MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 83 city

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As you walk to the yard, you can see more and more things that others are not likely to appear.

The recliner with soft cushions, the swing frame, the hammock, the upholstered chair, and the fresh fruit on the table, the most obvious is a table in the middle of the yard, which looks a bit nondescript.

"There are a few singers in the house, and sometimes the ladies and the lords will let them perform for a while," the housekeeper noticed the eyes of Rong, and smiled and explained, "Hey, please."

"It's very good," Rong Hao nodded, and then said, "After going back, I also set up a table in the inner court."

The housekeeper smiled and didn't talk. A lot of words were not what he said. "Hey, it's here. The weekdays like to use rice together, and they don't have to wait for people." He led Rong Rong into the inner door. Standing on the stone steps, "Guo Gongye, Cheng Anbo arrived."

Rong Rong looked up at the plaque hanging on the room, which read the words "饕餮阁". The font is very beautiful, but the atmosphere is not lost, like a woman's font.

"Please come in."

Inside, the voice of Ban Huai came in, and the whole robes were completed and walked into the door.

"The younger generation has seen the uncle, the aunt." When Rong Rong gave the second old man a ceremony, he saw that the class was laughing at him and couldn't help but smile back at her.

After laughing, he only returned to God. How long has he not done such a rude move?

"Sit down, our family is not the ones who pay attention to these rituals." Ban Huai sees that the clothes on his body have not changed, or the one he saw before. "Did you eat?"

According to the rules of the scholar, this will be useless, but it is also used.

Rong Rong looked at the Huai and Huan Ban, and slowly shook his head: "We only went to Dali Temple and never used rice."

"How can young people not eat," he hired and asked them to prepare immediately.

"Uncle, how is this fun," Rong said, "I..."

"Isn't that what we said, we don't talk about the rules that are useless," Ban Huai got up and patted his shoulder. "If you are hungry, you have to eat it. If you are thirsty, you must drink it. If you are tempted, you can't be wronged." Fortunately, our family has not used rice well, so when you accompany us."

After half an hour, a few bowls of hot noodles, a bunch of side dishes were placed on the table.

The meals are really not too particular, but the appetite of Rong Rong is exceptionally good. It seems that he hasn't been sitting with people for a long time. It's so simple to eat a bowl of noodles, even if you don't pay attention to the rules of eating, you can talk when you use rice.

"Sister, how do you eat this?" Ban Heng sat next to the class and separated her from Rong Rong. "Is it eaten in the palace?"

The class nodded: "I am bored, just accompany you to eat." She looked up and looked at Rong Rong. "You just said to go to Dali Temple?"

"Yes, I have some friendship with the people in Dali Temple, so I just said a few more words to them in this case." Rong Yi looked at the class and laughed, and couldn't help but laugh. "You went to the palace and it was smooth. ?"

The class nodded: "Your Majesty and the Empress have said that they should thoroughly investigate the matter."

Rong Yan heard a sneer and said: "I knew that you are so powerful, I will not go to Dali Temple to go this way."

"You can't say that, this is called a two-pronged approach," said Banyan, who was so frustrated for her father's affairs, so he pushed the side dish in front of him to Rong Rong. "Come, this is for you."

"Thank you."

Sitting in the middle of the two, Ban Heng: ...

At this moment, he felt that he was a galaxy separating the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

After the meal, the classmates sat lazily on the soft chair, straight up the back of the back, almost slanted and sat with them. Fortunately, many years of living habits have prevented him in time, and he is still the one who can sit and be elegant to the extreme.

When the case just happened, Rong Rong was not good at guessing who the murderer was. Before he guessed that the person who had assassinated Ban Huai was the same person who assassinated Zhao Jia. But soon he overthrew this idea, the assassination of Zhao Jia's killer is very professional, even the murder weapon also deliberately chose a type that foreigners often use. One is that people can't guess his specific identity, and the other is to let his majesty not dare to check out.

Although the Aipo is a small place, there are many affiliates of the great cause. If this is a big problem, it will have a great impact on the stability around the great cause. The great soldiers and horses of the great industry are not as strong as before. If many countries unite to fight against the great cause, whether the big business can win or not.

I am afraid that even if it is a victory, it will be a tragic victory.

So I don’t dare to fight.

The assassination of Ban Huai's murderers is different. They are all small gangsters who can't be on the table. They usually do things like stealing chickens and dogs. Because the days are too late, they will take risks and think that the means of killing are not so good. But anyone who has a plan and a means can do things with such a mix.

In the Zhao Jia case, it is possible to involve major national events, and the case of Ban Huai is more likely to be a private enemy.

What kind of person Ban Huai is, he has already known. The character is lazy and not enterprising, but this person has a very obvious feature, that is, interest. Things that should not be done never do, although not good people, but never done bad things, even have not tasted flowers.

