MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 399 Spatio-temporal positioning

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  Chapter 399 Space-Time Orientation

  【Special and weird: The deformed Annabelle.

  Explanation 1: Annabelle's family is very rich. When he was young, his grandfather was in the perfume business in Otlier, the capital of the United States and California. Later, he offended the governor for some unknown reason, and his business was restricted everywhere. Annabelle's grandfather sold all his property and moved his family to Ruisen Island, which was still deserted at that time, with a large sum of money, and started a new life on Ruisen Island.

Explanation 2: Ann Labelle was born on Raisen Island. She is 75 years old now. She has never been out of the island in her life. Ruisen Island covers an area of ​​about 1.5 square kilometers. The island can almost be regarded as the private property of the Ann Labelle family. .

  Explanation 3: Ann Labelle was born with deformities, her limbs were dislocated, and her facial features were also dislocated. The doctor who delivered the baby said that Ann Labelle would have been a very beautiful girl had it not been so. The doctor failed to leave Raisen Island and was buried there forever.

  Explanation 4: The family has always needed someone to take care of Ann Labelle, but it seems that no one can support her for more than 3 months. Everyone who takes care of her and has close contact with her will not escape bad luck in the end. From the mouths of these people, a relatively unified sentence can be drawn: Annabelle is the devil.

  Explanation 5: According to the investigation of the Banyue Association and Mr. Death himself, it can be determined that there is a strange magnetic field emanating from Annabel's body. This is a special magnetic field that is extremely distorted and will be completely ignored if you don't pay attention. Then Mr. Death gave the final conclusion.

  Note 6: Anlabel is not human.

  Characteristics: Annabelle belongs to a non-human body with weird magnetic properties, which is inherently so, which is what we call "born weird". Before the weirdness broke out, her physique was always in a negative state, until the weirdness completely broke out and turned into positive.

  Danger level: super A-level, this weirdness can create A-level weird events.

  Remarks: Due to the innate non-human body, the weirdness with the same attribute cannot be found temporarily, and it is irreplaceable. 】

  Seeing this, Yan Junze let out a long breath. He felt that a lot of stale air had accumulated in his chest, and he had to exhale it all.

  Innately weird, born with a weird physique, what kind of life form is this?

   He wondered, couldn't even imagine.

   Moreover, the danger level of the deformed Annabelle and the corpse bride is the same. Megali Dadu and Huaying Dadu have similar definitions of the level of weird events. They can both create A-level incidents, which are extremely high-level.

  According to Yan Junze's speculation, these two guys are at least half-Ethereal, or even the real Ethereal level.

  If you are a half-empty spirit, your own black spirit umbrella can deal with it, because one of the three forces in the umbrella is a half-empty spirit. Coupled with the power of Fang Ning and Hei Lingzhu, this power is enough to suppress or even kill the opponent.

  And if it is a real Void Spirit, this Black Spirit Umbrella can also give it a try. It's just the final outcome, Yan Junze is not sure.

  Of course, with his Buddhist method of eliminating spirits, he would not use this direct killing method unless it was absolutely necessary.

  At least every monster, regardless of its strength, survives because of its obsession. If the obsession is eliminated, the weirdness will not exist. By getting rid of the weirdness in this way, you can earn energy without spending a single soldier.

   In other words, it's not that the monster is strong, its obsession is difficult to complete, it's just a matter of probability. Of course, there are also situations where the strange power is very strong, and its obsession may be very simple, but this kind of situation is more difficult to meet.

   At present, it seems that these two are at least half-spirit-level weirdness, and their obsessions have a certain direction, and they can be completed by using the Buddhist system to eliminate spirits.

   It's not the kind of obsession to kill, kill, kill anyone, just to destroy all the weirdness.

   This is a good signal for Yan Junze.

   After thinking for a moment, his eyes continued to look at the third weird document with a red line.

  【Special and weird: the existence close to God.

  Explanation 1: Jacob Johnson was only eight years old when he died. He suffered from Morgellons disease. When he got sick, he felt tens of thousands of bugs crawling under his skin. He had seen a psychiatrist, who confirmed that it was only a psychological effect on him, but the doctor could not give an accurate explanation for the large white strips of fibrous tissue that occasionally appeared under the skin after Jacob's seizures. By the way, these strips of fibrous tissue sometimes wriggle slightly like earthworms.

  Explanation 2: After an attack, Jacob chose to end his life forever. Since then, no one dared to stay in the apartment building where he lived and lived until it was completely isolated.

Explanation 3: The Half Moon Association received a report about the ghost apartment half a year ago. The association sent Jessica Dale, an intermediate spirit remover, and two junior spirit removers, March Damon and Byron Smith, to the ghost apartment . To this day, these three people have never come out again, and they seem to have disappeared from this world.

