MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 505 Perfect Wedding (Medium)

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  Before the wedding ceremony begins, both parties are not allowed to meet each other, and keep the last bit of alone time to think about the future,

  Write down your expectations for your future partner and hand them over to the other party after the wedding.

  Even since last night, Tu Fu has been separated from Sophie and held a bachelor party according to the tradition of the kingdom to bid farewell to the past.

  He recorded all his feelings at the moment in the logbook.

   This was the most important event in His life, and it deserves to be written in the diary.

   "Are you getting married?"

  During the drive to the Catholic Church, Tufu was wearing a majestic traditional Baiya military uniform. His achievements in the Lambai War were enough to make him worthy of this outfit.

   Looking at the fleeting scenery outside the window, I heard countless voices of congratulations from citizens.

  Tu Fu rarely felt a trace of inexplicable complex emotions. His body trembled slightly, and he didn't know why. This was the first time in the two lives to organize a wedding. He didn't have any experience to refer to. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous.

   But when he thought that the person he would marry would be Sophie, he would wake up laughing even from a dream.

  In this life, His life was successful enough, he experienced countless adventures, met all kinds of girls, and encountered temptations one after another.

  In the end, I still found that what I will never forget in my heart is always the white moonlight I saw at the first time.

   "Boom boom boom—"

  The two cars were about to arrive at the Catholic Church, and a guard of honor who had been waiting for a long time in front of them fired salutes into the sky in unison.

  The daytime fireworks that ascended to heaven quickly burned out in the sky, short but beautiful.

  The cheers of the people have been ringing at the door of the church for a long time.

   It can be seen that when the two beautiful wedding cars arrived, the two sides of the road, which can accommodate thousands of people, were quiet at this moment, and the citizens of Leeds sent their blessings to the two newlyweds in a silent way.


  Out of the church steps, two car doors were opened at the same time. Tu Fu, who was only a few steps away from Miss Winster, was completely stunned when he looked at the beautiful woman in front of him who hadn't seen him for a day.

  Sophie's wedding attire was more attractive than usual, her blond hair was fluttering gently in the wind, her already fair face was flushed with shyness, and her blue eyes rolled everywhere except Tu Fu.

  She wore a wreath of orange blossoms (meaning many children) and a lace veil. She wore a flawless white wedding dress that was 12 feet long.

  Miss Sophie at this moment is like the pure lily in front of the Virgin Mary.

  The seemingly simple wedding dress is made of classical lace, a thin fabric similar to cicada wings, which is a beautiful creation that cannot be copied by machinery.

  One square centimeter requires several hours of hard work by the maker, and the embellished lace is the result of careful forging by more than two hundred female workers.

   Such pure whiteness is rarely seen in the smoggy Baia Kingdom.

  White is a symbol of weddings, a sacred oath of pure marriage, and a symbol of wealth among nobles. It is not easy to have the strength to customize a pure white wedding dress in this era.

  Sophie is holding a bouquet of lilies, a rare species found in a certain elf territory by the pirate group of demon hunters after searching all over the world, and it has disappeared in the world.

  The azure sapphire of the gemstone brooch on her chest exudes a faint light without any mottled color,

   That was a treasure from the deep sea, one of the congratulatory gifts from the royal family of the deep sea. The orange wreath on the head supported by ceramics, enamel, and gold was presented by the pirate alliance.

  Whether it is the necklace or earrings on her body, they are all treasures in the world. Tu Fu spent a lot of effort and used all the resources in his hand to find them for her.

  The cost of arranging the whole wedding was more than one million crowns, but when seeing these gifts on the bride, Tu Fu couldn't take his eyes off the great sense of satisfaction.

  Those precious gifts are not even comparable to a strand of Sophie's hair in His eyes.

  After getting out of the car, Sophie smiled and handed her hand to Uncle Ethan on the left, followed the priest in front of her with countless gazes, and walked up the steps step by step.

   "Didi da da da..."

  The band that had been waiting here slowly played a famous song called "Marriage March". The melodious music made the guests who came to the church feel pleasing,

   Slowly sat on the seat and watched the beautiful couple enter the arena.

