MTL - I Plunder Endlessly In the Interstellar Age-Chapter 401 1 Unify Tianhe, just today!

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The adjutant and others ignored the rotting prisoner, and walked past one after another, leaving only the two mechas to watch.

At the same time, he began to contact his scattered Mecha Legion, gave up all resistance, and let Beiliang advance.

They can't take the initiative to call Chen Han now, but they can arrange their own people.

Unlike Zero, which has the ability to communicate in a large area, they have to contact nearly 100,000 blocks one by one, which is a large project and takes a lot of time.

And when the law enforcers in the core block forced Prison Qi to make a compromise, many law enforcers in other blocks also put down their weapons and left the mecha.

Even if they haven't received any order yet, they know that this is the best ending.

Going with the times is not ashamed.

In this way, with the cooperation of many parties, the advance speed of Beiliang's million mechs was several times faster than expected.

Wherever they went, there was basically no resistance. Whether it was the law enforcement officers or their family members, they were very sensible and only needed to accept the captives.

In just one day, 60% of the small blocks were in Beiliang's hands.

After a short rest, under Chen Han's order, the remaining 40% also completed control after half a day.

In just two days, a total of over 100,000 small blocks belonged to Beiliang.

The last thing left is the core block in the middle, which is considered to be the most important part of the planetary fortress, with a relatively large number of enforcers.

As the blockade of Block Zero was lifted, more than 300,000 mechas gathered around at the same time poured in.

I thought there would be a very fierce resistance, after all, there is a high probability that Prison Qi will not surrender.

But there were no enemy mechas or any firepower waiting for them. There were only unarmed law enforcement officers standing in a row. The leader even expressed his willingness to surrender and begged for preferential treatment from Beiliang.

Although he was surprised, he had seen a lot along the way, and Beiliang quickly took control of the situation step by step.

In the Kus calendar, seventy-second era, 7129 star year, three-star month, and one-star day, Beiliang completely occupied the planetary fortress of the Tianhe system.

This also means that the highest authority in the Milky Way system, the Federation of Law Enforcers, has fallen.

After confirming that everything was safe, Chen Han and Mu Qianye hurried into the planetary fortress with excitement.

In addition to wanting to see the interior of the planetary fortress with their own eyes and take over related work, there are still some things that they have to ask Prisoner in person.

The moment he stepped into the planetary fortress, stepping on the alloy under his feet, Chen Han couldn't help feeling a sense of pride in his heart.

The last time I entered a planetary fortress, it was in the gray hole system, someone else's territory, and they belonged to others.

Now this is his planetary fortress, something he never even dared to imagine.

Since Zero has already lifted the blockade of the entire planetary fortress, and the electricity has been fully restored, so at this time, everything is normal except for the management of the fortress.

Like the Sky Blue Fortress, there are a large number of shuttle passages here, so that the shuttle can go directly to any area.

After taking a shuttle for a long time, Chen Han also had a general understanding of the specific functions of each structure of this planetary fortress.

Like the periphery of the fortress, in addition to the curtain and various weapons, there are also extendable docking channels, and the battleship can stop in most areas.

Those such as the battleship repair shop are also external, which is more convenient.

Then there is the extremely thick outer layer of armor, which is the outermost layer of the planetary fortress. It can be said that the entire planetary fortress is wrapped in an alloy thousands of meters thick.

Even if the curtain of the planetary fortress is destroyed and all the weapons are destroyed, with such a thick armor, it can withstand most attacks.

This also made Chen Han keep sighing that fortunately he used a tricky method, otherwise the outer armor alone would be enough for them to work...

The inner small block closest to the outer armor is similar to a barracks, where a large number of law enforcement officers are stationed.

Law enforcement officers who are usually on duty or need to go on missions frequently have to stay here.

What airframe repair shop, weapon arsenal, ammunition factory, strategy

Warehouses and other military facilities are also located in this area.

When Beiliang's million mechas attacked before, they encountered some resistance in this area, and then it became less and less, until there was no resistance at all.

Anyway, this is the head battle zone of the Law Enforcer Federation in the planetary fortress.

Then the large circle at the back is where the family members of the law enforcement officers are located. There are residential areas, planting areas, breeding areas, industrial areas, etc., and they can be absolutely self-sufficient in terms of food and living materials.

