MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 22 Waste snack

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"Hey, what are you doing?" Ban Yi was lying on the soft couch and let her massage her head. Ban Heng rushed in and cried, scaring the hand and the hair of the class. Let's take a few more.

"Counter," Xiao Yan was so scared that she looked white, and she looked at the class in a panic, and she didn't know how to put it.

"You all go down," Ban said, turning his head and looking down. "Nothing, this doesn't blame you."

"Xie County Lord." When Xiao Xiao followed other people to quit, his hands were shaking. She looked down at the hair in her palm and only felt that her homeowner was very good and had no faults.

"Yuzhu, you have been serving with the county owner for a year or two, how is your courage so small?" The little girl who made a good deal with her took her wrist and whispered. "It seems that the county owner will have to wait for a while." Fighting the world."

"You don't want to talk nonsense, the master's things, how can we have privately talked about it?" Yuzhu was busy pulling her wrist. "If the butler is heard, it will deduct your moon silver."

Xiao Shantou was busy with his mouth, turned his head and looked around for a few eyes. After not seeing the housekeeper's figure, he was relieved.

In the yard, Banyan sat up straight from the chaise couch and put his loose hair behind him. "After being discovered by Rong Boye, did you not say that you never do this stupid thing?"

"Not every time can be discovered by Rong Boye," Ban Heng said with a thick face. "If I talk for a few moments, don't worry about it. Sister, can we bury the money tomorrow morning?"

"Go yourself," Ban said back to the chaise couch. "It's so cold in the morning, I don't want to get up."

"Would you like it? We will go at night. We will stay in Bezhuang in the suburbs tomorrow night, and we will not return to the city." Ban Heng thought for a moment. "It is not safe to go out at night. We will go in the evening, if we can’t catch the curfew, How about watching you stay in a night?"

Ban Yi silent for a moment: "You go to the outside to give me a call."

"What do you call them?" Ban Heng is puzzled.

"Don't call them, do you comb my hair?" Banyan stood up. "I will wait for my mother to say a word."

"Good!" Ban Heng nodded happily and turned and called us in. "Sister, then I will clean up and pack."

Ban Yi did not care for him, just sitting on the soft collapse, watching the nine-turned white jade bracelet on his wrist sighed, she worried about her brother's brain, five years later will forget where he buried things.

Let's sneak in and wait for the class to comb and change clothes. One after another, a dress that costs more than a few months to make a good dress, a hairpin that ordinary people can't afford for a lifetime, jade, bracelets, pearls seem to be discarded in the corner of the box. Waiting for the owner's occasional luck.

Banyan used the fingertips to gently lick the lip of her lips on her lips. She rubbed her lips and saw her lips become bright and moist. She stood up and walked toward the main courtyard.

Although I was injured and injured in Anbo, and Ban Huai was a bit embarrassed, but in general, Ban Huai is still very good. He walked into the second door and saw the delicate and beautiful daughter. The smile on his face suddenly rose a little brighter: "Hey."

"Father," Ban Yichao Huaifu blessed himself, and ran to him in front of him. "You smile so happy, what happened?"

When Ban Huai couldn’t hide anything in front of his daughter, he told the classmates what happened today in the rushing day. At the end, he also said with emotion: "Cheng Anbo is really a kind person."

"You mean that Xie Zhongjin was beaten into a prison?" Ban Yi’s mood is a bit complicated. Is it true that the rebellious person is thankful to him, but where did he come from rebellion? In the literati, the name is not as good as that of the uncle, but there is not much prestige in the military commander. I can’t learn from the predecessors, what miracles are there, saying that I am destined to return, and that the people of the country are following him?

Ban Huai saw her daughter for a long while and did not speak. She looked at her daughter inexplicably: "Women, why don't you talk?"

"Father, you said...we want to kill him." The class looked at Ban Huai quietly, and the sound was light and flickering, which sounded a bit infiltrating.

"Who, killing?" Ban Huai was shocked by the words of his daughter. "Women, do you have a hatred with Xie Jia Dalang?"

"No." Ban Yi whispered, "I am worried that he is that person."

"No," Ban Huai did not believe. "On the virtue of Xie Jinke, can he raise a son who does something big?"

The class was speechless, she knocked her head: "I blame me, I can't remember things."

"Nothing, you can't remember me, you follow me." Ban Huai comfortably shot the head of the class, "Go, we are looking for your mother."

"Father, are you coming back?" Ban Heng saw the class Huai coming in and stood up from the chair. "Mother is worried about why you haven't come back so late."

