MTL - I Copy Under One Punch-Chapter 316 The Sin Archbishop and the Black Snake

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  Chapter 316 The Sin Archbishop and the Black Snake

   "Damn, damn! Who the **** is that guy?!"

  Under the scorched ground, a black beetle wriggled with difficulty.

  When the crisis came, Capella, the priest of **** and crime, decisively abandoned most of his body, and used his authority to transform the remaining small part of his body into a small beetle, hid in the ground, successfully avoided multiple rounds of detection, and survived.

  Although he still retains his self-awareness, Capela at this time is undoubtedly severely injured, and it will take a lot of time and energy to restore his original appearance.

Being targeted inexplicably, Capella's hatred for Aomori is as hot as the sun's fire: "I must avenge this hatred! I have firmly remembered your appearance, just wait, I will definitely turn you into Ugly you bug, let you live such a despicable life!"

  She cursed Aomori non-stop, until the dead of night, she dared to break out of the ground, spread her wings, and prepared to fly back to her secret base to recuperate.

   At this moment, the figure that Capella hated so deeply appeared before her eyes again.

   "Good evening, it's good for you to die under such a beautiful night." Aomori seemed to have been waiting here a long time ago, and Capela was captured by the force of his mind as soon as he showed his head.

  The intense hatred in his heart instantly turned into a tidal wave of fear, and Capela yelled in horror: "Wait! I vote!"


  A crisp flash of light passed by, and Capella never had a chance to say the rest of the words.

  The beetle that had been divided into dozens of pieces fell back to the ground and turned into a disgusting meat paste.

   Aomori raised his eyebrows, and noticed an unusual aura from one of the pieces of minced meat, so he grabbed it in front of him with his thoughts and took a look.

   "The thing attached to it is the witch factor, it's really weird."

  Put it in a small iron box, seal it with thought power, and Aomori disappeared with it in a flash.

  In the hotel, Elsa, who was crazy about playing during the day, was already asleep, and Aomori was sitting on the rocking chair in front of the window, holding a book introducing the customs and customs of Lugnica Kingdom and carefully reading it.

  Suddenly, there was another person in the room.

  Aomori was not surprised at all, and asked the other self who appeared: "Is everything resolved?"

   "You can see for yourself, don't you know?" Another Aomori smiled and threw the volleyed iron box over, and disintegrated on the spot, turning into a ball of electric current.

   "It seems that it is really resolved." Aomori browsed the memory sent back by Lei's clone, and sucked the electric current back into his body.

  The iron box slowly fell onto the table by itself.

The thunder clone was learned from Kakashi during the Hokage copy, and the corresponding light clone and dark clone were also comprehended by Aomori, but they consume more energy, so if there is no need for fierce battles, Aomori generally Use Thunder Clone.

  The pets who were forced to operate before can finally have a rest.

   "I like to do everything by myself. This feeling is really good." Aomori lay back on the rocking chair comfortably, and he was relieved when he learned that the priest of the crime of **** was completely finished and successfully won the factor of the witch of lust.

   Winning the chief of the crime of **** means that Aomori will really intervene in the top-level disputes in this different world, and he must make preparations early.

the next morning.

   "What?! Sir, you are going to the royal capital?"

   Hearing Aomori's announcement, Ge Lang was taken aback. He touched the fur cap on his head and said in a tangled up voice, "If your lord must leave in such a hurry, I can let them prepare it right away."

   "No need, you can come at your own pace." Aomori rejected his proposal and said, "I don't want to bring so many people with me to the capital this time. Just arrange for me someone who is familiar with the route."

   "In that case, all right." Ge Lang nodded helplessly, and said, "I'll ask an old man to lead the way for you."

   "I don't need this anymore." Ralph volunteered and said, "My lord, I know how to get to the capital, so let me take you there."

   "No, no!" Ge Lang immediately retorted: "What about the safety of the caravan after you leave?"

   "The law and order here is very good."

   "Really? Why did I find out that there was a big commotion outside the city yesterday?"


   "Okay, Ralph, you can stay in the caravan, this is your duty."

   "Yes!" Ralph lowered his head, hiding his disappointment.

   "Your Excellency is wise!" Grande smiled triumphantly, and then said, "Please also allow Fania to continue to follow Your Excellency and listen to His teachings."

