MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 41

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The watchtower is slender and long. At first glance, it is very worrying whether it will shake when the wind is strong. Its "neck" is slender, and its "head" is a circle larger than its "neck". It looks a bit like a lighthouse by the sea from the outside.

From the inside, the view is very wide. The observation deck is about the size of three or four people surrounded by it. It is not a circle, but a hexagon, and each side is inlaid with a large piece of green glass. Through these windows, the Tibes defense line can be seen at a glance. There are pedestrians walking in the nearby city, as small as ants.

"My father, the Marquis Samuel, spent two beast tides here. When he came, he was just a fallen baron, and his reputation was not obvious. He exchanged most of his family property for armor, swords and horses. When he left, he became Samuel The Marquis, who was deeply trusted by His Majesty the King, left me this army." Jane looked at the profile of the favored man staring out of the window and said, "In my heart, he is a hero, and he has the opportunity to become a hero, I must thank you Miss Sullivan's father."

The outer city is surrounded by a moat and a piece of white land, and a further circle is surrounded by forests. The lush trees cover each other, and you can't see what's inside through them.

"This," An Xu pointed to the window, "is there a lot?"

"The trees near the castle have been cut down to provide a buffer zone for the beast tide." Jane explained, "This is done in all places where strange beasts frequent, and many ghosts are moving at a terrifying speed, too close to them , If you don’t react, you will die.”

"Ah, oh." An Xu was taken aback for a moment, "I mean glass?"


The divinely favored person neither asked about the history he had just heard, nor noticed that Jane changed her name to "Miss Sullivan". The general fell silent because of the strange focus of the favored man, and the next topic that just came to his mouth got stuck in his throat. She adjusted and replied, "Not a lot."

"Is it the work of craftsmen with supernatural powers?" An Xu asked seriously.

"Really...?" Jane said dryly, how did she know such a thing, she really wanted to summon the almighty adjutant, but unfortunately the other party was left behind.

An Xu nodded in disappointment, thinking that making glass to make a fortune is a dead end. She had a rare brainstorm just now, and wanted to try her own inherent knowledge of science and technology, the golden finger power, but someone used supernatural powers to open a black box of science and technology. Sure enough, it is better to continue the promising profession of lightning magician.

The general shuddered when he saw the disappointed expression of the favored man. There are many glass workshops in the Holy See, which manufacture stained glass inlaid on the church. These workshops are said to be craftsmen with ascetic monks, and they absolutely do not use supernatural powers to show their piety. Could it be that she is dissatisfied with the creation of creatures with supernatural powers? Although yesterday's dinner was able to try out Anna. Miss Sullivan is not a die-hard believer who has been brainwashed, but the most terrifying is the unconscious subtlety. Jane pursed her lips, determined to take a strong medicine.

"It's helpless to use the quickest method for emergency." She said, "Miss Sullivan has never been to the border, so I don't know how dangerous it is during the beast tide. At this time, how can I care about etiquette? Ten Years ago, I was brought by my father, and it was... a scene from a nightmare."

"This watchtower was rebuilt, but the previous one was destroyed. Birds broke through the glass and ate up all the sentries inside, and no signal was sent. There was no signal. The whole watchtower was billowing with thick smoke, covering the sky and covering the sky, and the sun was shining. Covered—there was no cloud that day, the watchtower was not lit, and they were all black birds! The strange beasts running on the ground were denser than an ant colony, and if they were stacked, they could rush up the city wall, and all those who could fight went up to the top of the wall At that time, I had already awakened my supernatural ability, and I still felt that I was quite capable. Shit, the power of one person is useless in that kind of situation! The beasts can’t be killed at all, and it’s like going crazy one after another. Only the people around me are constantly decreasing. .Your father and uncle died there, but my father survived by luck and lost a leg, so he can never go to the battlefield again.”

"Yamonan's ancestors have been fighting against the beast tide for generations. My father is proud that he survived for more than 20 years and returned alive. But!" Jane took a deep breath, "Miss Sullivan, your uncle directly Died in the beast tide, but Earl Edward was still alive after the war! My father was injured more seriously than this, why did he have to leave just this time? Because the people in the monastery ran away first!"

The general's teeth were clenched, and his face was distorted by hatred. Only then did An Xu realize that her indifference to Dennis and Lydia was already a restrained and polite expression.

"The church has more than half of the healers in Yamenan. This group of people saves the dying...Hey, it sounds nice! They only save their own people, they only save people who don't care about anything but God, and they only save people who are willing to collect donations and give them away. People who are tempted by wealth! With this alone, you can hold the middle and small nobles who can't recruit healers, and let the group of foolish people who don't think about anything worship them as gods. When I was young, my mother was ill, and my father He didn't have enough money to impress the local church, and he had no choice but to watch her die after exhausting all methods. Since then, he has no good impression of the church. Earl Edward is loyal to the king, he is highly regarded, and if he is still alive, he will definitely reproduce Sullivan's Glory. So, so they 'can't' come home triumphant."

