MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 514 University of Michigan Expedition List

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  November 5th, Miskar Stark University.

  Many students heard that a legendary figure in the school was coming, so they deliberately waited at the school gate.

   There are only a few people in the world today who can conquer the vision of UJ students.

   It just so happened that Tu Fu was the most eye-catching one among the many legends. After the discussion with Sophie came to fruition that day, he simply contacted the University of Michigan.

  The School of Humanities has already prepared for this matter, and the two sides hit it off.

  A luxury car drove towards the school along the door, and besides the students, many professors from the college had also arrived.

  Looking at Sophie's worried expression beside him, Tu Fu patted her leg a few times: "Why worry so much, I won't reveal your shameful Columbia University student status to them."

   "Hey, you're talking as if our brother university is so heinous, and I don't see how much MIT beats our school." Sophie raised her head and retorted dissatisfied.

  “It’s true that you can’t say heinous, at least it’s a century-old grievance.”

  Tu Fu gave a serious suggestion: "If you are interested, you can go to our library to take a look, and meet the loyal dog at the door by the way."

   "Sir, I think I've seen it." Sophie brushed her hair lightly, and then looked at Tu Fu seriously.

   "Nice sense of humor."

  Bringing a Columbia University student to the University of Michigan alone, and participating in the expedition team of the University of Michigan, has historical significance no less than bringing Miss Winster back to the Capet family.

   Who told Sophie to stick to him, even if she returned to Missouri University, she would not want to see him go too far.

  Not far ahead, the dean of the School of Humanities, headed by Professor Charles Kane, has long been waiting here with a group of people, and now the expedition team is only a heavyweight behind Tu Fu.

   "I knew you would come. This is the polar region you have dreamed of. There is no better opportunity than this. We have the opportunity to make history."

   After Tufu got off the car, Professor Kane gave him a big hug, with a smile on his face.

  「I thought you were no longer interested in such things after you explored the Incasso ruins.」

   "Tu Fu, learning is a never-ending road. If you just stand halfway up the mountain and feel complacent, you must stay there for the rest of your life. I don't want to just look at the scenery halfway up the mountain."

  Professor Kane was so happy when he spoke.

   The exploration of Ingaso's ruins bears his name, and Professor Kane's name has been resounded in the academic world. He is extremely fascinated by the exploration of historical truth.

  Standing beside him were several professors and students from the Faculty of Humanities, including Miss Bella Wayne.

  The moment she saw Tu Fu, the girl patted her chest in relief, she was so excited that she almost shed tears, she stepped forward to shake hands with him politely:

  「Tufu, thank you...thank you, without you, I wouldn’t even have the courage to go to that land.」

  「We’ve known each other for so many years, why bother to say such strange words to me.」

  Tu Fu shook his head indifferently, and said generously: "Originally, the exploration of the polar regions was also in my academic plan, and I pulled you to help when I enrolled, so there is no reason for you to thank me."

  「Bella, this is His own decision, and it has nothing to do with you, so why blame yourself. …

  My husband attaches great importance to the friendship between his parents, and after so many years, he still broods over it. There is no other way, so even I came. "

  Sophie's words are very official.

  She stepped forward and glared at Tu Fu holding Bella's hand, which instinctively let go.

   Then he went up to give this young lady a warm hug.

   During the few years when Tu Fu was not in Göttinghagen, several of his friends in the School of Humanities had formed a deep friendship with Sophie, especially when girls went shopping and afternoon tea.

   Seeing that the relationship between these two people doesn't need to worry about himself, Tu Fu just opened his mouth to ask Charles Kane about the progress,

  「Professor, is there any movement in other universities after the unblocking order?


   "The movement is not small, except for the other six schools besides the University of Michigan, all have already made moves.

  They temporarily recruited many people in the industry, ranging from professionals from relevant academic institutions at home and abroad, to ferry drivers and mechanics leading to polar routes, and guides with experience in living in polar environments.

  Besides, church members and college scholars set off together when the colleges and universities took action. Probably because of the bad news from the polar regions, the church members would ensure the safety of the expedition team before dispatching.

  The Church of the Mother Earth supports St. Notin, the Cult of Order supports the University of Göttinghagen, and the Destiny Escort escorts the University of Douz..."

