MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 475 fight hard

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  Chapter 475 Hard Fight

   "What a powerful sequence."

  Looking at the extremely degraded scene in front of him, Tu Fu couldn't help but let out a soft sigh.

  In fact, judging from the huge wall and the black flames that have not stopped burning, it can be guessed that the user is not dead.

  Maybe it was the last time he fought against the scammer Lyle, and it was too easy to win, so Tu Fu thought that the opponent at the demigod level was like this, and now he realized that,

   Killing Lyle in seconds is entirely due to the "Lionheart King", and basically has nothing to do with him.

  The flesh and blood on the ground, which was no different from mud, returned to Francois' state in a short time.

   After the resurrection, this person's complexion became a little more feminine, and his eyes were filled with a sense of hostility. When he glanced over, he was full of resentment.

   "Tufu Cape, you have already consumed a lot of your spirituality by resisting my attacks back and forth, and you can't imagine a weapon that can hurt me.

  I think there is not much spirituality left now, it is already the end of the battle.

   Now, do you still want to fight me? "

  The reason why he is still negotiating terms with him is because he is extremely valuable among the top management of Landis.

  For the Führer, a living person is always more useful than a dead person.

  However, just as He said, even Tu Fu felt vaguely strenuous in the indiscriminate bombing just now.

  Using the "Scepter of the Sea God" too many times, the side effects also began to appear, and a chaotic and crazy thinking invaded his heart, burning with anger, making him unable to fully concentrate.

  The extraordinary power in all aspects is obviously weakening.

   These are the feelings that I have never experienced when losing my heart.

  The cost of losing the **** is also the loss of power.

"how about you."

  Tu Fu raised his head and asked subconsciously, the other party might not be completely exhausted.

   "Musician path, can transform the power of heaven and earth, nature, and all things into my power.

  In other words, the spirituality I can use is almost endless. After telling you this news, do you still have the confidence to fight me? "

  Seeing François' calm face, Tu Fu lowered his body and murmured with a smile:

   "Always give it a try. Since you haven't tried your best to fight to the end, how do you know if you can beat it?"

   "I satisfy you."

  Francois shot with a blank expression, only to see him waving his hand casually.

   On the ground and walls, those weird vines that had already exhausted their energy, after He used the brightly colored black rose again, the weird vines slowly recovered again.

  They exuded an evil aura, and then covered the surrounding earthen walls.

  The fortress built with earthen walls changed its shape again under François' dispatch. The soil at the dome dripped and turned into a giant arm sculpture.

  Those weird vines are wrapped around huge palms made of mud, as if they functioned as gloves.

  At the moment of forming, there was a "wow" sound of breaking through the air.

  The sky lost its original color at this moment, leaving only endless darkness.

   Aiming at Tu Fu's position at an extremely fast speed was a violent blow. When the attack came, he felt his body was stiff and unable to move.

  Spiritually exhausted, He stared wide-eyed, staring in astonishment at the giant palm slapped down from mid-air.

   It was too late to dodge again. As for tricks such as teleportation and teleportation rituals, under the control of the weird vines, they couldn't be used at all.

  The sharp sound of the wind brushed past his ears, and the giant palm came with an overwhelming attack. Seeing that he was about to be patted into meat paste, Tu Fu's face was full of veins, and even his eyeballs were about to protrude.

   At the critical moment, a desperate thought rose from his heart, and a low voice sounded in the earthen wall fortress:

   "Restricted area!"


  The mud-mixed slap fell, and the huge force directly flattened the land.

  Continue to continue rolling down the ground, and the downward potholes continue to grow bigger.

   Under Francois' full strength, a huge 100-meter pit slowly appeared.

   And at the bottom of this pit, there was a cloud of smoke and dust, and no one was seen anymore.

   "Dead? I thought how powerful the legendary character is.

  It is difficult to live up to the original reputation. "

  Francois sighed with some regret.

  The reason why He didn't want to use all his strength was because he didn't want to crush these weak Transcendents to death.

   This kind of battle is a bit boring.

  Just as he stepped forward to check, a figure who was extremely fast jumped out of the 100-meter pothole, and leaped high with unstoppable vigor with a "swish".

   That momentum directly crushed the huge palm, and it was torn apart by him together with the plants in the netherworld.

  The weird vines were thrown casually to one side from the torn back.

  Looking at the person who rushed out from inside, Tu Fu was the only one left.

