MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 538 degradation of life

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  Chapter 538 The Degeneration of Life

  The image of the "old man" seems to jump out of the mural,

  Its physical characteristics perfectly meet all the conditions for an extraterrestrial visitor.

  However, the winner of the "Battle Royale", the earliest ruler of this planet, has gone through tens of millions of years, even though he still exists in the world.

  But with the astonishing sight at the moment, it is hard to believe their identities.

  The descendants of the "Old Ones" are invincible even to humans, and they were slaughtered by any human demigod.

   Once again, the cognition between Tu Fu and Miss Winster was broken, as if the terrifying star race they saw in the Tower of Civilization just now was just a fictional history.

   After being startled for more than ten seconds, Tu Fu looked at the ancients who came out of the temple in groups.

  Their intentions are already very obvious, being willing to come out also means willing to negotiate.

  Several forces present at the scene also turned their attention to them. Unlike the extraterrestrial visitors who came to the polar regions recently, they did not have terrible minions and weapons, and they did not show any hostility.

   "The Elder?"

   Tufu threw out an ancient vocabulary, which he learned temporarily from Miss Bella.

  Unexpectedly, the moment this word appeared, as if touching the secret of this ancient ethnic group, countless eyes turned to Tu Fu.

   "Hello, Human."

  The cold voice came from someone's brain. The ancients did not have mouthparts for speaking, and communication has always been through brain waves, which transmit biological signals.

  This time it was Assyrian, which was already a language more than a century ago.

   "It's a good thing that you are willing to communicate normally." When the ancient man's voice came out again, it was aimed at every demigod present. At this time, the brain wave pattern became a group.

   "You killed so many of my crew, don't expect me to let you go."

  Captain Mingesa’s voice was still indifferent, and the deep hatred could not be eliminated with just a few words.

   "You are trying to break into our territory. Everything we do is just self-defense. There is nothing wrong with it."

  The ancients refuted seriously with reason.

   "Yes, so there is nothing wrong with me wanting to destroy you."

  But it made the big pirate even more annoyed, the red light in his eyes indicated his mood, and his restless temper almost immediately wanted to eradicate these heretics.

  However, in Tu Fu's view, the thinking patterns of the starry sky races are mostly similar.

  They rarely have the concept of good and evil, moral concepts, and the thinking that survival is more important than everything has long been ingrained, and this cannot be changed even after tens of millions of years.

   Ideal thinking will prevail at any time, even if the knife rests on the neck, the ancients still intend to reason.

  Tu Fu was not in the mood to talk about irrelevant things with them, so he spoke after thinking for a moment:

   "I already know everything from that tower, the journey of you coming to this world, the matter of winning all the starry sky races, the matter of fighting the starry sky invasion, and even the matter of creating the Seven Gods."

  He is not at all shy about being known about the secrets in the tower. Amidst countless expressions of doubt, he publicly simplified what he saw and heard in the Tower of Civilization.

  Those amazing historical facts are more shocking than the myths of Genesis.

  Especially many members of the Church of the Seven Gods were also completely dumbfounded, and panic immediately spread among the crowd.

   "Impossible. Absolutely impossible!"

   "You are despising the Lord, and you will definitely be punished by God."

   "Sir Capet, those so-called murals must have been made by you through some means!"

  There was a sudden turmoil in the camp of the Church of the Seven Gods, and voices questioning this abounded.

  The powerhouses who joined the church and mixed into the demigod level, mostly because of their childhood experiences, enshrined the gods they believed in as objects of worship throughout their lives.

   It can be regarded as having a sustenance in life.

  But at this moment, they know that the so-called gods they have believed in all their lives are nothing more than stronger alien races.

  The strongest elements of these starry sky races are unusually strong because of their experience in space. By rooting the "anchor" in this world, they can eliminate the pollution of the starry sky.

   It is not only the collapse of faith, but also the collapse of many people and their lives.

  Tu Fu didn't answer, and turned to look at the calmer Roman Richard. He didn't seem to care at all, "Mr. Richard, so what do you think?"

   "Of course with the eyes."

  Roman answered casually, and then spoke from the perspective of a senior believer:

   "When I was young, my whole family died because of a mysterious incident. Without the support of the Goddess Church, I'm afraid my life would have been gone long ago.

   It is true that the belief in the goddess is my life's sustenance, but in comparison, I care more about the Goddess of Wisdom Cult, and more about my companions who have experienced countless events with me, rather than a nameless god. "

   "Nice attitude."

  One of the reasons why Tu Fu admired this person so much was because Uncle Roman was a wide-eyed person, so he didn't seem to care much about anything.

   Then, He looked at the camp of the ancients again,

   "As you who have ruled this world, you should know more about the starry sky than we do. Can you tell us how big the trouble is this time?"

  As soon as this serious question came out, the believers who "broke their hearts" were immediately interrupted, and they also patiently listened to the other party's answer.

  Shortly after the question was given, the biological brainwaves of the ancients reached everyone's mind again:

   "We can't deal with the disaster from the starry sky. The awakening of 'Grosius' is beyond our ability. In this unavoidable special event.

  The Seven Gods took the initiative to choose to break off contact with us, so that we know nothing about the starry sky intelligence. "

   "Interrupted? Can I understand that they abandoned you and abandoned this planet."

  Tu Fu noticed this word and tried to correct it.


  The old man's mind is still terrifyingly calm, even if he is betrayed and deceived, he is still so calm.

  However, for the starry sky race, it is basically common sense to abandon useless companions, and it is very common to devour the same kind in the universe wandering.

  Besides, the seven gods have guarded this planet for millions of years.

   It has been so long since encountering a strong enemy that cannot be defeated, even if they use each other, it is enough to be loyal to their duties.

   It is normal to run away from an enemy that is really unbeatable.

  The members of the Seven Gods Cult who had already been "destroyed" did not have such a good form. After getting the answer, their hearts were still confused, and now they were completely shattered.

  No one can accept that the **** they believe in will choose to escape at a critical moment, or in such a shameful way.

  Tu Fu also forced himself to calm down, "Don't you guys have the technology to travel in space? Why don't you use this technology to find out."


   "What about the technology of fabricating life from inorganic matter? It can still create warriors with the ability to go to the stars."

   "Also forgotten."

   Facing this race that does not seek to make progress, Tu Fu resisted being speechless for a while, and then made another proposal:

   "I remember that when the "Kira" family came to this planet, didn't they still have wings and the ability to fly in a vacuum? How about contacting their descendants to go to the starry sky."

  The ancients were silent for a while, and did not answer.

   "Are they all extinct?" Tu Fu raised his eyebrows and questioned.

   "They still exist."

   "Where is it, give me a specific coordinate."

  The old man gave an answer, and slowly turned to a certain direction: "It's in the polar region."


  Seeing these weird beings turn around at the same time, Tu Fu couldn't help turning around curiously.

   That's the direction of the polar landing point.

   "Why didn't I see it when I came here..."

  Tu Fu was talking to himself, and then a terrible answer came to mind.

  He suddenly understood what the old man meant, and he had indeed seen the descendants of the "Kira" clan.

  Not only him, everyone who came to the polar region must have seen it.

  It is those who squat on the polar coast and catch fish intuitively. They are huge in size, with amazingly long hair covering the whole body, and their eyes have degenerated in the long-term dark environment.

  Giant penguins flapping their stupid wings all day long…

   PS: I wish everyone a happy new year in advance, and take a day off tomorrow by the way~



  (end of this chapter)