MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 276 lost contact

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  Chapter 276 Lost

   This is the first time Qi Yan and Nan Zhe have traveled.

  The two spent three days in surrounding cities. It was already late at night on the return journey, and the sky outside the window was dark. Qi Yan glanced at the navigation information, which showed that it was expected to arrive at Huai City at around two o'clock. Originally, the two of them planned to go back tomorrow morning, but she had a shoot tomorrow morning, afraid that it would be too late, so in order to accommodate her, Nan Zhe said to go back tonight.

   Seeing her yawning again and again, Nan Zhe said: "If you are sleepy, go to sleep first, and I will call you when you get home."

   "No need." Qi Yan shook his head. "Let's talk to you."

  Nan Zhe is also very tired today, and it is very late now, she is worried that he is driving tired, so she wants to chat with him to cheer him up.

   However, she seemed to be thinking too much.

  Nan Zhe usually goes out to drink and party at night, and his nightlife is often just beginning at this time.

   "By the way, why didn't you go to Tibet last time? I thought you would go with other people."

   While chatting, Qi Yan remembered this.

   "If you don't go, who will I go with?" Nan Zhe held the steering wheel with one hand, and glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, "Are you hungry? I have something to eat here."

   As he spoke, he stretched his hand back and took out a paper bag from the back after fumbling for a while. It contained the snacks he bought when he set out, specially prepared for her.

  He put it in her arms, "You should like it. I don't think you ate much at night."

   "I'll lose weight at night." Despite saying this, Qi Yan opened the bag, and with the help of the streetlight outside the window, she saw the snacks inside, and they were indeed her favorite snacks before.

   "What to lose, you are already at the standard weight."

   "I deal with models and stars all day long, and they are thinner."

   "How do you compare with them? They are as thin as ribs. They don't look good at all."

  Qi Yan was amused by him, she opened the bag of potato chips, took a piece from it and handed it to him.

  Nan Zhe looked down and didn't move.

   After a few seconds of stalemate like this, Qi Yan leaned towards him, and handed the potato chips to his lips.

  Seeing that he had eaten, Qi Yan withdrew his hand, and the topic went back, "Or at the end of the year, I will accompany you to Tibet?"

   "Do you have time at the end of the year?"

   "I'm not sure, I'll try to be free. How long do you want to play?"

   "If I have enough time, I want to drive by myself. It may take longer. If I don't have time, I can take a plane, and it will take about a week."

  Listening to his words, Qi Yan lowered his head and began to think about his work at the end of the year.

  According to Nan Zhe, self-driving will take at least one month.

   "I don't seem to be able to drive by myself. Or..."

   "It's okay, self-driving is already very hard, and you don't feel comfortable sitting in the car." Before she finished speaking, Nan Zhe naturally gave her a step down.

   "At the end of that year, let's go together."


  Nan Zhe nodded, but didn't say much.

   "Why don't you ask why I want to go there so much."

   "Why?" Qi Yan couldn't help raising his head, looked sideways at him, and guessed: "Because boys like excitement and adventure? Or do they want to find real freedom."

  After listening to her speech, Nan Zhe laughed out loud, "Tch, I'm already at this age, what's so exciting."

   "What age are you? You are young in your twenties. We are the same age. When you say that, I also start to feel anxious." Qi Yan said deliberately.

  Nan Zhe smiled, so he didn't continue to make a fuss about the topic of age.

  Seeing that he fell silent, Qi Yan persistently asked him why he was going.

  Nan Zhe shrugged, and when he turned his head to look at her, there was light in his eyes, "I can't tell you now, I'll talk about it when I get there."

  Qi Yan: "..."


  After returning to Huai City, Qi Yan became busy again, and so did Nan Zhe. But during this period, the two still kept in touch and talked on the phone every day.

  Qi Yan also gradually got used to this way of getting along, and would "report" to Nan Zhe every day what he did, and Nan Zhe did the same.

   Not long after the second half of the year, Qi Yan discovered that Nan Zhe had lost contact.

  The message she sent has never received a reply.

  The phone calls she made were also not answered.

   After a day, Nan Zhe called back.

  At that time, Qi Yan was busy, and when she heard the assistant say that she had a call, she had a premonition that it was Nan Zhe, so she quickly put down the device and went out to answer the call.

  Looking at the note, she breathed a sigh of relief, and pressed the answer button: "What happened to you yesterday? Did something happen?"

  The person on the other side was silent for a while, as if he sighed, and his mood was not right.

  Qi Yan stood up straight and held the phone tightly, "Where are you now? Jiangcheng?"

   "Yeah." Probably aware of her intentions, Nan Zhe explained: "It's no big deal, I forgot to charge my phone yesterday."

  Qi Yan didn't let him go, and started to ask the bottom line.

  Just by hearing his tone, she felt that he was not in a good condition now.

   "Are you sick?"

  He didn't answer, so she started guessing wildly.

   "No. What can happen to my body." He smiled, but she could tell he wasn't happy.

  She frowned, "Nan Zhe."

  Qi Yan rarely calls him by his first name.

"here I am."

  Listen carefully, trying to pretend to be a relaxed tone.

   "Let me go find you now, are you at home? Or at the company."

  She knew where Nan Zhe's house was, she had known it since junior high school, but she had never been there.

   He probably didn't move either.

   "I'm fine, but the old man is not in good health. I'm accompanying you in the hospital, really." Nan Zhe told the truth.

   "Then let me go and have a look?"

  How to put it, that is also Nan Zhe's grandfather.

   "No need." Nan Zhe knew she was busy, "The old man is in the intensive care unit now, and you won't be able to see him when you come. Wait a little later."

   "...That's good." After Qi Yan agreed, he began to calm his emotions again.

  In my memory, Nan Zhe and his grandparents are very close, as if he grew up beside his grandparents.

   "Okay, okay, I'm fine." After listening to her talk for a while, Nan Zhe was already much better, "Are you busy today?"

  Hearing this, Qi Yan remembered his work. She turned her head and glanced at the model inside through the transparent glass, and she was already a little impatient looking at the expression.

   After a moment of silence, she said in a helpless tone, "I still have filming here, I'll call you in the evening. Don't be too sad, remember to eat."

  He responded with a smile, "Okay, okay."

   On the other side, in the safe passage of the hospital, when Nan Zhe hung up the phone, the smile on his face disappeared.

  Heaved a long sigh of relief, he turned and opened the door, and walked out.

  When I went back, I happened to run into Nan Ge.

  Nan Zhe was a little surprised, "Why are you here again?"

  Nan Ge came here once in the morning.

   "I'll bring you something to eat." Compared to him, Nan Ge's complexion was obviously better.

  (end of this chapter)