   "Yeah!" Fania nodded quickly like a chicken pecking rice, her big eyes were full of pleading.

   "Yes." Aomori agreed.

  With such a stupid little girl, his vigilance will be reduced a lot.

   Needless to say, Elsa will definitely follow.

  So, the new southbound team was formed, and after breakfast, they set off immediately.

   "My lord, there is a large settlement of monsters ahead, we have to take a long detour."

   The person who spoke was an old man selected by Grande for Aomori. His name was Thor. He was in his forties this year and had worked in Gelang Firm for more than 20 years.

  According to Grand, there is no road in the Kingdom of Lugnica that he does not know.

   "Warcraft colony?" Fania was taken aback. As an elf warlock, how could she not know what a monster is?

  They are said to be bloodthirsty creatures created by the Envious Witch to harm the world. Most of them are ferocious and brutal, and their power is far beyond human imagination.

   But most of them live in dangerous areas.

   "Uncle Thor, you remember correctly, right? This is a plain, why is there suddenly a monster settlement?"

"Haha, miss, you don't know about it." Gently pulled the rein to slow down the ground dragons, Thor turned his head and said with a smile: "You should know that there are three dragons in the world according to legend. Great monster."

   "Well, I, of course I know." Fania blinked and turned her head unconsciously.

   "I know this too." Elsa raised her hand and said, "They are the white whale, the rabbit and the black snake."

   Aomori chuckled, he told Elsa these things as bedtime stories.

   "That's right, that's right, these three." Fania next to her nodded and said, "Does it have anything to do with the monster colony ahead?"

"Well, it is said that many years ago, the black snake, one of the three major monsters, ravaged there. The land there was corroded by its venom, and it was infected with a curse that could kill people. There is miasma floating in the depths, and people only **** it. If you enter a little bit, you will be killed immediately! However, such a place is the favorite safe haven of monsters, and gradually attracts a large number of monsters. Over time, it becomes a place where monsters live.”

   "So there is such a reason." Fania felt that her eyes were wide open, and she couldn't help feeling sympathetic to the people there: "Such a large piece of land, there should be many people living there before, but now."

   "So, it's better for us in the Holy Kingdom. Under the radiance of the holy religion, the monsters are safe and secure." Thor said with a smile.

   "I'd like to see what a monster looks like." Elsa asked curiously.

   "It's too early for you to deal with monsters, so practice hard." Aomori patted her small head and said.


  That being said, in fact, Aomori is also somewhat curious about monsters, not to mention that one of the three major monsters, Black Snake, may be involved.

  However, you don’t have to take them with you, call a clone and go there to have a look when you have time.

  The size of the Black Snake pollution area exceeded Aomori's expectations.

   When they stopped for the night, they were not halfway round.

  Finding an opportunity, Aomori separated out a light clone, without his reminding, the light clone knew what he meant, and the figure disappeared immediately.

   "Is this the area polluted by the black snake?" The light avatar looked at the ground in front of it as if it had been scorched by fire, stepped forward, and walked in.

  As Thor described, there was a corrosive smell in the air.

  The light avatar took a deep breath, smacked its lips, and felt the poisonous miasma enter the body, and then it was decomposed by the holy light.

   "Does the holy light restrain it? It's really good news. In other words, the black snake's body should still be frozen in the elf forest by Emilia. Maybe I can free her in advance?"

  The only worry is whether Parker, the phantom **** of civil war, will take the opportunity to show his power and fight him desperately.

   While thinking, red eyes popped up all around, all staring at the light avatar tightly, the malice in the eyes was not concealed in any way.

They are clearly visible in the eyes of the light clone, and their appearance is quite similar to that of wolfdogs, except that they are larger in size, with brown-black fur, red eyes, and protruding and sharp fangs. A bump like a unicorn.

   "Oh, it's Walgam." Aomori is no stranger to the villains that appeared in the original book.

  The Volgams bared their teeth, and the saliva dripped down the fangs to the ground, raising a wisp of blue smoke.

  After they surrounded the light clone, they finally couldn't hold back the restlessness in their hearts, and rushed towards him one after another.

   "I'm not that scumbag of 486, you have picked the wrong opponent!" The light clone raised his fist and hit the ground suddenly.

