MTL - I Have A Pair of Yin-Yuan Eyes-Chapter 82

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Xu Xing had a good night's sleep that night, with a sweet pillow in his dream, and when he woke up, all the sweetness remained in the dream. He began to clear the two-week account with Lu Che-

Lu Che's frequent skipping of classes can still be regarded as a naive act, in order to attract Xu Xing's attention, but what's the matter when he runs to fight?

When Xu Xing asked about this, Lu Che said cheekily: "After attracting your attention, of course I hope you can care about me."

Lu Che kept thinking about the last time he fought, but Xu Xing returned home and ran back to school to find him. He wondered if Xu Xing would hear him fight again, would he run to him again? No longer standing in the door of his dormitory like that day, facing the light, is not beautiful.


Xu Xing really wanted to knock Lu Che's head open to see if there was any **** inside.

However, after Xu Xing had been vilified in his heart, a sudden thought came out of Lu Che's answer--

Xu Xing: "Are all **** in your head?"

Lu Che: "How can you say that to yourself?"

All Lu Che had in his head was Xu Xing, who thought it was just a joke, but now he is convinced.

Xu Xing sighed and said, "Childish."

Lu Che touched his nose and said, "Actually, I didn't intend to skip class yesterday afternoon, but when I heard a song playing on the radio station, I was suddenly afraid to see you."

Xu Xing frowned slightly and asked, "What song?"

Lu Che snorted softly: "How proud I can be, I ca n’t bear a blow, OK, I will be knocked down when I touch you ~"

Lu Che's voice is magnetic, and he can sing very well with a hum.


Xu Xing stopped talking and pursed his lips gently.

The same song, but heard two opposite feelings, this song not only sang Lu Che's heart, clearly he is the "you don't want to, think of me crazy" "you".

Lu Che turned his head and smiled at Xu Xing, saying, "Speaking of which, my style is very changeable, but it is naive and mature. What mode do you prefer, I will switch automatically when I say ~"

It's time for class. The two are standing side by side outside the corridor.

Lu Che did not wait for Xu Xing's answer and turned to look at him.

When Xu Xing moved his lips, he said, "I like ..."

The prolonged ending scratched Lu Che's heart, and he couldn't wait to hear what those lips said behind him.

"Three requirements ... no smoking, no fighting, the name is Lu Che."

Three requirements, slowly lower the volume in turn.

After all, Xu Xing coughed embarrassedly, his eyes drifted away.

The corners of Lu Che's mouth were already high, he turned in a direction, leaning sideways against the wall, facing Xu Xing.

"Only these three conditions?"


"Whatever I do?"


Lu Che leaned forward, chin resting on Xu Xing's shoulders, sighed into his ears, and whispered, "So ... I want to sleep with you."

As soon as Xu Xing suffocated, her ears suddenly turned red.


Lu Che uses affirmative sentences, not interrogative sentences.

Xu Xing squeezed his ears, turned his head, glanced at Lu Che, and asked calmly, "Will you be responsible if you sleep?"

The clear six-character words fell into Lu Che's ear, and instantly burst into a spark in his mind.


Xu Xing stunned Lu Cheng in a single sentence and couldn't help himself.

Lu Che's mind was blank, and then he was recalled by a rush of class bells.

Xu Xingruo turned around casually and said to Lu Che, "It's time for class."

Then he went into the classroom first.

Lu Che stood alone in the corridor and waited for Mr. Ke Ren to urge him to "stand here, get in quickly" before he felt his neck and walked in through the front door of the classroom.

Passing by Xu Xing's seat, Lu Che seemed to accidentally touch the back of Xu Xing's hand, touching his fingertips, as if leaving a hot mark, itching--

Xu Xing retracted his hands subconsciously, his eyelashes shaking slightly.

Lu Che came to the back to take a seat. When he bent down, he leaned forward, leaned closer to Xu Xing, and said quietly, "Give me a chance to take charge of my life, okay?"

Okay, three words, too gentle, gentle enough to wake up, no reason to say no.


Xu Xing made a fist to his lips, coughed slightly, and stared at the blackboard in front.

During the lesson, Lu Che folded his arms on the table, rubbed his arm on his chin, and stared straight at the back of the man in front.

Xu Xing supported his chin with one hand, and stared intently at the blackboard's blackboard writing, but he was always distracted.

after class.

Xu Xing and Lu Che made no secret of each other and did not mention each other's consensus reached during the previous lesson.

Xu Xing seldom took his heart back, and carefully turned over the notes made in class to make up for the knowledge points missed by the delusion in class.

Xu Xing pinched the pen and rotated it between his fingers. He unconsciously raised his head and saw that Xiao Shun came over the aisle in front of him.

Xu Xing froze for a moment, his eyes clinging tightly to Xiao Shun's chest-a red line grew from the position of his heart, shaking slightly as he walked.

