MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 467 Is it a bird or a dog?

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Ji Xiaoxiao successfully opened the door to a new world for the Yin-Yang Acacia Ceremony.

She is not a traditional martial arts student. She has learned from the strengths of all families and absorbed the power of inner demons. Although she is very strong, she does not have a specific concept.

The main reason is because she has too much contact with inner demons, and under normal circumstances martial arts cannot give birth to offspring. The Yin-Yang Hehuan Code is martial arts, but her level of intelligence is actually the same.

She is like an ordinary person with a precious treasure, not to mention other martial arts in the Budokai, and she can also guide her host.

In the final analysis, the reason why martial arts villains appear is because of the special rules of the secret realm of martial arts.

After generations of practice, use, and perfection, they have naturally reached the pinnacle of self-control, and only then can they guide and teach.

But the Yin-Yang Hehuan Code was born not long ago, and she didn't even know how strong she was. She was ignorant and only knew how to use it in the most basic way.

She is like a baby, without specific concepts of good and evil, and has a very basic understanding of the world.

If she was not born in Ji Ruo's star realm, but was created by someone else, then she would be influenced by the character of the founder of martial arts, and then have the character of the warriors who cultivated her from generation to generation. .....and then form its final 'Martial Arts Personality'.

Under normal circumstances, the "martial arts personality" of the complete Yin-Yang Acacia Code should be the kind of proper evil skills taught by Acacia twenty years later.

But it's different now.

From the very beginning, Ji Xiaoxiao directly reversed her perception of herself.

And this is different from being practiced by others, Ji Xiaoxiao directly reversed it face to face, and the impact was extremely far-reaching.

In the future...if the Canon of Yin-Yang Hehuan is accidentally spread, the conventional methods of nourishing and nourishing may still be used, but the main style of martial arts has changed.

Perhaps this martial art can still be called an 'evil' due to its own reasons, but when it comes to fighting, it is definitely very ruthless...

Ji Xiaoxiao communicated with Yin-Yang Hehuandian for a while, hearing all kinds of fighting methods and ideas, the eyes of Yinyang Hehuandian were full of splendor, and he was fascinated.

After chatting for a while, Ji Xiaoxiao [Shunfeng Er] heard the movement and looked up.

However, those bird demons seemed to have finished their work, and they returned to the mansion without finding anything.

"What else is there?" Yin Yang Hehuan Dian asked: "Little brother, teach me how to fight again!"

"Well, let's talk about it later, I'll tell you too much at once, and you won't be able to remember or learn."

Ji Xiaozhuo cast his shoe to ask the way, the toe of the shoe pointed to the ground under his feet.

"The old guys got into the dirt?" Ji Xiaoxiao was slightly surprised.

The Heavenly King Hall of the Nine Heavens is built on a huge sky island comparable to the subcontinent, and there is a vast cloud island on the outer layer of the sky island, which has a huge range.

Ji Xiaoxiao has never left since he came here, thinking that this secret realm is no different from other secret realms, thinking that Ji Ruo and others were teleported underground.

"Tsk, the old guy's luck is too bad... It seems that collecting information or something depends on the young master!"

Ji Xiaoxiao chuckled and told Yin Yang He Huan Dian not to speak for now, then he dragged Yin Yang He Huan Dian to the wall and tiptoed towards the place where a certain bird demon lived.

a moment later—

The bird demon is a black-feathered owl at the peak of four stars, and it is whispering at the moment: "Gu~(What happened just now? The palace of the king of heaven was destroyed... This matter has nothing to do with that Fengshen falcon What does it matter? Why did the Heavenly King summon her?"

Hei Yuxiao thought for a while, but didn't have a clue, shook his head, and muttered again: "Hey~(Forget it, this matter has nothing to do with me... I woke up too early, okay Sleepy, go to sleep.

The black feather owl hides by day and comes out at night, and most of the time during the day is not energetic.

If Ji Xiaoxiao hadn't fought too much with the Heavenly King clone earlier, he might still be asleep.

Ji Xiaoxiao didn't sneak into the house, but directly climbed onto the roof... It doesn't seem appropriate to call it a house. The architectural style in Yunlutian is very different from that of Daxia. It's more like a lair than a house. , cave,

That is to say, the king's palace is a little better. It is made of semi-solid white clouds, decorated with various tassels, and even the 'furniture' inside looks like a rainbow.

But Ji Xiaoxiao didn't pay much attention to these things at the time, what's wrong with being pretty? Isn't it ruined by two slaps?

This is Yunlutian, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with building a house with clouds.

Ji Xiaoxiao climbed up to the roof with the Yin Yang He Juan Dian, and looked left and right.

