MTL - I Rely on Kisses to Clear Survival Games-Chapter 88 Illustration out of control (end)

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Cheng Zhichu stood outside the door and noticed that Bai Yi’s look was not very good-looking. He suddenly felt nervous and began to get nervous. He was glad that he had not let Bai Yi see the way he kissed the soul fragments.

He will feel this way because he still subconsciously treats them as different individuals, but the system told him that he always thinks that he can't do it. He must start from him and treat them all as white. Easy to treat.

Thinking of this, Cheng Zhichu licked his lips and removed all the extra ideas. Several people behind him entered the door.

My parents saw that Cheng Zhichu was just a few people who went out and was so surprised. Cheng Zhichu talked about the reasons he had thought beforehand. He said that these are the friends he met in the game, and he came to visit his home.

"I didn't expect to bring so many friends back home today, I didn't prepare so many dishes..." Cheng Mu looked very happy, and got up and went to the kitchen again. "You sit first, I will go to fry two more." dish."

"Auntie, thank you for your kindness, but don't have to be so troublesome, we have all eaten." Joshua said with a smile. "We just have to sit for a while and leave immediately."

"That's fine."

Chengmu was not idle, and took a lot of fruits and snacks. He said with a smile: "But you can sit for a while and talk to us at the beginning. The family hasn't been so busy for a long time."

"no problem."

Joshua Waner responded with a slap in the face. Compared with him, other soul fragments are somewhat difficult to adapt. They have not been so natural and normal with ordinary people for a long time.

Cheng Zhichu saw that his parents did not react to the surprise of the groom and Bai Yi. He secretly sighed and sat back to Bai Yi, whispering a few words with him.

He generally explained to Bai Yi that he acquired the ability from the system to temporarily transform the soul fragments into a living, and also prepared for their future integration with Bai Yi's soul.

"I know." Bai Yichong smiled at Cheng Zhichu and said softly, "Thank you for thinking so much for me."

Cheng Zhichu was a bit shy, but also smiled at Bai Yi. In his heart, this is what he should do for Bai Yi.

Only the next second, Bai Yi got in his ear, and his voice said lowly: "But I am very embarrassed and very angry... I know you, then you have to compensate me."

He said, he put his hand on Cheng Zhichu's hand under the table, gently buckled his fingers, rubbing his warm palm.

Cheng Zhichu’s face was red, and he quickly opened the distance between the two. He looked at his parents with guilty conviction and found that they had no abnormalities. They were relieved and wanted to take their hands out quietly, but Bai Yi It took a while to let go of his hand.

"Good meal."

Cheng Zhichu's face was reddish, and he made a mouth shape with Bai Yi. He quickly finished eating the rest of his meal. At this time, the people at the dinner table had almost the same food. Cheng Zhichu and his sister cleaned up the table together.

"Brother, since you are back, please ask you to wash the bowl, just to show it in front of your friends." Cheng Lingling spit out his tongue and handed over the responsibility to Cheng Zhichu, who slipped out of the kitchen first. .

"You push me to me again."

Cheng Zhichu has some helplessness, but he has always been more spoiled by his sister. He is bullied and can’t get angry. He can only wash his dishes in the kitchen. He just doesn’t worry about the situation outside, and he has to look at it from time to time. Bai Yi was still converging in front of his parents, and nothing happened.

After he washed for a while, the kitchen door was suddenly opened from the outside. Bai Yi rolled up his sleeve and walked in. He smiled and said to him: "I will help you."

"No, you are here, how can you wash your dishes..."

Cheng Zhichu originally wanted to introduce Bai Yi, but in the latter's repeated insistence, he had to go with him, but when he saw Bai Yi directly squeezed a small bowl of detergent in the bowl, he couldn't help it. Laughing out, patted Bai Yi’s shoulder and said, “I’m still letting me go. You shouldn’t have washed the bowl at all?”