"Hey, I have encountered some things in the court today," Ban Huai said with his wife and children about things that happened upwards. "I also blame me for not being cautious. I even got tired of Cheng Anbo. Madam, you see what we are giving. How good is the past?"

After thinking about it, he said: "You can rest assured that this matter will be handed over to me."

In Cheng’an Bofu, Rong Rong looked at himself with a large arm and put down his sleeves to cover up the strong smell of medicine. He wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and guarded the blue clothing standing in front of him. “The autumn is just right, right. It’s a good time to climb a mountain.”


Rong Rong picked up the book on the table and didn't look at the previous page. The butler came over.

"Bo Ye, Jingting Houfu sent a thank you."

"Xie Li?" Rong Rong did not think that the people in Jingting Houfu were so polite. He put down the book and took a single look. There were various tonics, a few boxes of good wound medicine, and... Green Fu Yuqian Longjing A box of cakes?

The housekeeper took a food box from the hand of Xiao Yan in front of him. His expression was subtle: "The person who sent the gift from Jingting Houfu said that the things in this box could not be put on for a long time."

"Take me a look."

The butler put the food box in front of Rong Rong, and Rong Rong uncovered the lid of the food box, which contained a lotus leaf green porcelain pot. There were twelve light green cakes in the bowl, and the cake was light and green. Soft and very cute, it seems to have a fragrance that seems to be absent.

When Rong Rong saw these twelve snacks, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud and said to the housekeeper: "If you go to the person who has personally thanked the gift, don't be slow."

"Yes." The housekeeper felt that the people in Jingting Houfu were not adjusted. Which one gave gifts to these small snacks. If they met someone who was careful, they should not think that they were looking down on people. Even a dish of snacks was used. get up.

This time, there is no difference between the snack and the last taste, but it may be because no one is obviously reluctant to look at the generously. After eating two pieces, Rong Rong put down the chopsticks and turned to look at the book.

Early the next morning, Ban Heng woke up early. He collected it in the east, Xi Xi, and found some silver and valuable things that didn't occupy the place and put them into the camouflage sandbags. Thanks to the recent toss of his sister, he felt that he could finally take the two sandbags that had a few tens of kilograms together and went up the mountain.

Now, once you have a sandbag, you can make a lot of sandbags in the future. He can hold it!

"Counter, this morning, the son of the world came to ask you several times whether you got up," said Ruyi, who was waiting to wait for the class to wash. Some of them couldn’t help but say, "Would you like to send a person to tell the world?"

"No," Ban said, wiping his hands. "His temper should also be worn."

"Yes." Ruyi smiled and let other cockroaches go out, "What hair do you comb today?"

"I want to go out today, I want to stay with my father tonight, you and the auspicious people help me clean up." Banyan sat in front of the bronze mirror, looking at his face in the mirror. In the golden autumn season, the amount of flowers in the forehead is still best painted in brilliant red.

After lunch, Ban Huai took Ban Heng and Ban Yi out of the door with his children to go to the suburbs.

When Ban Yi rides on horseback and walks through a ready-to-wear shop, he meets men who walk out of the shop.

This man is very outstanding, long-sleeved, with a brocade, and a blue silk with a jade crown, both side and spirit. The fly in the ointment is that a silver mask is worn on the man's face, just covering half of his left face.

Seeing the class, the man stopped, his face looked awkward, like a beggar, and some escaped.

A superior, masked man is always conspicuous in the crowd. He saw the class, and the class saw him naturally.

The two face each other, but there is nothing to say.

Two years ago, they were still unmarried couples who were about to get married, but Xie Qilin was escorting the woman for a fireworks, and she was ridiculed by the world. This is the biggest shame in Ban’s life.

Oh, how was she married at the time?

She said: She looks so beautiful, this man is blind, only to run away with a so-called squad leader?

It seems that she was right two years ago, this man really blinked.

"Drive!" Ban Yi rides on horseback, and looks at the man in a condescending position, riding without hesitation.

At that time, I was so affectionate. Why did I finally abandon the poor wind woman for the sake of prosperity? Because I can't stand the resentment of the world, I can't stand the extravagant life without servants. Poor that singer, thinking that he found a life-long dependence, I know that she found nothing but a waste snack.

So most of the men in the world, he can be the most heroic hero in the world before the moon, but it is just the hero before the moon.

Xie Qi stood in the same place, watching the purple woman on the white horse, caressing the silver mask on her cheek and closing her eyes.