MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 530 Seven gods exit

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  In a certain battlefield in the starry sky, an unknown change is taking place.

  First day of change.

  Large dead corpses lie on the land, including gigantic giants, dragons with claws and claws, skeletons with dense bones, and trolls standing tall...

  The corpses of the dead turned into the waste of the earth, and soon dissolved in the soil and turned into nourishment.

   Shortly thereafter, the corpses all turned into black smoke, following a dark river, sluggishly rushing towards the source of the river, following the direction they were going.

  The cemetery lily-of-the-valley flowers blooming on the ground are withering one after another, and are about to wither.

   This is the only way for the undead to reach the depths of the netherworld.

   Leading the front is a man dressed in a black robe, with a long beard, wearing a laurel crown, and holding an ebony golden power. He stepped on this untouchable river, but his steps were steady enough.

  Following at his feet was a deformed hound with three weird heads. He drooped his head as if sensing the silence of his master, and followed beside him without saying a word.

  With the arrival of the last group of "passengers", the strange river water gradually dries up and breaks, revealing the uneven riverbed.

   As the last of the dead to return to the nether world, they faded away into the darkness.

  The second day.


  After the Nether River dried up, the chaotic cries on the wasteland overwhelmed the waves one after another, and the creatures that failed to catch up with the boat lost their original rule constraints, but gained eternal life for a short time.

   This is no luck.

  They stood slowly again as "undead". Compared with before, the creatures that should have died at this moment began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The nimble eyeballs flashed into chaos, and the organs used for thinking degenerated.

  Some organs have changed, teeth, minions, and muscles have become sharper and stronger.

  It used to be just a battle between groups of people, but at this moment, the creatures who lost their original restraints are recklessly attacking the life they see, attacking like losing their minds.

   Even those of the same ethnic group mercilessly attacked, and a terrible new round of turmoil occurred again.

  On the earth, in the temple that supports war and production, someone invaded by something, and there was a loud bang when it collided,

  The statue of the goddess holding a spear and a large shield was immediately overthrown to the ground.

  The statue's only head was safe and sound, and it fell to the ground with a few bang bang bangs.

  Those eyes passed through the crack in the door of the temple, witnessing the destruction of everything in the world.


  The third day.

  Disputes in various places In countless wars, the "undead" who have lost the shackles of rules have already made everything riddled with holes in the endless struggle.

  In the red sea water, the drifters turned over a large number of rotten fish and rotten shrimps with white bellies. They experienced more painful suffering than death.

  Countless large beings are stranded on the shore, and would rather escape from this **** than continue to suffer from the turmoil.

  The soil and river water were eroded by the **** scarlet, the birds in the sky were all scattered, their wings were withered, and they howled with sharp voices,

  Crows like crows by the cemetery.

  The originally blue sky has also turned crimson, and the huge blue moon hangs in this endless chaotic world, as if watching the changes in this land.

  In the invisible shadows, a man sitting in front of a spinning wheel weaving silk threads is having a headache because the messy silk threads in front of him cannot return to their original positions.

  After the birth of the immortal destiny, more and more silk threads were created, which disrupted the original arrangement, making it impossible for him to concentrate on his work.

  Huge **** of silk twine around the spinning machine.

  Finally, under the entanglement of too many silk threads, there was a "click" sound, and the machine that kept the thread running completely collapsed.

  The incentives of the past have led to the collapse of the present, and it is impossible to maintain the future.

   Manipulation Wan

  The thread of fate of things is completely broken.


  The fourth day.

  The terrible disaster and chaos completely collapsed the ecosystem, and the creatures who lost their original restraints fell into an abnormally violent state again.

   This is by no means the most terrible, the truly terrible natural disaster will come on this day.

  The sky seems to have been stabbed a big wheel.

  The torrential rain fell endlessly, flooding all the low-lying lands, and the rainwater accumulated in the low-lying places quickly turned into a flood, enveloping everything in the world.

  Busy in the war, the living things fell into complete chaos, and fled in a panic, but the flood swept faster and swallowed all the lives they saw into the bottom of the sea.

  As the flood washed away aggressively, a figure holding a halberd moved above the waves, and thunder and lightning surrounded him continuously.

  Every place touched is swallowed up by the sea, and various natural disasters bring about doom-like scenes,

   It seems that he wants to swallow up this world before he will give up.

  The soil was covered, the mountains were submerged, and only the highest peaks in the world were left above the water. They were like isolated islands in the sea before.

   So far, there is no distinction between land and sea in the world.


  The fifth day.

  A great flood wiped out all hope, there are no more living things in the world, and the soil soaked in seawater also lost its original vitality, and it is no longer possible to grow any food crops.

  There are only a few bare peaks left on the land where it used to live, and there is only endless sea water around it.

  Experiencing this wave of great changes in the world, a plump woman was at a loss. She was dressed in a black gauze and stood on a rock somewhere.

  He holds a sharp dagger in one hand, and holds an infant child in the other.

  Under the catastrophe, he was feeding the baby with milk in a daze.

  At first, I could still hear the baby’s weak sobbing, but gradually the swaddling baby’s breathing became weaker and weaker. No matter what methods the woman used, she couldn’t stop its life from passing away.

  The temperature of the baby's skin gradually began to drop, and the crying gradually became weaker, and finally it could not even utter a sound.

  In the out-of-control order, a layer of frost slowly covered the corpse.


  The intense pain caused the woman holding the child to cry out in pain. He fell to the ground with disheveled hair, and the baby in his arms also fell into the water.

   I only heard a loud "bang" sound from the sky and the earth again, and as the woman collapsed and fell, the earth was hit by something.

  The next moment, the sky suddenly collapsed.


  The sixth day.

  Amidst the chaos, two light spheres alternated back and forth.

   It is from them that day and darkness are born.

  But the tossing back and forth in the past six days has made the sun, moon, light and darkness lose their due meaning, and the light that maintains the world is getting weaker and weaker.

  Like a candle placed in a strong wind, it cannot escape the fate of being extinguished.

  The fire is gradually extinguished, and the person in this chaos is wearing a white robe and a golden crown on his head. He plays with light and darkness and controls the rules of the world.

   He slowly removed the black gauze covering his eyes, and the sword in his hand had already broken.

   And the balance that He used to maintain the balance in the other hand completely tilted towards one side, and the long-maintained balance has collapsed.

  Six days of turmoil one day after another, like dominoes collapsing, no matter how ambitious the project behind it is.

  When the first domino is gently pushed, it is the day when the building will collapse.

   After all, it was a crushing defeat.

  The six gods who collapsed successively seemed to hear dirty curses from afar,

   But who cares about those innocuous things at the moment.


   Finally came the seventh day,

   Creator is tired.