It is worth mentioning that in the residential area, in addition to conventional high-rise buildings, vehicles such as magnetic energy vehicles, schools, hospitals and other industries are all available.

It can also mimic the terrain and weather of normal planets, with distinct day and night.

Some places even have terrains such as mountains and oceans, and you can't feel much difference in normal living, just like living in a more prosperous city.

However, it is indoors after all, and there is a blockable alloy between each block, which cannot be completely opened.

Fortunately, those who can come to live here are the immediate family members or important family members of the law enforcement officers. What they value is the level of safety here, and basically there will be no vicious incidents.

Welfare and medical care are top-notch, and you can live a happier life without messing around.

In this area, the mechas in Beiliang also took the most time, because the building density is too high and the population is too large, it is very troublesome to occupy.

Finally, there is the core area, which is completely different from the outer and middle layers. This is a zone where idlers are not allowed to enter.

Because the various control modules and core components of the entire planetary fortress are all in this part.

At the same time, the high-level law enforcement officers and federations are also here, and they are responsible for commanding during wartime.

Generally speaking, this planetary fortress fits the image in Chen Han's heart, and everything it should have is complete.

Leaving aside the defensive weapons, the internal facilities are not much worse than the Sky Blue Fortress.

Of course, the structure distribution is still different from the Sky Blue Fortress.

The Sky Blue Fortress has no distinction between the periphery and the core, but is divided into two hemispheres as a whole, one half is used for living, and the other half is used for military planning by the Law Enforcer Federation.

These two styles have their own advantages, and it is impossible to say which one is better.

After a general understanding, the shuttle where Chen Han and Mu Qianye were located stopped near the war room in the core area of ​​the planetary fortress.

The mechas and rangers of the three major legions in Beiliang have already occupied this place, and the rest are handed over to the mechas of the foreign legion and the United Front.

In the alloy channel leading to the war room, the androids were driving the original sin series mechas and stood in two rows.

Looking at the spotless ground and the soft energy lamp above, Chen Han still has a sense of dream.

A month ago, they were still thinking hard about what to do with the planetary fortress, but now they are going to become the masters here.

Mu Qianye was holding a bare board, constantly operating something.

Occupying this place is just the beginning, and there are still many things that need to be done in order to resume operation.

A few seconds later, as an automatic door slowly opened, Chen Han and Mu Qianye walked in directly.

Eleven and Piaohuo have already brought a group of artificial geeks in, staying in front of each screen and quickly operating.

A Ao and the others who took the lead to capture here also left the mech and were looking around.

Su Wen, who saw the planetary fortress for the first time, has been taking pictures, and these things will be used in the report of the Voice of Tianhe later.

As for the enforcers, there is no one to be seen on the field, and now those people are all prisoners.

With the existence of zero and a large number of geeks, Beiliang does not need any law enforcement to help control it.

There was only one middle-aged man lying on the ground wearing the uniform of a law enforcement officer of the Tianhe system, and it was the archon prisoner Qi.

Even though there were hundreds of people around him, he remained motionless, wondering if he was dead.

Seeing Chen Han, Ao walked over first, grinning: "Boss, when will we unify the Tianhe system?"

This question made all the main personnel from Beiliang who had already arrived here gather around

, everyone smiling across the board.

Although the invasion of the planetary fortress was very smooth, without the tenacious resistance they imagined, these combatants were unable to perform.

But it didn't get any better than this, and it was much earlier than they expected.

"Just today!" Chen Han clenched his fists without any hesitation, and looked around the crowd.

Defeating a planetary fortress means unifying the Milky Way system, this is not just casual talk.

Because the outside world is already under the jurisdiction of Beiliang, only here.

Because of Chen Han's words, everyone's smiles became brighter.

Although it has not been announced to the outside world in the form of a press conference at this time, everyone knows that the Tianhe system is theirs.

This ending is worthy of their ups and downs along the way.

At the same time, the eyes were a little hot, as if something was about to flow out uncontrollably.

However, no one cried. Today is a happy day, so we have to laugh.

After a brief exchange of words, Chen Han lowered his head slightly, pointed to the ground, and said helplessly, "Didn't you agree not to hit him first? Why did you just lie on the ground? Could it be dead..."