After all, Bai Yi’s family is so superior. He is a big master born with a golden spoon. He must have never done these chores...

He couldn't help but laughed, but it was purely because Bai Yi was so perfect and perfect, but he was not good at ordinary housework. This contrast made him feel that Bai Yi was quite cute.

"..." The handsome man was silent for a moment, and seemed to understand that the reason for being laughed at was that the detergent was too much, so he poured half of it into the other bowl and said, "You told me how to wash, I can learn."

"Teach you back, I will wash them first." Cheng Zhichu smiled, because his hands were still wet, he touched Bai Yi with his arm and gestured to let him go. "You can wait and go."

"I don't want to go out," Bai Yi said. "Don't you want me to look at them?"

"Then you see that I am bored with washing dishes." Cheng Zhichu stood in the pool and washed the dishes.

"No, as long as you can look at you, whatever you do is very interesting."

Bai Yi suddenly leaned forward from Cheng Zhichu's back and took his whole person into his arms. His hands were on Cheng Zhichu's hand, and he kissed his ear gently, and gently called his name: "Knowledge... ..."

Cheng Zhichu’s face was red and red, and his hand trembled. He almost dropped the bowl into the pool and said in a panic: “Outside, my parents...”

"It doesn't matter, they can't see."

Bai Yi led Cheng Zhichu to put down the bowl in his hand, turned the person to the side of the table, chuckled and kissed his lips, and licked the wrist of the beginning of the process, letting him cover his neck and deepen this. kiss.

Cheng Zhichu was nervous and shy, closed his eyes, his eyelashes twitched, and he responded to Bai Yi with a green heart. His heart was sweet.

Only after they had not kissed for a long time, the kitchen door was opened, and the two immediately separated. At first glance, Joshua came in.

"How come you?" Cheng Zhichu wanted to cover the cough a few times, and turned his head away, not looking straight into Joshua's eyes.

"Look at what you are doing, let the two of you alone, we can all be relieved." The blonde youth smiled. "You should be lucky to come in, everyone else is stopped by me, otherwise..."

He didn't finish it, but the meaning was self-evident. He raised his hand and clicked on his own lip. He said to Cheng Zhichu with a brow in his eyebrows: "You wait for it to go out again, and it is still swollen."

"Cough, cough...!"

When Cheng Zhichu was red, he was really redeemed.

"Don't tease him." Bai Yi looked at Joshua coldly.

"I am just telling the truth." The blonde youth shrugged. "You will come out soon, otherwise I will not stop them."

Bai Yi did not answer, Joshua did not care, walked out of the kitchen, returned to his seat, and talked with Cheng Zhichu's parents, making the atmosphere more harmonious.

Cheng Lingling is sitting next to Su Ling, because she feels that Su Ling and her age are similar, should be more able to talk, but chatted, she found that Su Ling's temper is relatively lonely, not good at communicating with people, total It is she who said ten sentences, he can answer a sentence.

He is always looking at the kitchen...

Cheng Lingling was not angry. Instead, he watched the teenager's every move with interest and found that the teenager had been paying attention to the movement of the kitchen, perhaps looking at her brother.

Why should he pay attention to her brother so much?

The girl secretly groaned and grabbed a small amount of milk sugar from the snack nearby to Su Ling: "Hey, do you eat? This sugar is delicious."

Su Ling took back his eyes and had not had time to look at her. She shook her head subconsciously. Cheng Lingling handed the sugar over and smiled and added: "My brother also likes to eat this, you try it."

"……Thank you."

Seeing the sugar in her hand, Su Ling hesitated for a moment, or reached out and took it. He took one of the tablets and noticed the packaging of the sugar paper, which could not help but widen his eyes.

In his world, Zhichu also liked this brand of milk candy.


He held the milk sugar tightly in his hand, and the heart was inexplicably stinging. Slowly remove the sugar paper and put the milk sugar into the mouth, feeling a sweet taste.

