MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 46 indelible pain

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  Chapter 46 Indelible Pain

  As an editor of the "Open Your Eyes" video platform, Tang Zhengyi is responsible for the specific video promotion work.

  He had more than a dozen strange encounters, and had two in-depth encounters with weirdness and survived safely. I have also seen the spirit remover eliminate the strange four times.

  It can be said that he is experienced and experienced.

  After finishing the work at hand, Tang Zhengyi will start scanning videos on the platform at a fixed time every day.

  If he finds something good, or if the comments below look real, he will pay attention to the video, and choose an opportunity to test the waters and promote it on a small scale.

  Video recommendation is different from others. The first point of a good weird video must be a strong sense of reality, and then comprehensively consider issues such as atmosphere rendering, plot integrity, information transmission, shooting techniques, and post-production.

   While Tang Zhengyi was scanning the video, a video called "Peeping in the Crack in the Wall" caught his attention.

  Because the screenshot of the video shows the first frame of the video.

   This is a passage in white font on a black background. Tang Zhengyi is mainly attracted by the text in the picture.

   This text is:

   “Our worst enemy has always been ourselves, different layers of ourselves. So there is a kind of murder that has never been convicted, and that is to kill a part of ourselves.”

  There is another name in the lower right corner of this passage: Nocturnal Puppy

   "It seems to be a gimmick, isn't it a fake shot?" Tang Zhengyi said to himself, and clicked on "Peeping in the Crack in the Wall".


   Spent a few days of ease.

  In Building No. 7 of Fenghua Community, the number of appearances of the back-body girl seems to be decreasing.

  In short, Yan Junze hasn't seen her since the last time he saw her.

  According to other neighbors in the same building, the number of times they see back-up women is indeed much less than before.

  They all have an unspeakable wish in their hearts. Now that Building 7 is almost done shopping, it is best for the woman in white to go to Building 9 to make the neighbors feel the creepiness.

   This day Li Man was idle at home, and dinner was prepared early, and after the family finished eating, they could still see the sunset.

  Yan Junze found out that the refill was used up. After saying hello to his father Yan Daguo, he left the community and was going to buy a box in the supermarket next door.

  Since the appearance of the weirdness, the shops on the street are usually only open until around eight o'clock in the evening, and the boss who is a little bolder dares to close after nine o'clock.

   And that kind of 24-hour convenience store has almost disappeared.

  Because according to unofficial reports, not to mention 100%, at least 80% of the shops that dare to open all night have encountered weirdness.

   This kind of thing can be big or small, so in a very short period of time, the 24-hour shops died down, and they closed on time around eight o'clock.

  After buying a box of refills in the supermarket, Yan Junze turned and went out, preparing to return to the community.

  At this moment, a young man was standing outside the supermarket. This young man was dressed in off-white casual clothes, and was staring at him intently.

  Yan Junze glanced up at this person, and realized that he did not recognize him. Just as he was about to pass by, the young man suddenly asked, "Excuse me, are you Yan Junze?"

  Yan Junze stopped, showing surprise: "You are..."

The young man's face was pale and his expression was a bit gloomy, as if he had encountered something very bad. At this time, he forced a smile and said: "I called you two days ago, my name is Lu Xin, Lu Jun and Wei Tingchun son."

  Yan Junze was startled for a moment before he remembered something: "Are you... the overseas caller?"

   "Yes." Lu Xin nodded, "I was studying in the United States and California. Last week, I suddenly received the sad news of my parents' death, so I hurriedly asked for leave from the college and rushed back. Can I...can I talk to you?"

  Yan Junze pointed to himself, then to Lu Xin: " you have anything to talk about?"

   "Some doubts, I want to ask you, please!" Lu Xin's tone was very humble and sincere.

  Yan Junze is not easy to refuse.

  Lu Xin looked up and looked around, pointing to a milk tea shop called "Migu" next to Fenghua Community: "Just sit here."


  It was meal time at this time, and there were not many guests coming in to drink milk tea, and three small tables were empty.

   The two entered the shop and sat down, ordering two cups of milk tea.

  Before the milk tea was served, Lu Xin couldn't wait to ask: "I heard that you shot a video that night, can you show it to me."

  Yan Junze said: "It's not a secret. I've uploaded the video to the 'Open Your Eyes' video platform. You can watch it there."

   Lu Xin was stunned for a moment: "Is it the platform that specializes in playing weird videos?"

   "Yes, search for the puppy that walks at night, and you will be able to see it." Yan Junze nodded.

   Without further ado, Lu Xin turned on his phone and downloaded the "Open Your Eyes" APP, and found the video soon after opening it. He gave Yan Junze an apologetic smile, then lowered his head and watched seriously.

   At this time, the milk tea was delivered, Yan Junze just drank the milk tea, did not speak, and waited for Lu Xin to watch the video.

  After watching it, Lu Xin exhaled lightly, raised his head, and asked, "Is this video complete? Are there any extra clips that were not included in the video?"

  Originally, Yan Junze planned to explain to Lu Xin, because after all, the mother-in-law Ren appeared in the video as a weird person, although her face was deliberately blurred. But for her family, it is inevitable that there is a suspicion of violating people's privacy.

   But now it seems that Lu Xin's attitude towards his grandmother is not much different from his father Lu Jun and mother Wei Tingchun. So people don't care at all.

   Arriving here, Yan Junze's affection for Lu Xin began to decrease. He shook his head and said, "This video is the whole process of filming. The insignificant scenes I was looking for were cut out, and there is no other important information."

Lu Xin took a sip of milk tea through the straw, seemed to see Yan Junze's indifferent expression, and said softly: "My relationship with grandma is very weak, my parents rarely took me to grandma's house when I was young, almost... There is no affection."

   "There is no need to tell me about your family." Yan Junze said, "Excuse me, is there anything else?"

   "What else did my grandma tell you?" Lu Xin asked.

  Yan Junze shrugged: "Just those two sentences on the video, nothing else."

   "When you faced my grandma, did you feel anything from her?"


   "How do you feel? Anger? Resentment?" Lu Xin frowned.

   "No." Yan Junze shook his head, "It's dull, painful. You heard it just now, she said she was in pain. I believe this kind of pain refers to the pain in life."

   Speaking of this, Yan Junze suddenly realized.

  When combing Granny Ren's hair, when she said "the bliss of rebirth, the pain of this life will be erased", the feedback from Granny Ren was "pain".

   That is to say, the mother-in-law Ren at that time could not erase the pain in this life. If Keer, who was lying on her back, hadn't moved later, threatening the mother-in-law Ren, she might not have been able to complete the task of combing her hair at all.

  Thinking about it this way, Granny Ren at that time might not have a high level as a wandering spirit, otherwise Ke'er would not be able to frighten her.

   It's just now. According to Huang Chen, Granny Ren has evolved into a monster that can create D-level supernatural events. Compared with Ke'er, the level must be only high or not low.

  Thank you book friend 20181202114610400 for the reward! Ask for a recommendation ticket!

  (end of this chapter)