In fact, when he learned that Ban Huai had never had a drink, he was still very shocked. Daye has always been famous for its shackles. He has never been to the fireworks and willows. He has never been to a gambling hall, nor is he a good wine. How does such a person come out with a reputation?

Rong Rong did not understand before, until I met the Princess of the Great Princess and saw what the Princess Princess had left for him, only to know why.

With the likes of the tiger, the rich field is poisonous, and the class is only asking for a stable and alive.

Perhaps the atmosphere of the class was too friendly, and Rong Rong stayed in the class for an afternoon without knowing it. After he had a dinner at the class, he got up and said goodbye.

When he walked to the door, he saw the class chasing it.

"You wait." Ban Yi saw that he only brought a few guards. "I don't know who is calculating the class, I don't know what he wants to do. You have booked a kiss with me. Everything is careful. some."

Rong Rong did not think that she deliberately chased it, actually to say this thing, and then nodded and said: "Okay."

Banyan smiled and then slammed the clap. She walked out of the four guards behind her: "The four of them were chosen by the father of the year, and they were slippery and let them go with you."

Rong Rong looked at the four guards behind the class. These four people are of similar age. They are all about the age of twenty-six. They should be cultivated as a guardian from an early age, so they are very respectful to the class. It seems that the old Jingting public has long thought about it, so it is necessary to arrange these loyal and usable guards for future generations.

He nodded and did not reject the good intentions of the class.

The class suddenly showed a smile: "Be careful on the road."

"Yeah." Rong Hao suddenly bowed his head and gently licked a leaf on her shoulder. "You are relieved, I will not have an accident."

The class looked at him with a pair of bright eyes and did not speak.

Rong Rong stretched out his palm and gently covered her eyes. The voice was low: "The eyes are so beautiful."

The class blinked and the long eyelashes swept away in his palm.

"I said that my eyes are beautiful and I cover my eyes," Ban said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him down. "You are blinding my eyes better than you."

Rong Xiao laughed out: "Blinking eyes is so beautiful, I can't bear to see others."

Banyan:? ? ?

What is this strange idea?

She rubbed her feet and her hands were on her face: "You look so long, I haven't let you hold it. To be a man, be generous."

Rong Xiao's smile, the hot air of the nose slammed into the palm of the class, she felt that her palm was itchy, and then... reached out and pinched the nose of Rong Rong. It turns out that a good-looking man will become less attractive after his nose is pinched.

"Hey, pig nose." Ban Yu squeezed two times on the nose, fully feeling the beauty of the soft skin of the skin is what kind of touch, only to withdraw the hand satisfactorily.

"Hey," Rong Yu looked at her with a pair of peach eyes. "Do you behave like this?"

Ban Yi twisted his face: "How can you count the nose of your fiancé?"

"Does this?" Rong Rong reached out and gently scraped her nose. Because his movements are too light, he is so light that he thinks it is an illusion.

Rong Rong’s face showed a bright smile: “You touched me, I am your person, and you will be responsible to me in the future.”

The class looked at Rong's charming eyes and nodded.

Until Rong Rong rode on the horse, she still had some retreats.

Without him, just because the eyes are so beautiful. She used to look at her eyes often, but she never felt that her eyes were as beautiful as today.

It was dark and shiny, and her eyes were still printed in her eyes. When the eyes were bent and bent, her apex was shaking.

This world is so beautiful, and when you look at other men, they all become slag.

The male sorrows and waters, her class began today, and the eyes of the beautiful colors have to be improved. How can the future be passed?

On the halfway home, Rong Jin and Shi Jin, who had taken a break, met each other. After they met each other, they left each other without much sorrow.

"Adult," followed by a guarding army behind Shi Jin. "There are several of the guards just behind Cheng Anbo, who are around the Lord of Fule."

Shi Jin pinched the reins of the hand tightly and turned to ask the subordinates: "How do you know?"

The Guards Army blushes: "The Fule County Lord is so beautiful, as long as she goes out, we can't avoid these brothers... I will sneak a few more eyes, and the guards she often brings around, we have long recognized I have a familiar face."

After saying this, he was worried that he would be punished by Shi Jin, and added: "Adults, we brothers don't dare to look at them, and they don't dare to leave their duties. This is why the eyes are sometimes disobedient. So a little bit, a little bit."

"The heart of beauty, everyone has it, don't blame you." Shi Jin took a sigh of cold at night. "I don't want to worry about him, so I will send him home when I send someone."

"Which woman sent someone to go home," the guards touched their chins, and the tone was a bit sour. "But this is a good thing for Amber, and he can be a fiancé of Fule County."

These soldiers do not understand poetry and painting. In their view, the Fule County Lord is very beautiful. Whoever can marry is blessed.

The taste of the generals and the readers is different.