For him, this taste is too sweet, and like Bai Yi, he also doesn't understand why he likes such sweets at first.

...but does this mean that no matter where it is, some things are doomed to change.

For example, I always like milk sugar at the beginning.

For example, the person who interacted with him is still Bai Yi, not him.

Never been him...

"Hey? You, what's wrong with you?"

Cheng Lingling saw the boy in front of him suddenly blinking his eyes, and suddenly he couldn’t help himself. She had never seen a boy crying. What happened? Was it sweet and crying?

If Su Ling hates sweets so much, she still eats because she mentioned that her brother likes it... Does this mean that he is also interesting to his brother?

The girl is not alert - she thinks about Gu Zhen, this man also likes her brother.

Just wanting to associate with her brother is not so easy, of course, we must first pass her, she will not easily let her brother casually let others!

Thinking of this, Cheng Lingling looked suspiciously at his brother's friends and began to see who felt very dangerous. It was like calling her brother's idea...


Sitting in the distance, Bai Xixing suddenly made a shock, and had a very subtle feeling.


When Cheng Zhichu washed the bowl and came out of the kitchen, he heard that his mother was asking the question again.

"Are you all still single? Or are there people you like?" Cheng Muxiao asked a few later people.

"Mom..." Cheng Zhichu called her and said helplessly, "You should never ask about this."

And he is also worried about whether this issue will lead to any **** case...

Chengmu said with a strange voice: "I asked what is the relationship. If you don't want to, thank you for not saying it, I don't force it."

But even though it is said, the look she is looking forward to makes it hard to reject.

"I have someone I like." Xie Yuanhuai slightly decapitated, looked at Cheng Zhichu quietly and answered politely.

"Me too." The groom said with a smile. "I have to marry him - hey, what are you doing?" He glared at Joshua, who suddenly smashed him, but the latter did not pay attention.

The groom was about to get angry, but Chengmu said with a smile on his face, and he was embarrassed to have another episode, and Chengmu continued to talk - making his mother-in-law happy is always right.

"... um, I have it too." The young-looking ghost nodded in a restrained manner, and at the same time showed some loss. "Just, I think he probably doesn't like me..."

Chengmu saw relief and said: "It doesn't matter, a boy like you, a guy you like will like you, it's just a matter of time."

"I also have people I like, but now I am still unrequited."

Joshua smiled and replied: "But I never ask him to respond to me because I am afraid that even my friends can't do it."

"how could be?"

Chengmu’s face was amazed, and even Cheng’s father, who was not very interested in participating in this topic, turned his head and said, “You are too pessimistic, and you don’t even have to do it with your friends. The little girls have always been handsome guys. It is very tolerant, don't believe you ask the spirit."

"Dad!" Cheng Lingling called.

"No, it's not my pessimism, but..." Joshua dropped her eyes and smiled bitterly. She whispered, "I like a man."


The room suddenly calmed down, and Cheng Zhichu’s eyes widened and he looked at Joshua incredulously. This guy shouldn’t want to confess to him directly in front of his parents? !

“Is it so embarrassing for everyone?” Joshua said apologetically. “Sorry, I should not mention it.”

"...No, of course not. How natural it is to like a person, how can we feel embarrassed."

Chengmu stunned for a few seconds and suddenly reacted and patted Joshua’s shoulder. The look softly comforted him: “You just like homosexuality. It’s neither illegal nor moral, just instinct, and all People have equal rights and no one is qualified to blame you."

Cheng father nodded and echoed: "That's right."

"But in this way, you have to think about more things." Cheng Madao, "You must first understand whether the person you like can accept you, but also consider the environment around you and the attitude of your family. will be even harder, you must have a long-term plan."

"Well, it’s right." Cheng Fu applauded.

"Uncle, aunt, you..." Joshua seemed to be jealous and asked, "Don't you think that I..."