A cloud of dreamland that only he could see floated above a certain cave, and Ji Xiaoxiao was amused: "I planned to use the quilt sealing technique to help them fall asleep, but I didn't expect that there were actually some birds sleeping in broad daylight, hey, why not?" Daydreaming."

Yin-Yang Acacia Code is unknown, so: "Little brother, what are you talking about?"

Without Ji's little help, she couldn't see the dream fog.

"Let's go, my master will take you to have some fun!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Xiaoxiao pulled the Yin-Yang Hehuan Dian, combined with him and transformed, then bent his knees and jumped straight into the dream fog.

It was night in the dream, and the black feather owl squatted on a certain giant tree, cooing.

"Is this a dream or a nightmare?"

Even Ji Xiaoxiao, as the master of dreams, couldn't understand it at the moment.

But it doesn't matter, he can have any dreams before he comes, but after he comes, he has the final say on good dreams and nightmares.

Thinking about it, Ji Xiaoxiao transformed herself into a giant with the authority of the master of dreams, shaking the mountains in an instant.

The black feather owl in the dream didn't know why, and panicked.

"Hi, Tiezi!"

Ji Xiaoxiao grabbed the panic-stricken Hei Yuxiao and said with a sinister smile, "Dreaming? Do you want to become a member? If you don't become a member, you won't be able to wake up!"

Hei Yuxiao was terrified: "Hey! (Who are you! What is a member!


Yunlutian, an airspace somewhere in the Four Heavens.

"Gah~ (Damn it! What kind of bird are you!

"Gah~ (This is the ancestral land of my family, how dare you be presumptuous here!

"Gah~ (Put down the remains of your ancestors! Otherwise, even the king of heaven will not be able to save you!

"Ga~ (Brother be careful, Heavenly King can save...


Sheila frowned and looked at the large group of monsters that looked like crows, her ears were filled with crows, and she felt very irritable.

She couldn't understand the other party's language. Although she could understand it through divine power, she didn't feel it was necessary.

Even if she didn't understand, judging from the tone of voice, it didn't seem to be a good thing, so she didn't bother to listen.

Sheila had just arrived, and before she had figured out the situation, a big crow came towards her. Her cold eyes seemed to be looking at a dead thing... Although she is the goddess of death, it's okay to be seen like this. Yes, but it just feels a little weird...

Sheila was taken aback, and the other party could not understand what she said, and although she could understand the language through the godhead, it took some time, and it did not translate in real time like Ji Ruo.

But the other party didn't give her this time and opportunity at all, and wanted to kill her as soon as she came up.

After staying with Ji Ruo for a long time, Sheila has also undergone some changes. She tried to decipher the other party's language while dodging, thinking that there must be some misunderstanding, and wanted to communicate with the other party to resolve the misunderstanding.

However, in the process of dodging, the opponent continued to launch black magic attacks, and the moves aimed at the vital points.

Even because the movement was too loud, other big crows were attracted to hunt down Xila together.

Now, Sheila has no way to decipher the other party's language with the help of theocracy.

She was being chased, kept dodging and running, even if she died here, she would be reborn in the death domain of the Earth Mother Continent.

But now she has left the Earth Mother Continent after all. Once this incarnation dies, she will lose this memory after her rebirth.

Even, she couldn't return to Yunlutian—not to mention how troublesome the entry conditions of this secret realm are, just after losing this part of memory...

Sheila is getting more and more irritable from being hunted down, the key point is that she still can't fly!

She is in charge of all death in the Earth Mother Continent, and she is not a very good-tempered **** in the first place.

It was because of her contact with Ji Ruo that she became more 'human'. Before she met Ji Ruo, she even lived alone in her incarnation—necromancers were not welcomed anywhere.

So after coming to Yunlutian, she actually wanted to be friendly.

But these bird demons don't give her a chance!

"good very good!"

Sheila was furious.

She used divine power to flee all the way—the gods of the Earth Mother Continent, the individual combat effectiveness is generally low in the same realm.

Their strength lies mainly in their all-encompassing divine right and priesthood.

Within the scope of the theocracy, what they represent is the rules themselves!

Not long after, more and more black crows chased and killed Sheila, almost blackening half of the sky!

And Sheila finally came to her 'home court'!

She didn't actually know that this was the ancestral land of the black crows, but she could feel that there were a huge number of bones buried under this land!

"I originally wanted to get along with you as ordinary people, but I didn't expect...huh!"

Sheila's expression was cold, and with a raised wrist, endless death energy gathered and condensed into a skeleton staff.

However, Sheila seemed to think of something suddenly, and with a twist of her wrist, the skeleton staff formed by the condensed endless death energy twisted and changed again.