  There was a change in his body shape, with exaggerated muscle mass all over his body, and a strange red light flashed in his eyes, just a random movement, and a terrible energy burst out.

  The pool of spirituality, which has obviously dried up, seems to be endless at this moment.

  Francois looked at Tu Fu's madness, and with just one move, he tore apart the formation he had set up for a long time.

   Seeing this scene, he also had a guess in his heart:

   "Is life restricted?"

   There is only the ability of Sequence 7 outlaw lunatics, the restricted area of ​​life can get three minutes of endless "superman" time, and the upper limit of the power of all abilities is tripled.

  This restriction will not be lifted by promotion to a higher level, even the demigod level is only extended to ten minutes.

   "Ten minutes, this time, even if you activate the restricted life zone, you can't kill me. Once you lose this layer of protection, it will be easier for us to catch you."

  Francois has no fear, and said in a serious tone:

   "But it's understandable. You seem to have only this hole card left. If you don't use the trick of pressing the bottom of the box, you will have no chance at all."

  Tu Fu stared at him indifferently, not being moved by his words.

   "You are indeed very strong. You are among the top five human beings I have ever seen. I am afraid that you are not too far away from a higher level. Why should such a person pester me?"

  Tu Fu was not stingy in praising the enemy, and he didn't seem to care about the time wasted talking to him.

  Bringing this matter, Francois was furious, gritted his teeth and said fiercely:

   "It's all because of you, but a mere Sequence 6 dared to face me, and won by despicable means. The promotion of the musician path must have no distractions.

  Every time I want to rise to a higher level, I think of that mistake.

  Obviously I have digested the Fire Thief potion, but no matter what I do after that, I can’t go any further, what a shame! "

"I see."

  Tu Fu now knew why the other party hated him so much and blocked the path of transcendence. This kind of hatred is indeed endless.

   "But what does this have to do with me?"

  Tu Fu couldn’t help laughing after listening,

   "The demigod realm can't kill me, a Sequence 6 bard, shouldn't you reflect on yourself more."

"What did you say."

  Francois's face became more and more gloomy, almost dripping water.

   "Speaking of which, your ability shouldn't be invincible, the damage done to you just now is also effective, and the natural power may really be transformed into spirituality to heal you quickly.

  But it won't be able to rescue you from the dying state every time. "

  Tu Fu put his palm on his chin and spoke thoughtfully.

   "Hmm, what do you want to do."

   "That is to say, before the external force can be transformed into spirituality, it is enough to cause irreversible injuries to you."


  François laughed listening to him,

   "How do you want to do it? Tufu Cape, I admit that you are very powerful, but if you want to subdue me with one move, you are still far away."

  After saying that, He also added with a strong self-esteem,

   "By the way, I would like to remind you that you have been in this state for a long time, and I don't want to fight with a useless person."


  Tu Fu took the words and smiled mysteriously, "Enough is enough."

  After speaking, His body drifted vaguely, and the surrounding earth wall fortress, which was already dim, was completely plunged into darkness, and Tu Fu stepped into the long river of time again.

   This move frightened Francois, fearing that he would summon the Lionheart King again. Fortunately, Tu Fu did not do this this time.

  He is just hanging out in this separate space, moving forward in time.


   At the same time, the Santa region of the southern continent.

   In the ruins of the Whiskey Mountain, apart from the demigods of the Rosicrucian Society, there is only Aesop Andersen who occasionally guards here.

  Suddenly, the guardian ambassador frowned, and suddenly put down the historical materials in his hand.

   Sensing the call from the other end, his tense face relaxed.

   "So you still remember us."

  He quickly took the "chessboard" in his hand, and his figure quickly disappeared into the ruins.


   Misty sea.

  A giant steel ship came with the wind, breaking into this land that did not belong to him like walking on a flat road.

  The black flag on the ship seems to be the symbol of the Demon Hunter Pirates.

  It is taboo for one Qibuhai to break into another Qiwuhai's territory without permission.

   But this is the territory of the ghost captain, so it is not a big problem.

   Leading a group of subordinates, Jack Sparrow suddenly raised his hand,

   "The conversation with Captain Ghost is temporarily terminated, Victor, please stay here for a while."

   Demon hunter Victor subconsciously said:

   "Where did the news come from?"

   "Yes, our little sweetheart is in trouble."

  (end of this chapter)