Xu Xing has always remembered that at the beginning of the school, he saw two red lines on Xiao Shun, one with his left hand connected to the crotch, one with a winding path and the other end tied to the boy named Jiang Jize.

But now, there is only one red line left on Xiao Shun, and the growth position of the red line is no different from that of others.

When Xiao Shun saw Xu Xing, he smiled briefly at him, and Quan Dang said hello.

Xu Xing returned with a smile, and his first reaction was that Xiao Shun and Jiang Jize exchanged their minds, just like he and Lu Che, after the intentions were shown to each other, the red line would return to the state of heart-heart connection, which can also be said to be repair Positive result?

Xu Xing felt that this speculation was reliable, and because Jiang Jize was Lu Che ’s friend, when Xiao Shun passed by, Xu Xing turned around and whispered Lu Lu, "Do you know who the red line on Xiao Shun is connected to? ? "

Lu Che asked in wonder: "Who is Xiao Shun?"

Xu Xing: "..."

Lu Che is not familiar with the students in the class, Xiao Shun's sense of presence in the class is very weak, the two have almost no intersection, and Lu Che does not know Xiao Shun is understandable.

Xu Xing pointed to the person not far away and announced the answer directly: "He and Jiang Jize are connected to the red line."

Lu Che raised an eyebrow, with a slightly surprised tone: "He? Jiang Jize? Impossible ..."

According to Lu Che's understanding of Jiang Jize for many years, although Jiang Jize has no objection to the pursuer, the range of the objector is still within the scope of the girl. Why did he suddenly join a boy?

Lu Che expressed doubt.

Xu Xing nodded and said, "At the beginning of school, I saw that the red line between the two of them was exactly the same as ours, and now it has become the same as ours, and probably the two are already together. . "

Lu Che laughed when he heard it, and his attention was directly diverted. He raised his lips and deliberately asked Xu Xing: "Who are 'also' together?"

Xu Xingbai gave him a glance.

Lu Che voluntarily returned to the topic and divergently thought: "It turns out that Jiang Jize also has a red line on him, squad leader ~ Do you know that I have been jealous at first, thinking that you have been staring at Jiang Jize because it is interesting to him?"

Lu Che described the process more implicitly, omitting his young brain damage at the time, and various infidel thoughts appeared in his mind. For example, he felt that Xu Xing was not the right person to be gay, and you would n’t admit it. If you do n’t admit it, it ’s okay. You can understand it in a big environment, but you have to be so ambitious ... What a pity!


Lu Che had not realized his feelings for Xu Xing at that time, only felt that Xu Xing looked at Jiang Jize's eyes, which made him feel uncomfortable. He only felt irritable. At that time, he left a "This **** is too _ ___ 了 吧 "sentence, for a long time I could not find appropriate words to describe my mood.

If it is now, Lu Chehui will not hesitate to say, "This **** is too fucking."


Lu Che now has no guts to say this to Xu Xing. Even if Xu Xing agrees to let him __, he will be grateful to Dade, __, and he has only this little benefit.

Lu Che silently swallowed the words in his heart at that time. If Xu Xing knew it, he would really live with the keyboard in the second half of his life.


Xu Xing was disgusted when he heard Lu Che said "thinking he was interested in Jiang Jize" and said silently: "I need to amend three requirements."

Xu Xing has three requirements for the person he likes: no smoking, no fighting, and his name is Lu Che.

When Lu Che heard it, he drummed in his heart.

Xu Xing said: "A. Do not smoke, B. Do not fight, C. The name is Lu Che. C is a necessary and sufficient condition."

At first glance, the original words, A, B, and C are all unnecessary conditions, but Xu Xing wants to express the meaning that as long as C exists, the conclusion is true.

The Prince Cong sitting next to Xu Xing turned back curiously. The red line on his chest dangled gently, his eyes blinked softly, and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Xu Xing said, "I'm giving him a sense of security."

Prince Cong: "???"

Lu Che pursed his thin lips and stared at Xu Xing without blinking-the monitor said that he would like as long as the person was Lu Che.

He stared closely at Xu Xing's lips, especially wanting to come forward and take a sip—how ​​could this person always say something serious and difficult to restrain, this is too foul!

Lu Che was uncomfortable in his heart. After itching to his lunch, he changed the name of Xu Xing in person—

"Love Words Little Prince: Xu Xingxing [Crown]"

Xu Xing glanced, and Lu Che gave a blank look, and said, "The person who knows most about love is obviously you?"

Lu Che, sitting in the position of Prince Cong, hugged Xu Xing's madness, and sighed quietly, saying, "I am the highest state without knowing it. I am painful and happy every day, hey ~ like me There are really not many men who can bear it. "

Xu Xing snorted, pushed his head away from his neck, copied a sentence on his notebook, and said casually, "The crown is too ugly."