MTL - I Only Like Your Character Settings-Chapter 32 joy from heaven

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"Isn't this your CP?" Zhao Ke approached Zhou Ziheng with a face full of teasing, and showed him the photos and videos from his Moments. Much better looking."

"There are six girls in our class." Zhou Ziheng sneered, and buried his head to continue the unfinished question, but he didn't put on the earphones.

"Oh, what I mean is that they are better-looking than the girls in our school, and have fair skin. Tsk tsk, I can't tell. I thought you were just ordinary fried Xipis. I didn't expect you to have such a good relationship in private. He will come even if you study by yourself." Look at you." Zhao Ke's brain hole became bigger and bigger, "He will not prepare some kind of love lunch box for you!"

Zhou Ziheng twirled the pen with his fingers, put the pen on the table with a bang, and looked up at Zhao Ke. Among other things, Zhou Ziheng's raised eyes are definitely the most A, exuding the pheromone of "I'm not easy to mess with", Zhao Ke immediately covered his mouth with comprehension, "Learn, study."

Love box?

With his skill, it is good not to poison people to death.

The strange thing is that Zhou Ziheng actually imagined the weird situation where Xia Xiqing handed him a pink bento box. When the lid was lifted, there was a large black mass of unknown objects inside.

Crazy, crazy, what the **** are they? Zhou Ziheng held his forehead with his left hand, while holding a pen in his right hand, he was absent-mindedly writing and drawing on the draft paper.

Why did Xia Xiqing come to their school? And he didn't even tell him, obviously he was still forwarding the Weibo of the magazine's official blog just like himself.

Could it be that he really came to find him?

No, no, no, he must have no good intentions.

"Hey Ziheng."

The mess of thoughts was interrupted by Zhao Ke's voice, Zhou Ziheng came back to his senses and found that he had written a lot of Xia Xiqing's names on the draft paper, which scared him, so he quickly carried the draft paper back and pressed , "What, what's wrong?"

Zhao Ke pointed to his calculation paper with a pen, "Prove Bloch's theorem for me, I feel wrong after proving it for a long time."

Zhou Ziheng breathed a sigh of relief, took the calculation paper and looked at it for a while, then took off his baseball cap and put it on his head, so as not to block Zhao Ke's sight with the brim of the hat.

"To put it bluntly, the most difficult part of this proof is the eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian operator. The direct calculation is too much work, so here we need to introduce a translation operator, because these two operators have the same eigenvalue function, and the eigenvalue of the translation operator is easy to calculate,” he lowered his head, and carefully wrote the formula and derivation process on the paper, “this is equivalent to the curve saving the country. In fact, there is an assumption behind it, and it is concluded that it is a periodic function That's about it."

"Oh, I understand, I understand." Zhao Ke took the calculation paper, "Tianxiu, tell me the truth, did you secretly make up lessons during filming!"

Zhou Ziheng snorted, "If I make up lessons, will I still come here to study by myself?"


It feels weird to say those two words now. Zhou Ziheng took the draft paper with Xia Xiqing's name on it under the table calmly, thinking about rubbing it. His fingers paused again, and finally he folded it a few times and stuffed it into his pocket.

Xia Xiqing, who was almost kneaded into a ball, finally came to the Academy of Arts with the help of enthusiastic female students. The former assistant tutor, Professor Wang, specially found a student to pick him up. As soon as they met, they greeted him very warmly.

"Senior brother Xi Qing, I heard from Teacher Wang that you were a famous figure there when you were in Fomei." The younger brother looked adoring, "I have seen many of your previous works on Teacher Wang's computer, I really like them, especially It's that "Girl in the Boboli Gardens", it's really so..." He couldn't find the exact adjective for a while, his face was flushed, and his outstretched index finger was still raised excitedly.

Xia Xiqing thought it was funny, he stretched out his hand to retract the little junior's fingers, and patted his shoulder again.


The younger brother blushed even more, and quickly followed Xia Xiqing, "Brother, I watched your show, you are really amazing, and I just watched your works before, I really didn't expect you to be so... so beautiful. "When the last four words came out, he suddenly felt guilty and his voice weakened.