When he first came in, he saw Prison Qi, and subconsciously thought it was Miao Ying who had a bad temper and did it with A Ao.

After all, these two people had a lot of malice towards Yuan Qi, and they even threatened to peel Yuan Qi's skin to avenge Mu Qianye's parents.

Before attacking the planetary fortress, Chen Han specially told the two of them that when they saw Prison Qi, they could just control them without using their hands.

It's not that violence can't be done, but that he still has some information to get from Qiao Qi, so he can't just kill him.

"No, he just lay here as soon as he came in." Miaoying shook her head first.

"I really didn't fight, Boss, we didn't even touch him..." Ao followed up.

"Huh?" Now it was Chen Han's turn to be dazed, and he took a few steps forward, looking down at the relatively poor-looking prisoner Qi.

Only then did he realize that Qiuqi's breathing was very gentle, and his closed eyes were more like falling asleep...

"Hey, wake up." Chen Han tentatively kicked Qiao Qi's belly.

At the same time, I lamented that it was strange that the prisoner could not be a consul, but he was able to sleep soundly under such circumstances...

After shouting continuously for twenty seconds, Qiuqi's eyelids moved, opened slowly, and sat up somewhat confused.

The lazy posture and dull eyes are exactly the same as sleeping in during the holidays.

"His adjutant took the lead in surrendering. After that communication, it is said that he was so angry that he has been sleeping." Mu Qianye reminded Chen Han in a low voice.

Facing the enemy who most likely ordered her parents to be killed, she was very peaceful and calm.

It's just that the coldness in the depths of the eyes can't be stopped.

"Well, no wonder." Chen Han nodded.

At that time, he still felt a little strange that the law enforcement officers did not resist. Could it be that he obeyed because of a few words?

Now it seems that Prison Qi wants to fight, but no one under his banner is willing to listen to him.

This shows that Prison Qi is a disappointing consul in the hearts of law enforcement officers.

However, this is not difficult to understand.

After all, Prison Qi has been in power for many years and relies more on Yin Disi. He has not shown too much charisma and will not have many diehard loyalists.

Tens of seconds later, Qiao Qi came back to his senses from the lost lake.

Seeing Chen Han and others, he didn't seem very surprised.

Standing up calmly, he walked to the wine cabinet at the combat platform, poured himself a glass of transparent distilled wine, and downed it.

It wasn't until he was fully awake that he looked at Chen Han and said expressionlessly, "You're here."

Ever since he was persuaded by his subordinates to surrender and lay on the ground, he was so disheartened that he never opened his eyes again and wanted to sleep.

This sleep lasted for more than two days, no matter how noisy outside, how many people walked by, he did not wake up.

It's not pretending, he's just so sleepy.

Because he is the one who is the most tired these days

, busy directing the whole process.

The geeks can still work in rotation, and he is the only one. Basically, he can only sleep for one or two weeks a day, and sometimes he can't even squint his eyes for two days.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be a few months from the previous one hundred and eighty catties to the current one hundred and twenty catties.

If he hadn't been woken up, he felt that he could sleep for another three to five days before he could fully recover.

At the same time, this is also the most comfortable sleep he has had since Chen Han and others returned to the Tianhe system.

The main reason is that I don’t have to worry about when the enemy will come, I don’t have to set the alarm clock to do what, I don’t even have to think about whether I can live, and I get unprecedented relaxation.

To be able to die without feeling any pressure, worth it.

So even now facing Chen Han he is not afraid at all.

He is going to die soon, what are you afraid of?

"I said I'd come." Chen Han nodded, but he was quite surprised by Yuan Qi's reaction.

"Ready to humiliate me or have doubts?"

"If you want to know something, just ask, I will choose to answer."

"But after I answer, I will also ask you a question. You have to answer, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to hear the next one from my mouth." Kunqi poured himself another glass of distilled wine, speaking very fast.

He doesn't have the talent that a consul should have, but he is not stupid. He knows that the reason why Chen Han came face to face with him must be to get something from him.

People are going to be gone, he doesn't mind answering Chen Han a few questions.

It's just that he also had a lot of questions about Beiliang in his heart, and he couldn't figure it out all the time, so he planned to use it in exchange for Chen Han to clear up his doubts, at least to understand.