MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 400 bride (1)

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  Chapter 400 Bride (1)

  After consuming 8,000 different-dimensional energy points, there are still 16,900 points left.

  Yan Junze's feet were empty, and he landed quickly. Everything in front of him gradually became clear. He looked down and found himself standing on the ground paved with bluestone bricks.

   Raised his head, it seemed to be a storage room or an equipment room.

  The four sides of the house are made of stone bricks, and the walls are smooth, but the stone bricks on the bottom of the feet are a bit rough, which seems to be deliberately built to prevent the soles of the feet from slipping.

  He raised his head and inspected the surroundings, and the furnishings in this room were also different from those he had seen before.

  A large number of wall cabinets are arranged around the room. These wall cabinets are quite delicate and elegant, and they almost blend with the color of the room walls, looking very unified.

  Besides, there is a wall lamp at a certain distance in the room. A single wall lamp is not very bright, but the effect of this setting is that there is no dark place in the room, and all places are taken care of by light.

  Yan Junze appeared here at the same time, he heard the sound of the room door closing, and someone just went out, leaving him alone in the equipment room or storage room.

  It is said that it is the equipment room because Yan Junze saw a lot of clothes hanging on the hangers on both sides of the closet, and a lot of swords and shields were placed on the wooden shelf in front of the closet.

   This place should be inside Kragorn Castle. The castle is guarded by the Yeyue Demon Hunting Squad from Ole Dadu. It seems that this is an equipment room or changing room of the Yeyue Demon Hunting Squad.

  Because I have read the information about the exorcist of Olle Dadu before, the term "exorcism" here is not "exorcism", but "exorcism", but the nature is the same.

   It’s just that the demon slayer team in the Ou Lai Dadu is basically independent and scattered, without the centralized management of the Huaying Dadu, and there is no such thing as the Banyue Association in the U.S. and California.

  As for the Yeyue Demon Slayer, Yan Junze guessed that it should be a more powerful demon squad in the area of ​​Pickley County, the metropolis of Ole, or a demon squad that is in charge of guarding Kragorn Castle.

After taking a good look at the surrounding environment, Yan Junze quickly walked to the hanger, took off a large brown robe and put it on himself. There was a hood on the back of the robe. He immediately turned the hood upside down and buckled it on his head to cover his body. Covers most of the face.

   It is not without reason that the space-time map sent itself to this relatively safe environment.

   Here, Yan Junze can change to another new identity, so that the next actions will not be discovered by the Yeyue Demon Hunting Squad, and he can also inquire about other key information along the way.

   After thinking for a while, he walked to the wooden shelf where the weapons were stored, and looked at these weapons such as swords and contradictions, and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

  Could it be that most of Olle's demon-slayer weapons are so backward that they still use cold weapons?

  Like the magnetic knives used by the spirit removers in Huaying Dadu, they can activate magnetic awns to kill monsters, and when combined with hidden buckles, they are not cold weapons anymore.

  Could it be that these guys who seem to be cold weapons can actually stimulate magnetic awns?

  Yan Junze guessed.

  He picked up a knight sword, the blade was thicker, and it felt very heavy in the hand, which was completely different from the magnetic knife.

  Based on Yan Junze's current control over the magnetic force, it completely surpasses the ordinary three-star spirit remover. He tried to stimulate the magnetic force and changed the direction of the magnetic field of the knight sword itself.


  Unexpectedly, the blade of the sword suddenly shook, and a layer of red light completely enveloped the entire knight sword.

  Yan Junze was a little surprised: "Why is it red?"

   This layer of red light is extremely thin, just enough to completely cover the body of the sword, and there is no extra part, and it cannot extend out.

   It seems that the red awn is not much different from the magnetic awn of the magnetic knife, the difference is that the color is different, and the red awn cannot be extended.

  Yan Junze turned his attention to other weapons on the weapon rack, such as a metal spear that was almost as long as two knight swords.

  If this guy is completely covered by the red glow, it will be a good weapon for dancing, at least one inch long and one inch stronger.

   It’s just about the production of weird weapons for killing. No one is better than the guys from the Banyue Association. Their weird weapons can basically be combined with thermal weapons.

