MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 92 Throw a handkerchief (3)

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  Chapter 92 Throwing the handkerchief (3)

  The boy who seemed to be the boss of the small group on the opposite side spoke again: "Throw the handkerchief, we only play 5 times, each time the loser has to answer the opponent's three questions, and whoever finds the escaped one first will win."

   "Okay." The other children agreed in unison.

  Only Yan Junze raised his hand: "Who will lose first?"

   "Of course it's the boss!" The half-headed boy beside him said excitedly.

  The gloomy lead boy didn't speak, but smiled with his mouth open.

   A tattered gray handkerchief was clutched in his hand, and then the leading boy stood up and trotted clockwise outside the circle where everyone was sitting together.

   Immediately the other children sang the song.

   "Throw the handkerchief, throw the handkerchief, quietly behind the kid, don't tell him, hurry up and catch him, hurry up and catch him..."

  When the song was sung, Yan Junze also echoed in a low voice. He knew that the person throwing the handkerchief must quietly throw the handkerchief in his hand behind a certain child before the song is over.

   It cannot be thrown between two people, nor can it be thrown too far away, it must be in the middle of someone's back.

  The people sitting together cannot remind each other, nor can they keep turning their heads to look behind themselves, or use their hands to keep touching whether there is a handkerchief behind them.

  Then you can only stare at the hand of the child who threw the handkerchief. As long as the handkerchief in his hand is still there, you don't have to look back.

  If you find that the handkerchief suddenly disappears, you have to pay attention to whether it is thrown behind you.

  The kid king with the handkerchief ran very fast. Before he finished singing a song, he had already run around everyone twice.

  When he sang "Don't Tell Him", it was the third time that he ran behind Yan Junze.

   Then Yan Junze glanced at his hands, the handkerchief was gone.

  The few people who had just been run from behind almost subconsciously immediately looked behind them.

  Yan Junze also turned his head and looked behind him, but there was nothing.

  The little boy with only one arm sitting on his left grabbed the gray handkerchief thrown behind him, stood up, and chased after the kid king who had already run half a circle.

  The other party was already running fast, but this guy was holding the handkerchief, but his feet were deformed, almost dragging on the ground, unable to chase at all.

   Soon Kid King ran a full circle, grabbed the one-armed boy's seat, and sat down.

  Turning his head, he showed a stern smile at Yan Junze beside him.

  The one-armed boy returned to the middle of the circle with a handkerchief in his hand. After standing still, he stared at the kid king silently, as if he lost if he lost, and there was nothing to argue about.

   "Are you Xiaoning or Gouzi?" Kid King asked.

   "Dog." The one-armed boy replied.

  After listening to their questions and answers, Yan Junze suddenly realized that these little guys don't fully recognize each other now.

   No wonder, otherwise they would know who got away.

  Looking carefully, among the people present, the girl's weirdness is obvious, and then there is this kid king, and the guy sitting on his right with half his head is the one who is out of character. Of course, this guy is also the best at talking.

  The rest of the people have no obvious pre-life characteristics at all, and they don't speak.

   "What's your name?" Yan Junze couldn't help but quietly asked the half-headed guy.

   This guy turned his head and looked at him seriously: "You can't ask my name, and I haven't lost."

   "Oh." Yan Junze pretended to understand, nodded and stopped talking.

  At this time, Kid King was still asking about the boy with the deformed leg called Gouzi.

   "You saw Xiao Ning and Xiao Long take my things?"

   "Xiaolong?" Yan Junze's eyes lit up slightly, thinking to himself, "Are you talking about Ye Zhennan's son Zhu Zhanglong?"

  From Lin Dong's mouth, he only learned in the morning that Xiaolong had a good time with these guys. He didn't expect to hear about Xiaolong from them now.

  According to speculation, the period before and after the fire was the time when Xiaolong was drowned in Yanjiao Reservoir.

   Will it happen at the same time? Among them, Xiaolong was the one who fled before the battle. For some unknown reason, Xiaolong fell into the reservoir and drowned after escaping.

  Yan Junze suddenly remembered that the punishment in the mission seemed to be a reminder. The punishment of this mission is: dire straits.

   If you fail to complete this task, you will be punished in dire straits, or you will be burned to death? Or be drowned?

   "I see." At this moment, the boy named Gouzi answered what the Kid King said.

   "Where is the thing hidden?" Kid King asked.

   "I don't know." Gouzi shook his head.

   "Then is Xiao Ning in us?" Kid King asked again.

   "My three questions have been answered." Gouzi reminded, and then stopped talking.

   Kid King didn't ask again.

  The game continues.

   This time, Gouzi became the person who threw the handkerchief, but he walked slowly. From the beginning to the end of the song, this guy didn't even complete half a circle.

   As expected, the handkerchief was thrown behind the last person, who was the only girl present.

  The girl reached behind her back and grabbed the handkerchief, and immediately stood up.

  She knew that it would not be easy for her to catch up with the dog, and she could catch it in a few steps.

   Unexpectedly, just as he lifted his legs, Gouzi lay on the ground, and rushed out with his hands and feet at high speed. Those scorched deformed legs were called power boosters at this moment, and he crawled out half a circle in a blink of an eye.

   Even though the little girl ran fast, she still couldn't keep up with the dog's crawling speed, and soon the dog grabbed her position.

   "Is this considered a foul?" Yan Junze couldn't help asking the half head beside him.

   "If the boss didn't say it, it doesn't count." Half of the head replied.

"go ahead."

  At this time, the little girl came to the middle of the circle and stood there. If it weren't for the butterfly clip embedded in her head, she wouldn't be able to tell whether it was a man or a woman just by the sound.

  To be honest, this pile of corpses is piled up there. If there are no obvious and effective features, it is impossible to tell who is who with the naked eye.

   "Xiaorou, do you like Xiaolong or me?" Gouzi asked.

   "Little Dragon."

   "Do you still like Xiaolong stealing things?" Gouzi said again.

  The girl Xiaorou shook her head: "Xiaolong didn't steal it."

   "Is us now?" Gouzi asked.

"have no idea."

  Three questions are finished.

  Yan Junze suddenly felt that the amount of information was a bit too much.

  First of all, Xiaolong and Xiaoning may have taken something from Kid King together, but the girl Xiaorou firmly believes that Xiaolong did not take it, so it is possible that Xiaoning took it alone.

  Now Kid King and Gouzi both asked questions, but the content of the questions revolved around Xiao Ning and Xiaolong, whether they are in the pile of corpses now.

   That is to say, whether these two people are there or not is what these children want to know most.

  The purpose of Yan Junze's arrival is also very simple, to find out who escaped from them.

  At present, it seems that most of the little dragons escaped, and it is very likely that the little dragons who escaped fell into the reservoir and drowned during that time.


  Yan Junze was startled and shook his head. He suddenly thought of a key question.

  (end of this chapter)

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