MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 404 Bride (5)

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  Chapter 404 Bride (V)

  Since the first time he came into contact with the corpse bride, Yan Junze has been paying attention to the tone and the content of his speech. He cannot make Quentina Scott hate himself as soon as they meet. This is the first point.

   After all, the other party’s mission is at the level of “Frightened (High)”, and Quintina herself has a high probability of being a semi-Ethereal, and it is even possible that she is infinitely close to an Ethereal.

  Although he has a black spiritual umbrella to save his life, the Buddhist family is the first.

   After standing up with **** twisting the lighter, Yan Junze didn't press the lighter immediately. The thing is still hot at the moment, and even if it is lit, it won't last long.

   But he could feel a person standing about half an arm's distance away in front of him.

  Although the other party was not breathing, the smell on his body still made Yan Junze's nose itchy and he wanted to sneeze.

  A mummy that has become like this many years ago, it is actually quite normal to have this smell.

   With a click, a hand was placed on Yan Junze's shoulder.

   "Crazy! You crazy!" A young woman's voice sounded right in front of her.

  Yan Junze was taken aback, and was about to speak, when the voice in front of him suddenly changed, becoming old and vague: "Bob asked me to do this, he is the devil!"

   "I didn't!" A man's loud voice sounded, "I am not the devil, but you. You all deserve to die! You should all go to hell!"

   "You fart!" Another hoarse middle-aged woman said, "Joseph is the devil. Joseph lied to us, saying that this person is delicious."

   "Who are you?" A female voice that sounded very slow, but with an extremely clear voice suddenly asked.

  Yan Junze thought she was asking himself, and was about to answer.

   "I'm Susan." The hoarse middle-aged woman answered first.

  Yan Junze couldn't bear it anymore.

  From his point of view, he was standing in the darkness where he could not see his fingers, and in front of him stood the strange corpse bride, but four or five people were talking non-stop with different voices and tones.

  The tone is full of sophistry, anger, unwillingness, complaints...

  It's no wonder that this feeling doesn't make people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

   "Susan, where is Joseph?" The woman who spoke slowly was still asking.

  Yan Junze thought for a while, raised his hand and pressed the lighter, and a trace of flame flickered out, dispelling the darkness in front of him.

   In his eyes, less than half an arm's distance away from him, the dead bride walked out of the coffin and stood face to face with him.

  Her eyes are gray, and she can no longer see the color of the pupils before. Her lips are opening and closing, and she is talking, but what she says is the voice of the hoarse middle-aged woman, as if she is answering the young woman who asked the question before.

   "I don't know where Joseph is, he hasn't appeared for a long time."

  Joseph, whose full name is Joseph Peterson, is the liar fiancé of the corpse bride.

  The slow female voice was obviously a little angry, and said: "If you don't tell the truth, I swear I will kill you again!"

  Yan Junze looked at this scene in surprise.

  Because no matter whose voice came out, it was from the mouth of the corpse bride in front of her. As described in the mission information, there were countless strange creatures fused into her body.

   After the real Quintina slowly uttered these threatening words, Yan Junze lowered his head and found that she was holding a sharp but rusty boning knife in her hand.

   "Crazy, all crazy!" The girl who spoke for the first time spoke again, and it was also Quentina who spoke.

  After finishing speaking, she opened her mouth, raised her hand, and slowly inserted the boning knife into her mouth with the tip down.

   "Don't, don't!" The hoarse middle-aged female voice was still begging for mercy from her throat.

  Yan Junze was dumbfounded.

   "So, this woman is really a lunatic?!"

  He knew very well that whether it was the introduction of the Dead Corpse Bride by the Half Moon Association or the description of her in his mission prompt, it all showed that this woman's weird body was very powerful, and it integrated all the other weird things that had infested him before.

   That is to say, these weirdnesses no longer exist, and at this moment, it is impossible for so many single weirdnesses to exist in the body of the corpse bride at the same time.

  She has integrated and assimilated them all into herself, and now this woman plays several roles, which is entirely her own reason.

  Her body is a super containing body, even if there are more weirdness, it will also be fused by Quentina.

   And during the fusion process, all the surrounding magnetic fields will become chaotic due to her influence.

The tip of the knife had been completely inserted into the throat. At this time, Yan Junze clearly felt that Quentina's body was gradually becoming manic, as if uncontrollable. The surrounding magnetic field was raging like a storm, which made him feel dizzy .

  He stepped back quickly, released the black spirit umbrella, first opened the umbrella, so that he stayed under the umbrella with a relatively stable magnetic field, and then turned off the hot lighter in his hand.