  Based on such a conversion, the Church of the Seven Gods just satisfies the Alliance of Seven Schools. Each church can name more than two digits of demigod powerhouses. If there is trouble, even if there is a battle damage, it will not be too serious.

  Tu Fu nodded thoughtfully: "What about our university?"

   "The Church of the Goddess of Wisdom has already contacted us. As long as we ensure the departure date, they will send someone to **** us at any time."

  「The goddess of wisdom?」

  When Tu Fu heard this answer, he was relieved a lot.

  In this way, Uncle Roman will also follow in the team, and he can know any news as soon as possible, which is a good choice.

   "Professor, who are the candidates of our school for this investigation, I want to know the specific list."

   "At least one candidate for the title of professor from the five major colleges, besides me, there are Professor Fran from the School of Mechanics and Technology, Professor Parreira from the School of Medicine, who majored in ancient biology, and Professor Allaire from the School of Natural Sciences.

  Gordon, the weather expert, Fred, the geology expert, and Mr. Walter, the archeology expert who is your homeroom teacher, are also there.

  These experienced old buddies are all indispensable candidates for this investigation, and we will bring an assistant and two students under our hands. "

  「Why so many people?」

   "This is only for professionals. During the inspection period, we will also recruit mechanics, airship pilots, captains and command guides who are familiar with the polar regions."

   Waiting until Professor Kane gives the specific candidates for the UM trip to the polar regions,

   is already a long list of people.

  Tu Fu couldn't help frowning. There were already thirty or forty people in total. Going to the polar region is not just for fun, so there is no need for so many people.

   "Professor, can we reduce some unnecessary people, I am worried that the number of teams will be too large and it will be inconvenient to move."

  「Son, you must know how vast the Pole is, it is a small continent that is almost untouched, much larger than many northern continent countries.  …

  This investigation plan is a one-season operation. We have to explore that piece of land as much as possible during this period, and even use aircraft to cross the area at an altitude of several thousand meters. This is not an easy task.

  We need professionals and more equipment, equipment that sends signals to the outside world, polar sled dogs, sleds and machines, camping supplies, and flying equipment are also essential.

   There is also an extremely advanced drill bit recently developed by Professor Fran, which can easily obtain deep samples of rock and soil in the polar continent. It is better to bring more things than to worry about lack of supplies. "

  As a professional, Professor Kane felt that it was necessary for him to learn from Tu Fu.

  The necessity of preparing sufficient materials for large-scale historical archaeological operations.

  Compared with the difficulty of unearthing the remains of Ingaso in the Southern Continent in the past, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

  The governments of various countries have opened up the polar regions this time, and at the same time, it is for anthropologists to excavate the last untouched land in the world. Naturally, there are many difficulties.

  When the earliest adventurers explored the polar continent, it was precisely because they did not use polar dogs to pull sleds, but chose ponies, which eventually led to the inability to transport supplies and the team died.

  The elite expedition team that assembled the Seven Schools Alliance twenty years ago also died collectively because they did not seek help from the outside world in time.

  Many years later, at the beginning of the second industrial revolution, anthropologists who have mastered two cutting-edge technologies, relying on many technologies of the steam and electrical ages

   Once again mustering up the courage to attack the polar regions is a major event worthy of being recorded in history.

  As for the assistants and students who follow the professors, there is no way to bring them along with them.

   It's not that everyone has Bella's ability to master several languages.

  This kind of great archaeological project in unknown places has made many students of UM envious. A professor with one assistant and two students is enough.

  Tu Fu couldn’t kill other people’s dreams, so he could only sigh and vote:

  「The initial list is determined like this, but I hope to add another person to it.」

"Who else?"

  “Sophie Winster from Columbia University is a top student in the Department of Journalism and a reporter for the National News Service. She has played a great role in our reporting on the polar regions.”

  Tu Fu couldn't help but lower the volume when speaking, so as not to let people hear the word Columbia.

   "Of course, in the name of your family, of course there is no problem."

  Professor Kane has an expression that I understand. Married men always take their wives with them when they go out, whether they like it or not. This is very common in academia.

  After some discussions, the whole plan went a bit smoother thanks to Tu Fu's joining.

  The Midlands set out from the port of the Kingdom to the Weddell Polar Sea, and the ships, technicians, and guides needed during the period could be found immediately through Tu Fu's relationship.

  The sea belongs to His direct territory.