Jane swears, and gritted her teeth: "When the beasts broke through the city wall, the monastery closed the gate, and all the seekers were bitten to death outside. They declared that they would protect the statue carved by a saint in the monastery from being desecrated, and sealed off the monastery until the beast tide Retired, seriously injured people died, and the Pope also commended their achievements in protecting the holy relics! My father had to retire in his prime, and since then there have been rumors that he was punished by insulting the church, bah! Who doesn’t know that the Holy See is behind the flames? !"

An Xu listened to Jane's narration, watched her panting a few times, trying to calm himself down.

"In the very beginning, the Holy See was indeed the hope of mankind." The general held Anxu's shoulders and said sincerely: "But it is different now! They have more wealth than any nobleman. I want to control the life and death of others. Miss Sullivan, if Earl Edward is still alive, he will definitely not let the family and daughter fall into the hands of the church. Please don't be fooled by those hypocrites!"

An Xu nodded and said, "I don't like them very much either."

Jane breathed a sigh of relief, and happily patted An Xu's shoulder, almost knocking her down.

"That's good!" the general said excitedly, "Since the death of Earl Edward, Sullivan's agents in power have all moved closer to the church. I doubt..." She swallowed her conjecture forcefully, after all, she had just known each other for a long time and hinted that " Your relatives colluded with outsiders and killed your father" is really inappropriate, and it's also impolite to praise the other party "If the power explodes well, you should kill the group of **** who eat inside and outside", "Now you finally left that fire pit. Don't look at their faces, we will get the ascetic monks who are monitoring you to get out soon! This winter is the once-in-a-decade beast tide in Tibes, you don't need to stay on the defensive line. The shortest experience of the Sullivan family is only a few weeks , you stay here for two months, and when you marry my sister in autumn, you will be able to return to Urburg to accept the award and inherit the title and Sullivan's family business. His Majesty the King has always appreciated Sullivan..."

"If His Majesty the King appreciates Sullivan so much," An Xu interrupted her, "why has he ignored Sullivan for so many years?"

"It must have been deceived by the traitor!" Jane said firmly.

"Being blinded to the point where there are only two members of the 'valued family' dead? Let the 'valued descendants' be put in the enemy camp for a few years?" An Xu asked again, "such a king Is His Majesty okay? It doesn’t sound like it’s reliable.”

"That's not the case, oops, you don't know!" Jane said anxiously, "Prime Minister Vulture... Duke Roland is just a vixen! No one knows what he is thinking, His Majesty still favors him! This guy is not a loyal minister at all, he will definitely accept him bribed by the Holy See, and deliberately concealed from His Majesty the King!"

"Vox...?" An Xu said with a strange expression, "Is he an omega?"

"How is it possible?!" The general's face turned green, as if thinking of some terrible scene, he shook his head vigorously, "I mean he is cunning and treacherous! A fine old fox! Oh, Miss Sullivan, please don't I hate His Majesty the King. We have spent a lot of effort over the years, but we have not been able to let the Holy See let you down, I am really sorry..."

An Xu sneered, no one appreciates the slight cultural difference. She saw Jane scratching her head with eagerness, and she understood that the other party might really be like the hopeful courtiers in history, who earnestly believed that the king was kind and wise, but was deceived by treacherous courtiers.

But according to what they said, he was thrown into the hostile camp and was brainwashed and abused every minute. If it weren't for the matter of the god-favored person, he might have died of illness long ago, and Lance would have gone out to be Sullivan's Patriarch instead. According to Anshu's many years of experience (seeing the conspiracy cutscene), she felt that either the Sullivan family was not that important to the king, or the king was a puppet fool with no power.

No matter what kind it is, I don't want to join a camp with such a leader. Not to mention that the task of changing camps is to marry a girl A whom I have never seen before.

"I don't hate the king." Anxu said, "but I want to stay here."

"But this winter is a big beast tide!" Jane said anxiously, almost wanting to shake him hard, "Do you know how dangerous that is?"

"Aren't you here too?" An Xu asked back.

"It's different!" Jane said in a deep voice, "I am my father's daughter, the commander of the Tibes defense line appointed by the king, and the general of the border army. This is my responsibility. I will live and die with Tibes, and you... "

"I am the daughter of Earl Edward, the quasi-head of Sullivan, and the one favored by God," Anxu imitated her tone and replied, "You are brave, and I am not cowardly. You spurn the monastery that fled the battle, but you want me retract?"

The red-haired general looked like he wanted to run back a few minutes ago and give himself a big mouth when he said it was smooth. "That's not what you mean!" She scratched her stomach, "You're not running away, yes, it's a strategic retreat! Yes, a strategic retreat! You are the last hope of the Sullivan family. You can wait until the Sullivan family is gathered together and have offspring. Come again!"

"You already have offspring?"

"Not yet, I'm so busy..." As soon as Jane bit her tongue, Miss Sullivan showed a bright smile.

"General Gao Yi!" An Xu said righteously, "The alien beast is not destroyed, why is it home! I want to learn from you and dedicate my best time to the most magnificent cause in the world - fighting for the survival of mankind! "

Sounds exciting! Jane was excited for two seconds, then came to her senses, and slapped herself on the forehead. The fearless heroic warrior felt a burst of panic. She felt that she seemed to have screwed up what Eve had repeatedly told her to tell her.