He was a little afraid of embarrassment. After all, for most boys, being praised by another boy for his good looks is not so gratifying.

Unexpectedly, Xia Xiqing turned his head and showed him a gentle smile, "Then I'm really honored, it just fits your aesthetics."

Being teased by him like this, the innocent little junior was completely fascinated, and excitedly and awkwardly led him to the location arranged for the sculpture exhibition.

While on the road, Xia Xiqing had already seen the materials and design drafts of this modern sculpture art exhibition passed by Professor Wang. When he came to the scene, he found that Professor Wang was not exaggerating. There were only two days left, and many things were missing. Finish.

"Originally we had enough time, but something went wrong with the team responsible for the main exhibit, and the teacher was very dissatisfied with the final product, so I can only ask my brother to come and help us to complete this exhibit."

The so-called main exhibit in his mouth is actually a surrealistic sculpture with a height of 3.2 meters. In the initial design draft, he planned to use resin materials and fiberglass to make a high-fidelity man's head, but what Xia Xiqing saw was only Completely out of correct proportions and finished with only the lower half of the face.

"Brother, originally we wanted to dismantle it directly, but the teacher said to wait for you to come and take a look."

Xia Xiqing didn't speak, just touched his chin, picked up a pencil from the ground, took the design draft and circled around this defective exhibit, stopping from time to time to write and draw with his head down.

Twenty minutes later, the little junior who was sitting on the ground waiting was about to fall asleep, and suddenly there was a piece of paper in front of him, on which was a completely different design draft.

The original surrealist style was overthrown, but this unbalanced and defective portrait was retained, but the top part of the head was removed to form a hollow skull, and a variety of complex and interlaced lines erupted from the skull, using wood chips and acrylic fibers , metal, colored resin and other materials, but on the outermost layer, black cotton thread is used to wrap everything up and around.

The left side of the lower half of the face was shattered and cracked, and the left eye was filled with tears made of resin to fill the cracked gaps in the face.

In the lower right corner of the design draft, there is a theme - Imprisonment.

Imprisoning Thoughts…

This kind of concept is really amazing. Holding the design draft, the little junior was speechless for a long time, looked up at Xia Xiqing who was squatting in front of him, "This, this..."

Xia Xiqing just tilted the corner of his mouth, pointed his thumb back at the defective exhibits behind him, "Work has started." He stood up, pulled the beige sweater on his body, frowned slightly, and asked , "Brother, do you have clothes that are more resistant to dirt?"

In the library, Zhou Ziheng was still studying in his previous seat, but the commotion in the back row became louder and louder, and the girls gathered together to discuss in low voices.

"Hey, it's been so long, and Xia Xiqing hasn't come to the library, maybe he got lost."

"There are several libraries in our school, maybe."

"Don't gossip, maybe he didn't come here because of Zhou Ziheng. My classmate is in the Academy of Arts, and said that Xia Xiqing was always asking where the Academy of Arts was going on the way, and didn't ask the Academy of Physics at all."

"Really or not, alas, it turned out to be a fake candy. I said Ziheng didn't move no matter what."

There is silence in the headphones, no music. In the quiet study room, even the quietest discussions can be heard. Zhou Ziheng didn't respond, but Zhao Ke turned around and gave the girls in the back row a hard look.

Zhou Ziheng took off his black-rimmed glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Looking at the draft paper all over the table, he couldn't help but took out his mobile phone from his pocket and unlocked the screen.

Not a single message.

I couldn't help but clicked on WeChat, and the dense new news came up, and the chat box of the [terrorist] was squeezed into an invisible corner, and it took several pages to find it.

What the **** is this guy doing? He didn't even say hello to him when he came to school, causing him to be watched by everyone, and he became the last person to know about it.

never mind.

No matter what he came for, he didn't come to find himself.

Zhou Ziheng has never been a passionate person. As an actor who grew up under the noses of the audience, he is not even as confident as other people in the same profession. He thinks that being a star is just an ordinary profession. So many people like it, they should be grateful.

He never felt that there would be a person who appeared just for himself.

