MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 39 Why do demons and demons eat people?

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"He, can, do?"

Fengshen Falcon tilted his head and asked Ji Ruo.

Ji Ruo knew what Fengshen Falcon was referring to, and nodded frantically: "The seasonings I put on the barbecue were made by him!"

"it is good."

Fengshen Falcon grabbed it together with Liang Shixian, then flapped its wings, and flew into the sky in an instant.

The wind was howling, Ji Ruo was holding the trembling Rosie in her arms, and was caught by the wind **** Falcon in the claw, while Liang Shixian was in the other claw.


A crisp chirping resounded through the sky.

Ji Ruo understood the meaning of the tweet through [Common Language], and was a little confused.

Fengshen Falcon said: "I'm lucky to find two humans who can cook food! The baby is about to be born, and I will definitely be a good mother!"

After thinking about it, Ji Ruo suddenly had a bold idea.

He bit his head and shouted against the strong wind: "Auntie! I can help you take care of the children, can you please not eat us!"

Ji Ruo originally intended to say this.

However, the wind was howling in the sky. Although the Falcon, the **** of wind, was obviously taking care of his and Liang Shixian's fragile bodies and didn't fly too fast, it still made Ji Ruo very uncomfortable.

The gust of wind poured into the entrance, filling Ji Ruo's entire mouth, and a handsome face was crazily deformed.

The words he said also became: "Ah wow wow wow wow wow..."

Fortunately, the translation of [Common Language] is bidirectional, so Fengshen Falcon can understand what Ji Ruo wants to express.

Fengshen Falcon cried out curiously: "Huh? Can you understand me?"

(For the convenience of reading, it will be translated into [Common Language], and the onomatopoeia will not be described.)

Ji Ruo continued to yell, indicating that he understood.

Through the [Common Language], the two sides used two completely different languages ​​to achieve barrier-free communication on the sky.

Fengshen Falcon tweeted: "Don't worry, I don't want to eat you, I just want to make a deal with you... In my impression, you humans seem to like trading very much."

Ji Ruo: "What transaction?"

Although he thought the phrase "humans seem to like trading" is a bit strange, but now is not the time to ask this.

No matter what the deal is, as long as you can survive.

Fengshen Falcon said: "You make delicious food for me and my children. In exchange, I allow you to live in my lair... The transaction content between you humans and our demon clan seems to have always been like this, what do you think? Sample?"

"Good good!"

Ji Ruo was even more puzzled, but he didn't dare to disagree - what if he made the big bird unhappy and his claws loosened and he threw them down?

After a while, the Fengshen Falcon brought Ji Ruo and the unconscious Liang Shixian to an island suspended 10,000 meters above the sky.

There is also a huge bird's nest on this island. There are a lot of monsters' blood food piled up on one side of the bird's nest, but they are all sealed by ice. Ji Ruokan's heart skips a beat - they are all high-level monsters!

Next to the blood food, there are also a lot of spiritual fruits and vegetables, and the dense aroma makes Ji Ruo just smell it, and feel dazzled and slightly intoxicated.

Ji Ruo looked down, and her heart was half cold - this bird's nest was actually built on a huge floating stone, and Ji Ruo couldn't run if she wanted to.

Fengshen Falcon put down Ji Ruo and the two, then spread out his wings and chirped, and his huge body slowly shrank.

After a while, the originally huge Fengshen Falcon shrank to a size of nearly two meters and a half in length... Although it was still huge, it was already much smaller.

Ji Ruo's pupils shrank slightly, and sure enough, this big bird can do the heaven and earth!

Fengshen Falcon shouted: "The size of the previous body was too big. I think the speed of making food is too slow, so it is more convenient."

Now, even Ji Ruo feels a little unreal.

Although he has been very happy since he entered the secret realm, he has encountered many dangers.

It is only by relying on various achievements and rewards that he can save himself from danger every time.

However, no matter how strong the ability of achievement rewards is, there must be a limit.

Once the Fengshen Falcon is an adult, it can be compared to the peak of the four realms of martial arts—this one has a baby, can he still be an adult?

