MTL - I Have a Luck Altar-Chapter 18 Cooperation

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  Chapter 18 Cooperation

  Chen Yuan looked at Tie Qinghua, his tone raised slightly, as if he had guessed Tie Qinghua's thoughts.

   "Since you know what, why didn't you do it right away, instead you have to explain so much?" Tie Qinghua didn't get annoyed when she was guessed, but instead maintained her composure.

  Being able to control such a huge foundation forced Song Laoliu to resort to dirty tricks. How could Tie Qinghua be just a jealous woman like Song Laoliu said.

  Although her brother Tie Xuan was behind her, Tie Qinghua's mentality was not weaker than ordinary people's, and she quickly grasped something from Chen Yuan's words.

   "Madam Tie is indeed a smart person. Hehe, yes, Yuan did not intend to kill Madam Tie. I can somewhat guess Song Laoliu's plan."

   "Treat me like a knife. After killing Mrs. Tie, I'm afraid they will jump out and kill me immediately, so as to give your brother Tie Xuan an explanation."

   "Yuan has been in the rivers and lakes for some years, how could he fail to guess his plan?" Chen Yuan said quietly, without the slightest hint of arrogance.

   "Then your Excellency's plan is to let me go?" Tie Qinghua's eyes flashed Jixi.

   Can live, who wants to die?

   "It depends on what conditions Mrs. Tie can offer." Chen Yuan hooked his mouth.

   "The one surnamed Song wants my life for one hundred taels, but Qing Hua pays two hundred taels for my life, what do you think?" Tie Qinghua said in a deep voice.

  Chen Yuan shook his head:


  Tie Qinghua frowned and said in a low voice:

   "Qinghua can only come up with so much money. A few gambling houses and brothels seem to be making a lot of money every day, but the real big one is to hand it over to his brother to manage the officials of all sizes in Ping'an County."

   "We still need to leave some of it for practice. Besides, the south of the city is not like the north of the city is unified by the Beihai gang, and there are several forces that hinder each other."

  Chen Yuan waved his hand to stop Tie Qinghua from complaining:

   "Twenty tiger bone pills, in exchange for your life!"

  "Tiger Bone Pill" Tie Qinghua looked at Chen Yuan's eyes without hesitation, and seemed impatient to bargain with her again, and nodded quickly:


   "But it takes time. Tiger Bone Pill is not like an ordinary pill, and no one in Ping'an County can refine it."

"how long it takes?"

   "One month."

   "Twenty days."

"it is good!"

  Iron Blue Flower didn't hesitate at all.

   "In order to make the cooperation between you and me a little more harmonious, believe me, Yuan Mou doesn't need to say more, right?" Chen Yuan took out a small black porcelain bottle from his arms.

   There are no lines on it, just like a very ordinary bottle.

  But Tie Qinghua did not dare to underestimate it.

  Chen Yuan threw the porcelain bottle on Tie Qinghua's body, she opened the porcelain bottle, and poured out a black elixir, exuding a faint fishy smell.

   Silent for a moment, Tie Qinghua swallowed the pill, then stared at Chen Yuan.

  Chen Yuan took the long knife away from Tie Qinghua's neck, and said in a low voice:

"Mrs. Tie, don't think about finding someone to detoxify. This is a highly poisonous pill that Yuan obtained by accident. It is rare in the world. It will lurk in the viscera and cannot be expelled from the body. It will invade the meridian blood."

   "Of course, if Mrs. Tie finds some antidote, it's not hopeless."

   "Thank you for the reminder, Brother Yuan, Qinghua understands." Tie Qinghua took a deep breath.

   "It's so good, Yuan's behavior also reassures you and me."

  Tie Qinghua stood up from the ground, ignoring Chen Yuan's gaze, and **** the cut clothes in front of her with a ribbon, revealing her bouncing breasts.

   "I want to know, why did Song Lao Liu kill me?"

   "Brother Song just said that Mrs. Tie is a jealous woman who can't have children, and he is not allowed to take concubines, and the few concubines she raised were all killed by the wife."

   "He doesn't want to suffer this kind of aggrieved life again, hehe, of course. Yuan doesn't know the specific situation!"

  Tie Qinghua's eyes were full of anger:

   "Why can't I have children, it's not the past."

   Tie Qinghua stopped in the middle of her speech, obviously realizing that there was an outsider, Chen Yuan, there.

  Chen Yuan watched this scene with interest, family ethics and so on, he likes to watch it the most.

   "Where is Song Laoliu at the moment?" Tie Qinghua's body was filled with killing intent and sadness.

  A couple of days is a hundred days of grace, and a couple of a hundred days is like the depths of the sea.

   Not to mention their more than ten years of husband and wife relationship.

  Song Laoliu didn't care about it at all and wanted to kill her.

  Without her help, Song Laoliu would still be that little **** in the thieves, how could he have the current status and power?

   In the south of the city, when it comes to Song Lao Liu, he is also the number one figure!

   "If there is no accident now, he should be guarding not far away. As long as I succeed here, he will probably kill him immediately!"

  Chen Yuan said.

   "I want to question him face to face, and ask Brother Yuan for help." Tie Qinghua whispered.

  Chen Yuan nodded:

   "Okay, Yuan has always been helpful."

   Walking to the door, Chen Yuan charged up his strength and slammed his palm on the door, making a loud noise, which seemed to be a secret signal.

   Within a short time, Song Laoliu's voice appeared not far away, shouting:

   "There are thieves breaking in, hurry up and protect Madam!"

   Immediately afterwards, three figures began to approach the small courtyard where Tie Qinghua was located at an extremely fast speed, and the guards of the Song Mansion were also alarmed.

  The torches were raised, and the shouts continued.

  Hearing such a voice, Tie Qinghua's face became more and more livid. This person surnamed Yuan was right, Song Lao Liu wanted her life.

   Otherwise, it would be impossible to react so quickly.

  When the surname Yuan was mentioned before, Tie Qinghua actually had a glimmer of hope, hoping that Song Laoliu would not be such a heartless person.

but now.

  Chen Yuan did not leave, walked slowly into the room, and stood behind the screen with a knife in his arms, ready to watch a play.

   Now that the alarmed Song Mansion is heavily guarded, it is difficult for Chen Yuan to leave quietly. Of course, he is not afraid of Tie Qinghua's repentance.

  With his current strength, as long as he is not in the realm of bone refining, or an extremely strong existence in the level of blood refining, he will definitely not be able to stop him.

  The magical power of the Vajra Glazed Body brought Chen Yuan a boost, which is not just talk.

   At the level of skin refining, he can rival blood refining. Although he has only refined blood once and has not succeeded in the second blood refining, he is already among the strong at the level of blood refining.

  In terms of strength alone, Chen Yuan even felt that he could rival Iron Hand.

  As for warriors at the level of bone refinement, Chen Yuan hasn't fought against them yet, but he probably isn't an opponent yet.

   But it doesn't matter, Song Mansion can't have warriors at the level of bone refining to sit in command, such a master would not bother to be a housekeeper.

   It is even more impossible for prison head Tiexuan to live in the Song Mansion.

  For his own safety, Chen Yuan still attaches great importance to it, and will not put himself in danger.

  (end of this chapter)