  Explanation 4: Three months ago, the association asked Mr. Morrison, the Grim Reaper, to go to the ghost apartment to investigate the situation. Mr. Grim Reaper left the apartment after 72 hours, and he looked very tired at that time. His original words were that he couldn't deal with Jacob's weirdness for the time being, but he could control it in the apartment building and couldn't go out.

  Characteristics: Jacob can prevent any known physical and even damage to weird attacks, that is to say, as a spirit remover, you can't use violence against him at all.

  Danger level: S-level, this weirdness can create S-level weird events.

  Remark 1: Because this monster is immune to all attacks, it cannot be found with the same attribute monster, so it is irreplaceable.

  Remark 2: Jacob, the existence close to God is unique. 】

  In fact, when Yan Junze was still browsing "Note 2", an indifferent male voice came from in front of his desk.

   "Have you seen enough? Put down my things when you've seen enough, move your **** off my chair, raise your hands and stand up slowly."

  Yan Junze didn't look up, he could already hear it clearly, the voice was from the vice president David Charles.

  Without other actions, Yan Junze raised his hands and stood up slowly according to his instructions.

   "Vice President Charles, who came up with the bad idea of ​​starting the altar?"

  Charles held a pistol with a strange shape in his hand, facing Yan Junze.

  Hearing Yan Junze's words, he was slightly taken aback, then laughed and said, "A person from Huaying Dadu? Who do you work for? The president? Or Huaying's spirit-eliminating organization?"

   Then he shook his head: "A Huaying person's face is too easy to be recognized by others. The president will not be so stupid as to hire you to do things for him."

  Yan Junze ignored his speculation, and said again: "The idea of ​​opening the altar was not proposed by you. Who is it? Death Morrison? Or the entire elders? Or someone outside the association?"

  He kept talking, keeping his eyes on Charles' face, trying to distinguish the other's subtle facial expressions.

   "It seems...none of them!" Speaking of this, Yan Junze shook his head.

  Charles always had a faint sneer on his face, his expression didn't change a bit, and the weird pistol in his hand was raised: "Lie down on the ground, with your hands behind your back."

Yan Junze didn't move. He remembered the news he had heard from Zhang Chengjing before the big retracement. It said that a certain death **** in Metropolis of Megali was chasing the summoned powerful possessed spirit, and was killed by the possessed spirit. die.

   And there is another spirit remover with Death God. Since Death God has been killed, it means that the strength of the other spirit remover may be even stronger.

  He suddenly asked: "It's not the **** of death, nor is it an instruction from an outsider. Could it be the one who is more powerful than the **** of death?"

  After saying this, Charles' expression was slightly startled, and he returned to normal almost immediately in less than a second.

  Yan Junze knew it in his heart, but now he couldn't imagine who the guy who was more powerful than Death God would be, and he had learned some very little information from Zhang Chengjing before.

  At the beginning, he had no permission to enter the last door of the database of the Spirit Eliminator Corps, and those materials seemed to happen to be the God of Death and the information about the God of Death, as well as the information about the Ethereal in the weird.

  Since Charles' expression has undergone subtle changes, it means that his guess is somewhat reliable.

  The person who wants to open the altar is a guy who is more powerful than the **** of death, an existence that he cannot touch for the time being.

   Knowing the information is almost done, Yan Junze did not continue to lie on the ground according to Charles' instructions, but directly chose to go back to the file.

  The time went back to the time when he was hiding in the room with the fireplace, leaning against the bookcase, and then Yan Junze activated the return command again, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

  In the current time and space, it is as if he has never come.

   Standing in the void.

  Yan Junze exhaled slowly, and briefly sorted out the information he had just obtained in his heart.

   Now it seems that it is the most impossible to get the idea of ​​the book of oath, because whether it is in the Ole Metropolitan Museum or the warehouse of the Banyue Exorcism Association, it is under extremely strict supervision.

  I can't get in at all.

  But after thinking about it, I am best at exorcising spirits, especially Buddhist exorcisms. If the three irreplaceable monsters can be cleared ahead of time, then the Ban Yue Association is still playing a fart!

   Like the corpse bride and the deformed Annabelle, there is no substitute for it for the time being, and even if they are found, they may not be completely suitable as these two weirdos.

  As long as you eliminate them in advance, the altar will definitely not be able to open in a short time.

   At that time, I will report the situation of the altar to the Spirit Eliminator Corps in Huaying Dadu. With the help of Zhang Chengjing, they will secretly stop it. This altar may never be activated again.

   Now it seems that this is the only way to do it.

At least, although the corpse bride and the deformed Annabelle feel terrible, they obviously have obsessions. As long as they have obsessions, it will be easy to deal with. Besides, even if I really can't get rid of them by Buddhism, there are still black spirits. Umbrella is a tough tactic.