Jiruo's achievement rewards may be effective, but they are never too strong.

After thinking for a while, Ji Ruo asked hesitantly, "This... Auntie, are you sure you won't eat us?"

That cautious appearance, very much like a primary school student who did something wrong and was called into the teacher's office.

Fengshen Falcon rolled his eyes and said, "What do you humans have to eat? There are too many bones and little meat. It tastes almost full, and you can't increase your cultivation. It's useless. Why should I eat you?"

Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment, thinking about it!

It seems so!

It's only been more than two months since the time traveled, so when Ji Ruo faced existences such as demons and beasts, he preconceived that demons could eat people and increase their cultivation - just like those described in the novels of the previous life.

However, this is not the case in reality.

Demons can't increase their cultivation by eating people, or in other words, people who eat martial arts can't increase their cultivation.

In terms of qi and blood strength, under normal circumstances, demons are stronger than human warriors of the same rank.

People will resist killing people, but there is a repressive relationship between demon clans. Those with noble blood, or those with powerful strength, have the innate ability to take away the weak.

And the weak will not resist.

Therefore, for the demon clan, eating other weak demons is much more cost-effective than eating humans directly.

So, the demon actually didn't have the habit of eating people at first.

According to the descriptions in the history textbooks, the demons and demons actually appeared as invaders at the earliest.

They kill people to grab territory, and they don't have the habit of eating people at all - some omnivorous and ferocious monsters may occasionally eat them, but in terms of taste, there are also a lot of creatures that taste better than humans.

It was only later that humans began to practice martial arts, and the practice of martial arts requires a large supply of qi and blood.

Where does this blood supply come from?

The monsters with strong physique naturally became the first choice.

Humans fight for war, resist desperately, and eat while killing. Later, the monsters were eaten even more fiercely, so they also began to eat people.

Later, with the passage of time, this gradually evolved into a tradition of the demon clan.

Some demon clans believe that if you don't eat someone, you don't deserve to be called a demon...

Of course, this situation can only be said to account for the vast majority, but not all.

As for the devil... This kind of thing is generally not eaten by humans. Because the advanced level mainly strengthens the innate ability or spiritual power, the flesh and blood are mixed with extremely chaotic spiritual thoughts. Not to mention the taste is not good, it is easy to give People eat crazy, so humans generally don't eat monsters.

Demons don't like to eat monsters either.

And the monsters eat It's just the reason why they eat people, it's purely because at the beginning of the invasion, the three clans fought each other, and the other two clans you eat me and I eat you, and there are not even many on the battlefield. The bodies of the two tribes remain.

The three races are fighting each other, and everyone wants to be the overlord of this world.

But every time the battle is over, only the corpses of monsters are left on the battlefield... The monsters feel that they have been insulted - why do you eat people, and people eat monsters, but you don't eat monsters? !

At the end of each fight, the battlefield is full of corpses of monsters. Those who didn’t know it thought that monsters were the weakest beings in the three clans!

So embarrassed and angry, the monsters also began to eat people...

Although the description of this history is a bit nonsense, the dark humor in it is the most memorable for students.

Ji Ruo smacked his lips, when the original owner learned the knowledge point of Dao, he still thought it was a little funny.

How could monsters start eating people for such ridiculous reasons?

But when Ji Ruo faced it himself, when he heard Fengshen Falcon's words, 'There are too many bones and little meat, the taste is almost full, and it is not enough to increase the cultivation level, it is useless', Ji Ruo Really almost rolled up my sleeves to prove myself...

Fortunately, Ji Ruo held back—the man's strange competitive spirit!

Fengshen Falcon continued: "That is to say, those so-called high-level warriors are still worth being eaten, but those guys fight fiercely, and they are troublesome to eat. Killing one is equivalent to stabbed a hornet's nest. eat."

Ji Ruo: "..."

Ji Ruo's mood was very complicated when she heard the evaluation of the human beings from the sky overlord Fengshen Falcon in the secret realm of Wan Beast Mountain.
