MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 532 miracle

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  Chapter 532 Miracle

  Starting from the disaster in the dome, these strange incidents have followed one after another. Tu Fu has no energy to spend on the messenger, and he has not asked anyone about the Tianyasha Pirates.

  At the beginning, all the teams have been stipulated, and everyone will climb to the top of the mountain together after the arrival of the main force from the Church of the Seven Gods.

  Since they want to act privately, they have to bear the price of taking risks alone.

  After the Miska expedition team built the base camp at the foot of the mountain, they exchanged information they had with the other six universities.

  What we know now is that there are no living beings in the black mountain in front of us, which is a good thing or a bad thing.

   In other words, such an environment that cannot accumulate ice and snow and is not suitable for life,

   It may not be called safe.

  The airships of the Alliance of Seven Schools can only operate around the edge of the mountain range, and if they climb higher, they exceed the restrictions of the airships. Judging from Tu Fu's observations in the airships.

  The height of this weird mountain range is no less than 5,000 meters above sea level, and the commanding height is at least 2 to 3,000 meters higher, reaching an astonishing height.

   Further up, you can only use aircraft, or borrow the ability of the Son of Weather to suppress natural disasters.

  The alliance of seven schools will each send the aircraft with the most outstanding performance, but this also means that there will be fewer members going deep into the Black Mountains.

  Then, there is the arrangement of streamlining the team. Since there are too few transportation devices available to go to the Black Mountains this time, we can only select the best expedition team from the already streamlined team.

   "Professor, the number of people climbing the mountain this time is limited, please select five people in the team to take this time."

  Tu Fu found Professor Kane in advance and discussed with him who would go to the depths of the mountains.

   Among them was Sophie, whom he wanted to bring because of his own selfishness. Apart from her, there were at most four other candidates.

   "The destination this time is deep in the mountains, so I don't need your skills for the time being, so I'm sorry, Teacher Fran, Professor Gorey, and Professor Allaire, please stay at the base camp."

  As the commander-in-chief of the expedition, Charles Kane thought for a moment and left them out of the choice.

  Professor Allaire is a genius in applied physics. One of Fran and Goley is a major in mechanical applications, and the other is a major in meteorology. Their professional abilities seem to have little effect on this investigation.

  Just stay at the foot of the mountain, and you can still do research with peace of mind.

   "Understood, I wish you all the best."

   Although these two regretted not being able to witness, they had no complaints.

   "Professor Fred, Professor Parreira, I'm afraid you will use your professional skills this time, so please get ready."

   Kane glanced at the professor of geology and paleontology.

   These two and the previous "canteen" can see the fragmentary, cross-age fossils and rock formations at a glance, and they have demonstrated their excellent professional skills, and their help is indispensable along the way.

   “It was an honor to contribute to the team.”

  The two of them smiled knowingly at the same time, their eyes full of anticipation.

   Then, Charles Kane looked at an acquaintance of Tu Fu and extended an invitation.

   "Mr. Walter, you are a leader in the field of archaeology. Naturally, there is no need to say more about your professional ability. I also know that you have been looking forward to this polar expedition for many years, so how can such an investigation miss you?"

   "Sir, please rest assured, I will not let you down."

  The latter was stunned for a while, and then ecstatic for a while, almost jumping up with excitement.

   In the blink of an eye, three of the four places at the University of Michigan have been used up, and these personnel are all elites in their respective fields.

   In other words, if there is something that they don't know, then no one in this world can crack it.

   "Then the last one."

Charles Kane turned his head to look at the rest, all of them were Miskar Stark's elite. Everyone he had scanned had eyes full of excitement, and each of them couldn't help but almost shouted "Choose!" I".

  Finally, the weather-beaten dean of the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences made an unexpected decision. He walked up to his student Bella Wayne and extended an invitation to her:

   "Miss, are you ready?"

  Bella was taken aback for a moment, and then her eyes were also full of surprises. She nodded heavily: "Of course, I have been preparing for this day."

   "Bella Wayne? She is just a student, what qualifications does she have to represent the University of Michigan?"

   "Sir Capet is also a student, do you still dare to question him?"

   "Hehe, it would be nice to have a dean-level tutor."

  Some students and teaching assistants in the University of Michigan team seemed to be dissatisfied. It's fine if they can't compare to a freak like Tu Fu, and they can't be snatched up by a little girl.

  Professor Kane seems to be trying to stabilize the emotions of everyone, why he gave up this good opportunity to such a young lady, and explained in public:

   "Just half a year ago, Miss Wayne got her fifteenth language certificate.