  Although there are also great disadvantages, such as the inability to form a single bullet that affects the magnetic field, the magnetic field can only be carried by current, and even liquid bullets affect the change of the magnetic field.

   But at least it can kill most of the weirdness from a distance.

  Yan Junze faded the ability to control the magnetic field, and the red glow of the knight sword in his hand dissipated immediately, turning into a seemingly ordinary sword.

   At this moment, the door of this room was suddenly pushed open, and two men walked in while talking.

  Yan Junze lowered his head immediately so that the hood covered his face, only showing his mouth.

  If only recognized by mouth, he believes that no one can distinguish his Huaying face.

  Calmly put the knight sword into the weapon rack, Yan Junze did not move, pretending to check other weapons on the weapon rack.

   After the two entered the room, they were slightly taken aback when they saw Yan Junze.

   Immediately, the normal conversation resumed, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with seeing other people here.

  Yan Junze noticed that the two men wore the same brown robes as him, but they didn't put on the hoods, and their faces were exposed.

  Yan Junze turned his body slightly, so that he naturally turned his back to the two people, and there was nothing suspicious about it.

  He could hear the two talking, using the Ole language, which was developed from a very ancient language and developed several branches.

  Megali language is born out of Orai language and belongs to a branch of Orai language. However, the popularity of the Meijiali branch is the widest.

   "Did Berkeley go to the restricted area last time? He is really brave." The middle-aged man walking in front said: "He seems to be just a low-level demon exorcist."

  The young man behind him nodded: "But he didn't go in alone, but followed the deputy leader."

   "No wonder? I know he doesn't have the qualifications." The middle-aged man said.

   "Berkeley was very proud when he came out." The young man said with a sour tone, "He said he had a deep contact with that lady, and he touched the coffin of that lady."

   "He's farting." The middle-aged man grinned and said, "It's impossible for him to touch the coffin. That lady's coffin is forbidden to be touched by anyone. It's impossible."

   "Why?" The young man asked curiously.

"That lady is not easy to mess with. The last person who touched her coffin was said to have provoked at least four crazy monsters on the spot. After the leader arrived, killed those monsters and drove them away, the only person left was Half body." The middle-aged man shrugged.

After a pause, he added: "Don't listen to that brat in Berkeley's nonsense, the place where the lady's coffin is placed is a place with extremely chaotic magnetic field and extremely cold atmosphere. He is a low-level demon exorcist, and he really wants to get close to the coffin , the most ideal way is to lie down piously and pray that those weirdos will not approach you, and it is still under the close protection and attention of the deputy head."

  The young man looked puzzled and asked, "Boss Luen, since that lady is so terrifying, can this castle really trap her?"

"Of course it can't be trapped." The middle-aged man Lu En said: "Our Yeyue Demon Hunting Squad bound the lady and other mid-level and high-level monsters here in accordance with the request of Claytia IX. Follow these weird magnetic fields to the rebuilt comfort zone. It can be said that even if they want to leave here, they can't find a more comfortable place than here."

  Hearing this, Yan Junze understood a little bit. Binding the dead bride here cannot be said to be imprisoned, but it should be said to be a different way to raise weirdness.

  No matter what method is used, as long as the dead bride is controlled and she is not allowed to leave and go outside to harm ordinary people, it is the most beneficial method.

   "Leopold, haven't you chosen your weapon yet? The training ground closes at about eight o'clock in the evening. Even if you rush there now, it's too late." The middle-aged man Lu En said suddenly.

  Yan Junze didn't react for a while, and he didn't know that Lu En was talking to him until he didn't hear the young man's answer.

   "Leopold?" Rune shouted again.

   "How does he know that my name is Leopold?" Yan Junze lowered his head tightly, and glanced at the brown robe he was wearing.

   Immediately, on the left side of the robe, he saw a row of Ole Dadu characters, which seemed to be the name embroidered with continuous strokes. The strokes were beautiful, and it was Leopold's name.

   No wonder Lu En was able to open his mouth and call out. It turned out that he saw the name on the robe.

  Yan Junze guessed that there might be a place on the back of the robe with the same name.

  He didn't answer, anyway, an answer would reveal his secrets, so he directly chose to go back to the file, and the time went back to the moment he just came to this room.

   There was a sound of closing the door, and someone had just left the room.