  The size of the church is not too large, and the seats on the two wings can only accommodate hundreds of people, all of whom are distinguished guests who have received invitations, and even ambassadors from various countries are not qualified to come to the scene.

  Most men are more envious of such a pomp than Tu Fu marrying Mei Jiao Niang. I'm afraid that even the power of the royal family will be difficult to attract leaders in various fields.

  The girls' eyes were even more sour, and their envy was more towards Tu Fu himself.

  His dangerous charm is always fascinating, visible but intangible, always standing up at the most critical time.

  But the girls who had socialized with him maintained an astonishing attitude towards one thing.

  Thanks to Tu Fu, Capet, at least once appeared in his life.

  When he came to the church, Tu Fu stood on the right of Sophie, took her palm with lace gloves logically, and walked forward step by step. Behind the priest was the statue of God.

  A perfect person with loose long hair, wearing a loose robe, with a cross and a red heart seal hanging on his chest, his face is not as majestic as other gods, but rather peaceful.

  This is the image of God in the eyes of the world.

   "What a strange feeling."

  Standing here, Tu Fu felt as if he was being watched by God, but it was obvious that the temple was empty, and the seven gods were no longer in their positions.

  Sophie made a simple curtsy to the statue as if she didn't feel anything.

  So in the prayer of the priest holding the paperwork, and among those complicated questions, the two sides took turns to make promises to the gods.

  Tu Fu didn’t remember what the priest said at the time, no matter what the other party said, the answer would always be “I do”.

  His heart is only on Miss Winster, and he can feel the other person's heartbeat from a short distance away, and the pounding heartbeat makes him feel the intense love.

  Sophie has never talked about those nasty words, and will always show her love with actions.

  San Diego Church's life-saving rescue is like this, and the sea begging the captain to sail to find Him is also like this. Since Tu Fu came to this house, she has been doing this kind of thing.

  The priest of the Catholic Church asked the last question while praying:

   "Mr. Touf Cape, are you willing to marry Miss Sophie Winster, get married under God's will, and live together forever."

   "I do."

  Tu Fu replied calmly, no matter how many times he was asked.

  When the priest asked Sophie the same question, the latter's eyes sparkled and she gave the answer she had been waiting for for many years:

   "I do."

   "Congratulations, you two are officially married under the witness of God!"

  Father's final decision ended the final procedure, and the sonata resumed.

  At the most exciting moment, Tu Fu took the bouquet in Sophie's hand, lifted the gauze cap little by little, and couldn't help being moved again seeing Sophie's beautiful face, and kissed her involuntarily.

   After lightly adorning the lips, Tu Fu half-knelt on the ground.

  Put an emerald snake gemstone engagement ring that had been prepared long ago on Sophie's left ring finger. The meaning of this spirit snake is his mood at the moment—eternal love.

   There was not a single line of direct dialogue in the wedding between the two parties.

  They don't need to speak at the moment. The long-term relationship is just a momentary look at each other, and they can interpret what the other person is thinking from it.

  After the lengthy ceremony in the church, Tu Fu took Sophie's hand and walked among the guests sitting on both sides of the church, enjoying the highlights of life amidst the applause of everyone.

  He kept nodding to others in gratitude, thanking Miska's professors for their great love for him.

  Thanks to Prime Minister Sorens for protecting himself, and to his peers around him for making him feel no longer alone.

  He had too many people to thank, but in the end Tu Fu walked up to Uncle Ethan and Aunt An Feier, and said a word of thanks emphatically.

   Thank them for never giving up on themselves no matter how difficult the time was.

  Holding Sophie's hand and being blessed by hundreds of guests, Tu Fu walked all the way to the door of the church, which was already full of dense figures.

  I’m afraid that people from the whole city will come, and the surging heads will cheer and shout, creating a sea of ​​joy. People hold high the flag of Baia Kingdom,

  Show him the love this country has for him.

  As for Tu Fu, under countless gazes, He gently raised Sophie's white palm, and gently approached and kissed her.

  This is His sincere and fiery love, expressing to you in front of the whole world that I love you, love you very much.