MTL - I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man-Chapter 17 Buy people

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The competition under the stage became more and more intense, and the cheering around them became more and more high.

Qin Nuo was fascinated, and soon turned around and stopped watching.

Qin Xun stood next to him, and said with a loud voice, "Oh, this trick is not enough, you have to be a little higher. Oh, this girl is really hot."

Not long after, the woman with the sword stabbed the shoulder of the woman with the Emei stab, blood splattered. The Emei stabbing woman screamed and fell to the ground.

The victory has been divided. Although it is not fatal, the scene is **** and extremely uncomfortable.

Qin Nuo frowned, and more than a dozen staff members rushed to the site, taking them along.

Although the woman with the long sword won the game, she fell into the wind before and was scratched by the Emei stabbing woman, covered with blood, and the original clothes were almost torn. Now in the ancient times when rituals and laws are strict, a woman, if there is still a choice, will not fall into such a terrible situation.

To his doubts, Qin Xun laughed and gave an explanation.

"Some are the manpower of the Zongmen, the captives came from the captives, some bought slaves, from a minor, teach. Not to mention those from the Southern captives. Those who are desperate, who knows where they come from. This is where the camp is. It ’s definitely the right way. Even if you buy someone, you can rest assured. ”He lowered his voice. Yes, Jia Pi still can't show face to our brother. "

"This is a secretly operated business?"

"Ha, it's not secretly. Now that the Five Guards of the Army are forbidden, which one does not have a private subsidy for subsistence. Everyone knows it well."

Qin Nuo remembered Jia Pi and Zhao Pingyi they met yesterday, and always felt complicated. Not only does this dehumanizing combat arena, but also part-time human trafficking.

"This kind of girly shows are gimmicks, to coax those who have little knowledge, or people who come to Beijing from abroad, nothing to look at. My brother knows that you don't like to watch this. The next thing is the highlight. Our brothers Children want to get rich, it depends on this one. "

Next up are two young men. One with a long sword and one with a dagger.

According to Qin Xun, these two are high-level masters. Qin Nuo then knew that the warriors were also ranked.

Qin Xun was uncertain. Which one to bet instead? While looking at the information in his hand, both were captured by the Southern Dynasties. They were captured when they broke through Jiancheng. After hesitating for a long time, they finally decided: "The one in blue, Bet 1,200. "

Qin Nuo still didn't bet. This kind of competition that takes human life as a bet is really beyond Qin Nuo's ability to bear.

After Qin Xun placed his bet, he finally noticed Qin Nuo's strange face and smiled: "I ca n’t think of Jiudi being so kind and soft-hearted. These are prisoners of war or self-sold slaves. They are not worthy of sympathy. They will never pit the good people. "

Qin Nuo shook his head. "It just feels like treating a living person, even a prisoner of war is too cruel."

Qin Xun shuddered and couldn't help laughing. "Nine brother, you are so naive that you can come in this arena, let me tell you the truth, it is a very good thing for prisoners of war."

"Not to mention, most of the 70,000 captives of the Andong World War I were sent to the Xicheng coal kiln. Life was a bitter. If you come to this arena, you can at least have enough food and clothing, and if you are lucky Redeemed and bought, maybe there is a good future in the future. "

Qin Nuo was silent. In ancient society, prisoners of war were always cruel, like the Battle of Changping, killing 400,000 in one fell swoop. Although the Da Zhou Dynasty did not kill directly, most of them were sent to mines, coal kilns and other places, serving harsh labor, excessive fatigue and barrenness. Under such torture, most of the captives would die in two or three years. When sent to this arena, it is possible that there is a hint of vitality.

"And the place where the battalion has been peaceful has always been peaceful, unlike our third brother."

"Three brother, Qin Jian, why did you get him back?"

Qin Xun smiled and lowered his voice. "Pidongying also has a place in the western suburbs of Beijing. It's the third brother's stock. Hey, that's a stimulus. Last time my brother went there, oh, there are scenes of lion and tiger eating people. The fierce beast with the drug, manic and impatience, is extremely powerful. More than a dozen rushed up to fight with others, and no one can resist it, and was torn directly into pieces. "

"Oh, I don't like to watch this. It's too bloody. It doesn't feel like eating for a few days."

Qin Nuo sank. He thought it was cruel enough in front of him, but he didn't expect it to be too much. The lion and tiger cannibalize people, and in this scene, they want to vomit.

Pidongying is also one of the five guards of the Beijing banned army. It is under the leadership of the Guo family. The capital knows that it is the cronies of the three princes Qin Jian.

The kung fu of the words, the competition in front of us began.