  Yan Junze stood up, walked to the hanger, took Leopold's robe and put it on again, and repeated the same trick, covering his head with the hood, only revealing a very small part of his cheeks.

   After finishing all this, he didn't go to the weapon rack to check which weapons, but directly took a dagger, tried it with magnetism, and a red light lit up to wrap the dagger.

   Immediately, he put the dagger in the large robe pocket, then took a knight sword, pinned it to his waist, and walked out of the room.

  Outside the room is a dim corridor, it seems that this is inside Kragorn Castle.

   There are wall lights on both sides of the aisle at intervals, but the brightness is still not high, and it can just illuminate the nearby places.

  Yan Junze didn't see Lu En and the young man he met before returning to the file in the aisle, and to be precise, he didn't know where the dead bride was stored now.

  But then he turned on [Strange Event Detection].

  There was no response at first, but seven or eight seconds later, one after another of the detected task information jumped out of my mind, at least fifteen or six.

  Yan Junze was a little surprised. After looking at the mission information introductions, he found that the missions with the lowest level were all "creepy".

  He swiped through a large amount of quest information extremely quickly, barely stopping, and quickly found the quest he wanted.

  【The coordinates have been confirmed: the restricted area in the southeast corner of Kragorn Castle, the end of the third floor. 】

  【Task name: I want revenge;

  Mission Level: Terrified (High);

  Mission Background: Quintina Scott was cheated out of all her savings by her fiancé, not only that, the man also cheated her body. Quintina was furious, and used her best cooking skills on this man, and ate it clean. Then Quentina, who had nothing to think about, chose to commit suicide. But what she didn't expect was that her body was seized by many monsters, which caused Quentina's own weirdness to erupt, fused all these monsters into her body, and became herself. Yes, Quintina made of multiple weird fusions;

  Mission description: Quintina suspects that her body was seized for no reason. It may be the fault of the fiancé Joseph Peterson who turned into a weird one earlier. She is very angry. Perhaps, Joseph should die again;

  Mission reward: 1900 points of different-dimensional energy;

  Mission penalty: Your magnetic field is fused by Quintina;

  Mission tips: 1. The evil spirit cannot be locked; 2. Quintina sometimes becomes hysterical, but this is not her intention; 3. Avoid confrontation with Quintina;

  Remarks: Please hold your breath when you lift the coffin lid. 】

  This task information coincides with the introduction of the "Corpse Bride" that Yan Junze saw in the office of Vice President Charles, and some information is even more detailed than the information of the Banyue Association.

   After reading the mission introduction, Yan Junze finally understood where the corpse bride Quentina's obsession lies. It turned out that she suspected that her body was repeatedly occupied by other weirdnesses, and it was the ghost of her fiancé Joseph who died first.

  Just remove this obsession, or help her kill this murderous Joseph, who is now even a murderer, to relieve the hatred in Quentina's heart.

  However, from the conversation between Luen and the young man and the mission introduction, it can be seen that the corpse bride may not be very easy to communicate with. Even the place where her body is stored is a very cold area.

  The magnetic field there is abnormally chaotic, which should be related to the fact that the Dead Corpse Bride has fused multiple monsters in her body. The Half Moon Association even called her weird body a super containing body.

   During the process of enabling task awareness and viewing tasks, Yan Junze kept moving, and he did not stay in the aisle walking out of the room, so as to avoid being recognized by Lu En and the other two again.

This aisle is very narrow and long, and he ran into other members of the Demon Hunt Squad during the journey, but Yan Junze just walked with his head down, the hood covered most of his face, only his lips were exposed, and the people on the other side couldn't see clearly .

   Not only him, but Yan Junze noticed that some of the other members also put their hoods on their heads and passed by without saying a word.

   In this way, I will not appear to be nondescript among the members of the Demon Hunt Squad.

  He guessed that this should be related to the development model of Yeyue Demon Hunter Squad. Some members don't necessarily hope that other members can fully understand themselves, and they all keep their own secrets.

   After walking through the long and narrow aisle, he actually left the building directly.

  Two solid wooden doors appeared in front of his eyes. Yan Junze pushed open the wooden doors and found that he was already standing outside the building. When he looked up, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse.

  Here is the interior of the castle.

  (end of this chapter)