MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 452 declare war

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  Chapter 452 Declaration of War

  The kingdom has declared war on Lantis.

  When the impassioned voice of the small newsboy spread throughout the streets and alleys of Göttinghagen, when the bright headlines of the newspaper were published on the masthead.

  The royal capital, whether it is the poor Lille district and the dock area, or the wealthy Mosley district and the central city.

   All make noise.

Whether it's the workers on the wharf, the students of the famous schools of the Seven Schools Alliance, or the beggars on the street, they couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard the news, they clenched their fists tightly, and then turned into a loud voice. roar.

  Since receiving news from overseas, the citizens of Baia have been indignant. There have been more than 10,000 applications for joining the army in one day. The fanatical national sentiment has been ignited like a bomb in just a few days.

  Finally, people waited for a belated resolution after three days.

  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Baia announced that it has officially declared war on the Republic of Lantis.

   It is said that this is the result of King Baier's efforts to overcome all opinions.

  Baiyan people are a people with backbone.

  Many years ago, the citizens of Göttinghagen would be proud of absorbing a breath of factory exhaust,

   Even today, the whole country will still be inspired by this heroic and great decision.


  There is a large square in front of the University of Göttinghagen for students to use, and many celebrities of Columbia University have delivered famous speeches here.

  Its name is the Square of Truth.

  The most famous one is the event that shook the country two and a half years ago. Tuf Capet openly intercepted the king's car and claimed that the "perpetual motion machine" invalid law.

   And today, another heavyweight speaker is ushered in here.

  Before this, a large number of palace guards surrounded the square, forming a large blank circle. The gentlemen of the guards wore dark black armor, which made people feel endless majesty.

  The densely packed crowds of people around are surging, and the scale of the crowd is only comparable to the scene where the citizens greeted Mr. Pei a few days ago.

   Plaza Center,

   Standing is a man wearing a neat black suit and tie.

  His figure has become bloated due to years of court life, and a pair of conspicuous beards grow on his lips.

  King William II stood upright, with sharp eyes, and walked up to the high platform step by step with his lame leg.

  Looking at the place where he once lost face, he re-displayed the image of himself as a perfect king in the eyes of the citizens,

   Show in the eyes of the whole world.

  “…At this critical moment, perhaps a moment of life and death, I bring this speech to the common people in every household in Baia.”

  King William II stood tall on the platform, and his voice was clear and steady enough.

  Under the propagation of the sound microphone, it is enough for people in the whole city to hear clearly.

  The exaggerated and extravagant aura of the king in the past has completely disappeared, replaced by a sense of sophistication.

  After many years of tempering, William II, who was once stuttering and lame, desperately got rid of those habits, just to one day, like now, bring a wonderful performance in front of everyone.

   "I think we're about to see war, but nobody ever wants to do that.

   Ladies and gentlemen, treasure the peace you see now.

   Just a few days ago, Landis disregarded the international peace treaty and blatantly let the fleet docked in the Coral Sea premeditatedly attack my country's Santa area in the southern continent.

  A total of 13,780 people were killed and injured, and the losses were incalculable.

  Among them were the Santars, the Lantis, and of course the Baia.

  I don't know why they would attack the old, weak, women and children in the city, but they did.

  Our overseas factories, oil fields, and bases were attacked by these brutal bandits.

  I don’t know what you think when you hear the news, but I am very angry. Some kind people in the cabinet advised me not to destroy this hard-won peace, and suggested that I should talk to Landis again.

  I declined the offer.

  We have endured long enough. It was Santa a few days ago, and one step back is the border area of ​​the kingdom. Maybe we will continue to retreat further. Will it be Göttinghagen’s turn tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?

   I don't know the answer either.

   We tried many ways to find common ground while reserving differences, but it turned out that we couldn’t fight for coexistence with the enemy country, and our efforts were all in vain, and we were forced to join this dispute...”

  William II punished every word, putting Baia in a relatively weak position.

  The purpose of declaring war is to rationalize and justify the war, especially the side that takes action later will occupy the international moral position,

  This is a righteous battle.

  And William II’s speech in the royal capital naturally wanted to gather the strength of the people and convey the beliefs from above to the bottom.

  I am on the same line as you.

   Truth Square.

  In King William's sincere rendering, the eyes of the onlookers were full of indignation and anger, and they were all pairs of resolute eyes.

   Twenty years of undefeated record,

   and the strength of the kingdom made them confident enough to face the behemoth next door.

   "Actually, I don't know how long this war will last, maybe it will usher in a dark end, but I definitely don't regret it, and I don't think every person in the Baia Kingdom will regret it either.

  We will carry out justice to the end. "

   As William II said so, he slowly put his fist on his chest,

   "Justice shall prevail!"

  After the iconic ending, there was silence in the Square of Truth, except for the rapid breathing of people.