  The only thing I can think about now is, back to these two time points, whether my energy is enough or not.

  Yan Junze's plan is to go back to the Cragorn Castle in Pickeri County, Olle Metropolis, where the dead bride is, and it is guarded by the Nightmoon Demon Hunt Squad in Ole Metropolis.

   It is estimated that there are more than one monster in the castle, but the corpse bride must be a very special existence there, and it should be easy to find.

  Even if we get rid of the irreplaceable corpse bride first, even if we don’t have enough energy to get rid of the deformed Anlabelle, this trip is still worth it.

   Even if the result cannot make the altar completely unopenable, it is certain that the opening time will be delayed.

  After these guys find a substitute that is similar and suitable enough to replace the dead corpse bride, maybe they have already eliminated the deformed Annabelle.

  Or the intervention of the spirit removal organization in Huaying Dadu is enough to make this altar fail to meet the opening conditions.

  But before proceeding with this plan, Yan Junze was going to try another idea that had just sprouted in his mind.

  If this idea can be implemented, it will definitely be better than the current plan.

   Made up his mind, he stood in the void and said in his heart: "I want to describe the event, and locate the time and coordinates from the map."

  A line of fonts popped up in my mind.

  【Please provide a specific description to facilitate better positioning of the map. 】

Yan Junze thought in his heart: "The Cragorn Castle in Pickering County, the metropolis of Ole, stores a strange thing named 'Dead Corpse Bride'. The real name of the Dead Corpse Bride is 'Quintina Scott', and she committed suicide. I think It was located near Quentina's house before Quintina knew his fiancé, that is, before the unemployed man pretended to be a businessman and defrauded her of all her property."

  Actually, Yan Junze’s idea is very simple. Use the big retracement to directly locate Quintina before she commits suicide, and change her life trajectory so that she cannot become a corpse bride.

  In this way, I don't have to remove the spirit anymore, and the altar of the Banyue Association also directly lacks a special monster.

  Although he doesn't know if it will be in this timeline, because the dead corpse bride does not appear, another special monster appears to replace the dead corpse bride.

   But unless you try it, it's all guesswork.

   It's just that Yan Junze has another worry, which is energy.

   Sure enough, several lines of characters jumped out in front of my eyes.

  【Positioning, please wait...】

  【Analyzing in progress...】

  【Analysis completed, positioning...】

  【Positioned, this time-space fixed-point insertion will consume 31,000 points of different-dimensional energy, do you want to enter now? 】

   Looking at the different-dimensional energy points that need to be consumed, Yan Junze shook his head helplessly.

  He has already guessed that if the time-space jump is too long, it will consume a lot of energy points, but if you don't try it, you don't know how much it is.

   Now it seems that this idea is not going to work.

  Currently he only has a total of 24,900 energy points, which is not enough to go back to before Quentina didn't know his fiancé liar.

  Yan Junze thought about it for a while, then try to go back to the moment before she committed suicide and prevent her from committing suicide.

Immediately, he first denied this time-space fixed-point insertion, and then said: "I want to change the time-space insertion conditions. The previous elements remain the same. It is located that Quentina has already known his fiancé liar, and has killed this guy , but the moment before she committed suicide, the place was beside her."

  Yan Junze locks the conditions, so as to prevent the time and space from being too long as much as possible, and save a part of energy.

  【Positioning, please wait...】

  【Analyzing in progress...】

  【Analysis completed, positioning...】

  【Positioned, this time-space fixed-point insertion will consume 29,000 different-dimensional energy points, do you want to enter now? 】

  Seeing the energy points that need to be consumed, Yan Junze was a little dumbfounded. He didn't expect to advance the time and still need to spend such a large amount of energy. His current energy is still not enough for this big comeback.

   "These crooked nuts, it's only been a few months since we met and we're talking about marriage." Yan Junze muttered to himself.

  The energy consumption is not much less than before, which means that the time interval is very short, so for Yan Junze, if he wants to make a big recovery, he still consumes a lot of energy.

It seems that trickery is impossible. After a pause, Yan Junze said again: "Give up this time-space insertion. I want to relocate. The Cragorn Castle in Pickley County, the metropolis of Ole, stores a woman named 'Dead Corpse Bride'." The dead body bride's real name is 'Quintina Scott', and she committed suicide. I want to locate the Kragon Castle before the half-moon association in Metropolis of Megali finds the dead body bride, and descends on a place that can give me a concealed identity, A place that won't be discovered by the Yeyue Demon Hunting Squad."


  【Positioned, this time-space fixed-point insertion will consume 8000 points of different-dimensional energy, do you want to enter now? 】

  The energy consumed was finally bearable, and the result was not beyond Yan Junze's expectation, so he immediately made up his mind.

   "Enter now."

  (end of this chapter)