   "Ms. Scott, please stay calm, maybe I can help you find Joseph"

  Although the eyes fell into darkness again, Yan Junze knew very well that the crazy woman was still stuffing the half-arm-long boning knife into her throat, trying to kill the middle-aged woman who couldn't tell where Joseph was.

   "Huh?" I don't know what the situation is, but there is a question.

   "Do you know where Joseph is?" Quentina's slow voice sounded, apparently she had taken the boning knife out of her mouth and held it in her hand again.

  Yes, that long boning knife was in her hand, facing Yan Junze.

   "No, no, I don't know now." Yan Junze explained, "I mean, I can help you find Joseph."

  Paused, he said: "Ask these weirdos you killed, who saw Joseph for the last time."

   After a long silence, Quentina said, "Okay."

   It is said that Quentina asked, but in fact, she has already merged these weird memories, just look it up in the memory.

  However, her search method is still to talk to herself, which continues to be weird.

  Yan Junze had to listen patiently, trying to find clues.

   On the second floor of the forbidden area, at the corner of the stairs.

  The black-shadowed man couldn't hold back, and walked towards the strange figure who had been carrying him all the time step by step.

  He was very surprised. With his own strength, he couldn't feel the strange magnetic field of the opponent at all, and if the back was human, he could at least hear the opponent's heartbeat and feel his breathing.

  These are important information enough to identify the identity of the other party, but at this moment, I can't capture any of them.

  The shadowy man approached step by step until he stood behind the figure.

  He stretched out his hand, and his five fingers seemed to be both real and illusory, gently pressing on the shoulder of the figure from behind.

  It felt like a ball of cotton in his hand, but the figure in front of him didn't turn around, didn't speak, and didn't show anything.

  The man in the shadow hesitated for a moment, and a magneto-light flashed in his hand. At this moment, the figure facing him disappeared without a trace.

   "It's fake?!" The black shadow man was taken aback.

  He felt very strange, until now he didn't understand whether the back was weird or not.

  However, the black shadow man is sure that even if the back is a monster, it is also a monster in a special space, so he can't kill it for a while. Even the trace of the other party is not fully figured out.

  At the same moment, Yan Junze, who was listening to Quentina asking about Joseph's whereabouts, felt the "back figure" suddenly return to him.

  The palpitations that had just disappeared came again.

   The palpitations came from behind, also on this floor, on the other side of the corridor.

  At this moment, the black shadow man was approaching the erected coffin. He could feel the chaotic magnetic field around him, but the chaotic magnetic field had no effect on him.

   Moreover, he has come to this place more than once, and he even has a clear grasp of the weird numbers on the third floor, including the one lying in the coffin.

  At this moment, these weirdos are clustered together without exception, near the wall of the corridor.

  There, a kerosene lamp was dimly lit.

  The shadowy man slowly approached this direction. Those weird people who were greedily sucking in the oil lamp suddenly noticed something at this moment, and they all showed anxiety, turning their heads to look in the direction of the shadowy man.

   After about a few seconds, these weirdos scrambled to the edge of the wall, motionless, with their heads down, not daring to look in this direction anymore.

  Yan Junze's heart palpitations became more and more intense. He turned his attention behind himself, and the sound of Quintina's conversation with himself still came from his ears.

   "Joseph ran away because he knew you found him." The old male voice sounded.

   "Was that the last time you saw him?" Quentina asked.

   "I saw it." Another young male voice came, "He told me that he has a daughter. He has been hiding it from you. He was once married."

   "This bastard!" Quentina said angrily, "He has a wife and children!"

   "His wife and daughter are dead. I don't know how they died. He didn't mention it." The male voice continued: "He told me that your corpse is delicious, just like that ancient and beautiful oil lamp."

   "Gute Qili oil lamp?" Yan Junze remembered the kerosene lamp that he was carrying just now that could attract weirdness.

   "Where was the last time you saw Joseph?" he interrupted.

  The young male voice said: "Right here, he has been staying with those crazy guys outside."

   "He has been hiding in front of my eyes?!" Quentina was even more furious.

   "Did he tell you anything?" Yan Junze continued to ask.

   "He said he was going to see his child, and he never showed up again." The young male voice replied.

   "Can you find that bastard?" Quentina said this to Yan Junze.

   "I can try." Yan Junze nodded.

  He could feel something getting closer behind him, which didn't seem weird.

  Because the weirdness outside has been attracted by the ancient and beautiful oil lamp at this moment, there is no time to pay attention to myself.

   "The guy holding the umbrella, who are you?" A deep voice sounded not far behind.

  Even though the surroundings are completely dark at the moment, the speaker seems to be able to see Yan Junze holding an umbrella.