  The dazzling holy light soared into the sky, and at the same time as it melted away all the Volgam, even the blackness of the ground also faded, as if it had returned to its former appearance.

   "Accidentally used too much force." Sensing that more than half of the energy in his body had been consumed, the light clone shrugged and said secretly: "Next, I need to save some effort."

  Unfortunately, the monsters didn't intend to make him happy.

  The scorching holy light was like clear water poured into sulfuric acid, and the entire Black Snake contaminated area suddenly boiled.

   The powerful monsters that inhabited the depths showed disgusted expressions, and rushed towards the light clone one after another.

  Huge monsters with the head of a lion and the body of a sheep with a snake tail, a magic dog with two heads, and a big hippopotamus with rock-hard skin.

  All kinds of strange monsters appear near the light clone in different ways.

   "Are you all here? That's good." The light clone chuckled and hooked his fingers towards them: "What are you waiting for, come quickly."


  Accompanied by a roar and footsteps that made the ground tremble, a huge monster with a height of more than 20 meters appeared in front of the light clone.

  It looks like a bear, with flowers on the back of its body and black patterns attached to it.

  Warcraft seemed to be afraid of it, and involuntarily made way for it to walk in front of the light clone.

   "Oiran bear? It looks a bit strange." Aomori has seen its introduction in the book, and it seems that most of them inhabit the Kalaragi Metropolitan Kingdom, and like to live in places with seas of flowers.

   Obviously, there is no sea of ​​flowers here, for some reason it came here to be the boss.

   But these have nothing to do with Aomori, just kill them all.

Before it could get ruthless, the light clone pulled out two light blades from its body, and flashed behind it, like a master, the two knives waved like vegetables, cutting the flowers into thin and long filaments .

  Part of the filaments turned into fly ash before they hit the ground, but most of the filaments suddenly turned into black mucus, stretching out several spikes, piercing towards the light clone.

   "There is indeed a problem." He sensed a smell similar to corroded land from it.

  Holding tightly with both hands, the two knives formed a giant blade, and slashed down, splitting the black slime in two.

  The volume of the black slime dissipated a lot, but at the same time, the giant blade in the hands of the light clone also turned into a long sword.

   "Consumed each other?"

   "Roar!" The oiran bear who was hit only then realized it, raised its paw, and slapped it swiftly.

  The light clone flashed into the air, dodging the blow, and the black slime next to it suffered an unreasonable disaster, and was shot into spray.

   "Good job, let me give you a big gift at the end." The light clone fell back to the ground, and the whole body burst into a scorching light, "Gaia!"

  The next moment, he completely turned into light.

  The endless holy light purifies the darkness in the illuminated area.

   When everything calmed down, a black slime that danced like a long snake emerged from the calm ground, swaying under the night sky.

   "Like a living poisonous slime?"

   Aomori in the tent got the memory sent back by the light avatar, thinking deeply.

   "Is it the venom of the Black Snake? There is such an ability?"

  The black snake that only appeared in memory is more mysterious and powerful than the other two unlucky ones.

  If you want to deal with it, you have to be fully prepared.

   "However, the black snake pollution area next to it is just a remnant of dead matter, and it can be completely cleaned up very easily." Aomori clapped his hands, and summoned three light clones at once.

   They looked at each other and smiled, and their figures disappeared at the same time.

   "Three should be about the same."

  Aomori stretched, closed his eyes, and fell into meditation.

  A few days later, Aomori and others left the black snake contaminated area, but more than 20 people in armor appeared there.

   "The monster colony is in front of you." The leading middle-aged man said seriously: "This time our trial is set there, and you must bring back ten monster horns for one day!"


  However, when they reached the barrier that sealed off the monster settlement, everyone was dumbfounded.

  The land inside has become white and clean, where is there any trace of pollution?

   "Captain, what's going on?"

   "Ahem, it seems that as time goes by, the land will recover, which is a good thing. But you still have to be careful, the monsters will definitely not disappear."

  Until dusk, a large group of people ran out panting, empty-handed: "Captain, did you take us to the wrong place? We searched all over, but we haven't seen a single monster."


  In the history of Lugnica Kingdom, there is another unsolved mystery.

  (end of this chapter)