MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 32

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"It's okay, she doesn't care." Zhao Yesui shrugged, ignoring Lu Shixi's angry eyes, looked at Hera, and said straight: "I heard that the bishop wants to give us a commission?"

"Is this the end of the greeting session? I still want to talk a few more words..."

Hera sighed regretfully, then walked down from the majestic throne with a small scepter, and went straight to Zhao Yesao and Lu Shixi before saying calmly: "Helios Lord and Mostima, I would like to ask you to go to the Forgotten Land, kill a traitor of the Holy See, and get back the holy relic that he stole. This holy relic is very important to the Holy See. Nothing to lose."

Killing the traitor and retrieving the item is a typical task, but Zhao Yesui analyzed several doubts from this sentence.

"Traitor?" Zhao Yesui frowned slightly and said, "That is to say, he used to be a member of the Holy See, so the Holy See should not have established his charges, otherwise we would not have let us two outsiders deal with him. In addition, He should have held a relatively high position in the Holy See. If he is just an ordinary clergyman, I think that as you, you can use your own influence to force the Holy See to admit his guilt and hunt him down. "

"So, I personally feel that there are many doubts behind this mission. As a cautious witcher and also your friend, I have the right to ask you to disclose all information, and then decide whether or not to carry out this mission according to the situation. After all, the Holy See's The factional struggle between them is not something a witcher and a half-demon can get involved in."

Zhao Yesui's words were straight to the point. After a moment of silence, Hera shook her head and said with a wry smile: "As expected of Lord Helios, he can still see through what I want to hide at a glance."

"Then there is no need for me to hide it. Yes, as you guessed, this traitor holds a high position in the Holy See, and I cannot shake the foundation of his rule, and what he took away is the legendary one who can fulfill all wishes. the Holy Grail."

"This traitor is the 341st Pope of the Holy See and is also the current Pope."

"Peter II."



p.s. I feel that this plot can be a li-fan, when I have time to write a post in the group, the group number should be mentioned in the second chapter after it is released (x

Also, recommend a book to a friend.

Chapter 66 You will also smash Valudo? (4K 2-in-1)

"Sorry, farewell, I can't be bothered."

When he heard the words of the current Pope Peter II, Zhao Yesui immediately evaded three times.

What a joke, a pope, or a pope who has not been deprived of his holy name, to deal with him is to provoke the entire Holy See. Moreover, this is an extraordinary world. In a world with extraordinary backgrounds, a supreme leader not only represents status, but also represents the highest force in most cases.

Not to mention whether this is a factional struggle within the Holy See, even if this Peter II and Zhao Yesui Imperial City 1V1 are given a fair PK, Zhao Yesao will most likely not be able to win, not to mention that the Pope seems to be still planning. What kind of conspiracy looks like, maybe it has something to do with the "Lord of the 745th floor of the abyss, the master of plague and death, Olfindland" mentioned by Lu Shixi before.

It is a good choice for Mingzhe to protect himself. Just when Zhao Yecang was thinking about this, the system prompt sounded in his ears:

[Player Ye Lin and player Xi Shi have a fixed faction due to special reasons]

[Current faction: Divine Revelation Holy See]

[Faction reputation has been activated]

[The main quest has been updated: accept the commission of Bishop Hera]


Zhao Yesui glanced at Lu Shixi beside her, and she looked away unnaturally, clearly knowing that it was because of herself.

When Hera in front of him became uneasy because of Zhao Yesao's performance, Zhao Yesao coughed lightly and said, "But it's not impossible to discuss. Bishop Hera, if you can tell me the ins and outs of the matter. If you make it clear and provide me with sufficient compensation, it is not impossible to consider it.”

This quest seems to be a part of the entire chain of quests. Since he can't escape, he can only use this quest that normal people don't even think about to gain enough chips for himself.

"The ins and outs..." Hera hesitated for a moment, then said slowly: "If it's you, Lord Helios, it won't hurt for me to reveal a little bit of information."

"Simply put, His Majesty the Pope, he had doubts about the teachings of my teaching, and even began to question the meaning of our Lord's existence. In fact, such signs have appeared a long time ago, but everyone thought it was just a A precursor to the emergence of a new theology, so they are optimistic about the questioning spirit of the Pope, but what they never expected is that the Pope will directly make apostasy."

Why did His Majesty rebel?

When Zhao Yesui heard Hera saying that the Pope was apostate, the first thing that came to mind was this sentence.

As the supreme leader of the Holy See, the agent of the will of the gods on the earth, the interests of the world should have been like a floating cloud for him. But as a religious person, if his belief in the gods has been shaken, then it seems not incomprehensible that he would make a betrayal move?

After thinking about it, Zhao Yesang asked, "Then what about the Holy Grail? What is that? I won't be able to reclaim the Holy Grail by summoning a Servant in the Forgotten Land and defeating the other six Masters, right?"

Facing Zhao Yeshou's sarcastic remarks, Hera fell silent.

Wait, friend, don't be silent, friend, I'm very panicked when you're silent like this!

