MTL - I Like This Dream!-v2 Chapter 36

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An Xu was dreaming of the doomsday.

She saw an ominous red light in the sky, it was night but it was as bright as day. Her heart was full of ignorant panic, and she bumped into the sheepfold with a group of sheep.

The mongrel dog chained not far away was howling non-stop, the light in the earthen house was turned on, the farmer got up cursing, went out and gave the dog a kick. As he was about to enter the room, he glanced over his head and slowly opened his mouth.

"God..." he said.

The sky is getting brighter because the thing that lights up the night sky is getting closer. It was terribly big, like a house, and it rushed down with a sharp whistling sound and flames. The leading sheep broke through the sheepfold, and the sheep fled in all directions in an instant, not as docile as usual, but like their distant relatives on the mountain. An Xu ran a long distance, ran up the hillside, and turned his head to see the farmer who was still standing there. He looked at the sky in astonishment. He looked at the sky, and together with his house, he was engulfed by a ball of flames.

No one is destined to fall asleep tonight, and the sky fire keeps falling, as if the stars in the entire sky are coming to an end. They draw long golden and red lines in the night, how beautiful they are, like the golden scepter of a nobleman.

After Chang Ye left, An Xu came down from the mountain. Some of the sheep died in the fire, and some were eaten by wild animals in the mountains. She could not find a companion. She had no choice but to go back to the original place according to her memory. The house and the shepherd dogs were turned into dust, and a stone could barely be seen lying in the deep pit. An Xu walked around the deep pit, accidentally slipped his foot, and slipped into the bottom of the pit.

Fortunately for her, the pit was deeper than the well, but she didn't fall to her death immediately; unfortunately, the hard and smooth edges in the pit were impossible to climb, and there was nothing to eat underneath. An Xu walked in the pit dragging his broken leg, walking, walking, for a moment he felt that he was still in the ascetic courtyard, his stomach was about to eat him.

Finally, she was too hungry to move. She lay on the ground and chewed her mouth, and suddenly smelled a strange fragrance in her hunger. Where does this smell come from? She tried her best to turn her head, but there was nothing at the bottom of the pit except herself. Oh, and that rock, the house-sized block now like a millstone, only the size of her head. She ground her teeth, feeling very hungry.

She opened her mouth to the stone.

An Xu coughed and opened his eyes, meeting a pair of calm green eyes. The owner of the eyes is much younger than An Xu, wearing a khaki robe of an ascetic monk, and wearing a string of rosary beads in his left hand.

"Praise be to the light!" said the maiden. "Lydia of the Penitentiary greets you."

An Xu got up, feeling his body was limp, but his hands and feet were all intact. She must have been in the carriage, and she couldn't even wake up from the shattering pain. An Xu felt that every part of his body was shaking, and his cheeks were numb.

From lightning strikes flies to doomsday meteor shower, to yet another carriage? An Xu quickly accepted the transition of the dream. She looked at her body and the clothing of the girl opposite, and felt that this scene was very similar to the dream at the beginning. The difference was that she didn't wear the God's Retaliation Chain, and her companion was not a middle-aged man with a straight face, but a young girl who would introduce herself to her with a straight face. Is this the second week? An Xu thought nonchalantly, the welfare of the second week program is pretty good.

"I'm An." An Xu said, "Where are we going?"

"The Tibes Line," Lydia said.

"Why go?" she asked.

"You are a divinely favored person and the last bloodline of the Sullivan family." Lydia replied, "Every head of the 'Southern Sentinel Sullivan' must go to the Tibes defense line for training before succeeding."

"Oh..." An Xu frowned and thought for a while, as if there was such a thing, "That is to say, I'm going to return to vulgarity?"

"You are a divinely favored person, and this will never change, just like the years you spent in St. Andrew's Theological Seminary, no matter what your status in the secular world is. Your position in the Kingdom of God is not distinguished by secular blood. In the hearts of brothers and sisters, we respect your name more than your surname. Maybe one day it can also be named after 'Holy'."

Lydia and Esther looked about the same age, with young faces and voices, and spoke in a rather official-sounding tone. An ordinary girl who was anxious about leaving the academy would probably be grateful for this, but if An Xu was an ordinary girl, she would not use lightning to make a transition for herself.

"Who taught you?" An Xu asked boredly, "This tone sounds at least thirty years old."

"This is the voice of brothers and sisters." Lydia said flatly, like a repeater.

"I seem to have killed someone just now, right? There's no punishment this time?" An Xu asked casually.

"Lance sought your guidance himself, and of course he has to bear the consequences of his choice." Lydia replied as a matter of course.

An Xu stretched out his hand and pinched Lydia's face, but the other party didn't hide, allowing two lumps of flesh to be pinched on the cheek, without changing his expression for a moment. An Xu continued to touch Lydia's rosary, and easily removed it. An Xu stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Lydia, but Lydia continued to remain motionless, An Xu felt that her expression looked like a symbol: "==".

An Xu resentfully returned the rosary.

She opened the curtains by the window, and there were trees outside. Compared with Alingu, the leaves of the vegetation were larger, and the temperature became higher. There was another carriage ahead, and Lydia said it was a priest who was also reporting to the Tibes defense line.

Tibes line of defense, an important line of defense in the southernmost part of Yamenan. An Xu remembered that Chris had mentioned to her several times about the Tibes defense line, and the distance from there to Aiboli City was much shorter than that from Alingu to Aiboli. However, it was useless, the dream changed twice, and An Xu had no hope of seeing the character in the previous dream.

She didn't think about whether Nancy would be worried, what about Esther now, and she tried not to think about Chris.