Both young men used knives. Qin Nuo looked carefully, and it really was quite different from the last one. Between the two, they moved and shifted, and they opened and closed with a sophisticated approach. Although young, they use killing tactics.

Fighting with real swords has never taken too long, and the slightly younger blue man clearly began to take advantage of the naked eye. The knife was deadly. The man in Tsing Yi across the street failed to dodge several times, and his shoulders and arms were severely cut.

The atmosphere around the arena began to warm up, whistling and hissing one after another.

"Cut it, punch it hard! Chop that dog **** into two pieces!"

"Get up, fight back! I bet your money on you!"

Qin Nuo took a closer look. After a while, the results came out. The man in Tsing Yi was cut in the chest with a knife and fell to the ground. There is breathing in the undulating chest.

There was a tsunami-like applause in the field, with screams and scolds in the middle. It seemed that the gambler who had taken the Tsing Yi man was cursing. At the same time, many voices sounded: "Kill him, hack him!" The scene was noisy.

Seeing that the opponent was no longer able to fight back, the blue man hesitated instead, holding the knife hesitant to make up for the opponent lying on the ground.

The opposite Tsing Yi man stood up staggering and seemed to say something. It's just so far apart that no one can hear. Then, the man in blue rushed forward, looking straight at the neck of the man in Tsing Yi.

The Tsing Yi people also raised their sword to block it. However, under severe injuries, he did not have much strength. Although he blocked the killing move, he was shocked by the internal force of this knife and fell out of the field.

The Lan Yiren chased two steps and found that the opponent had fallen out, and stopped, seemingly relieved.

There was a sigh of whistle in the stands, and finally, the referee came forward: "The victory and defeat have been divided." Then he signaled the servant to step forward and took the two down.

There was another wave of screaming, and when the bet was placed, the opponent's life and death were indicated. This wave of scolding was obviously the gambling of the bet on Tsing Yi.

Qin Xunle almost jumped up in the room. Just now he bet that the blue people won and the Tsing Yi people lost without dying. He was bet on it right.

Qin Nuo suddenly opened his mouth. "Qi brother, how much money do you buy?"

Qin Xun was startled. Since the start of the fight, Qin Nuo's face has not been very good-looking. He thought he was not interested in this, and did not expect to speak at this time.

Also, a young man with a good temper, who doesn't like gambling on the battlefield. I have never seen it before, but I was frightened. Now if I calm down, I will be able to recognize the joy of this.

Qin Xun laughed: "I just looked at the information. These three games today are all ordinary goods. The two women were afraid of being more expensive. The remaining soldiers were afraid that they would win more than one thousand. "

"But my brother reminded me that many of these people are prisoners of war. They are not credible. What do you buy back?" Unless there is a small bucket arena at home or they have special hobbies.

Qin Nuo's eyebrows twitched. The reason for his purchase was simple. His own martial arts required someone to point him. After finding the cheat book, he wanted to ask a martial artist at home, but he didn't want to reveal that he would martial art Little secret, buy one now from here, isn't it easy?

These people are captives of the Southern Dynasties, or disciples of the martial arts. They are all rootless people, afraid of leaking, just kill.

"Jiudi, which one do you like?"

"It's the one that was just fighting."

"Is that the young boy in blue?" Qin Xun touched his chin. The young man looked at his eyebrows clearly. Did his nine brother like this?

Qin Nuo's words dispelled his doubts: "No, the older Tsing Yi man."

"Ah, that's not good, and it's broken, what's the use?"

"Cheap. Who made my brother poor?" Qin Nuo honestly confessed.

"Uh ..." For this reason, Qin Xun had nothing to say.

However, he still called the manager over and asked about the price and physical contract. The loser was indeed much lower, especially for those who lost several games in a row.

Qin Xun glanced at the recent record of selling personal deeds, and couldn't help chanting: "This kind of merchandise still allows you to come to the battlefield, it is really a waste of dim sum." After entering the battlefield six months ago, the winning streak was a losing streak. zero.

"In fact, this person's strength is more than that. It may be his hometown. He has been trying to die recently, otherwise he would not sell it to his highness at such a low price." Lin Guanshi smiled and explained.

Qin Xun expressed his dissatisfaction: "Lao Lin, don't talk to us. People who have fought and defeated can also be called more than this ..."

Qin Nuo was moved, and it turned out that he was not the only one who saw this. Just now he saw that the Tsing Yi man had reserved his hand when fighting the opponent. Looking down at selling the deed, it turned out to be called Fang Yuan.

It's just this negative mentality. I don't know if I will really instruct myself in martial arts. Maybe being cheap is a wrong choice? Forget it, anyway, it's only six hundred and two silver.