  Five of them belong to rare languages, which are of great help to our investigation.

  In addition, Miss Wayne’s family has been engaged in polar archaeology for three generations and is very experienced. If any of you are not convinced, please show your usefulness to the expedition team. "

   Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence in the MIU team.

  They already knew that this talented woman from the history department was extraordinary, and that they could do this to such an extent that they couldn't refute it no matter how sad they were.

   "Good decision, congratulations."

  Tu Fu nodded to Bella, who was still excited. Even if Charles Kane didn't point her out, he would use his authority to let other teams bring this little girl who bears the heavy responsibility of the family.

  Looking at the tall and majestic mountains, Tu Fu didn't know whether he was happy or sad for a moment.

  After the teams of each school were determined, in case the big locust tree came, everyone stayed here to guard some demigods from the Church of the Seven Gods.

   One after another, the flying equipment launched the propeller and lifted off towards the skyline one by one, climbing to the highest mountain so far.

  The violent hurricane blew up with the height, and the snowflakes that fell on the top of the machine fell in large pieces.

  The sound of the wind is everywhere, the howling of the bad weather outside, there is always a disgusting gloomyness in that sound, just like the evil temperament of this mysterious mountain.


  I don't know which side's son of the weather took the lead, and the violent wind noise in this area suddenly decreased a lot, and only the snowflakes fell within the range of the operation.

   Taking advantage of this great opportunity, the aircraft of each university are going all out to leap towards a higher peak.

  3,000 meters above sea level, 4,000 meters above sea level, 5,000 meters above sea level...every number on the barometer soars, every jump of the number challenges the limit of human cognition.

   This area has gone far beyond the snow-covered area, and all that can be seen are bare black rocks and undulating glaciers.

  The years of strong winds have polished the mountains along the way to an exceptionally smooth level.

  The clouds and mists that linger all year round also make each main peak look extremely mysterious.

  Crossing the pass, the other side of the mountains comes into view, the sky is shrouded in clouds and mist, illuminated by the low-hanging polar sun, and below this is a mysterious world that has never appeared in human sight.

  Every person who comes, regardless of whether they are extraordinary or not, can't help but squeeze their palms tightly at this moment, waiting to land in the mysterious world.


  Passing through a jagged steep peak, the wind blowing from the mountain pass is mixed with the indescribable flute sound.

  The howling wind that swept up tried to smash these machines that did not know what to do or tried to peek into the secrets.

  As the only Transcendent on this aircraft, Tu Fu pressed down with his palm, and a layer of black liquid flowed out to form a protective cover.

   Perfectly wraps the two wings of the screw propeller, forming a special space with absolute safety.

   Even though the wind is blowing, it still stands still, and the same is true for other flying vehicles.

  No matter which sequence of extraordinary demigods, there is always the ability to contain this powerful force of nature. The princess series itself has the ability to stay in the air, and it can also be transmitted to equipment.

  The puppet master can stabilize the skeleton of the flying chess, ensuring that the flight process is more secure. A slightly reckless knight or adventurer can simply use brute force directly,

  Simply smashing the storm that is coming, like the extraordinary power of the Eight Immortals crossing the sea,

  Perfectly interprets what is meant by "man will conquer nature".

  No matter how harsh the natural environment is, it cannot stop human beings from exploring the unknown.

   Not long after, flying across that dangerous place, the whole picture of the "new world" gradually fell into everyone's eyes.

  There are grotesque weathered rocks everywhere, and giant stones etched by the strong wind, appearing in everyone's sight like totems, and further forward is a huge maze of buildings, densely packed and endless.

  Look forward again.

   This is an ancient city built entirely of stone and wood. The mirage seen on the boat seems to be the projection of this place.

   I don't know whether it is the uncanny craftsmanship of nature, or other species deliberately.

  The scene in front of me is like a miracle, creating signs of the existence of a great civilization.

  The second sign that surprised everyone was that when the aircraft landed downward, they saw many dense figures, large or small, all appearing at the gate of this ancient civilization.

When the aircraft descends a little further, you can see the appearance of those species, or huge humanoid creatures, or monitor lizards with wings, elves with pointed ears and monkey cheeks, and paralyzed lovers .

   Most of the creatures that once appeared on this planet also appeared in front of this barren civilization.

  These weird creatures are motionless, have experienced many years but have not decayed, and the degree of preservation is naturally more complete than the same kind in the "canteen".

  When the flying vehicle descended again, the scholars who came here finally saw the well-preserved species,

  They stand in front of two totem-like stone pillars, or prostrate or kneel,

   Worship to this ancient civilization in unison.

  (end of this chapter)