After being silent for a long time, Hera said softly: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. According to my personal uncertain speculation, the Pope may have made contact with some high-dimensional existence, so he wanted to open it through the Holy Grail ceremony. A passage leading out of the world. Although I don't know whether the high-dimensional existence has good intentions or malice towards us, in any case, this has completely violated the teachings of the Holy See."

"As we talk, the Cardinal is still quarreling, the supporters, the neutrals, the opposition, the three factions are quarreling, and it is impossible to reach a result in a short time. If they really wait until they make up their minds , If you send an expeditionary army to attack the Pope, it will be too late."

Do higher dimensions exist...?

Hera doesn't know who this high-dimensional existence is, but according to Lu Shixi, this high-dimensional existence can basically be determined to be the Olfindland.

In other words, the Pope intends to open the plane channel and put a real demon lord who controls plague and death into his world?

Good guy, I was a good guy on the spot, this is no longer a word to describe human rape.

After carefully examining the causes and consequences of this task, Zhao Yesang asked Hera the last question: "Then, Bishop Hera, why do you think I can complete such a difficult task?"

Going to an unfamiliar area to assassinate the supreme human leader of this plane, and entrusting this task to an ordinary witcher, it is hard not to make Zhao Yesui feel that he is just a small **** used to promote the situation. The real killer move is someone else.

Hera looked at Zhao Yesui suspiciously, as if she didn't understand what he meant.

After confirming that Zhao Yesui was seriously asking questions, Hera said puzzledly: "Because you are the most legendary witcher on this continent, the dragon slayer of Arthas, the legendary Investigator, brave of winter, son of the sun."

"Isn't it common sense to give the most difficult task to a hero who has created miracles?"

Zhao Yesui and Lu Shixi jumped out of the carriage arranged by the Holy See and walked into the single villa in front of them in silence.

According to Zhao Yesang's memory, this is "he", that is, the house that Helios bought in Mensa as his place of residence in Mensa.

After crossing the garden and entering the villa, Lu Shixi rudely tried to tear off the collar around her neck after confirming that there was no surveillance around her, but the strength of the collar was beyond her imagination, only because she was taller than an adult male. No amount of power could actually destroy it.

"Wait a minute, I remember there is a key coming, don't rush to fire it, you will use it tomorrow."

Zhao Yesui rummaged, took out a silver key from the inner lining, helped Lu Shixi untie the collar, and by the way helped her to get rid of the mouthpiece.

"Tomorrow? Do you still want tomorrow?"

After Lu Shixi moved his stiff jaw, he felt annoyed when he heard Zhao Yesui's words: "How about you go out with this thing tomorrow, and I'll hold you? If it wasn't for the mission, I would This **** has been burned a long time ago."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to wear it, anyway, you will be on the boat to the Land of Forgotten tomorrow, but..." Zhao Yeshou said sincerely: "Because of the tight time, even as Hera, only I bought a first-class ticket. It is said that a powerful person who was going to go to the hotel changed his mind and then got it. Of course, first-class is naturally privileged, such as a side ticket specially prepared for pets..... ."


Lu Shixi smashed the chew in his hand on Zhao Yecang, Zhao Yecang quickly caught it, raised his eyebrows, and looked at the viscous liquid in his hand: "By the way, can't you control your saliva? ?"

Lu Shixi gritted his teeth and looked at Zhao Yesao, who also raised his palm wisely and stopped teasing her.

After Zhao Yesui checked the house, Lu Shixi walked up to him with a cold face and said, "It should be the mechanism of complementing the weakness of the game of destiny. Your combat power is a bit worse than mine, so I will arrange it for you. Created an identity template, you check to see if there are some extra skills."

Zhao Yesui checked his character card according to his words, and there was indeed a profession of [Witcher] on it, as well as a lot of skills attached to this profession.

"But..." When he said this, Lu Shixi became gnashing his teeth again: "Fixing the weak is the only way to make up for the weak, why do you want to arrange this status for me! It doesn't matter if I don't have any additional abilities, it's still ,return......"

Zhao Yesui understands Lu Shixi's feeling at the moment. After all, the humiliation of being led by someone wearing a collar is not something ordinary people can endure. Lu Shixi's ability to endure for the task has fully demonstrated her excellent quality as a senior.

However, Zhao Yesui had a guess about this identity arrangement.

The reason why Lu Shixi and him were involved in this scene was because Zhao Yesui killed her, thus fulfilling the requirements of a certain ceremony. In this case, it is not difficult to understand that Lu Shixi is regarded as the weaker party.

But, how to say, it is too strange for him to be arranged in such a position?

Zhao Yesui looked strangely at the many bonuses after the character card was added to the profession of [Demon Hunter], and the elite template skills such as [Dragon Blood] [Wolf of the North], which are very strong at first glance, will not be mentioned for the time being. , Zhao Yesui even saw a golden skill.