  There are two reasons for Yan Junze to hold an umbrella. One is to prevent other weirdness from sneaking up on him when he is not prepared, and the second reason is to prevent the dead bride from suddenly going crazy and attacking herself.

   Hearing voices, he turned and faced the darkness. Although he couldn't see anyone, he knew that the strong palpitations came from the person who spoke.

  At this moment, a thought suddenly popped up in Yan Junze's heart. He seemed to have guessed who the speaker was.

   "Crazy, you are all crazy!" The young woman's voice suddenly sounded from Quentina's mouth, and she was obviously hysterical again.

  After the words were finished, there was the sound of the coffin lid being closed behind him. Yan Junze pressed the lighter and took a photo behind him, only to find that the coffin had been closed, and Quintina actually climbed back into her own coffin.

   Could it be that she is also afraid of the man in the dark?

  Yan Junze turned back and straightened the lighter in his hand as far as possible, trying to see where the man's voice was in the darkness, but obviously all this was in vain, he couldn't see anything.

   "A...Huaying person?" The man in the darkness spoke again, but he could clearly see Yan Junze's face.

  At the same moment, a strong sense of crisis came, and Yan Junze's body began to tremble uncontrollably. He didn't think much, and immediately backtracked!

   This time, the backtracking of time is not up close, but directly back to the moment when he just entered the first floor of the restricted area.

  The dizziness after the time-space transition disappeared. Yan Junze stood in the corridor on the first floor, looking at the broken wooden carts and wheels piled up on the left, besides piles of replaced wall lamps.

  He didn't move at the same place for the time being, but raised his head and carefully inspected the space on this floor, watching every wall lamp, every different space, and every isolated wooden fence.

  The man in the dark that he met before resetting made Yan Junze feel very horrified, more horrifying than meeting any weird one.

  He believes that he has no possibility of resisting that person, and the identity of this person is very likely to be the Death God Morrison mentioned in the Half Moon Association's information about the dead bride!

   It is mentioned in the data that Morrison is closely monitoring every special monster. Yan Junze did not expect that this guy actually used this method to monitor.

  The person in the darkness does not seem to be Morrison himself, but a projection, clone or illusion.

   But no matter what it is, the strength shown by this guy is always too strong, even the corpse bride has to stay away.

   It can be said that the time is not ripe now, otherwise, with the power of the **** of death, it would not be too difficult to capture the dead bride.

  The only weirdness that is difficult for the **** of death may be the existence of Jacob Johnson, who is close to God, the boy who committed suicide at the age of eight due to a strange disease.

  Yan Junze is a little confused now, he doesn't know where he alarmed Morrison, God of Death, and asked him to rush to stop him.

  He took a few steps forward, looking at the changes in the surrounding environment, and always paying attention to the invisible weirdness that came from the wooden fence with the sound of breathing.

   Alarming Morrison, wouldn't it have something to do with this weirdness?

  Yan Junze quickened his pace this time and walked quickly past the wooden fence without stopping.

The little girl in the white princess dress has appeared in front of her, her back is facing her, standing by the stairs leading to the second floor, there is no doubt that what she is holding in her hand is the cloth that fell before returning to the file. baby.

  Yan Junze didn't give her a chance to throw away the doll and go up to the second floor. He ran over a few steps and said, "My little friend, where is your father?"

  The little girl who was pretending to be flabbergasted for a moment, turned her head around, revealing a terrifying face sunken inward.

   "Where is your father?" Yan Junze continued, "I mean, Joseph Peterson."

  The little girl didn't seem to expect that Yan Junze would ask such a question, she immediately threw away the doll, and ran to the second floor with her disheveled hair flying, her sunken cheeks never looked back, and soon disappeared.

   "Is Joseph your father?" Yan Junze looked up at the second staircase.

  In fact, he was just guessing, if Joseph had always hated Quintina for killing himself, and encouraged so many weirdos to trouble Quintina, then this place was at least under his control.

  Just now he heard that this guy has a daughter, Yan Junze naturally thought of this girl in a princess dress.

   After all, Joseph was able to mess up this place, and everything was for revenge on Quentina. He was very likely to bring his dead child here and hide it nearby.

   In this way, he can not only reunite with his family, but also continue to take revenge on Quintina.

   And why I saw this girl as soon as I entered the restricted area, it is very likely that Joseph used a series of methods to attract ordinary people who broke in, turning them into weird ones, and then providing him with revenge, constantly disturbing the magnetic field of this place.

  Maybe, I want to follow the girl to the second floor to have a look.

  Making up his mind, he lowered his head, glanced at the doll on the ground, and suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

  (end of this chapter)