But now, everyone told him that Xia Xiqing came to school for you, and that he came to see you. This repeated hint made him really think that Xia Xiqing was just here to find him.

What is this, a new push-pull tactic?

Unable to tell what was wrong, Zhou Ziheng fell down on the table all of a sudden, holding the phone in his hand, and buried his face in his arms.

"Hey, Zhou Xueba, big star, big handsome guy, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Ke lowered his voice, "Pay attention to your image, your fans are everywhere. I packed up for an entire hour before going out to study with you Woolen cloth."

"I'm tired and want to take a rest." Zhou Ziheng's voice was muffled, "My fans won't come near me."

It is probably because Zhou Ziheng is too young, and it is already very hard to go back and forth between his studies and his romance career all year round. Zhou Ziheng's fans are very considerate of him, even if they see him at school, they will not disturb him too much.

"Okay, but your CP is here, so you don't want to go and see it." Zhao Ke poked his elbow with a pen with a smile, "What if he comes to you later."

Zhou Ziheng, who was lying on the table, was poked at something annoying, and his tone became impatient, "Shut up, I have nothing to do with him."

As soon as the words were finished, the mobile phone in his hand vibrated suddenly. Zhou Ziheng guessed that it must be another guy who was watching the fun, so he didn't want to pay attention, and put it on the table instead. Unexpectedly, after a while, the phone vibrated for a long time, and the desk in the study room made an eye-catching sound. He picked it up quickly, and there were a few large characters written on the screen.


Zhou Ziheng immediately sat up straight.

"Who is it?" Zhao Ke glanced at it, and was startled when he saw the name of the note, "Brother, are you going to act in a movie about anti-terrorism recently? 666!"

"Fuck you, uncle." Zhou Ziheng looked at the vibrating mobile phone, hesitated for a while, and finally hung up the phone.

Called already. The letter is only now, and it is likely that there is a need for him.

"Why didn't you pick it up?" Zhao Ke looked at Zhou Ziheng with a gossiping expression, and Zhou Ziheng glared at him, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

The phone vibrated a few more times, it was a WeChat message.

[Terrorist: Ah, I forgot that you are in self-study, so you can’t answer the phone~]

[Terrorist: I am now in your school's art college, you should know about it. ]

Zhou Ziheng snorted unhappily, picked up the phone and started typing. Zhao Ke beside him was secretly observing his best friend. Someone messed him up like this.

[Moral Champion: Do I know what the point is? ]

[Terrorist: Of course there is. I'm so hungry now, I haven't eaten since morning, and I'm about to faint. Classmate Zhou Ziheng, who is handsome and kind, can you send food to your CP? ]

[Terrorist: Share location. ]

Sure enough, it is true that there is nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall. Zhou Ziheng was so angry, he was the most popular young actor now, why should he be bossed around by him. Is he out of his mind? Whoever told him not to eat, deserved to starve to death.

Zhao Ke watched Zhou Ziheng's complexion change again and again, looking like he was about to explode, fearing that he would explode on the spot, causing himself to follow the trending search, so he could only be ready to grab Zhou Ziheng at the first moment.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Ziheng stood up suddenly, grabbed his schoolbag and was about to leave. Zhao Ke grabbed his arm and asked in a low voice, "Hey, what's wrong with you? Where are you going?"

Zhou Ziheng hesitated, avoiding the important and paying attention to the trivial, "Going out for a while, I have something to do."

Looking at the back of him leaving in a hurry, Zhao Ke shook his head with an expression of "seeing through everything", and shared the first-hand news in the chat group of [Zhou Ziheng Gossip Squad].

[Captain Zhao: Report! Hengheng is gone! Attention, team members of the Academy of Arts, the target is approaching! ]

Zhou Ziheng didn't know what was going on with him, and while scolding Xia Xiqing for being out of his mind, he was really out of his mind and ran to Changchun Garden to buy him a meal, and carried them all the way to the Art Academy.

According to the location sharing given by Xia Xiqing, Zhou Ziheng walked through a teaching area and came to a semi-indoor hall with a back garden and an empty environment. There were various large and small sculptures in it, many of which were covered with cloth. Different from the sculptures in Zhou Ziheng's previous impressions, many of the works in this series are modernist works that are different from classical sculptures, and are even more abstract.