[Son of the Sun]

[Grade: Extraordinary]

[Description: There is fiery divine blood flowing in your body, which is the projection of the afterglow of the sun on the ground. He has given you the ability to carry miracles, allowing you to do what mortals can't, and wash the world with the radiance of the sun.]

[Effect: When the sun rises in the sky again, you can perform a miracle]

......Can this really be explained by the word "weakness"?

Destiny Game is really so kind to let Zhao Yeshou prostitute such a standard BOSS skill?

Zhao Yesui felt that something was wrong.

But no matter what, now that he is in the scene, since he has such a strong bonus, it can only prove that the enemy he faces is also stronger, so it is equal to no difference.

When thinking of this, Zhao Yeshou opened the suitcase he was carrying and began to check the equipment in it one by one.

The first thing that catches the eye are two pistols with different shapes.

The scarlet-painted pistol was named [Injustice], and the azure-colored pistol was named [Zhige], but what surprised Zhao Yeshi was that the effects of the two were completely opposite to their names.


[Rank: Brave]

[Type: Weapon/Pistol]

[Special effect: randomly add a negative effect to the hit enemy, which can be stacked repeatedly]

[Set effect (2/2): When [Injustice] and [Zhi Ge] are held by the same person, they can temporarily share special effects for 30 seconds]

[Note: Injustice, when it is cut off, it will be cut off. ]

[stop Ge]

[Rank: Brave]

[Type: Weapon/Pistol]

[Special effect: A random extra damage judgment is added to the hit enemy, which can be superimposed with the bullet special effect]

[Set effect (2/2): When [Injustice] and [Zhi Ge] are held by the same person, they can temporarily share special effects for 30 seconds]

[Remarks: Stop the Ge, stop the Ge, to kill the Ge. ]

There's nothing wrong with killing everyone, and no one will quarrel, let alone quarrel. A world where no one gets hurt is like this.

"That is to say, one is used for debuffing, and the other is used for output..."

Zhao Yesui pulled the two pistols out of the box, and a sense of familiarity emerged spontaneously.

The caliber of [Zhi Ge] is significantly larger than [Injustice]. Although both are insured, according to the weight, it should be three-quarters of the bullet. As for the reason why the warehouse is not satisfied, it is probably due to the spring The consideration of metal fatigue also shows the sophistication of Helios.

The potions under the compartment are many potions with different effects, such as [Eagle Eye Potions], [Dragon Force Potions], [Unicorn Potions], etc. The mace and the jackknife tied to the top layer are named [Gobbu]. Killer Lin] and [Goblin must die], in addition, Zhao Yesui also saw a mask that was not found before in the mezzanine.

[Midnight Phantom]

[Grade: Metamorphosis]

[Type: Gear/Facial]

[Special effects: After wearing the mask, the wearer's face will be hidden, and the voice can be adjusted according to personal wishes]

[Remarks: If you ask me why half a mask can hide my face, I can only say that you don’t care about mysticism~]

Zhao Yesao picked up this silver-white mask that was as light as thin wings. It only had half of it, and it didn't feel breathless when wearing it on his face. Zhao Yesang also tried the so-called voice-changing function, which was really good. It is absolutely unexpected to use it for online dating.

The only problem is...

Zhao Yesui took out [Mortal Wisdom] from the inventory and fell into contemplation.

The mask is on the left half, and the monocle is also worn on the left eye, so what should I do to use both pieces of equipment at the same time?

Just when Zhao Yecang was thinking about how to weld the monocle on the mask, Lu Shixi came over, looked at a box of equipment, and snorted: "With so many bells and whistles, I always feel that this dungeon will It's hard to navigate."

Only then did Zhao Yesui suddenly remember something.

The difficulty of this chain dungeon is allocated according to the strength of him and Lu Shixi, so he is now being pulled by Lu Shixi into a dungeon that does not belong to his own class?

After realizing that this was a two-person dungeon, Zhao Yesui looked at Lu Shixi and asked, "As you can see, I'm just a rookie who has just started, and this dungeon will mostly depend on you for the strategy. Considering the strategy, can you roughly reveal your abilities?”

"Ability? It's not a big change compared to last time. It's just recovery...cough, I just mastered one more skill."

As Lu Shixi said that, looking at Zhao Yeshou, who had no idea why, she smiled wickedly. Invisible ripples extended from her body, stopping everything around her.

But to her surprise, Zhao Yesui didn't seem to be affected, but the speed of action was a little slower.

Feeling the wave of deja vu, Zhao Yesui said thoughtfully: "You will also smash Valudo?"

p.s. It's time to get the request for signing up, you can start to explode, Wuhu

Chapter 67 As a craftsman, isn't it normal for me to have a stand-in?

"You will also smash Valudo?"

Lu Shixi couldn't be fixed by Zhao Yeshou's words.

"No, how on earth did you add some points?" Lu Shixi released Shishu, the phantom behind him disappeared in a flash, looking at Zhao Yeshou with an innocent face, he couldn't help asking, "Let's not talk about it first. How did you get the skills on the law of time, and what do you add to this thing? To make you faster when you build things?"