MTL - I Got Caught After Flirting with the Wrong Person-Chapter 22 help me

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Luo Yusen put Feibai's arms on his shoulders and pulled him up with his legs.

Fei Bai sat on the ground for too long, and when he got up, his legs were numb. After Luo Yusen let go of him, he couldn't stand still, and when he fell forward, he subconsciously stretched out his arms and hugged the other's body tightly. neck.

The last time I went to his house, Luo Yusen also smelled like this.

At this time, he heard Luo Yusen's calm voice sounding above his head, accompanied by the resonance of the two people's bodies close together: "In such a hurry to throw yourself into your arms?"

Fei Bai did not explain, and then he asked: "Do you not like it, brother?"

Luo Yusen didn't answer this question, but just stretched out a hand to wrap around his waist like a bucket wrapped in a ski jacket, and commented: "Well, like in Cushion."

With just one sentence, Fei Bai bounced off him in a fit of rage, sat down on the long chair, and started to put on another snowshoe without a word.

Luo Yusen didn't leave, just stood there watching him.

Fei Bai could feel his eyes staring at him, and when he was nervous, he pushed the buckle **** the back of the snowshoe too short, the clip could not be locked, and his fingers were worn red , and still can't move the switch of the locking strap.

He wanted to ask Luo Yusen for help, but he felt that he was too stupid to not even wear a shoe, so he had to continue to die.

Suddenly a pair of hands appeared in his sight, and Feibai saw Luo Yusen kneeling in front of him.

Luo Yusen pressed the switch lightly, and the switch of the lock was turned on. He helped Feibai push the strap to a suitable length, then pressed his snowshoe with one hand and stuck the clip with the other. .

"You don't have any strength?" Luo Yusen raised his head and met his eyes.

Those beautiful eyes reflected the light circle projected by the overhead light on the ceiling, quiet and deep, like a bottomless black lake, making Feibai a little breathless.

He looked at Luo Yusen for a few seconds and then suddenly leaned forward, wanting to kiss him.

One second before he touched Luo Yusen's lips, the other party stood up, and the two people's breaths only had time to stagger in the air for a brief moment.

Fei Bai was stunned, his body still leaning slightly forward, he looked at Luo Yusen, trying to figure out if the other party got up deliberately because he was aware of his intention.

Luo Yusen's voice and expression were calm: "There are still people waiting for me, I will go first."

Fei Bai watched his back disappear between the rows of dark blue cabinets, with a layer of inexplicable loss in his heart.

Did he just think the atmosphere was just right to seduce Luo Yusen, or did he really want to kiss him?

This question made Feibai feel resistant, he shook his head, unwilling to think about it.

After sitting in place for a while, he wore heavy snowshoes to pick up his skis. The staff asked him whether he was a snowboard or a pair of skis. It was his first time to ski and he didn't know either. What's the difference? Just as he was about to ask the staff a question, he saw Luo Yusen walking over with a middle-aged man.

Luo Yusen has changed into a white ski suit with a black decorative belt on the side of the body. The material is very light, between loose and close-fitting, which outlines his tall figure .

Fei Bai looked down at the blue and white printed ski suits he rented, and deeply felt the unevenness of this world.

It's nice to have money.

The middle-aged man accompanied by Luo Yusen couldn't understand the difference between a single board and a double board. Luo Yusen glanced at Feibai who was standing beside him, and he could hear it clearly. The voice explained: "For beginners, a double board is easier than a single board. I recommend that you choose a double board."

After the middle-aged man took the snowboard, Feibai said to the staff, "I want double boards too."

He walked to the ski resort with his snowboard in his arms, and saw Luo Yusen and the middle-aged man going to the primary practice track from a distance, so he followed in that direction, he heard Luo Yusen I have been spreading skiing knowledge to each other, which sounds very professional.

This person knows a lot, not the kind of nerd who can only do academics.

He was following Luo Yusen all the way, when suddenly someone tapped on the shoulder: "Why did you come out? I slipped several times."

Feibai turned his face and saw Qiao Li.

"Where are you going to skate? Beginner track? Beginner track is boring, you can go with me to the intermediate track." Qiao Li dragged Feibai away involuntarily.

As soon as Fei Bai put on the snowboard, he felt that his legs and feet were not his own. He couldn't help sliding forward. With the help of Qiao Li, he trembled up the **** on the conveyor belt. Just as he rubbed against the edge of the top of the slope, he even rolled and fell to the ground.

When he got up, in the end he could only let Qiao Li kick the snowboard for him, and he barely stood up straight.

When he first fell, Fei Bai was still a little confident, but after Qiao Li taught him for a while, he still fell again and again, and he finally gave up and climbed to the edge of the snow track and sat down.

Qiao Li slid beside him: "I told you Feibai, you have to get used to your snowboard, just like getting along with people, you have to figure out its thoughts."

"It wants me to die." Feibai said succinctly.

At this time, he saw Luo Yusen helping the middle-aged man to the sidelines to rest on the primary road next to him. After the two had a few conversations, Luo Yusen slipped to the bottom of the snow road alone end, moving in the direction of the Advanced Road.

Fei Bai immediately turned over with a reel.

Qiao Li was stunned: "How did you stand up?"

Feibai struggled and rolled down the **** halfway like he was mad. Qiao Li followed him and asked, "Where are you going, Feibai? Don't give up, or I Go find you a coach?"

"I'll find someone." When Fei Bai spoke, his eyes locked on Luo Yusen in the distance.

Qiao Li also saw his target, "tsk tsk" twice: "I can't tell, this little three is quite powerful, and he can play so well on veneer."

Fei Bai turned to him and said, "You skate alone for a while, and pretend we are separated."

Qiao Li: "...So why did you have the face to say that I was forgetful when you came?"

Fei Bai didn't care about arguing with him, and moved to the advanced road with difficulty. After going up the slope, he moved to Luo Yusen's side unintentionally. He first took off the gloves on his hands and put them in his pockets , and then fell right next to the opponent.

Luo Yusen was not too surprised when he saw him, but raised his eyebrows slightly.

Fei Bai took the opportunity to extend a soft white hand to him: "Senior brother, help me."