As he was walking through the numerous exhibits, he vaguely heard Xia Xiqing's voice.

Zhou Ziheng tilted his head and looked at the giant sculpture inside. A steel frame similar to scaffolding was built around the exhibit. Two people stood on it. Under the steel frame was a not too thick protective pad, which seemed to be borrowed from a Taekwondo gym. It’s the same as the one who came, and there are a few students who are busy making the elements on the head.

As Zhou Ziheng approached, he looked at the man in black loose denim on the scaffolding. His hair was partly tied up, and he stood on a shelf at the left end of the giant head, his back to himself as he filled the crack in that face with black resin.

This was the first time Zhou Ziheng saw Xia Xiqing working seriously.

Beside him stood another young boy, and the two were talking and laughing while completing the creation of this huge exhibit. Everyone was concentrating on catching up with the progress, and no one noticed Zhou Ziheng's approach.

Xia Xiqing, who was standing on the shelf, turned his head and said to his junior brother, "Xiao Qi, pass me that awl."

Xiao Qi groaned, and squatted down to get the awl in the toolbox. When he stood up too violently, the steel frame shook. Slid out of the safe range.

Seeing Xia Xiqing stepping into the air, Zhou Ziheng's heart was suspended. He dropped the things in his hands and rushed up quickly, subconsciously stretching out his arms to catch the falling person.

The moment he hugged him, Zhou Ziheng's arms ached, and the impact brought by the fall made him grit his teeth, and looked worriedly at the person in his arms.

I saw the unexpectedness that had never appeared in Xia Xiqing's eyes.

Although Zhou Ziheng was tall, he ignored that Xia Xiqing was also a man, and he almost couldn't bear the impact brought by the acceleration of gravity, his knees flicked, and finally both of them fell on the mat.

Before realizing what happened, Xia Xiqing, who fell heavily, was already lying in Zhou Ziheng's arms, lying on his chest, and was held tightly by his arms. enough cushioning.

But Xia Xiqing couldn't calm down the shock in his heart.

He got up, and his broken hair hung in front of his face, covering that beautiful face. He wanted to grab Zhou Ziheng's arm in a daze, and pulled him up vigorously, his voice was a little weak, "Hey... are you okay..."

Zhou Ziheng frowned, and shrank his grasped arm, "Wait..."

Xia Xiqing grabbed his collar, and the face that had always been wearing a gentle mask finally showed an expression of losing control, "You have a **** brain, don't you? I fall and you can't **** die. Why do you come to pick it up, really?" Do you think you are the hero of a hero movie now!"

His chest rose and fell, and the hand holding Zhou Ziheng's neckline gradually loosened, his boiling emotions cooled down, and he cursed in a low voice, "What a **** sick..."

Obviously being scolded by him like this, Zhou Ziheng didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

He raised his eyes to look at Xia Xiqing, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he sat up halfway with the other hand supporting his body.

The hat he was wearing before fell off when he fell to the ground, his hair was a little messy, but the smile on his face was terribly beautiful, and those deep eyes looked at Xia Xiqing, full of starlight.

He tugged at Xia Xiqing's denim jacket, his low voice with a smile.

"Hey, this coat is too ugly."

He picked up the baseball cap that fell beside him, reached out to Xia Xiqing who was still in a daze, and put the cap on his head.

"You might as well wear mine."

The author has something to say: Hengheng's small theater in the brain:

Why is Xia Xiqing so annoying? He follows me wherever I go—I didn’t wait for him—hey, he didn’t come for me at all—he came to me! —He came to me just to let me deliver meals—how could I, a big star, deliver meals to others! ? —Forget it, let’s give it away—he actually wore other people’s clothes and joked with others—fuck my wife fell off!

Again: Heng Heng is 20 years old (192cm), Xi Qing is 25 years old (185cm), so it is set to be 5 years younger.

In fact, I wrote the first chapter, but everyone ignored Hengheng's age, he is a young wolf dog who is full of aggressiveness and innocent heart.