  The voice fell for a long time.

  Suddenly, applause surged in the crowd, and the applause of mountains and tsunamis covered layer after layer. The onlookers were either impassioned or tearful, clapping their hands violently.

  The voices of the people shouted together the king's last oath that resounded through the sky.

  Justice will prevail!

  Justice will prevail!

  The army of justice will surely defeat the army of injustice!


   Hill Palace, Tu Fu has been waiting here for a long time.

  He didn't know why William II called him here, and he couldn't figure out the other party's operation.

   But the king has the right to summon anyone.

  Compared with the royal palace a few years ago, the size of this place has doubled several times, and there are magnificent high-rise buildings everywhere. The most dazzling one is the main palace of the king.

   After being refurbished once, it looks even more magnificent.

  A tall statue stands near the central fountain, which was built by William II for himself.

  Placed next to Kaiser William the Great, it always looks out of place.

   Around the palace with the palace as the core, there are gardens for the royal family to watch. There are beast arenas, airship runways, and various palaces where rare and exotic animals are held.

   Not to mention being the number one existence in the central city, it is the top palace in all countries on the two continents.

   Its interior is extremely luxurious, magnificent, with tapestries, oil paintings, sculptures, and countless bronze and marble statues displayed in the main hall. There are more than 600 large and small palaces.

  The maids and servants who came and went lowered their heads, and the depressed gray in their heads almost permeated the entire palace.

  The number of servants in the royal palace is about twice the number of rooms. This scale is a first-class existence even in two continents.

  The second prince, Kadler William, led Tu Fu in with a smile, "Sir, my father just came back from giving a speech in the Square of Truth, and I need to change clothes before I can see you.

   About…an hour. "

   "Oh, Truth Square."

  Tu Fu raised his eyebrows, and the memories of his death suddenly appeared to attack him.

  Choose to give a speech at such a time in a place where he lost all face. It seems that the king has come out of the shadow of his heart.

  Prince Kadler smiled without saying a word. Compared with his brother Friedrich, this man had a deeper thought, and he never showed his happiness or anger on his face.

  The prince led Tu Fu all the way to the VIP reception room and then withdrew. He was not overly enthusiastic, and his etiquette was very thoughtful, making it impossible to find fault.

"That is?"

  Tu Fu can see a picture as soon as he looks up when he enters the door.

  The enthronement photo of William II, wearing a gorgeous uniform among the civil servants and generals, standing on the throne and looking down at everyone.

  The one next to him in a white military uniform is Prime Minister Thilo Sollens. He is wearing the most conspicuous clothes in the center, whether it is unintentional or intentional,

   All indeed stole the limelight that belonged to William II.

  King William II placed it in this position, probably thinking of some kind of psychological suggestion.

   "Does it look good?"

  A deep voice sounded from behind Tu Fu, and also approaching was the aura of a demigod. The demigod knight Ur was on standby at the door early.

  After Tufu entered the Hill Palace, there was an equally terrifying aura not far away. Several pairs of eyes in the Hill Palace were staring at him at the same time.

   This is how the royal family treats demigods.

   "See Your Majesty."

   Tu Fu still understands the most basic aristocratic etiquette, and he does not show courtesy.

   I don’t know whether it’s a disguise or pretending to be calm. At least William II, who is wearing a suit and leather shoes now, has a majestic face and a bit of a kingly demeanor. He just said lightly:

   "Sir Capet, if I don't summon you, are you willing to come to the palace to see me for the rest of your life?"

   "Your Majesty, you misunderstood me. I thought His Majesty didn't want to see me. After I came back, I naturally hid as far away as I wanted, so as not to upset you."

  Tu Fu narrowed his eyes, and deftly avoided this topic.

  King William II snorted lightly inadvertently. He knew that this hateful guy had a good tongue a few years ago, and he didn't get entangled with him about the past anymore.

   "You haven't answered my question just now, does it look good?"

   Standing in the same position, Wilhelm II stared at the painting.

   "It's not just good-looking, it's simply exquisite."

   "Where is the subtlety."

  "His Majesty stood on the throne, showing majesty, while Prime Minister Sorens, although he was dressed eye-catchingly and was in the center, was only doing the work of reading the proclamation.

  The king is the king, the minister is the minister,

   That's all. "

  Tu Fu gave the king a brand-new interpretation perspective.

   Such an interpretation made the corners of William II's mouth slightly rise, and the color of complacency almost overflowed.

   "Sir Capet, it would be great if everyone saw the world through your eyes, and there would be no more troubles.

   But instead of changing other people's eyes, I would rather take a retake. "


  King Wilhelm II paused, and murmured: "Shoot again at Wiesel's palace..."

  The atmosphere in the reception room of the royal palace is completely weird. The king's words are enough to express his heart. The war with Landis was inevitable from the very beginning.