Sometimes she would have a series of dreams all night. The dreams unfolded under the same world view, but they were only similar in shape, as if they were parallel spaces. Whether she could meet "old friends" depends on luck. An Xu loves to dream, but at the same time he is quite sober. If every dream has to be sad about separation, wouldn't they turn from enjoyment to burden? She has always only liked happy endings, and has no time to make things difficult for herself.

Even in a special situation like Chris... well, what if you fall in love with a dream? Salad. Hurry up and adjust your mentality as a broken relationship, maybe you will forget about it when you wake up.

An Xu lowered the curtains, and began to harass his companions again.

"Lydia~ The rosary is worn on the left hand, are you a healer?"


"Are you gender differentiated?"


"What gender?"


"Where are you going?"

"With you."

"Hey, go to the Tibes defense line with me?"

"Yes, I will be your personal healer."

An Xu reacted in an instant, and was immediately elated. Isn't this bound milk!

The three points of melancholy disappeared immediately, and the joy of finally leaving Xinshou Village almost made An Xu jump up. Finally, finally! It's obviously not right that the agreed ability can only be used to transition scenes! Sure enough, the academy dungeon is for learning and leveling! As soon as he transformed in his heart, An Xu immediately got familiar with the situation and straightened out the situation: thanks to the guide Nancy, who has been sending her skill books; thanks to the little bosses Lance and Mary, who promoted the plot and provided anger slots and faces that can be beaten ;Thanks to the dean, it is so generous to issue titles, equipment, and bound milk at the end!

The first Sullivan Manor was probably cutscenes and tutorials, and the copy of Tibes to go next can obviously fight monsters. The library is a setting book, with an introduction to the origin of alien beasts; a letter from Chris from time to time is sending missions, under what circumstances will the tide of beasts that have been running safely for hundreds of years become serious? When the protagonist arrives! Speaking of which, why is a mere NPC who sends out missions so cute _(:3"∠)_Return my broken girl's heart_(:3"∠)_

Cough, ignoring this fly in the ointment, An Xu feels that the future is worth looking forward to. anna. Sullivan, title: Favored of the Gods (effects such as rising the prestige of the religious camp), thin blood volume, high attack, thunder mage. Lydia, ascetic healer, bound milk, experience character needs to be unlocked after the favorability rises. Two lack one, the dungeon asks for T (teammate who undertakes the attack), DPS (attack) is sharp, so it is good to block it a little bit, but please bring your own cooking skills and good appearance...

Don't think about it anymore. _(:3"∠)_

Thank goodness, because An Xu slept too much time, the carriage only took half a day to reach the destination. Lydia jumped out of the carriage first and opened the door for An Xu, which made her a little flattered. As she stepped down, the priest in the car ahead was already outside. The man was thirty or forty years old, with an ordinary face, and saluted An Xu with a smile on his face.

"Praise the light! Dennis, the former vice-principal of the Tevin Monastery and the new abbot of the Tibes Monastery, sends you his greetings!" He said, "Your Excellency, please come with me to the Tibes Monastery. The new sisters pick up the dust."

A vice-priest is simply a priest, although the abbot of a major monastery is, by convention, another title of the bishop of that diocese. Dennis only mentioned the identity of his new abbot, which meant to bring everyone closer.

"Want to go?" An Xu asked.

"This..." Dennis showed an embarrassing expression on his face, "Maybe something happened not long ago, and the city gate was not opened."

The carriage stopped in front of a fortress. The fortress was surrounded by a moat, and the gate was tightly closed. No sound could be heard, and no one could be seen. The black mud is very uneven (no wonder the carriage jolts so hard that you almost bite your tongue), and it rained not long ago, making it so muddy that you don't want to step on it. It's not too late, is it? An Xu looked up at the sky, the sun was behind the cloud, weakly releasing the light at three or four in the afternoon.

A small soldier trotted over, with an iron sword hanging from his waist, and bowed so small that it seemed to flash his waist.

"Your Excellency, Dean." He said stiffly, "The team that welcomes you will arrive soon."

"You don't need to greet me?" An Xu said, "Can I just go in? I'm hungry."

"Sorry, it's not safe recently. There are not enough people to open the door." Xiaobing said, "The general will invite you to dinner later."

"That's not necessary." Dennis said. He frowned. He was very upset that there was only one soldier to greet him. "Your Excellency, the Favored One, will stay at Thebes Monastery, where you will not neglect me like the General."

"Sorry, the general will come in person later." Xiaobing insisted.

Dennis wanted to say something more, when the city gate suddenly made a sound.

The heavy city gate creaked and was lowered. Inside the gate, a silent army rushed towards the carriage. The faces of the cavalrymen in chain mail were covered by helmets, and they looked like a group of iron statues on horseback. The horses under their crotches were also covered with iron armor. The infantrymen behind them were holding spears, and the sharp tips of the spears flickered with cold light. In the blink of an eye, this menacing army surrounded the carriage.

Dennis looked around, his face could not hide his shock. The knight on the bay red horse rushed out of the team, barely stopping in front of An Xu. The horse pulling the cart was caught by the opponent's momentum, neighing and kicking its hooves, almost throwing the driver off. The knight pulled the reins, flew off the horse, and calmed down the startled horse with a few strokes. The knight's own car snorted, as if mocking its uselessness.

After finishing this, the knight took off his helmet, revealing his short wine red hair.

It was a heroic woman. She glanced murderously at An Xu and his party, and said with a smirk: "Good afternoon, guests from the Holy See. I am Jane, the commander of the Tibes defense line. Stuart, welcome Come to the territory of the frontier army."