau, I would like to show you some video content first."

Lu Liran frowned slightly, what he was doing now was somewhat unreasonable.

He had never seen any official organization throw out information so easily, it was like... as if something had entered a countdown, so that they were extra anxious and couldn't care about anything else.

Images and loud voices appeared on the large curved screen—

Lu Liran noticed that the protagonist seems to be a middle-aged man with a strong physique, and he should be the type who loves outdoor sports. This video shows him holding a sports camera to record, and the background is in a green forest.

"This is the picture from seven days ago, and it is also the last picture sent back before he disappeared." Xu Enzhen explained.

Lu Liran narrowed his eyes slightly, missing?

"The location is in the Aiken Tropical Forest, which is also the most complete and extensive tropical rainforest on our planet," she added.

The deputy director immediately played the next video: "This is the video sent back five days ago. It is the first emergency rescue team we dispatched."

Lu Liran noticed that the picture was taken from an aerial angle, and a well-equipped team appeared on the screen. There were twelve people in total. They parachuted from high altitude fixed-points, and one after another, they fell into the rainforest like dumplings.

"We launched fan-shaped radiation rescue according to the last positioning information we received." The deputy director said, "But unfortunately, the last picture we received is this."

The aerial photography display picture is at night, and the screen automatically switches to night display mode. In the night vision thermal image fusion picture, under a piece of green light, one by one red thermal images are like bubbles in water, slipping out in clusters in the silent night. It is fast and silent, and it is difficult to recognize the appearance under the camera.

Lu Liran and Ke Ji leaned forward subconsciously, wanting to carefully identify those imaging creatures.

However, in the next second, a pair of bright bean eyes burst out from the bottom of the lens. Those bright eyes looked strange, and Lu Liran even felt that he saw an indescribable expression in those eyes. evil nature.

He frowned suddenly, and then, the lens vibrated violently, and the image instantly shook up and down, as if being pulled and torn by something.

The figures of night watch soldiers appeared in the violently shaking screen, and everyone stood up in shock when they heard a whistle, but this did not help much, because the strange creatures in the thermal imaging were faster, and the screen quickly changed. It became a snowflake, and the piercing screams of horror stopped abruptly.

The deputy director looked at Lu Liran and Ke Ji: "We have obtained the route of this team and the coordinates of the final annihilation of the entire army."

He overlays the road map with the actual map of Aiken Forest.

It looked like an ordinary primitive tropical rainforest. It was hard to imagine that such a sudden change would occur in that kind of place. Even the well-equipped and well-trained search and rescue team was wiped out.

"The next day we took the team to the scene of the incident, but we didn't find any corpses. Only the bloodstains left on the ground that were not dried out proved that we did not make a mistake." Shen Shen, a woman sitting in the middle Said loudly.

"Although there were accidents and major losses, the missing person we were looking for has not been found. What's more troublesome is that there was a problem with the positioning device on his body and he disappeared from our monitoring." Xu Enzhen said , "The only thing we have at the moment is his physical information. He is still alive."

Lu Liran pursed his lips, Xu Enzhen's implication was that even if twelve people died, the search still did not stop.

"We sent another action team soon." The deputy director looked at Lu Liran, "And just a day ago, we received another set of pictures."

The picture of snowflakes on the curved screen was replaced by the face of a young man, his face was covered with blood, and he grabbed the camera in horror: "Call for help, call for help, here are..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the whole person slipping back suddenly, as if being grabbed by something forcefully, he screamed, still holding the camera tightly in his hand.

The camera was dragged for a distance, as if it had gotten into some narrow mud hole, and there were successive gnawing sounds from all around, "creak", "crunch", "crunch", but the young man's voice was not heard again.

The screen ends here.

Xu Enzhen didn't turn off the screen directly, but let those videos play in a loop, and the terrified cries of those soldiers were like infinite echoes.

She looked at Lu Liran: "So far, none of the twenty-four people we sent out have survived."

Lu Liran and Ke Ji fell silent.

The other people in the room also gave Lu Liran and Ke Ji enough time to digest.

After a while, Lu Liran asked, "Who is the missing target?"

"It is the commander-in-chief of the alliance planet AKA." The lady sitting in the center said.

The identity of the character in this accident is very special, he is the commander of their alliance planet.

Initially, when the news of the other party's disappearance came out, both planets chose to rescue secretly, so as not to cause more trouble and turmoil when the news of the commander's disappearance came out.

However, after two rescue failures, the news that the commander lost contact for nearly seven 24 hours could no longer be concealed. There was a leak of news on the allied planet, the pressure of public opinion from the planet’s citizens, and the doubts from the allied nations. The outcome of the three rescue operations must be certain.

Otherwise, their political positions will be pushed to the forefront.

Even, under the pressure of the outside world, this rescue operation has been placed in the spotlight, and everyone—whether it is the military or citizens, whether it is the storm planet or the alliance planet, the citizens of the entire K-158 galaxy can see this. The whole process of the rescue operation carried out at one time.

The DFA had to use this to prove to themselves that their rescue operations were truly diligent and efficient, rather than intentionally detaining and endangering allied commanders.

The lady in the center looked calmly and sharply at Lu Liran, "We have investigated your identities, you are one of the vice-captains of the A69 Federal Army mobile unit, you have amazing outdoor survivability, and the mission completion rate is as high as 90%. We have seen your previous video data, maybe you can help us find the missing target."

She didn't look at Ke Ji. They thought that the other person's identity should be no less inferior, but they didn't expect that under their investigation, they found that the other person was just the son of a rich man who was keen on outdoor activities. Because of a coincidence, he met Lu Liran. Finally go together.

Although the opponent also has good survivability, but in comparison, its professionalism is obviously not enough.

The lady spoke carefully and proposed an attractive condition: "We will give you a lot of rewards, and even allow your Squib friend to master D-level mental power."

Lu Liran twitched the corners of his mouth, laughing inwardly—D grade?

He raised his eyelids, glanced across the screen inadvertently, and suddenly stopped.

The screen is scrolling to the overlapping scene of the route map and the real scene, and a piece of crystal clear water flashes across the corner of the screen.

Lu Liran's pupils shrank slightly - Mangyaquan? !

Before he could take a closer look, the screen switched to the next frame.

Lu Liran heard Ke Ji beside him speak abruptly: "You said that no one survived... What about the corpses? Excluding the first batch of twelve people, the second batch of soldiers' corpses are gone too?"