   Under various high-pressure systems, I don’t know how many contradictions have accumulated. Baia needs more wealth, more land and jobs,

  The national sentiment that has accumulated over the years urgently needs an outlet.

   Domestic conflicts can only be transferred through war.

   And Tu Fu thought that his appearance and the things he did in the Southern Continent, if not the trigger for the outbreak of the war, at least accelerated the process of the war.

   "Not long ago, Sorens gave me a proposal. He wanted you to join in and join the foreign war troops. He also claimed that as long as you exist, the final victory rate of foreign wars can be improved. Is that true?"

  King William II sat on the armchair and did not continue to chat with him, and raised his legs to throw the question over.


  Tu Fu also opened his mouth without hesitation.

  He must participate in this war and manipulate the situation to complete the next stage of the ceremony.

Depending on the several hours of private conversations with Mr. Sollens that day, Tu Fu watched the sand table of Sollens' mansion, carefully studied the defenses on both sides of the border between the two countries, and then gave the other party a perfect idea to As for making Thilo Sollens excited for a long time.

  A good idea that can easily break through the Lantis steel defense line,

   Enough to rewrite the idea of ​​history.

   "Tu Fu, I can let you join it, and I can also let you get the honor you deserve, and even solve some troubles in life.

   But you must not do anything past me, absolutely not allowed. "

  William II is still so cold and merciless,

   "And if you don't keep your word, I'll take everything from you again."

  Tu Fu frowned frivolously, and said this without any concealment, which showed that the other party had no intention of forgiving him at all.

  He wanted to say something, but William II glanced at the pendulum clock and didn't care about Tu Fu's thoughts at all.

   "Sir, fifteen minutes is up."

  The last response to Him was only a cold sentence.

   "Your Majesty, take your leave."

  Tu Fu nodded and made a farewell ceremony, and slowly exited the reception room, his expression changing several times.

   "Exit this way, please."

  At the door stood Ulti in icy armor.

  This person will always stand here like a big mountain, always protecting the king's safety. Seeing that person leave the palace and walk away frankly, his initial worries and concerns are naturally dispelled.

"fifteen minutes!"

   It wasn't until he walked out of Hill Palace that Tu Fu repeated the word amusedly.

  The last time William II received him was 15 minutes,

   This time too.

   Wilhelm II never changed.

   "What a jerk."

  He shook his head amusedly: Then he laughed at himself: "It's exactly like me."

  Out of the Hill Palace is the central city, the richest area in the capital. Since the news of the declaration of war was confirmed, the people are already in turmoil and the public sentiment is excited.

   Speakers appeared in the streets and alleys, organizing people to try their best to help.

   Crowds of men of the right age enthusiastically signed up at the conscription office to join the army, each of them eager to go to the battlefield immediately.

  Women mostly gathered in the Church of the Seven Gods, praying to the gods for their husbands or sons to return safely from the battlefield.

  In times of crisis, even the richest people in the city actively take the lead in donating financial and material resources to do their part for the country.

   It is not uncommon to see people like Henry Thoreau in Bayer. When it comes to life and death, the **** Baiya people never show timidity.

   There is a part of heat and a part of light.

  Even if it’s just as insignificant as a firefly, you don’t have to wait for the torch, and gathering together can illuminate the darkness.

  Tu Fu watched the changes in this country with a calm expression, and felt something in his heart.


   was walking forward, a little boy in the crowd probably didn't pay attention.

   bumped into Tu Fu's leg, and retreated a few steps due to inertia,

  The little boy yelled "Oops" and sat down on the ground, and the things he was holding fell down.

  It is a lotus lamp-shaped construction process. The position of the wick is filled with gunpowder, which can ensure that it can float on the water surface for a period of time, and can maintain its brilliance for a long time when floating.

   "Wishing Heart Lamp?"

  After Tu Fu helped the little guy up, he also recognized that what the little boy dropped was the wishing gadget, and handed it over.

   "Thank you uncle."

  The little boy thanked him very politely after getting up.

   Except that this title sounds a little harsh, it is really very educated.

  Tu Fu smiled indifferently: "Who is this heart lamp for?"

   “A soldier who fights for his country.”

  The little boy pretended to be serious and said, "I just finished listening to the speech in the Square of Truth, and I think I should give some wishes to those who bring us peace."

   "Good idea." Tu Fu praised.

   "Sir, however, I don't quite understand the last sentence His Majesty said, and many people are saying the same thing.

  Justice must prevail? So what is justice? "

   "Justice...what is justice? What a good question."

  Tu Fu was completely overwhelmed by this question, and he could completely explain this proposition in the form of an essay.

   But after pondering for a long time, He gave this answer:

   "Victory is justice!"

  (end of this chapter)