Turning into an exquisite skull box, it seems that there is a kind of creepy cuteness......


She pressed the square box on her waist, and the belt was automatically generated and fastened.

The heavy death chorus sounded, the earth turned into a sea of ​​blood, and bones became mountains.

The remains of unknown giant beasts were built into a huge palace full of death.

The translucent beautiful wraith has a melodious voice, singing an unknown song of death. The singing voice is embedded in the concerto, adding a bit of nobility and mystery to death.

The vengeful spirits lifted up a pale throne, and Sheila sat down expressionlessly, leaning against the throne, crossing her legs, and looked coldly at the black bird demon that filled the sky.

A vortex appeared in the center of the sea of ​​blood, and the bright red turned into a crimson purple, turning into leather armor, wrapping Sheila's body.

The temple of death made of white bones scattered into armor parts, each returning to its place.

The beautiful wraiths are turned into tulle, or scarves, or shawls, embellished everywhere.

Where did the group of **** crows see this scene? All of a sudden, the singing of crows stopped abruptly, and their small eyes were full of shock—they may not even be known to humans, and they have never seen such a gorgeous transformation effect...

Strong is not so strong, and the breath doesn't change much, but...whether it is the sound effect or the visual effect, they are too shocking, so that their underdeveloped brains can't accept it all at once. .....

Seeing this, Sheila felt a burst of elation in her heart.

Although she had ridiculed Emily before, she was also quietly careful about this transformation.

Now it seems......

Don't say it, really don't say it!

The effect is really good!

Sheila, however, had not lost sight of business.

This group of **** crows chased her so badly before, she naturally couldn't let them go easily.

Sheila sat lazily on the pale throne, slightly hooking her fingers.


The soil on the ground surged, and the white bones of birds and demons drilled out of the ground. The dark green soul fire in the hollow eye sockets danced, and they roared silently to the sky.

The **** crows who were already very shocked were suddenly even more shocked.

Even a **** crow sensed the familiar aura and lost its voice in shock: "Gah! (Father! Aren't you dead?!


The bone bird flapped its wings, and the bones collided with each other, making a 'clack' sound, and then more and more earth bags exploded, and the white bones and black feathers each occupied half of the sky!

"Go!" Sheila waved impatiently.

"Gah! (Mother! Me, it's me! Don't you know me!

"Quack! (Sister! Sister! I'm your brother!

"Gah! (Hiss! Son, I am your father!

The black crows felt the familiar atmosphere, looked at the slightly unfamiliar skeleton, and panicked.

Seeing this, Sheila raised the corners of her mouth under the visor, and said to herself, "Hmph! Fighting with this goddess?"


One world.

"Hey... Lord, master, we are about to reach the first heaven."

Zi Linying stammered and said.

After the Yaozu reached four stars, they were able to speak out their words.

Of course, the premise is that they have been in contact with humans and are willing to learn at the same time.


Ji Ruo threw his shoes to determine the positions of his companions.

The others are okay, and the direction hasn't changed much.

Only Liang Shixian's direction kept changing.

The locations where Ji Ruo, Gu Xingzhou, and sisters Luo Xi appeared were already close to the bottom of Yunlutian.

Although there is still an endless sky below, there are almost no empty islands.

Even if there is, there will be a large number of strong winds, the empty island will not grow, life will hardly survive, and the environment is extremely harsh, so it is not included in the scope of the "Nine Heavens".

It is equivalent to Yunlutian's 'Border Desolation'.

Yunlutian is quite big, even if it is simply calculated by the upper limit of strength, it is much wider than the Earth Mother Continent.

Ji Ruo wasn't sure which heaven Liang Shixian fell on. With such a large range, a slight difference would be a thousand miles away, and Ji Ruo became more and more worried.


Zi Linying suddenly hesitated and said: "Master, are we really going?"

"Huh?" Ji Ruo frowned slightly: "Why do you ask that?"

Zi Linying said cautiously: "Master, you didn't come here by flying, nor are you the spirit of Yunlu Tianyuan. ...."

Gu Xingzhou was taken aback: "We're just passing by, can't we?"

Zi Linying said: "The airspace in the Nine Heavens has already been divided up. No matter what direction we enter the Nine Heavens, we will definitely enter the airspace of a certain lord... You have special identities. Well, we're likely to be attacked..."

"What kind of lords are these, how strong is their sense of territory?" Ji Ruo was surprised: "If you didn't say that the lords of Yunlutian can only be birds, I would suspect that these lords are dog monsters."

Zi Linying hesitated for a moment: "...Master, some tengus also have wings..."

Ji Ruo: "..."
