MTL - I Became Invincible After Getting Rejected For 100 Time-Chapter 406 Xeon shot to siege, desperate situation!

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As soon as Wang Fugui's voice came, Lin Feng turned into a gust of wind and headed towards Linhai City without hesitation.

Behind him, the three Da Zhou distracted spirits also exploded at extreme speed and followed Lin Feng backwards, as if they were acting as guards.

At this moment, everyone thought of what would happen next!

It is really astonishing what Lin Feng showed today.

It's nothing to quell the storm in the sea area, it's nothing to kill many sea monsters, and it's nothing to even kill the distraction realm.

But now Lin Feng has revealed his spatial supernatural powers, and has destroyed all the peak distraction realms.

This is just one step away from the fit Xeon!

And the most important thing is that Lin Feng has reached the peak of the alchemy realm, and he has accumulated enough energy. The next step is to complete Yunshen and he will be in the Nascent Soul realm.

He can kill distraction when he completes the alchemy state.

Once you break through the Nascent Soul Realm, doesn't it really have the combat power of the Composite Realm?

Fit state, the peak combat power in the world today, the number of each side is fixed, just those few old guys.

Over the years, none of the parties has given birth to a new combined environment.

Is there no pride in all parties?

No, there are Tianjiao evildoers every year, and there are more and more of them, and they are getting stronger and stronger.

Is it that all parties do not have enough resources to support the birth of a new fit environment?

Of course not!

Although the resources of all parties can't say that too many combined environments can be born, it's no problem to add one or two!

Where is that reason?

It's about balance, and it's because other parties won't just watch other people give birth to a new Xeon combat power!

So this has led to the fact that after so many years, no new Xeon has appeared.

Because once someone has this sign, they will face attacks from all sides!

That's all, the most critical issue is that the spatial supernatural power controlled by Lin Feng is what makes all parties most afraid.

Once Lin Feng breaks through the Nascent Soul Realm and controls the spatial supernatural powers, he will be able to threaten the Xeon of the Composite Realm.

With such an existence, would all parties allow him to live?

Lin Feng must die, and all parties will definitely kill him by force!

And it was desperate to kill him.

He must be killed before he breaks through.

Otherwise, a guy who can fight in the Nascent Soul Realm and also has space magic powers may change the current situation of the world as soon as he appears!

So, don't even think about it, once the battle here is over, once the situation spreads, Lin Feng will face the siege of the whole world, and Da Zhou will face the siege of all forces!

this is the truth!

Therefore, Wang Fugui asked Lin Feng to return to Dazhou immediately without even thinking about it!

But not long after Lin Feng turned into a long rainbow and rushed out, the surging storm above this sea area stopped in an instant and seemed to be still for a while.

Immediately afterwards, where the sea surface and the sky meet, the dark clouds dissipated, the storm receded, and a ray of sunlight scattered from the thick clouds, dyeing the sea surface golden.

This scene was incomparably magnificent, but amidst this beauty, a murderous intent erupted.

In the next second, under the sunlight, a figure emerged.

Sure enough, it was a monk with a bald head. The golden light on his body was so dazzling that it seemed to pierce the clouds and stain the sea!

This is the most powerful man in the Great Brahma Buddha Kingdom!

Almost at the same time, in another direction, a roar erupted in the storm, and the storm seemed to be wiped away in the blink of an eye.

A strange existence with a magic staff and a wizard hat appeared.

This is the strongest of the Great Luo Empire.

There was also an existence that was not too tall, but was extremely muscular and instantly tore apart the thick clouds and jumped down from the sky.

This is the strongest man of the Great Sand Principality!

And not just these three.

At the same time as these three emerged, there were also fluctuations emerging in the farther horizon.

A powerful aura enveloped the entire sea area.

The sea monsters dived into the sea one after another, the dark clouds above the sky dissipated instantly, and the storm subsided.

Everything changed with the arrival of these Xeons.

