MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 425 mutation

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"As long as it hits once by chance, the transport plane and the people inside will be gone. With this time and risk, it is better to break through directly from the ground."

After speaking, Chuxue continued to observe the battlefield ahead.

Like what Woodian said, she knows very well that law enforcers are already performing airborne missions everywhere.

But, it was used to target mechs. Ordinary people would not be able to sustain a height of tens of meters without borrowing auxiliary equipment.

This is very impractical, and it is not necessarily true that it will all be given away in vain.

Hearing Chuxue's tone, Woodian also realized that this was a bad idea.

But in desperation, he was unwilling to give up just like that, so he continued to bite the bullet and said, "Then, your Excellency, you can take the law enforcement officers up there. There are not many of you, and there should be enough time."

These words made Chuxue focus on Woody'an again: "In that field, these people can only wait here to die, and there will only be more and more monsters in the future, and you will not be able to rush out."

While talking about Chuxue, he pointed to the densely packed figures inside the line of defense.

The guard team not only has mechs, but also many ordinary people and logistics personnel who only carry conventional firearms.

Plus those hundreds of survivors, we can't just leave them all alone.

"I will continue to stay and direct, Your Excellency, it's okay to hold on for a while."

"Wait until you return to the headquarters, take over the situation over there, and then send troops over to support." Woodian gritted his teeth and said.

He hadn't been on the battlefield for a long time and suddenly encountered such a big scene, saying that he was not afraid of being fake, and he didn't want to die in the hands of monsters.

It's just that Chuxue's life is more important, so I don't worry if Chuxue returns to the headquarters to take over him.

And his subordinates are also watching helplessly, he can't leave these people behind.

However, Chuxue shook her head directly: "Don't worry about it, support is on the way, hold on for a while, and I will take you all away."

After the lecture, Chuxue stopped discussing this issue with Woodian and continued to pay attention to the battlefield.

If she wanted to live or run away, she could walk anytime.

But law enforcers come down to deal with crises, and running away when something happens is not the habit of law enforcers.

This made Wu Dian slightly taken aback. From last night to now, everything was very urgent. He only remembered Chuxue's identity, but forgot the strength of the Federation of Law Enforcers.

These law enforcers on the field are just a drop in the bucket, it seems that Chuxue's safety is really not his turn to worry about.

It's just that he didn't know if Chuxue said that she would take them all away was the truth, or if she was simply inspiring, and would she really be able to get away with it?

While Woodian was thinking to himself, the situation on the field changed again, and all the deflagration bombs dropped by the fighter planes had been extinguished.

After all, the number was not large, and it was raining, so it would be good to last for more than a minute.

Without the suppression of the flames, the aliens could continue to rush forward, rushing towards the defense line in black.

The main reason is that the resistance is relatively fierce in this area nearby, which will naturally attract all the eyes of the monster.

In fact, not only the surroundings, but also the floors and streets in the distance are constantly crawling out and gathering monsters, like a black river.

Including farther away, the same is true, chaos and disorder are spreading.

This is very scary. You must know that it is only a few tens of minutes from the full incubation to the present, and it can lead to this situation, which is enough to explain the destructiveness brought by the aliens.

Fortunately, with the existence of fighters, the number of alien scythes has never increased, and the defense line has always been in a relatively stable state. At least there will be no problems until the firepower of the mechs and fighters is completely empty.

However, the most terrifying means of monsters is not their attack means, nor their numbers, but their strange parasitic and hiding methods, as well as their thinking beyond imagination.

Just when everything was going in a better direction for the security team, a change occurred, and the people who were arranged in the danger zone suddenly let out several ear-piercing screams.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd became chaotic, as if they had seen something terrifying, followed by more screams.

"What's the situation?! Let them be quiet! We will save them when the reinforcements arrive!" Woodian angrily scolded the subordinates in charge in the team channel, thinking it was improper management.

He didn't know or see anyone in the danger zone, and they weren't even in the community. They were all pedestrians who came here to take refuge after the crisis.

In front of Chuxue, someone used a simple arrangement of magnetic energy vehicles and some simple fences to plan an area for these people to stay, and he had no time to manage it. Who knew that the sudden yelling now was not causing trouble?