"I and your uncle are not old-fashioned people." Cheng mother laughed. "In our opinion, whether you like the opposite **** or the same sex, whether you are willing to marry and have children, it is not important, the most important thing is to be happy. These individuals choose not to commit crimes, others should be respected."

"Your aunt is right." Cheng father repeatedly beheaded.

"Do you think so?" Cheng Lingling sat up, very shocked and said, "Mom, I thought you liked to talk about the media."

"If the conditions are right, I am willing to make a difference. This is not a conflict. You are really amazed." Cheng mother ordered the daughter's forehead.

"No, I still feel so strange, you have never told me and my brother before..."

"You two haven't asked about it yet, and we don't have to mention it."

Like her sister, Cheng Zhichu was also very surprised. She was also very moved and her heart was warm and warm.

Although he has just been with Bai Yi, he has not had time to consider the attitude of the family, but he is also subconsciously worried that he will intentionally avoid parents. He never thought that his parents were so open-minded.

It seems that as long as parents approve Bai Yi, they will agree to the two of them, and now it seems that parents like Bai Yi, this is not a problem at all.

"Thank you, Uncle, Aunt."

The young blonde also showed his moving color. He suddenly turned around and blinked at Cheng Zhichu, and slightly raised his lips. Cheng Zhichu realized that Joshua was deliberately acting to test his parents' attitude.

Others also showed a thoughtful look, time passed quickly, it was already late, Cheng Zhichu and Bai Yi and others left, and planned to stay at a hotel under the White House for one night.

Because of the fear of any accidents, Cheng Zhichu also wants to live in a hotel tonight. The reason for his family is that he wants to get together with friends. Parents will naturally not object.

Under the arrangement of Bai Xixing, they occupied the top floor of the hotel, each with a separate room, and Cheng Zhichu’s room was in the middle of all rooms.

Cheng Zhichu took a shower, rubbed his hair out, stood by the floor-to-ceiling window and enjoyed the night scene. He was thinking about whether or not to observe the movements of other rooms in the corridor. At this time, the system suddenly came out and said with joy.

[The book has finally been fixed, you can re-invent the soul fragments into the illustrations, now you go to their room, let me kiss them! 】


Bai Yi's Diary · Part Eighty-eighth

I should have been very unhappy tonight. I plan to go to sleep at the beginning of the game, and I am sure that other "I" have the same idea.


Bai Xixing's Diary · Excerpt

I don't know if Cheng Xuedi will worry about such a thing. For example, after he and my cousin, my elders will tens of millions of credit cards on his face and force him to leave my cousin.

But in reality it is impossible to happen. My parents always agreed that with my cousin's character, he will be lonely and old. (The cousin is too stuffy. No one except me knows that he secretly loves Cheng Xuedi. He always shows a cold look, and now suddenly someone can spend a lifetime with my cousin, they will probably only tear hundreds of millions of bank cards into the hands of Cheng Xuedi, asking him Don't leave my cousin.

And the matter of money is good to discuss, if several hundred million is not enough, they can add it.

The author has something to say: I saw the message of A'Au's big baby and mentioned that today is the birthday of Zhichu. I think it is true. In the copy of "Abandoned Hospital", I mentioned that his birthday is 5.26. Baby is really Have a heart! ! Then I am here to wish you a happy birthday! I wish him a glimpse of the next twenty-three, and then grow a little higher...! (by

By the way, Bai Yi’s birthday is 2.14, which happens to be Valentine’s Day. His elders once worried that Bai Yi will only have a birthday on 2.14, and he never knows what Valentine’s Day is.

(But actually, as long as Bai Yi is willing, he can be the most romantic man in the world...!)

Thanks to the shower of Li Xiaomi's grenade, and Lei Hong, you are really stupid, sweet, star-shaped tears, clouds, long-lived, long-lived, Ningzi, 1279 has been a waste, shiro, 53er, translators and Yu The landmine between the lotus leaves! =3=2k novel reading network