In the blink of an eye, the breath of the most powerful person has already broken through double digits.

Zheng Kaishan, Su Xun and others from the Great Zhou Dynasty also emerged one after another.

The sea area was calm and the storm was completely wiped out, but it was even more terrifying than the storm before.

The next second, the battle broke out.

The waves rose from the sky, and the sea water seemed to be upside down, instantly tilting down from the sky!

There is also a big sun rising from the bottom of the sea, and the giant wields an ax as if it is opening up the world.

The powerhouses from all sides didn't say a word, they all had a tacit understanding, and the battle started in the blink of an eye.

All nine of the most powerful players from the Great Zhou Dynasty came.

But what they faced was a double-digit Xeon.

Almost the Xeons from the entire Central Plains Continent came.

There even seemed to be the most powerful members of the Tiandao Society.

At this moment, the most powerful battle in the entire Central Plains broke out.

The world was shaken, and the forces of all parties participated in the war without any hesitation or exception.

The Daluo Empire, the Dasha Principality, the Dafan Buddha Kingdom, and the Yamato Heavenly Kingdom all besieged Dazhou.

And the shit-stirring stick of Tiandaohui also appeared!

Suddenly, the sky and the earth shook, and Lin Feng and the three Da Zhou's distracted expressions also changed drastically, and they quickly shot towards the distance.

"Zheng Kaishan, hand over Lin Feng, or Da Zhou will destroy the country today!"

"Zheng Kaishan, Su Xun, do you want to find death?"

"Hand over Lin Feng, and today's battle will end, or Da Zhou will be destroyed!"

"If Lin Feng is not dead, the world will be restless!"

"Lin Feng must die, no one can change it!"

One after another cold snorts resounded through the world.

If only one or two forces make a move, the nine Xeons of the Great Zhou Dynasty can still deal with one or two.

They are not weak, and it is not impossible for them to defeat the strong with the weak.

Even if he couldn't suppress the opponent, he could at least resist one or two, giving Lin Feng a chance to escape back to Da Zhou.

But now, it is obvious that all parties have no scruples, and the goal of everything is to kill Lin Feng.

The two-digit Xeons from all sides made a move, and it was only an instant. Zheng Kaishan and other Xeons who had not been injured in the past for so many years were actually But this is only the beginning.

Moreover, just as the battle broke out here, when Lin Feng and the three peak distraction realms of Da Zhou rushed a long way, there was a ray of light falling from the sky in front of them, as if to purify everything.

Lin Feng almost bumped his head into it.

Fortunately, he controlled the Da Luo space, and when he approached, he instantly hid in the Da Luo space.

But Lin Feng dodged it, but a peak distracted man behind him was not so lucky, and instantly bumped into it.

He didn't even make a scream, and in the blink of an eye, the powerhouse at the peak of the distraction state was directly turned into fly ash, leaving nothing behind.

This is a powerful man from the Great Brahma Buddha Kingdom to intercept Lin Feng!

In the next second, Lin Feng roared angrily:




But the other two roared angrily:

"Lin Feng, leave us alone, run for your own life, use your spatial powers, don't show yourself!"

"Their target is not us, leave us alone, just run for your own life, and avenge us in the future!"

After the words of these two people fell, they were unexpectedly extremely decisive, soaring into the sky in an instant, and went straight to the end of the golden light.

But in the middle of the golden light source in the sky, a cold snort came:

"court death!"

In the next second, a golden finger fell down, and as soon as the finger fell, the two of them were instantly frozen, and the flesh and blood on their bodies began to disintegrate in the blink of an eye.

This is the strongest person, even if the peak of the distraction state is only one step away from the strongest person, there is still a huge gap.

But at this moment, the remaining two distraction peaks looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying fluctuation came from the two of them.

In an instant, the fluctuation emerged and directly broke free from the opponent's control.

In the blink of an eye, the two turned into terrifying light clusters that soared into the sky.