Before waiting for the mecha in charge of watching the dangerous area to reply, Chuxue's voice sounded in the team channel: "A parasite just got in! It's hatching! Watch over there! There will be monsters coming!"

Even if she hasn't seen the monster yet, she can guess exactly what happened.

And she deliberately planned a dangerous area outside the defense line to prevent monsters from using this method to affect the defense line.

Otherwise, you have to deal with the monsters outside and beware of the parasites inside the line of defense. Falling is inevitable.

Hearing what Chuxue said, Wu Dian also showed an expression of enlightenment. He was busy dealing with the outside world and logistics last night, and he really didn't know the way.

A team of backup mechas and the mechas in charge of the area also quickly followed Chuxue's order and ran over armed with weapons, intending to find out the parasite.

It's just that there are too many people in the danger zone, at least five or six hundred. The parasites and monsters are mixed in the crowd, and it is impossible to distinguish them.

As more and more people were bitten by the aliens, more and more aliens hatched, making the scene even more chaotic.

In order to survive, many people ran away from the safe zone, crying and rushing towards the defense line.

Because there are a lot of mechs there, it looks safe.

But this is absolutely forbidden for Chuxue, she immediately shouted in the team channel: "Don't let anyone in the danger zone enter the line of defense! Tell everyone who is okay to get down! Anyone who dares to approach you directly fires! Hit the belly!"

This is a ruthless order, which means that many innocent people will die in the danger zone, even at the hands of the guard's mechs.

But this is also the most effective order, at least it can save the security team members in the line of defense and the hundreds of survivors who were tested normal from the four buildings last night.

If it is in a safe area, Chuxue may let these people come in first, and then slowly test them one by one to distinguish between those who have problems and those who are not.

But in this situation, she can only use the most cruel and effective way to solve it.

Otherwise, once a parasite mixed in and hatched again, she might die herself.

This is not her guessing, but inevitable, the aliens like to use this method, she is too familiar with it.

The mechs of the guard were stunned when they heard this order, but didn't do anything.

They just yelled for those who came out of the danger zone to get down, and did not open fire directly.

The main reason is that I can't pass the test in my heart. It's okay to hit a parasite, but if I hit a normal person, then...

It can be said that these people have good intentions and do not want to hurt innocent people.

But at this time, verbal warnings could not stop the frightened crowd at all, and many people moved faster instead.

Woodian stood inside the line of defense, a little at a loss.

He would not dare to issue an order like Chuxue's order for mechas to directly attack the crowd.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to bear the psychological pressure, the pressure of his subordinates, or the pressure of public opinion afterwards.

At this time, he also understood the vicious intention of the monster. Using parasites to hide in the crowd can not only parasitize more healthy people, but also force the crowd to attack the security team when necessary, putting the security team in a dilemma.

Do monsters also understand human nature? Do you know that the guard will not attack ordinary people at will?

If this is really the case, it would be too scary...

Seeing the crowd getting closer to the defense line and about to pass over the defensive mechs, Chuxue became a little annoyed, and turned her head: "Xiao Rou, you go!"

Xiaorou obviously understood Chuxue's meaning very well, and immediately led several law enforcement officers out of the bunker and rushed over. She also took the lead in pulling the trigger of the standard pistol, and hit a man who rushed forward and couldn't tell whether it was a parasite or a normal man. on the stomach.

She has received much more pressure training than this kind of city guard, and there is no saying that she can't handle it.

It was precisely because he couldn't judge that he had to fight.

With the law enforcers taking the lead and the situation in critical condition, the mech squad responsible for blocking them became bolder and opened fire one after another, knocking down the dozen or so people rushing ahead as quickly as possible.

However, I can feel that they are still keeping their hands. They are using the least powerful weapons, and they will try to avoid them if they can't hit the vital parts.

Seeing that the mecha was not just a verbal warning, but would actually fire, the following crowd felt scared and fell down as required.

Now going forward is also death, retreating is also death, they are really going to despair.

I can only stay on the ground and pray that I will not be targeted by monsters and will not be bitten.

