MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 47 popular videos

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  Chapter 47 Popular Videos

   Lu Xin put both hands on the table in front of him, holding the cup of milk tea, with a look of uneasiness on his face.

   "To be honest, until now, I still have a hard time believing the words of the spirit removers. They said that my parents were killed by grandma's weirdness."

  Yan Junze did not answer.

   In fact, he didn't know how to answer.

  The daily life in a family has risen to the current difficult situation, and it is not something that anyone can explain clearly in just a few words.

   "Now my uncle's family and my aunt's family are all protected by spirit eliminators." Lu Xin's hands holding the teacup were trembling slightly.

   "Oh?" Yan Junze sat up straight, "If that's the case, you'd better be with them too, otherwise you may be in danger."

"I'm the only one left in our family. What are you afraid of?" Lu Xin raised his head, showing a bleak smile, and his words were full of self-deprecating, "Maybe we are too sorry for grandma. Since she wants to kill her now, it is my life." , I will not have any resistance."

   "It's getting dark, hurry back." Yan Junze stood up.

  Lu Xin also stood up: "I'm going to check Room 503, Building 7, and I've brought all the keys."

   "What?" Yan Junze looked at him in surprise, "Are you going to your grandma's house now? Are you kidding me! It's been sealed by the police now."

   "I want to see grandma's relics, and understand her from now on, and get to know her again." Lu Xin's tone was firm, as if he had made up his mind before coming here.

  But what Yan Junze said, he always felt indescribable, and he couldn't say anything specifically.

   "In short, I would like to advise you that Granny Ren may not still be in room 503, but if you meet her now, it will be very dangerous!" Yan Junze lost a word and walked out of the milk tea shop.

   Lu Xin also left with him.

  But just as he expected, this guy followed him directly and turned into Fenghua Community, with no intention of leaving.

  Lu Xin trotted a few steps, and after catching up with Yan Junze, he said, "The video you shot is very good. I just saw that there is another one called 'Peeping in the Crack in the Wall', which is very popular."


  Yan Junze stopped, took out his phone and turned it on to look at it, only to see that the video of "Peeping in the Wall Cracks" that he uploaded a few days ago became popular, with more than 500,000 hits.

   Affected by this video, even "The Old Woman Knocking on the Door in the Middle of the Night" has more than 100,000 hits.

  Looking at the small flame logo in the upper right corner of the video, Yan Junze was really excited.

  Since it has become popular, there will definitely be a lot of support such as throwing flowers, throwing cars, and running rockets. After going home later, log in to the backstage and count it carefully.

  Yan Junze is a little excited, mainly because after coming to this world, there is always a sense of urgency that is always shriveled in his pocket.

Put away the phone, and in a good mood, Yan Junze pointed to the supernatural notice board placed downstairs on No. 7, and said to Lu Xin, who was waiting beside him: "Don't say I didn't warn you, our neighborhood is very old, and there are a lot of weird things. , beware of other weirdnesses in Building No. 7."

   "Yes, thank you." Lu Xin nodded and entered the building together with Yan Junze.

  But after Yan Junze arrived at the fourth floor of his home, he didn't go up again.

  Lu Xin didn't stop, and climbed directly to the fifth floor.

  Yan Junze stood outside the corridor on the fourth floor, poked his head out a little, and pricked up his ears to listen to the movement from upstairs.

  The footsteps are so small that you can't hear them at all. After listening for a while, he only heard the sound of a key opening the door upstairs, and then there was no movement.

   Withdrawing his body, he wasn't going to go up and meddle in other people's business. It's just that I always care about the fact that Lu Xin stays alone at Granny Ren's house.

   At this time, the sky gradually darkened.

  Yan Daguo opened the door and saw his son holding a box of pen refills in his hand, lying on the guardrail outside the corridor, walked over and asked, "Son, it's getting dark, what are you doing here?"

   "Blow the air." Yan Junze said.

   "The college entrance examination is coming soon, how is the review going?" Yan Daguo simply leaned on the guardrail, looking at the opposite building.

  At this moment, the lights in many buildings are turned on, but there are very few people like them who do not close the doors when it gets dark, and still lean on the corridor and talk about the mountains leisurely.

   "It's okay to review, even if you take the exam right now."

  Yan Junze is not joking, he just doesn’t dare to use force in his studies, because if he uses a little force, it will not be a bicycle for a car, nor a car for an airplane, but a scene of riding a rocket immediately.

  In this case, you must consider whether your parents can bear this kind of surprise.

  If the grades come down, the sky-breaking scores will put all parents in the hospital, which is not good for anyone.

   "Are you still going to report to Tianmeng University of Science and Technology?" Yan Daguo asked.

  Huaying University has five districts. Suncheon City is located in the Tianmeng District, and the Tianmeng District itself has several universities with excellent educational resources.

  Under normal circumstances, no one who lives in Suncheon would go far to apply for a school in another district.

   "As long as it is the top five universities in the Tianmeng District." Yan Junze nodded, "But no matter which one I study, I only want to study physics."

  Yan Daguo was surprised: "This...will it be easy to find a job in the future?"

   "Dad, you forgot, I still have the potential to become a spirit killer." Yan Junze smiled, "Interest is the most important thing in learning."

   "Well, no matter what you read, as long as you are interested in it." Yan Daguo seemed very open-minded.

  He tightened his collar and reminded: "Although the weather is getting warmer, it gets cold quickly at night, so be careful not to catch a cold, and get inside quickly."

   After talking, I ran into the house to make tea by myself.


  At the same time, there was the sound of closing the door upstairs.

  Yan Junze stretched his neck, still couldn't hear footsteps, but soon, at the stairs at the end of the corridor, a figure walked down the stairs from the fifth floor.

  The voice-activated lights turned on, making it easy for Yan Junze to see the appearance of that person, it was Lu Xin who had just gone up.

  Yan Junze stared at him, the two were far apart, and neither spoke.

  Lv Xin raised his head, glanced at Yan Junze, unexpectedly did not extend his hand to say hello, but turned around and continued downstairs.

   It seems that there is nothing wrong.

  Yan Junze was still lying on the corridor, and saw this guy come out of Building No. 7 and headed for the gate of the community until he disappeared.

  An inexplicable feeling welled up in his heart, Yan Junze looked up at the fifth floor, then turned around and entered the room to close the door.

  Not long after returning to the bedroom, Zhou Dali called, revealing an uncontrollable excitement: "Haha, Xiao Junjun, guess what happened to the video we uploaded?"

   "It's hot." Yan Junze replied.

  Zhou Dali: "..."

  However, this guy is a typical self-healing type, and after a while he said as if he was fine: "How is it, is there any reward? How is the income?"

   "I just did the math, and each of us can get five or six thousand." Yan Junze also laughed.

"No." Zhou Dali shook his head on the other end of the phone, "You should share more, I only need one thousand, and I can use it as pocket money. I didn't expect to make a video so clever, and the video of the old woman who knocked on the door at night should also Did you make some money? It's a pity, you were not very famous at the time."

  Yan Junze suddenly remembered something, and asked, "By the way, has the weird incident in the toilet of your New Century Home Plaza been resolved by the spirit eliminator?"

  Zhou Dali said: "Not yet, but it has been reported to the queue long ago, and I heard that there has been a response. It seems that there will be spirit eliminators to deal with it in these two days."

   "Strike while the iron is hot." Yan Junze grinned, "I'll take care of it tomorrow night, and make another video by the way."

   "Do you want... us to be together?" Zhou Dali asked in surprise.

   "No, I'm alone this time."

   Ask for votes, ask for votes!

  (end of this chapter)