MTL - I Really Don’t Know How To Practice-Chapter 30 want her

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"What are you laughing at, son?"

Seeing that Han Xu refolded the scroll, put it on the flame of the red candle, and burned it to ashes with a smile, Nishang was a little puzzled.

She knew the information in the scroll, and judging from the brother-sister relationship shown by Han Xu and Han Luoling at today's wedding, there was no reason for Han Xu not to be interested in the information on the scroll.

But judging from Han Xu's expression, he was really not interested.

"Nothing." Han Xu said.

"Could it be that the young master is not satisfied with the gift from Xiaoxiang Pavilion?"

"It's not that I'm dissatisfied, but what interests me more is, where did Xiaoxiang Pavilion get the information on the scroll?"

Han Xu sat at the table, his eyes had returned to his usual calm, he tapped the table with his fingers, waiting for Nishang's answer.

At this moment, Nishang suddenly felt a great pressure from Han Xu.

He was obviously a waste that could not cultivate, but Nishang felt that he was facing a prehistoric beast.

Nishang only felt this kind of pressure when facing her boss, and her boss was the person in charge of Xiaoxiang Pavilion, an extraordinary expert.

"My lord, Nishang can't answer your question." Nishang bowed to apologize, and under the thin gauze, there was a shocking whiteness.

In this situation, I believe that except for Han Xu, no man can control it, but Han Xu's eyes are still clear, and he seems a little careless.

Nishang was adopted by the owner of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion since she was a child, and she knew the cruel methods of that owner. Even though she had a crush on Han Xu, she knew what to say and what not to say.

"Forget it, I won't embarrass you." Han Xu said, helped Nishang up, let her sit beside him, and then said to himself, "Since you want to give me a gift, you should let me give it to you." Do you know who gave the gift?"

His words were not meant for Nishang.

After finishing speaking, Han Xu asked Nishang to pour wine for himself, and began to drink by himself.

Compared with Han Xu's calmness, Nishang was a little nervous.

Not long after, there was the sound of applause outside the door, and then, the door was pushed open, and a person shrouded in black big turtles walked in.

Under the cover of the brim of the hat was a black gold mask, and no part of him could be seen at all.

If a person can wrap himself so tightly, then his identity must be very sensitive.

"First time meeting, hello, Mr. Han."

The man's voice was hoarse, apparently disguised, but it was still possible to tell that he was a man.

Han Xu looked at him. Although the man tried his best to restrain his breath, Han Xu still smelled an extraordinary smell.

"Who are you?" Han Xu asked a little arrogantly, his tone startled Nishang beside him, and gently tugged at Han Xu's sleeve.

"Didn't you just say you wanted to know who gave you the gift?" the man in black said, "I gave it to you."

"You are?" Han Xu asked. In fact, he had already guessed the identity of the black-robed man, because he told him after the last time Nishang was affected by the illusion of flowers in the mirror and water and the moon that there was only one extraordinary master in Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

"To be honest, I am the owner of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and my surname is Li."

Han Xu put on a look of indifference, crossed his legs and didn't talk to him, just like the second generation ancestor of a dandy.

Nishang was shocked. She knew the style of the pavilion master very well. Han Xu's attitude seemed to her to be courting death.

But what surprised Nishang was that the stern Pavilion Master was not angry, but glanced at the ashes on the table, and continued patiently: "It seems that the young master is not satisfied with my gift, is it?"

"The person who paid a lot of money to assassinate my sister at the Fengling Inn is not the enemy of King Han, but the **** Fuhai next to the queen." Han Xu stared at Pavilion Master Li's mask, repeating the content on the scroll, and then he smiled. He said, "I already knew what you said."

"You knew it earlier?" Pavilion Master Li asked in surprise, "When did you know it? And how did you know it?"

"After my sister entered the royal city, I went with her to the harem and met the queen. Fu Hai happened to be there at that time."

"that's it?"

"That's it?"

"It's just a meeting, and you don't have any evidence."

"This kind of thing doesn't need any evidence, who is the last person to want to see my sister, Concubine Feng."

"A lot of people don't want to."

"But there are very few who have the guts to attack Han Wang's only daughter."

When Han Xu said this, the meaning was already obvious. Although there was no evidence, smart people knew that the empress was the most suspected, and only the empress had the status to dare to do such a disgraceful thing.

"Sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs. It seems that everyone underestimated you." Pavilion Master Li said sincerely.

In a few words, it can be deduced that the queen is the person behind the scenes, how could it be the trash in other people's mouths.

What's more, among the younger generation, there are no more than ten fingers who can still be so calm and composed in the face of an extraordinary master.

Even Nishang looked at Han Xu in surprise, as if looking at another person.

She suddenly remembered the scene when Han Xu came here last time. She could only remember that Han Xu entered the room with her, but she had no memory of what happened next.

Nishang didn't tell anyone about it, she just thought it was because she drank too much alcohol, but it was inconceivable for a seventh-rank master to drink to pieces.

"Is he really a waste?" Nishang began to doubt.

"No one underestimates me." Han Xu said, "I'm just a waste who can't cultivate, but I was born into a prince's family by accident."

"Hahahaha!" Pavilion Master Li smiled, and did not continue to entangle with Han Xu, and said, "Since the young master doesn't like the present, how dare you ask the young master, what do you want?"

Han Xu said: "I want to know why Xiaoxiang Pavilion wants to give me a trash as a gift."

"We naturally want to make friends with the young master."

"Take me as an investment to make friends with my sister." After Han Xu finished speaking, Pavilion Master Li did not deny that their intention was indeed so.

Han Xu used to be a good-for-nothing, not worth making friends with, but now it's different. His sister has become a concubine, and with Han Luoling's beauty, she will become a concubine sooner or later. As a result, Han Xu's worth will naturally rise accordingly.

Even if this is the case, Xiaoxiang Pavilion did not hesitate to reveal some of its true colors to show its favor, but it still somewhat exceeded Han Xu's this case, it is better to try again.

So Han Xu said: "I want to know who the boss of Xiaoxiang Pavilion is? I'm talking about the real boss."

Pavilion Master Li was stunned, a little surprised at Han Xu's intelligence, but luckily the mask covered his expression.

He said: "This, I can't tell you yet."

Nishang's expression changed. As the oiran of Xiaoxiang Pavilion, this is the first time she heard that besides the owner of Pavilion Li, Xiaoxiang Pavilion actually has a behind-the-scenes boss. But how did Han Xu know about these things? He analyzed it?

At this time, Pavilion Master Li had completely changed his view of Han Xu, and thought that after going back, he must re-evaluate Han Xu.

With such thoughts, his attitude naturally changed slightly, at least a lot more solemnly.

Since Han Xu can think of so many things, what he wants must not be simple.

Pavilion Master Li thought for a while and said, "Let's change another condition. Apart from this, as long as Xiaoxiang Pavilion can do it, we must do our best."

This time it was Han Xu's turn to be surprised. Xiaoxiang Pavilion unexpectedly regarded him as more important than expected.

Han Xu thought for a while, although with the power of Xiaoxiang Pavilion, he could do many things, but Han Xu didn't want the lion to open his mouth. Once the love is owed, it will be exchanged.

The heavier the love owed at this moment, the more troublesome things to do in the future.

But now Han Xu really needs the support of Xiaoxiang Pavilion, so he must accept this affection and grasp it well.

"Actually, what I want is very simple. Drink the best wine and play with the most beautiful women, that's all." Han Xu looked at Nishang, who suddenly felt struck by a lightning bolt and lowered his head unconsciously.

Han Xu reached out and pointed at Nishang.

"I want her."