With the cooperation of the crowd, things immediately became simpler.

Because after all normal people lay down, the view of the danger zone becomes wider, and the aliens that are jumping can be seen.

And with the parasitism and incubation, their number has changed from a few to dozens, and they are still expanding their number.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xiaorou pointed her gun at the aliens within the range, as did the surrounding law enforcement officers.

Their shooting level is still very high, especially on a flat surface with a good view, one after another the aliens are killed.

The mechas also fired collectively, converting the guilt of attacking normal people into anger, and poured it on the monster.

Even if a parasitized person wants to hatch quickly, they will be killed on the spot.

In less than two minutes, the crisis in the danger zone was temporarily lifted, and there were no more aliens that could wreak havoc.

Although absolute safety cannot be guaranteed, there may be parasites hiding in the lying crowd.

But at least they know how to deal with it, and there will be no related problems in a short time.

Chuxue breathed a sigh of relief when the scene stabilized, the situation just now was quite thrilling.

Woody'an was even more delighted. For a moment just now, he thought that Chuxue was going to kill all the pedestrians on the field. This was obviously the best result.

However, this does not mean the end, monsters are still coming in all directions, and the biggest threat has not disappeared yet.

And as time went by, the first mecha that was empty of ammunition and fell into misfire also appeared.

"Sir! Supplies are urgent! Energy blocks and ammunition are urgently needed!"

"Sir, my side..."

All kinds of voices asking for help echoed in the team channel.

Although it is only a few tens of minutes before the monster fully hatches, it stands to reason that the energy consumption will not be so serious.

But in fact, they fought one last night and another this morning. The mechs that participated in these two battles naturally couldn't hold on.

In addition, the level of their mechas is generally not high, most of them are revenge level and Rakshasa level, the squad leader only has the prison level, and the only one of the curse level is their squadron leader, and the battery life is not strong.

In such a terrifying situation as the monster wave, it is normal to fire with all your strength and consume all of them.

"Where's the transport plane? The transport plane is back to drop supplies!" Woodian shouted directly in the team channel.

In order to deal with this incident, they made full preparations before the incident, and brought a lot of ammunition and energy blocks.

It's just that the incident happened suddenly, and a large part of it fell in the community, and it was too late to transport it out.

Fortunately, there is still a small part in the transport plane, which can be air-dropped to relieve the urgent need.

I don't know if I heard Woody'an's urging, or other fighter planes conveyed it, and soon two transport planes that were originally checking the situation a little far away rushed over.

After slightly lowering the flight altitude, the halyard was The alloy boxes that were simply packed one by one slid down and hit the thick ground next to the defense line.

A few of them didn't seem to be fully packed, and fell and scattered all over the place, all of which were ammunition and energy blocks.

The moment the delivery was completed, the transport plane immediately returned to its normal height, and the pilots inside were also afraid of being attacked by the alien scythe.

If it just crashes, that's okay, but with the size of the transport plane, if it hits the defense line, it will be absolutely devastating. It is estimated that the curse-level mech can't resist...

The response from the ground was also very fast. Soon, members of the security team in charge of logistics ran out of the line of defense and lifted the alloy box.

Those mechas that were about to run out of energy or ammunition hurriedly approached the supply area, and quickly resupplied with the assistance of the logistics staff.

It can be clearly felt that the barrage of firepower on the defense line has become much sparser during this period, allowing the aliens to approach for a long distance.

Fortunately, as the mechas were dense again, the firepower network became dense again, making it difficult for the fragile aliens to cross the pool.

However, the improved situation in front of him could not make Woodian feel at ease.

He knew that all of this was temporary, and this was their last wave of supplies, and there were no more supplies on the transport plane.

If you can't get rescue or break through before the consumption is exhausted, you will die here sooner or later.

While thinking about this, he couldn't help but look at Chuxue's position.

In fact, he really wanted to ask when Chuxue's support would arrive, and in what form.

But seeing Chuxue calmly standing beside the bunker, looking like a stranger, he didn't dare to disturb her, so he could only take a deep breath and continue to wait anxiously...

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