MTL - I Became An Acre Of Haunted Land-Chapter 17 My name is Liu Haotian

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The vicious sunlight poured down on the earth, and even the air began to distort.

Under the leadership of Zhuifeng, Xiao Luming and his party came to the place chosen by Xi Hongshi in just a moment.

He first squinted his eyes to observe the brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu who were hiding in the shade of a tree, and after confirming the information that Zhui Feng told him before, he turned his attention to Xi Hongshi.

At this time, Xi Hongshi was disheveled and disheveled, and was standing there coldly, waiting for their group to arrive.

"Attention, the person in front is the traitor we arrested on this trip."

"Xiangxi Ability Management Bureau has issued a death order. If Xi Hongshi persists in a corner, he will be executed on the spot."

Xiao Luming was the first to speak to the helping hand rushing over behind him.

As for Xi Hongshi on the opposite side, after this period of pursuit, it doesn't make any sense to waste any more words.

"Yunze, Long Yan, you go up and try Tang Long and Tang Hu's situation first."

"Be sure to pay attention to safety. Chasing Meng said that the two brothers have recovered from their injuries, so be careful."

"Yes, Captain."

After hearing Xiao Luming's order, Yun Ze and Long Yan took a step forward, and then rushed towards the brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu.

Xiao Luming stood aside, staring at Xi Hongshi, preventing accidents from happening.

Yunze and Long Yan were the new team members who replaced Brother Tang Long and Tang Hu. In the previous mission, Xiao Luming's entire team, except Xi Hongshi and him, escaped.

The strength of the newly recruited members is not much different from Tanglong and Tanghu brothers, and they have even improved slightly. After this period of hunting, their entire team has also run into each other. Not only has the overall strength not decreased, but it has also slightly improved. Improve a lot.

"The fire of the prairie fire, attack!"

The fire is burning, and in the hot and dry weather, the fire is even more fierce,

Long Yan made the first strike, and took out his signature card, a five-meter-long flame and long tongue charged towards Tang Long with a berserk momentum.

"Sun rain, fall!"

After Long Yan's attack, Yunze followed suit and launched his own attack. The air became drier, and the surrounding water vapor was evacuated. A small cirrocumulus cloud was about to form above him.

"Shi Cheng, Ice Roar!"

The icy breath permeated instantly, and the hailstones falling from the sky were like bombs, directly hitting Tang Hu.

For a time, the flames were raging and hail was scattered. "You two, don't you only know this move?" Xi Hongshi couldn't help but sneered at the repeated move.

"Stop talking nonsense, let us see what you, a rebel, have done with the bodies of brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu."

Xiao Luming, who had been staring at the battlefield, couldn't help but reprimanded Xi Hongshi when he heard Xi Hongshi's words.


Xi Hongshi didn't want to talk to Xi Hongshi at all, Tang Long and Tang Hu bounced away in an instant with the sound of "Ding Lingling", avoiding this temptation.

Immediately afterwards, another burst of rapid bells rang, and Tang Long and Tang Hu opened their pupils with only the whites of their eyes, and rushed towards Yunze and Long Yan. After a while, the two sides fought each other.

"Liaoyuan, break!"

"Hail, fall!"


As brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu bullied themselves into close combat, Yun Ze and Long Yan gradually began to struggle.

The two brothers, Tang Long, Tang Hu, have turned into zombies, invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, and it is difficult for ordinary abilities to cause damage.

Xiao Luming, who had been watching the battle, saw it clearly. After seeing that brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu really recovered as Zhui Feng said, he also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to test.


Hearing Xiao Luming's order, Yunze and Long Yan also heaved a sigh of relief at this moment, found a loophole, and retreated directly.

"How is it? Did you feel any problems when you fought against each other?"

Seeing Yunze and Long Yan backing away, Xiao Luming hurried forward and asked.

"Captain, Brothers Tanglong and Tanghu have already dispelled the righteousness of the thunder and thunder, and it may be difficult for ordinary abilities..." "Hahahaha, I didn't expect there to be such a hero in this small place in western Hunan. I will also try your ability."

Before Long Yan could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

A supernatural being watching behind Xiao Luming watched the fight between Long Yan and Brother Tang Long, couldn't help but get excited, pushed aside the supernatural team standing in front of him, and stood up.

"Remember, my name is Liu Haotian."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Xiao Luming's stop, he rushed directly in front of the Tang Long brothers.

"Xiangxi exorcist, yes, yes!"

The person in front of him looked Tanglong and Tanghu brothers up and down for a while, and nodded to Xi Hongshi, who was holding the bell tightly and showing a slightly cautious face not far away.

Immediately afterwards, he yelled, "Sharingan, open!"

Then he kicked up the dirt under his feet, took advantage of the smog, quickly took out a small box in his hand, quickly opened it, stuck the things in the box to his eyes, and finally stood still.

When the dust cleared, Xi Hongshi was surprised to see the person in front of him who called himself Liu Haotian.

The scarlet pupils are like monsters, and the regular lace in the pupils is even more breathtaking.

For some reason, when Xi Hongshi saw Liu Haotian's strange eyes, his heart throbbed.

He didn't know where the throbbing came from, but the people he didn't know in front of him were strong enemies at first glance.

So he didn't intend to wait any longer, but took the initiative to attack.

"What monster? Tang Long Tang Hu, come on."

Under the urging of Xi Hongshi, brothers Tang Long and Tang Hu jumped up and rushed towards the still standing still figure.

"Look at me, cub!"

There was another shout, and after hearing the shout, Xi Hongshi couldn't help looking into Liu Haotian's eyes again.

But this time, Xi Hongshi obviously felt something was wrong.

The scarlet pupils seemed to be turning rapidly, and he saw the weird lace figure getting bigger and bigger in his pupils, and finally turned into a lotus shape, and then whizzed towards him, as if to directly suppress him .

"not good!"

At this time, Xi Hongshi didn't know what happened to him.

The guy named Liu Haotian in front of him obviously planted an illusion in his mind when he was distracted.

"Eh...he...he is my friend...Liu Haotian..."

"He likes me...and likes...watching anime..."

"Lingxiu...Lingxiu, it's a spiritual cultivator...a disciple presided over by Qianye of Huangshan lay disciple..."

"This... can be regarded as... the clairvoyant."

Wu Daxiong had no choice but to stand up at this time, stammering and explaining.

As for Xiao Luming's pride, he didn't know how to reprimand this guy who attacked without his order.

At this moment, all he wants to do is to rush over and punch Liu Haotian in the face, thereby delaying the fight. This kid can't bear the charge at all.

But right now, Liu Haotian had already rushed forward, looking at the two people standing still on the field, Xiao Luming could only suppress the anger in his heart and wait and see what happened.